Discuss Genesis 1 Page 178

  • Brian Taylor on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    It still amazes me that people are still in conflict over evolution and Genesis. Science and religeon are but one. Evolution is the HANDS OF GOD AT WORK,even today.Ask God and this is the answer you will receive. Think of the p[ower He posesses that he could make a planet and then strike it with another to make it larger for us to survive on. Science has proven that all that happens to make Earth liveable is far to great an accomplishment to jsut happen. It was indeed made by GOD.
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Ryan: Thank you.
    @Just Me: Thank you. I apologize to all if I have appeared to be disregarding the sciences all together. I am not. God is who HE said HE is, and the sciences obviously belong to HIM, and we as human beings know only a tiny fraction of HIS perfect knowledge of science and how all of this fits together. Just so you know, I love the sciences because they are always striving to figure out how things work and resolve the issue of where and when we came upon the scene. Thanks for listening. Blessings...
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Joe Thank you.
    @Mild Bill. You are misrepresenting the theory of Evolution and mocking it with a ridiculous analogy.
    I do not wish to offend anyone. I only present an argument from the viewpoint of science. I wish you all good will.
  • T.K on Genesis 1:28 - 14 years ago
    He blessed us to to be fruitful and multiply:this is the heat of fire to live successfully if we use it accordingly and heat of fire to burn away and devastate if not used accordingly.
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Joe From your latest post you stated “We all have free will to choose HIM, or to choose the sciences, which is of man”. I’m sure I understand what you wrote, but I’m not sure where you are getting that. God and Science are one in the same. I accept them both as truth and reality. I know some are trying to twist things into a bunch of ridiculous nonsense.

    If you study with understanding and you don’t let people inundate you with their beliefs based on unfounded illiterate theories, then yes I could see where you might gain that point of view. However, it you break it down for yourself into the languages you will find God’s Letter is specific and is in fact based in and of science.

    You’re free to feel the way you do, but if you are looking for some light to shine on the true Letter and the nature that surrounds you. I encourage you and anyone to study with understanding and it’s quite simple to do. Get yourself a Companion Bible and a Strong Concordance and bring the words back to the original “Hebrew/Chaldean/Greek” and you’d be pleasantly surprised at how everything comes together and the peace of mind you will gain.

    All the Best~
  • StStephen on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @rationalthinker congratulations on your bold stance here.

    The Bible is hard to accept if taken literally. "Rib" is the translation of a Hebrew word meaning body part, or so I understand. My guess, as a Judeo-Christian scientific rationalist, is that it is a way of describing a string of DNA, ie Eve was made a female clone of Adam, thus making the pair the ancestors of us all.
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Ryan: You make good points in your statement that, "If God exists then science cannot disprove him." It sounds quite reasonable, as far as it goes. The problem is that the Word of God can only be taken literally, otherwise it would just sound like foolishness to those who do not believe the Bible is the literal truth. We all have free will to choose HIM, or to choose the sciences, which is of man. I choose to believe HIM. My immortal soul depends upon it. Thanks for listening.
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Joe, I disagree. I am not here to make an atheist's claim. I am disputing the idea that the bible is a literal truth. I pose this argument. If God exists then science cannot disprove him. Science can only uncover the hows of creation. The "how" of creation is not the intent of the bible. This is the realm of science and I think "God" would be pleased that his "greatest creation" is beginning to discover some of these great mysteries. I've grown tired of simple minded backwater ignorance. Good luck to you all. Its impossible to have a reasoned discussion because it always ends with "God did it" and that is devoid of any intellect. This is ironic considering the human intellect is the greatest gift given to us that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
  • Mild Bill on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    From a frog to a prince by the kiss of Darwin, now there's a myth and sooo many with faith to believe anybody but God. Simply astonishing.
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    At this point, I don't beleive it's at all necessary to continue beating the same discussions to death. It is clear my/your final statements hold quite true;


    Note: It is not meant for all to understand God's Letter. So, I'm not sure why so many try to force feed people? Jesus (Emmanuel "God with us") spoke in Parables for a reason...


    Finally,I'm not claiming you subscribe to any particular "lie". However,I think you are misinformed about what something means to be a scientific theory.

    The operative words in yours; "Scientific Theory". That is exactly what they are when it comes to Darwin's charade, a "Theory".

    If you subscribe to his "Theory" Have at it. It's clear at this time, it is not meant for you to absorb God's letter. It doesn't matter to me actually. Have a good day.

    All the Best~
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    To rationalthinker. Come, let us reason together. You have a choice to make, my friend. If you just read the Word of God, you wouldn't be so quick to pass creationism off so quickly. Remember, you will be judged by HIM some day. It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. Blessings.
  • Rationalthinker on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    How could one be so ignorant to believe that this creation myth is any different than others out there? The Judaic creation fable is identical to many of those which have preceded it by millennia. And oh! Adam pulled the first woman from his rib? Does this seem anatomically possible to any of you boneheads? I beg you to employ REASON, people! Plain and simple!
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Ryan: Lest you think I am passing judgment on you, I am not. Science is of man. God's word is the only truth. I would hope you would read God's Holy Word and you will find that we were Created in HIS image. One cannot "evolve" into HIS image. It comes down to this: either you belive in science, or you have faith in HIM. Again; you cannot have it both ways. Many blessings to you...
  • Ted on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    While it is indeed true that God is a spirit it is also true that Jesus Christ is God incarnate. So what does God see when He looks in the mirror? He sees Jesus! Being made in the likeness of God means simply that we also are a tripartite being. Body (like Jesus), Soul (like the Father) and spirit (like the Holy Spirit). Yes the words of God are all true and they are found perfectly translated in the KJB.

    1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Just me.

    @Just Me.

    I stand by my statement. Your definition of evolution is irrelevant as it does not apply to science. I'd like to know what evidence you have that would support the idea that Darwinism is a "Lie".

    Your statement that the human body is too complex does not disprove or put a dent in evolution in the slightest. I think its fairly obvious that the human body is massively complex. The statement that our bodies continue to baffle the greatest minds is also a weak argumentagainst evolution. In fact it's no argument at all. Feel free to elaborate.

    To referece cloning,the fact that the application of scientific discovery may be used for greed or ill intent doesn't invalidate scientific truth. Perhaps it speaks to human nature but again makes it no less true. This would be an ethics debate.

    Your claim that "this world's" approximate age of 14,000 years old coinciding with "carbon dating" is confusing. I don't know what you mean by "this world" when in the same paragraph you say the Earth's age of hundreds of billions of years is a good place to start. I also don't know why you've put Earth in quotations. The earth is estimated at 4.5 billion not hundreds of billions (i'm curious as to where you got that figure) and carbon dating is not a method used in estimating the earth's age. So your claim that scientific studies via carbon dating support thisfigure is innaccurate.

    Finally,I'm not claiming you subscribe to any particular "lie". However,I think you are misinformed about what something means to be a scientific theory.
  • Kelly on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    1st for Robert's 2/16 post. It is called the King James Version because King James was the king of Great Britain, France and Ireland and ordered the translation.

    For others:
    Genesis 1:26 says And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...

    Man was made, formed and created. Three distinctions. John 4:24 says God is a Spirit.
    So, God's image and likeness is spirit. There is no physical body of God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, a man.
    The Word of God is mathematically exact and scientifically precise. There is an answer for every single question about anything that could ever come up in one's mind but to find the answers take study. A single person's lifetime could not possibly uncover all of the eternal truths in God's Word. Figures of speech are God's marking as to what is important in The Word. The Word of God is to be accepted literally whenever and wherever possible. When a word or words fail to be true to fact, they are figures of speech, and as such have a godly-designed emphasis which must be known, grasped and understood to "rightly divide" the Word of God. There are 212 figures of speech used in The Word. And, there are up to 40 varieties under ONE figure.
    So, I doesn't matter what one person "thinks" or what another person "thinks" to be the truth. What does The Word say?
    II Timothy 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Ted...What is this begging nonsense? We don't need to beg our Father for anything. And we humble ourselves in the "Flesh" it has little to do with begging our Father?

    As far as the days of Noah...Yes the world was "Wicked" the world has always been wicked, even from the days of Adam/Eve (It grieved God that he made man flesh). However, the Nephilim had impregnated the women of Adam's line (the line Christ was to come through; umbilical cord to umbilical cord). That destruction period had to do with the Geber more so than the plain wickedness of people. It also wasn't the "Whole World" History and science has made that quite clear. It's also important to remember that Noah was instructed to take "Two of every Flesh" not two of every animal, as the uneducated have so propagated the masses with.

    So, the off spring of Satan and the Nephilim would have been present on the Ark.

    As far as God hating? Yep, sure does. He Loved Jacob, but he Hated Esau in their mother's womb.

    Outside the womb, I think Jacob had some explaining to do? Either way, how can one expect "Love and Forgiveness" from their Father?
    When they denied him their entire life in the Flesh? We all have our own ships to sail.

    All the Best~
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Ryan...I think you missed my point, no actually you completely did. I did say we evolve...but not in the Darwinesque lying fashion. Do people and animals/species adapt to their surroundings? Do they evolve as entities? Absolutely!! That is nature in its basic form. Did we evolve from a single celled organism? At Mr Rourke's Fantasy Island, sure that is a possibility, but here in the real world, not a chance.

    You are wrong when you state; "This statement shows that you don't know the basic principles of evolution." It is you who needs to go back and do some studying.

    The whole premise (I substitute "Lie" here) Darwin placed his argument on, was that species have and continue to evolve their biological development...i.e. monkey to man. While that is a simplistic breakdown. It is the essence of his "Lie". Our bodies are a intricate organism that continue to baffle the greatest minds of our time. If you break it down to where the rubber meets the road. Our heartbeats without the assistance of any electronic machines, our brains compute/store a massive amount of knowledge without the assistance of any computer. Our lungs inhale and exhale independent of our daily thought.

    If you believe that the development of these bodies are a result of a magical theory of evolution? Well, you're entitled to that, but our basic level of intelligence would understand. That these bodies where a well thought out (but not perfect, we are still of the flesh) creation.

    Also, to be accurate, I wasn't suggesting that "Cloning" and "Evolution" are one in the same. I was citing cloning to point out the manipulative nature, one will go to to fill their pockets "In the Name of Science". Or their twisted interpretation of it, that is..

    By the way Ryan as far a "Fossils" are concerned. Are you suggesting that I subscribe to the horrible lie, that this world is only 6-8 thousand years old?

    On the contrary, it isn't possible to know the exact age of the "Earth", but Hundreds of Billions of years would be a good start. However, this world age (there was one before this age)? I'd estimate based on the knowledge we have in God's word; 14 thousand years. If you sit down and think about it, that is pretty close to any and all scientific studies concerning "Carbon Dating".

    It's amazing how accurate God's Letter to us is, when we read with understanding. As I have stated above. God's Letter to us aka The Bible is accurate (when rightly divide) and complete. It takes time an effort to study (that means you actually read it and not take bits and pieces to falsely depict it, or others interpretations), but as with all things; If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

    Note: It is not meant for all to understand God's Letter. So, I'm not sure why so many try to force feed people? Jesus (Emmanuel "God with us") spoke in Parables for a reason...

    All the Best~
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I love how any biblical contradiction is so easily attributed to the devil.
  • J.D. on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    To know the true message, it is necessary to follow the words of the "Holy Bible" back to their original meaning and see then for what they were when it was written. God means "unification". So does "good". Evil means "up from under". To see the world as primary physical is a misunderstanding and is what "evil" really means.

    Unification is seeing others as yourself. . . "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." . . . "Forgive (love) them for they know not what they do. . . . Jesus was the example of unconditional love. He was the perfect example of "faith" -
    and knew that to repent is to feel passion, which is to . . .
    hate, grief, love, fear, joy . . . This is the human condition but we suppress our emotions these days and stay in duality of good and bad "evil". God is unification of all polarity. That is why it means unified. To "beg" is to truly ask earnestly with an open heart instead of through the mind. To "forgive" is to turn over possession of (surrender also means the same) and giving is loving. Ironically, the second meaning of it is "to have". That is why what you give you have and Man and woman were made in the image of God (unification. Thus, we celebrate marriage and birth. Baby's are unified and love is God - "where two come together as one."

    Anyway, a message for everybody here. The reason why the text of The Bible has so many questions, is because the true meaning has not been taught as of yet through the churches and doctrines. And it cannot be seen unless embraced, lived, and understood. There must be a passion for God (unification) and a desire to go beyond the mind to the depths of your own heart.
    Until then, enjoy the teachings of the masses.

    Ted . . . thank you for your insight. I agree with you 100 %. In Psalms 5:4 . . . . "wicked" means to separate. Again, God means unification. That means you and I are in this together with everybody else. love to everybody, have a good day. :)
  • StStephen on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    What a wonderful idea... and much thanks for pointing me in this direction: HERBERT Spencer's "First Principles" right?
  • John on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Would anyone mind giving me a refresher on Hubert Spencer's scientific principles, and how they relate to this?
  • Ted on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    J.D. you seem to have missed the truth of God's word. It is not that you evolve to a higher plane, it is that you must lower yourself, humble yourself, before a Holy God and beg His forgiveness. Our society on a whole is not evolving either but is devolving, we grow more wicked and become degraded with each succeeding year. Before the end of this world we will probably be (as a society) just as wicked as the people of Noah's day. Then God destroyed the world with water and this one will be melted with a fervent heat.
    Psalms 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.

    Psalms 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

    You also need to know that God hates, no where does the scripture say that God is unconditional love. That is a lie of the devil. God is righteous, pure and just, you will not find him forgiving wickedness for nothing. You need to repent of your sins and call on Jesus Christ to save you.

    John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Just Me, Cloning and Evolution are not the same thing. "Creation" and evolution are not the same thing. Evolution does not try to explain the origin of life, only how it changes over long periods of time. Your statement "for evolution in the terms you use it. To be true, it would still need to be developing its cycles; i.e. monkeys into half man half monkey and all the stages of evolution. I haven't been able to locate any, have you?" .. This statement shows that you don't know the basic principles of evolution. The evidence for evolution is abundant in the natural world and in the fossil record.
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Wow! Someone hit the nail on the proverbial head! Nice work Kelly. Although, in the second earth and heaven age things are quite different than they were in the first age.

    God created this age (2nd) for all to be born innocent through woman. That way we can choose for ourselves to either; Love God or Follow Satan.

    I'm not judging now, but from the look of things, their are a lot of people falling in line with the second part?

    Its no surprise really. Those from Cain's (His father being Satan himself) seed are still milling around trying to remove God from every crevice of society.

    I find it ironic although hypocritical that our courts will remove the "Ten Commandments" from our court rooms, but still use the "Holy Bible" to swear upon (which by the way is contrary to what God has instructed us to do, but go figure?)when taking the stand in that same building?

    The great famine of the end times is not for food, but for the "Word of God". From the look of things, the famine has reached epic proportions.

    All the Best~

  • Kelly on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    The created heavens and earth in Genesis 1:1 became without form and void as mentioned in vs 2. Subsequent to that God re-established the heavens and earth that were originally created. We now live in the "2nd Heavens and Earth". The 3rd and final (where paradise is re-established) is yet to come.
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Trying to describe Heaven from Earth is futile. It is a "Dimensional" issue. When Christ returned/appeared to his disciples on Pentecost, he walked with them,he talked with them, he even ate with them. But, he was not bound by the same structures. He walked through the walls, not the doors. He faded from their sight. Why? He is in another "Dimension".

    I know this is a reach for many, but Christ told us we would not have the knowledge to know those things that are of Heaven.

    If you think about it, there is so much we can't understand about the Earth we live on. How can we even fathom that which is of Heaven? Hence our faith through our knowledge of God's letter to us.

    Just a note to the "Evolutionaries", for "evolution" in the terms you use it. To be true, it would still need to be developing its cycles; i.e. monkeys into half man half monkey and all the stages of evolution. I haven't been able to locate any, have you?

    I do subscribe to the philosophy that we "Evolve" as a society in culture and ideas, but not in the form of creation. Although there are plenty of people manipulating genetics to increase their Grant Funding (Always Follow the Money). They still haven't produced anything, well anything that is provable. I can say i created a sheep too. I created a cloned sheep,I think I'll call her daisy. See it's easy.

    All the Best~
  • J.D. on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    God is unconditional love. If we were completely evolved collectively, we would be seeing the God in each other (man and woman were made in Gods image), rather than making each other right and wrong on this webpage. Evolution does not have to mean humans came from monkeys. That is Darwanism. Gods intention for man is to evolve to the point of realizing the fullness of his love for each and every human. How do you know when you have reached that point????? Do you judge others? Do your thoughts create separation or do they unify you with the "others" in your life? Follow the meanings of the word "God" and "good" to their essence and you will see it means "to unify." If you want to know God, see the judgments you have in others as your own. God created everything. You, me, my dog, your cat, the heavens, and the earth . . . and all between it. Read The Bible will an open heart and an open mind . . . and with that . . . make your own choices for YOU. Not for others. There is my business, your business, and Gods business. Guess who's business it is to decide what is right or wrong for you? Not mine. That is between you and God. To use Gods word to make others wrong does not even feel "good". The moment I do this, I lose my connection to "God" and create separation. I choose to see others as a child of God, regardless if I see the world the same as them or not. I love God. I am grateful for my life and all that was created in the seven days of creation in Genesis 1. Without it, I would not be.
  • StStephen on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I want to know whether heaven in Verse 1 is the same as Heaven in Verses 8 and 9?
  • Ted on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Dave, if you read a little closer you will see that the birds fly in heaven everyday. So sending a man a little further up in to heaven is no big deal. In facts if you study the Bible you will find out that there are multiple heavens mentioned.

    2 Chronicles 2:6 But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?

    You see God is not waiting in outer space for men to reach Him, He has already come down to men.

    Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

    He came to give you life if you will receive it.

    Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

    It comes by faith when you turn from your pride and turn to God.

    Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    Ephesians 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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