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The Answer is:
The FIRST LIGHT created was JESUS.
Revelation 3:14 Jesus... the BEGINNING of creation.
John 8:12 ....I am the light of the world ....
Gen.1:2-This Scriptures were revealed to Moses around 2.500 years after Adam, beteween 2nd and 3rd Day.
Genesis 1:v.2 And the earth was without form,...
See, GOD was not speaking of the geometric form of the Planet Earth to Moses, which He "hangeth upon nothing"- Job 26:v.7-, no, absolutely, it because the geometric form of the Planet Earth around 6.000 years ago was the same it is today, of course. NOTE: To say the Planet Earth was without geometric form based in Genesis 1:v. 2 is ridiculous.
By the way, GOD had planted a wonderful Garden in Eden were a multitude was ruled by a powerful Cherub- Ezekiel 28:v.13-15 and Isaiah 14:v.12-12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!...
After the rebellion, the inhabitants of Eden, ruler by the fallen Cherub, were transformed into dust, dust of the earth, except the spirit, evidently ( Jude 1:v.6), and the earth did get consequently formless and empty, spiritually, everything was without form but not physically.
Please, re-study your LITERAL conceptions, many of them ridiculous, and cause a lot of mochery. The letter kills.
To the only Wise GOD our Saviour, be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power, both now and ever. Amen.
and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:v.1- 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Comments: In JESUS, GOD the Father created the heavens(FOUR HEAVENS) and the earth. (earth here has nothing to do with the Planet Earth, there is a great MYSTERY hidden by the Spirit of GOD, the common man will never understand it.)
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Comments: Actually, if the Bible was speaking of the Planet Earth, it would never be written without form, of course, but
the earth that GOD revealed to Moses IT REALLY had not any FORM, it was void, yeah, was void of the Spirit of GOD, the Word, the Word is GOD; SO, darkness was upon the face of the deep(infested of a multitude of rebels), but the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. GOD always was present here( Isaiah 40:v.21-23.Check it out)
3 And God said, Let there be light:and there was light.4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Comments: What was the intention of GOD in this moment?In His Omniscience and Omnipotence He would go to establish two Alliances with the inhabitants of the Earth through His light.(Please, read 1Thes.5:v.4to8)
5 And God called the light Day,and the darkness he called Night.And the EVENING and the MORNING were the first Day.
After the rebellion in Eden( Jude 1:v.6),GOD planned to restore all things in six days, and in His WISDOM started to work in His plan around 500 years after the rebellion in Eden( Genesis 6:1to5; Jude 1:v.6),it was already EVENING.
Genesis 5 describes a generation of GOD's seed according His plan.Did not he make one?Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one?That he might seek a godly seed. Mal.2:15
There's a view of the Gap theory that I do find Interesting. But not to say the Dinosaur or Humans existed during this period. I believe All that was created In Genesis. Man. woman and Dinosaurs and all iving and extinct flesh was created in Genesis after the Gap theory. Because of this verse.
Romans 5:12. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
I will post a few articles later.
God bless.
Christ opened the spiritual matrix and became the firstfruits and prototype of all who inherit the kingdom of heaven. Similarly, God positioned the adversary as the one who opened the matrix, and created hell for him and the angels which are suggested in the plural pronoun "they" in mentioned in Ezekiel 28:16 and are mentioned in Jude 6 ( Matt. 25:41).
The eternal fate of all humankind is either heaven or hell. Water represents people ( Rev. 17:15). Therefore, for the duration of man's chronological week upon the earth following the fall of Adam and Eve, God is using Christ to draw up the Jordan River, which represents those who will inherit the kingdom, into His mouth ( Job 40:23). Conversely, he uses the adversary as the serpent who eats dust ( Gen. 3:14; 1 Pet. 5:8), from which man is made ( Gen. 2:7), and carry them along with him into hell.
These conditions surrounding the fall of the adversary were effective throughout the Old Testament. However, the final casting did not occur until the days of John the Baptist ( Matt. 11:12). See the following post.
My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE MOST TENDER LOVE, May Enter the Deepest of My Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Reveal to Me Everything I Have to Do, in order for JEHOVAH to Love and Forgive and Bless My Ancestors, this Very Instant--the Children of Eve, Cain, Lamec, Ham, Fut, the Hitites, The Kollas--Who didn't Love JESUS CHRIST nor Practiced JEHOVAH'S Perfect and Complete Laws of Cult and Laws of Living, Constantly and Eternally.
Thanks a lot!
Blessings from THE FATHER to You All,
Omar Trigo.
In any case, the point I was making in this thread, was that even if the Earth became formless & void from the workings of Satan (or, whatever), what Scriptures are evident to show that actually happened that way? All I see is a possible story built around that verse to give it its 'intended' meaning. And I'm afraid, I never approach Scripture in that manner, or else we can really get off track, & even with the very brief explanation of the Earth's creation given to us in the Bible, the best I can do is to allow for other possibilities & leave them as such - possibilities. There is no verse in the Bible that suggests that Satan being cast down to Earth caused the Earth then to take on such a void, dark & ugly condition. To suggest that a God of Light can create such an Earth is debatable, seeing that He has also created the other worlds of planets, stars & asteroids, which are not exactly in pristine condition by our standards of course, before God's Light shined. I appreciate your input here - blessings.
God went on to complete creating our current world for us as we know it that is over 6000 years old. God also commands us to repopulate the the earth implying it was once before occupied. Also the context used when God promised to not use flooding again as punishment after Noahs flood (destroyed all non-marine life) supports probability of pre-adam flood.
What are your thoughts?
The whole theory has a large following; lots of books written.
My opinion is that it is HERESY.
How do I know that? One of The Holy Spirit's ministry is, TEACHER. He said: "In Beginning."
I looked through my ancient, to sorta new Bible collection; they all say: IN THE BEGINNING.
The word THE was added to help readers read Genesis 1:1 better. I don't know if it was canonized or was added in later editions.
Guys, if the Holy Spirit says, In Beginning. It means that GOD CREATED TIME, first.
Archaeological finds, carbon dating, DNA analysis, proves the earths age is billions years old. Not 6000 years old. Something big hit the earth and killed everything, except the "conies" which survived the event. Their name is in the Bible. Their carbon date shows by living underground, their date is different.
Scientists have discovered with probes that all the planets had water/ice at one time. But the water evaporated because of heat. All except earth. Only earth has gravity and an ozone that protects us from rays. Very interesting.
The goal of all sciences is to explain 4 Things: Time, Force, Action, Matter (in that order). No one has ever gotten a Nobel Prize for TIME.
They will not solve it until they accept the reality of a Supreme CREATOR.
If you carefully read and contemplate; ask the Holy Spirit to TEACH you, you will see that in Genesis 1:1-2 all those 4 questions are explained.
If you slowly read Romans 1 you will understand as I did, that God made all that we see and know; and comprehend, was put here for us to accept the reality that Big Bang did not do all of this.
THE GODHEAD CREATED IT. Father purposed it, The Word spoke it, the Holy Spirit performed it.
They created everything we see, have learned and know. Beginning with TIME.
Somebody write that book, get rich and give it to the poor. Copy paste this as much as you want.
I believe we have a problem here: Satan's fall is alluded to in Isaiah 14:12-15 & Ezekiel 28:12-19. And then we have Job 1:6,7. So the questions that arise are: at what point was Satan cast down to the Earth & were there two castings down? One, which caused Genesis 1:2 & another that brought on Genesis 3:1-15? For, if the first beautiful Earth was corrupted by reason of Satan's involvement, then where did he go between the first & second creations of Earth, since he lost his position in Heaven, no doubt?
Does Satan's "walking to & fro in the Earth & walking up & down in it" apply to the second creation of Earth, where we find him all over the Earth, including Eden, & then again some years later during the lifetime of Job? If that's the case, then he being wholly evil, walking all over this globe, causing mankind's fall & causing Job his ultimate test, surely must indicate that such evil must breed evil, not only to those tested but to all of 'groaning' creation so affected?
Therefore, looking at the Scriptures given by the Lord for us to work with, to have a two-Earth belief (once unformed & then reformed), becomes very difficult to acquiesce to, for Satan's position in either world, must mean a corruption of that world; i.e. if Satan was the reason for the first deformation, the reformation of the second must be likewise affected. Or, if God cleaned up the first then why permit Satan to be around to also affect the second? To be around again, just to test mankind's fidelity to Him, seems a weak reason in light of the extent of damage that was in Satan's power. The Lord be with you.
Concerning the serpent being allowed in the Garden, God always forces those created as freewill agents, which are angels and mankind, to make choices which define their loyalty. Love cannot truly be quantified without a test of "relational againstness." In other words, a man does not truly love his wife if he cannot pass the test of adultery. Adam was to become the father of the elect, and receive the glory which was passed on to Abraham. Therefore, he had to be tested, just as Abraham's allegiance and love for God was tested; he had to prove that He loved God more ( Gen. 22:16-18).
Following his fall, the adversary was relegated to the position of tempter ( Matt. 4:3). Just as he tempted Christ, he was only allowed in the garden to tempt Eve, who was then used to test Adam's loyalty to God ( 1 Tim. 2:14-15). Adam listened to Eve and failed his test, unlike Job, who did not listen to his wife, and ultimately passed his test ( Job 2:9-10).
May God bless you.
Even in the Book of the Revelation, some things are clearly metaphorical & left unexplained, while others are explained: e.g. Revelation 9:3ff on locusts as opposed to Revelation 1:20, the stars & candlesticks. With the latter, the meaning is given, but with the former, we can get several theories on who or what the locusts are. If one proclaims that he has the meaning, how are we to accept that without any Scriptural backing? If a mystery is unlocked & faith & joy have increased exponentially as a result, can it be expected that another person can share that same exuberance without confirmation from other Scriptures? Likewise, the two states of the Earth (once without form & void because of satanic interference & then re-created in perfection a second time with beaming light), becomes difficult to comprehend.
You said, "The reconstituted creation did not contain the same evil which previously existed." I thought that this 'reconstituted creation' already had the same evil present - in Satan, who was there ready to pounce on the new humans to make them like himself. Adam & Eve's disobedience manifested into evil only because of the evil already present. And as a result, the whole creation groaneth & travaileth in pain till the present. But "the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" in that coming day. Blessings to you brother.
The reconstituted creation did not contain the same evil which previously existed. Rather, evil was introduced when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. Paul states, "The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now" ( Rom. 8:22).
Lastly, Christ is the only source of light and goodness in the entire creation, which includes all humankind, elect and non-elect. The only good inside of any person is Christ. In the born-again process the Holy Spirit opens the believer's eyes to Christ as that inner source of goodness, and places a name and face on the source. Similarly, light had been in the creation for three days before God brought forth the Sun as the source of the Light on the fourth day ( Gen. 1:3, 16; Mal. 4:2). Also, Christ spiritually permeated the world as the source of goodness for 4,000 years before He was born, and God put a name and face on the source of Light! Amen!