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When I was a little girl I thought I had a normal family at least it seemed that way to me. My dad was a minister , yet he was given to the demon of alcoholism. My mom worked like a dog to make ends meet. I had 3 other sisters that was older than me who quickly married so it pretty much left me alone . I grew up being to myself a lot. I got to know God because my father introduced him to us at a early age then I got to know him on my own as I became a young lady. Satan started the lie of telling me I wasn't good enough early on in life. I never felt comfortable around people so when I hung out with so called friends I started to drink just to feel like I could be comfortable in my own skin . Because when I drank I became someone else and not my quiet , awkward self. This went on for the first few years of my adult life. Then I started to date and the first real boyfriend I had was a monster from hell who cheated all the time and told me I would never be anything and made me feel like trash and not to mention the abuse I tried to hide from everyone ( I married this guy) So I spent many years in deep depression and isolated from life. I got a divorce and eventually married another guy pretty much just as bad as the first guy but God got me out of that relationship too.Then the devil put a spirit of rejection on my life that I had to fight through for many years. It was like every where I went no one seemed to like me no matter what. So I went further into depression. I spent a lot of time praying and fasting. I am 48 yrs old now and I just gotten to the place where I know who I am in Jesus and I feel good about my relationship with Christ. I don't drink and I have gotten rid of all those toxic friendships . I spend my time with my 2 daughters and the lord and I believe God for a kingdom marriage . God has been working in my life all along because through all that I went through he kept me safe and in my right mind.
The stress of other's are on their faces as l walk by. I try to bring God's love to them with caring and kindness. But so far away they look at me, as a stranger to beware.
Have they not seen in the Bible that Jesus will be right next to them carrying their problems.
Prayer to Him for help will bring your Angel close to you with protection from the Light of our HEAVENLY Father. Our light that shines in us will be close by in trouble of our enemy. What looks impossible in the world's way of thinking becomes possible in the Heavens above. Our God is a awesome God. His strength can knock any evilness close by. Stand strong now with the Spirit that dwells in you. Reach up to Heaven. Ask for help. You will feel His presence close around you protecting you. Spoken from someone that has walked alone learning the hard ways and writing them down. Now l look back and understand how l got my strength to help others in these evil, lonely days. My body is weak-- but my spirit of the Light l carry in me is STRONG!!!
I have been seeking God for many years , started from ground zero , Knowing nothing except that the scriptures (the bible) is the truth . God gave me that unshakable truth .
Now I read only the bible for a source of truth , after seeking help from other books , they only created confusion.
But God has always been open to my prayers when they are according to his will . All the selfish prayers get a NO or silence . He truly hears prayer and sees everything.
I have experienced that Jesus really will care for all my problems if I take them to him in prayer and trust Him with it .
He has never failed . Sometimes He changes me with his grace to endure the problem , or changes things miraculously .
Have faith in God and be at peace . Read the Bible . Amen
Maybe only you do. God and His word of are all people need. Romans 1:20 God bless.
But there's a difference between real science and fake 'science' which is just a label some use for their religion. There are plenty of scientists who believe in God and creation. But some will believe theories with zero evidence and call it science, because they got a bachelor's degree and feel their opinion somehow matters more. Most are just uncomfortable with the idea that an intelligent being created them so they do mental gymnastics to try to explain away God. They don't believe an accident made a Picasso painting, or an accident designed a building, but when it comes to something far more intelligent and complicated, they blindly say it was unintentional accident. Without evidence they believe their life is the result of an accidental explosion. But that is not scientific, because life from an explosion has never been witnessed and cannot be reproduced. The brightest minds on earth cannot produce life manually, nor through an explosion, so the idea that an accident caused it violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Yet, people still believe it on faith (religion) despite zero evidence, and say it's science, but it isn't science.
In Mark 12:17, Jesus said render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.
They were trying to trap Jesus about paying taxes. Jesus asked who's image was on the coin. They said Caesar's.
So what was Jesus saying?
In Genesis 1:26, it says that God made man in His image. Do you see where this is going? Jesus is telling them if that is Caesar's money and he wants it, give it to him. It is worldly. It is part of his system, so give it to him.
But you are made in the image of God. Give Caesar his money, and give God what is due to Him.
I hope this helps!
From the very beginning in the bible, water separates or divides from something: Genesis 1: 6, 7.
When God set apart people for himself, he used water to separate you from something to bring you into something else.
In the old testament, Moses and the priest had to wash with water to be sanctified for service.
Want to show how many scriptures(not all) are showing how important baptism is!
Ezekiel 36: 24 - 27:
God takes the unclean, sprinkles clean water on them, and they shall be clean. Puts his Spirit in them and calls them his people!
New Testament:
John the Baptist baptized with water, also baptized Jesus that the scriptures would be fullfilled:
Matthew 3: 11, 16.
John 1: 26 - 33.
Luke 3: 16, 21.
Matthew 28:19:
Teach all nations to baptize in Jesus name.
Mark 16:16:
He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.
Luke 24: 47 - 49:
Beginning at Jerusalem, repentance and water baptism(remission of sins) preached in Jesus name among all nations.
John 3: 5 - 7:
Jesus taught you must be born again of water(baptism) and Spirit.
John 13:10:
Jesus washed his disciple's feet with water, calling them clean.
John 19:34:
Jesus dead on the cross; soldier pierced his side, out came BLOOD and WATER.
1 John 5: 6, 8:
Jesus came by WATER and BLOOD.
There are 3 that bear witness in the earth: Spirit, water, and blood. These 3 agree in one.
One what? - One new birth.
Continued next text.
Acts 2:38:
Baptized in water for remission of sins to be saved. Jews first, then gentiles.
2: 41:
3000 souls were baptized to be obedient.
Acts 8: 36 - 39:
Philip baptized eunuch in water.
Acts 9:18:
Apostle Paul is baptized.
Acts 10: 47, 48:
Peter baptized Cornelius and his family.
Acts 18: 8:
Chief ruler of synagogue believed on the Lord(many with him) got baptized.
Acts 19: 1 - 6:
Paul baptized certain disciples in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Continue to water baptism part 2.
Satan was a covering cherub. HE WAS CREATED. His job was to lead praise and worship. He was jeweled. Well he got to liking it and wanted the praise for himself.
As soon as he coveted it, He started war in heaven. Type that in the search box. Look in Revelation.
Finally God tells Michael to hurl Satan to earth; with the 1/3 angels that followed Satan.
Folks. In Genesis 1:1
The First thing God did (the Godhead)
Was CREATE TIME. The Godhead lives inside of earth time; AND they live outside of time.
Then God purposed. Jesus the Word of God spoke it ( John 1:1). The Holy Spirit performed what was spoken.
Before anything occurred in Genesis, GOD SAW IT.
Adam and Eve were spirit, soul and flesh: 3 part humans. God gave them FREE WILL.
Satan has EVIL WILL
MAN (and woman) have FREE WILL. They had power to choose.
When they disobeyed Gods Word NOT to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (it's written): they used their free will, and died spiritually. They were flesh and soul. Separated from God.
The Godhead immediately cast them out of the Garden so they would not eat of the tree of LIFE (eternal life). The tree of Life was moved to heaven (see Revelation).
God then killed an animal (blood sacrifice for sin) and made them clothes. Adam failed. In the fullness of TIME, Jesus came as 2nd Adam to redeem mankind and once and for all time pay for the sins of every human; born and unborn.
For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son ...
Stop making up stuff about this that only confuses people about the Genesis stories. Get a good study Bible with CENTER of each page, reference columns to other passages that give additional information. It has little abc's imbedded in the scriptures. They point to prophesies, go forward to the New Testament or backwards.
You gotta have it.
From the very beginning in the bible, water separates or divides from something: Genesis 1: 6, 7.
When God set apart people for himself, he used water to separate you from something to bring you into something else.
In the old testament, Moses and the priest had to wash with water to be sanctified for service.
Want to show how many scriptures(not all) are showing how important baptism is!
Ezekiel 36: 24 - 27:
God takes the unclean, sprinkles clean water on them, and they shall be clean. Puts his Spirit in them and calls them his people!
New Testament:
John the Baptist baptized with water, also baptized Jesus that the scriptures would be fullfilled:
Matthew 3: 11, 16.
John 1: 26 - 33.
Luke 3: 16, 21.
Matthew 28:19:
Teach all nations to baptize in Jesus name.
Mark 16:16:
He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.
Luke 24: 47 - 49:
Beginning at Jerusalem, repentance and water baptism(remission of sins) preached in Jesus name among all nations.
John 3: 5 - 7:
Jesus taught you must be born again of water(baptism) and Spirit.
John 13:10:
Jesus washed his disciple's feet with water, calling them clean.
John 19:34:
Jesus dead on the cross; soldier pierced his side, out came BLOOD and WATER.
1 John 5: 6, 8:
Jesus came by WATER and BLOOD.
There are 3 that bear witness in the earth: Spirit, water, and blood. These 3 agree in one.
One what? - One new birth.
Continued next text.
Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7
Isaiah 6:8
Romans 1:20
Colossians 2:9
Acts 17:27-30
1 John 5:7
John 10:30
These are scriptures of when the 3 persons of the Godhead were speaking to each other.
I was taught that Adams name means, Man. Eve's name means, Man with a womb.
Adam and Eve were of flesh, soul and spirit up until they ate of tree. Then the spiritual connection was severed.
By being Born Again, Jesus restores that spiritual connection through the Holy Spirit who indwells us.
I would just like to make a little comment on your post. God, as I observed many times in the Bible, is a God of order. He creates and make everything in its likeness. However, man is the only thing God created in HIS image and also HIS likeness. See the difference? IMAGE and LIKENESS is for mankind and only LIKENESS for the animals and the plants.
This should let us know we are very special to God. Could this "our likeness" be referring to the HLOY TRINITY even though holy trinity is not in the Bible? I think so. God bless you
,how often you have prayed ,how many years you have been a Christian ,for me the best thing is to read around the same time every day ,when i know i will be alone or at least have quiet in my house ,my minnimum is one chapter a day ,mostly i read a lot more chapters than that but sometimes im tired or my mind is distracted so i just read one ,pick a time and place everyday ,relax and enjoy ,once you get going you wont want to stop ,theres so much good stuff in there it really is a feast for your soul ,dont be too hard on yourself ,God loves you very much .
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
A dear friend of mine gave me a Bible years ago and on the inside cover he wrote "This book will keep you from your sin, or your sin will keep you from this book."
It makes a lot of sense. What you're saying also makes sense. When we give in to our fleshly desires, we find ourselves distanced and not interested in the things of the Lord.
I've learned over the years that we make decisions based on what we love the most. The Lord may be drawing us to study his word, but there's something else we want to do.
We have to make the choice. Who or what do we love the most? One of the most profound things Jesus said is that if you want to be my disciple, you must deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me.
That word deny in the Greek text is the word ARNEOMAI, and it means to reject. We are to reject our fleshly desires and follow Christ.
Again, we follow what we love the most at any given time. Do we really love the Lord when we say we do?
Jesus gave us the command to follow Him. We have to decide. Are we going to follow, or are going to go our own way?
I pray that the Lord will draw you to His word and give you the hunger that can only be satisfied by remaining in His word, and that through His word, you might grow in Christ abundantly!