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That being said, is this "God's" error. No,not even close. But as with everything God gives us a way out of these errors. He gave us all "minds" and we have the ability to use them, if we choose?
I do not take anyone at their word, I check it out for myself. In this day and age the tools available make it simple to check out the different languages.
As for sciences contradicting the Word of God? Ryan, you are way off the mark. I'd suggest you start reading for yourself and not listening to others who make things up; "And God set them (stars) in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth" That's the purpose of stars?" Where did you find this? If you're reading the NIV or some other traditions of men book. I now know why you are confused. The King James Bible (KJB) is the only Word of God that allows us to completely understand what it is God wants for us and what we are suppose to do for him. Taking the KJB back to the manuscripts, word for word, will allow you to decern the true meaning of God's letter to us.
God's word not only supports science, science supports God's word, they are interchangable. After all, he did create "ALL THINGS".
However, if you do not subscribe to these beliefs? That's OK, we can still be friends.
All the Best~
Go here if you have doubts about the KJB. Link
It fosters fear of education and clouds reason.
What you've given me is a metaphysical interpretation of creation which isn't literal at all or provable in any way. You said all mass is empty space..that's not true. Mass is mostly empty space.
Genesis 1 explains the creation of the universe but everything we see comes to exist from the unseen. Consider yourself. . . . A body is made up of a collection of organs, which is made of a bundle of molecules, which is bonded atoms, and those atoms are made of 99.99% space with a few floating subatomic particles. This is not only true of you, but all of creation. All mass is really empty space. If you look at a diagram of an atom it looks exactly the same as a floating earth (nucleus of atom) and heavens (space around it. This also is a reflection our solar system. It all follows the same mystical design. In other words . . . God made a blueprint and it is well explained in Genesis 1. Yes, it is the earth, the animals, water, dry land, and much more. But if that is all that is being seen in the seven days of creation, Wow!!!!! you are missing 99.99 % of the truth! Faith is to believe what is not seen. Hmmmm, that is the same as seeing through the outer surface of the common teachings. There is a reason why the Bible is written in parables and why a person that has a profound and direct experience with God cannot put it into words. So, here is the essential truth of Genesis 1 of the Bible . . . . . . . Nature is a reflection of God and man and women are made in the image of God. Therefor, the seven layers made through seven days in the creation story, are a reflection of man. When we open our eyes to the truth, we see ourselves string right back at ourselves. The physical and tangible world is a reflection of us. It is a commonly accepted truth that man is actually mind, body, and spirit. Well, true . . . and again, there are many more layers than that. The seven days are the seven attributes of Man. . . The seven days are a reflection of you and me. Here are the details and the hidden truth behind the Seven Days of Creation in Genesis 1 -
Day 1 = Spirit = Heaven and Earth are created which represent spirit (heavens) and physical body (earth). This is how a baby is born. You, as a tiny possibility existed as a descendent from heaven or spirit and then boom (through the combining of two opposite forces . . . male and female) you became a physical (although tiny) piece of matter. This is the beginning of the physical body. . . . the creation of the first day of Genesis.
Day 2 - Instincts - the water is separated from itself and there is space between the two. This is the creation of instinct. The most common of instinctual needs is sexuality. That is why there are two sides, just like a magnet. . . . Sex is a magnetic pull of opposites.
Day 3 - Emotions - There is a distinction of dry land and water. The seas are related to "emotion" and are the female aspect of every human, regardless of gender.
Day 4 - Mental capabilities. The sky with clouds is like our mind with thoughts. This is why there is a clear sky and chaotic storms of lightning and thunder. The mind is the same. Sometimes clear and sometimes it creates a personal storm of pain and confusion where you cannot see the light.
Day 5 - higher mind - abstract mind. Possibilities, creativity, divine inspiration. Well, lets just say Albert Einstein. That should explain it.
Day 6 - Unlimited Possibilities - the true nature of you and me. spaciousness . . . this is reflected in the attributes of the higher layers of the atmosphere and space. This is why so much is being said about meditation and clearing the mind these days. Notice that it is one day or step from the seventh day . . .which is . . . . the return to . . .
Day 7 - spirit - the highest aspect of being of man. It is said that the spirit lives forever while the body comes and goes. True, because you are actually spirit, not a body. Notice that spirit was the heavens in day 1 and is characterized by rest when God rested in the seventh day.
In the seven days, all aspects of man are explained and defined. Nature is the reflection of man and man is made in Gods image. Therefor, Nature is God smiling right back at you with a silly grin on his face . . . . just waiting for us all to see this deeper truth, thus understanding where we came from and how wonderful we are. The glimpse of this becomes experience when an adult sees a new born child in all its wonder and joy. The heart opens and mystery of life is revealed through heart felt perception, not through thought. It cannot be put into words because the truth (God, love, the moment, spaciousness, your true nature) cannot be explained. It must be experienced personally. This is why it written so many times to go within. Jesus said it often. He also said receive the Holy Spirit. Notice spirit is the seventh aspect of your being, mush higher than the mind. Most Bible readers receive the message and absorb it with the mind - the fourth aspect of being. This is why there is so much discussion of the teachings of the Bible. And yet, this way of understanding will never give people what they really are seeking because the minds job is to classify and separate. The attributes of God are oneness, perfection, and wholeness. The mind cannot even fathom this, because it is by its very nature dualistic. It creates right and wrong and identifies itself with that which is seen . . . the physical world. You want to know the truth in the Bible???? Have faith, but not the word "faith" or what everybody says faith is. Open your heart. Open your mind. Forget everything you have ever been taught and surrender to the unknown and the unseen. Go deep within and ask for guidance. Then the mystery of life begins. the you will see what others do not. And when you do read the Bible, you will see the deeper meaning than what churches have been taught for centuries. Then you will know your true eseence. Then you will know God. Enjoy the journey. And yes, I have written a book on all of this. There is much more to it than the simple description offered here. It just depends on how far down the rabbit hole you will allow yourself to go. Genesis One: The First True Inspiration for Humanity.
For example...the bible says the Earth is fixed and unmoving..Science has discovered otherwise.
The bible claims a man lived in the belly of a has clearly proven otherwise.
I write this to those who want to deny god by using the bible as proof that god does not exist because it does not mesh with science or because their priest told them to have faith instead of answering their philosophical questions. I was this little person once upon a time in forced Sunday school CCD classes. I thought I was hot stuff for coming up with these questions. I scoffed at them for their faith. Time and life have a way of teaching you about your heart, if you learn to keep it open and less offensive to another's faith. I believe Jesus teaches this you know, so there is more worth in learning how to be a good person from the bible then learning that god fiddled around with my evolution first before he got it right. One day for god could have been billions of years of evolution for us. Maybe he even evolved us this way on purpose so that our inquisitive minds would have something more to interest us in ourselves. :)
Why did it take so long for this supposed God to make earth. How do you explain there are planets out there that are older than Earth. Are these previous attempts by God to create?
to understand this...