King James Version (KJV)

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If I may;
We Must step out of our personal comfort zones and provide love and acknowledgement. A simple smile and hello.. "As I sat here today God placed my attention on you. I just wanted to say hello and to see if there is anything that I could help you with today or talk about." Try very simple open ended questions. Ask if you can get them a coffee or water(if your church offers them).
May I share a personal experience;
I had a similar encounter once. Due to pride and friends being around I dismissed this person. God placed that action upon my mind and heart for weeks. I felt shameful. I kept hoping that I would see this person again so that I could "redeem" myself. One day, out of nowhere, this person appeared again. One of my friends actually made a rude, judgemental, comment about this person and pointed at her as she walked out of the building. I immediately walked away to Run outside of the building. I approached her as she sat in her car. I apologized, first, for "bothering" her. We then had a simple conversation. The result from stepping out of my comfort zone was overwhelming. What I would like to refer to is Hebrews 13:12. At the end of our conversation this woman looked deep into my eyes, grabbed my hands and said "Today, a child is born." She smiled and said "God Bless You" and then left. In this moment I was overcome by a feeling I can only describe as, God or God's presence. Overcome by the Holy Spirit. I learned something that day that I will never forget.
We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. Always, remember that.
I apologize for a long response but sometimes our actions ARE the answers to the prayer. Does that make sense?
God Bless
Yours In Christ,
And I am going to read a page every day and maybe it will help my memory if I read it again.
image of his Father.. The name Jesus means (God is saving) through Christ we are given Faith and the Grace to back it up.
there's nothing impossible with God all things are possible.
Also, praying for all my family to receive Jesus in their hearts, and live for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You