King James Version (KJV)

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He said in several years span they have never found bones, teeth or any remains that they were able to tell a difference in it was all dirt. This would be older graves, when most were put in a wooden box. It is just moving a marker mostly.
there is a superior intelligence behind the universe but don't believe they will say God they may say a being
but they won't say God and yet the same people will celebrate the birth of Christ. Just proof that we put screen
doors in submarines mentally. Have fun God will show you what to say.
These qualities are all what He is as a whole, He is not part all-powerful and part unchanging. He possesses all of these qualities to the utmost and, as far as simplicity goes, these qualities are His essence. They cannot be separated out from Him or compartmentalized.
We however are composite beings. We are made of parts and if parts fail or are removed we can die or suffer harm.
Same is true of all created things and beings. We have limits on all of our abilities and faculties. We capable of adding to our abilities (i.e. knowledge, strength) or these abilities can be reduced or eliminated. We can be made alive spiritually, which is a change in our nature. We can be affected by outside forces. So the image of God in us is none of the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph.
This is why I do not believe that man was made immortal (the angels are made this way).To live forever, He would have needed to eat from the Tree of Life, which shows that Adam and Eve did not possess immortality.
Immortality in man can only be acquired, not restored, in man by salvation.
The text in Genesis does not say that Adam and Eve were created immortal. Therefore, this is something we really do not know for sure. Certainly, what God had done in creation was good. It does not say that it was perfect in an absolute sense that we will be in the resurrection.
But thanks for your thoughts.
For the sake of conversation, So, you are saying that the creator is mortal and not immortal.
Genesis 1:26 reads "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:". If God is mortal than God must have blood but wait blood can't enter heaven. Are you saying the Angels have flesh and blood too? If man was made in the image of God and God's likeness than that man must be like God. Adam and Eve was transformed from immortal to mortal in a twinkle of an eye just as we will be transformed in an twinkle of an eye. We will go from mortal to immortal.
God Bless
stay prayed up and ready to go up
have sinned and they had perfect blood and Leviticus 17:11 life of the flesh is in the blood and God said everything
he created was very good no corruption by logic thy could have lived forever.
I do not think that Adam and Eve were created as immortal. I think they were created as mortals without sin at the time they were created. They had the ability to chose to obey God's command or disobey Him. Their disobedience brought spiritual death to them. If they were born immortal they would not need to eat from the tree of life, as God said that if they ate of the Tree of Life, they would live forever. ( Gen. 3:23). Thus God put them out of the Garden to restrict them from eating of the Tree of Life. They must not have ever eaten of the Tree of Life.
I am not aware of anywhere in Scripture were it speaks of an being created immortal (angels, heavenly hosts) from their beginning ever becoming mortal. (Not talking about the Son of God; who created everything, but was never created).
the Scripture does say that man, who is mortal from conception, can become immortal through belief in the gospel of Jesus Crist.
In the beginning Adam and Eve were immortal they had no need of protein, vitamins, or minerals in their bodies. So, the fruit of the trees and the herbs of the field were enough for them, even all of the animals ate grass the lions, tigers, etc. the list goes on. But after the fall of man (taken of the forbidden fruit) Adam and Eve died to the spirit (they lost their immortality) they had to start eating meat and vegetables. The body now needed the protein and minerals to survive. Recall Genesis 3: 17, 18, & 19 God told Adam he would have to eat of the ground that includes animals that feed off the ground.
God Bless
stay prayed up and ready to go up
"Are we allowed to enter Deep Space", you ask. Of course, the Bible does not declare an answer to that question as it was clearly an impossible thought then & through most of the centuries since. People have always been divided on whether man should endeavour to leave Earth's habitation & venture & explore (even inhabit) other worlds. My sense is that God has placed us on the Earth He has prepared for us & all other worlds out there are hostile environments in every way, unfit for human life. Therefore, I fear that it may become man's undoing in his quest (or, lust) to reach out further than what was assigned to him.
camel goats etc.
Father, and as Jesus Christ said when we come to God as such with the heart of a child he is more than willing to
meet the need. Too many Christians either approach with self righteous arrogance or I'm not good enough,
no balance we have been made righteous in Gods way by His spirit that doesn't mean be haughty or high minded
about it or I'm not good enough and almost beg for help. God wants neither the balance is the word and walking
by the spirit. That includes meekness and humility traits not of the five senses. Our father wants to help us His children and willing to give them anything according to His Word. In respect of the devils or demon
i'll stick with my position the enemy isn't going to soften what he does so i'll stick with original scripture description
there are too many things being labeled its O.K. if this makes me tough spiritually so be it.
Also too many people who are wanting to believe are asking which bible is closets to the truth! That alone is alarming
I stick with kjv and work the original languages it was translated from and studies from eastern culture which
makes a dramatic difference in belief and understanding. That being shared I'm moving on Brother God bless.
A recent example we've been dealing with on KJBO, is the matter of 'gods', where the original word is 'Elohim'. One can be pedantic & state that the word only applies to the True God, therefore every appearance of the word must mean that men, angels, etc. must also be 'a god' as well; whereas that generic name has other meanings which need correct application in context. Where I get troubled is when the newer translations do not remain faithful to the original languages because of their quest to make verses more understandable, or even omitting verses altogether.
In regards to 'devils', in Luke 11:15 we read, "But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils." In the Greek, the word is 'daimonion', from which of course, we get 'demons', & this is defined as 'evil spirits, heathen deities, demons'. However, the KJV chooses to use 'devils', which is also correct. I don't believe anything is lost by using 'demons or evil spirits'.
Matthew 1:23
Luke 1:27
James 1:5-6, James 1:13-17,18
Many people think that in Genesis 1 God created Adam and Eve, and that Genesis 2 is a recap of Day 6. Others, believe that God created mankind (Adam) on Day 6, not a singular man (Adam) and that on day 7 God put one man Adam, in the special garden God made grow, and then made Eve out of Adam.
Scientifically, evidence seems to show that mankind has been around for 40,000 years. Scientifically, also, it is theorized that in order for a species to survive and thrive there needs to be more than one initial pair procreating.
Even so, God is the Creator and sustainer. Therefore, either is plausible. We really do not know, exactly.
Some say that it was only Adam and Eve because Eve is called the "Mother of all the living." However, she was not the mother of Adam. So, perhaps this phrase is referring to all of the people who would be from their lineage, who can be spiritually alive because they follow God. Only their lineage through Seth survived the flood. This lineage was that of the Savior to come, in the fullness of time, Jesus. So, everyone who is alive now or who lived after the flood is from Adam and Eve's lineage through Seth.
One question for you, why do you think that God is a man?
by little, but if it all means the same thing why are they changing the word little by little because its[acceptable].
I',m thankful that when Jesus Christ was confronted by satan and satan used Gods Words out of context Jesus
Stand and Reply was It Is Written in the right context. Thank God This is just an example not that were discussing
context usage just changing scripture a little. I'll go with devils demons sounds to nice.