Discuss Genesis 1 Page 55

  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 2 - 4 years ago
    Hello, animals don't have souls. They don't make moral decisions about right and wrong, they don't sin, and Jesus didn't die to save ticks, flies, amoebas, corona virus, and rattlesnakes. We are more valuable than animals: Matthew 6:26. We were made in God's image: Genesis 1:27. Scorpions and hammerhead sharks weren't made in God's image. Those who claim otherwise are not reading the Bible first to understand what it means. Instead they are believing what they WANT to believe then cherrypicking certain verses, distorting and twisting them to try to match as close to what they want to believe as they can.
  • Valerie - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I am sorry that you are struggling with what many people are going through. It doesn't sound crazy at all, however, if that voice you hear is saying other things to get you to hurt yourself and others, seek professional help right away before it gets out of control. Even if you need to talk to someone, contact a church, because there are prayer lines that can assist, or just speak to a professional that can help you get through these tough days that we are in. Know that you are not alone, because there are wonderful professionals out here to help. Talk to a family member if available, because you don't have to go through this alone. Find Christian friends at a church to keep yourself occupied, because when you sit around, that allows thoughts to enter in our minds, so become active, get a hobby, read a book, listen to music, talk with family and friends on the phone, but try to keep busy and keep thoughts on positive things. For me I have no tv up in my home because it is too negative for me. Every time I turn it on there is nothing good on it but garbage. Keep yourself wrapped in the glory of Jesus Christ and HIS light, because when we do light comes upon us. May peace be in your home, the peace Jesus Christ promise and not the world. Blessings
  • Big B - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Yes it is real because it happens to me all the time and he knows right when to attack my brain! He will do it every time I think about Jesus. He will pop into my head and say something to try to get me to not believe what I am saying to God is saying and I tell him to get out of my head and leave me alone and then I might as Jesus to help me get him out of my head and he will! I tell him I hate him and leave me alone and he will go away! I may sound crazy but it is true almost every day of my life and he is still trying and will not stop!

    I wish there was a way to talk back and forth on this site and there may be and it may be me not knowing how but I would love that!
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 John 4:1 - 4 years ago
    One can only surmise, as God's Wisdom is beyond anything we can have. So my answer is purely based on the Scriptures I read & the Spirit's guidance.

    Genesis 1:26 tells us that "God made man in His Own Image, after His Likeness". This means that He has given us the qualities that He possesses within Himself (Truth, Compassion, Love, Forgiveness, Choice, Reasoning, etc. etc.). Adam & Eve would have possessed these qualities but when they fell into sin, those qualities became tainted & they fell short of what God intended for them & how they should live & behave.

    What if God prevented Satan from approaching Adam & Eve, so that they wouldn't be in a place of testing & possible failure? Could such an action by God be considered reasonable, given that He gave His new creation all His attributes? If He denied them this confrontation by Satan, would God have to continue to guard them & their descendants from the evil one? Or maybe, God could have just locked Satan & his followers away for good right after they sinned against Him, & prevented us from facing this aspect of sinning because of wrong choices?

    The reason I believe what prevented God from acting in the ways suggested above, is simply because He didn't want to remove any of His attributes, however marred, from within man or remove man from any wrong external influences; He expected that man, given his power of choice & with his desire to only serving His Creator, would either fulfil God's Plan perfectly, or if he should fail, that he would one day come back to a place of sorrow, repentance & restoration back to God.

    And of course, we know that God had chosen a special people to place His Love upon them & to given them His Law to direct them to Him & for their course of living. And then later, the provision of His Son for our full & eternal redemption. So it was God's Plan, that whether in sin or holy living, mankind would find full forgiveness, godly living & a restored relationship, as He desires for us.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I believe we will - if not at this side of the Rapture, then certainly on the other side, with our bodies changed from a corrupt state to a glorified state. But you know Grace, I really wonder whether being in the very presence of the Father & the Son will so enrapture us, causing us to be forever in praise, thankfulness & worship, that anyone or anything else would pale into insignificance around God's Throne.

    If "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him", then how much more will be the sight of our loving Heavenly Father & of His Glory & of His Son, so consume our attention & devotion.
  • Grace on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Will we recognize each other in heaven!
  • Michael Vesosky on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    What is the light in Genesis 1 v3
  • Valerie - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Be strong and hold on to HIS hands, because Jesus Christ will never let your hands go. I am not sure what exactly is going on in your life, but just know you are loved by Our Father in Heaven. Remember in the beginning of the bible where God said "Let there be" and it was so? Yah or our Lord gives us that same power because we are made in His image. Sometimes we all wonder what is taking God so long to answer our prayers. I have learned that it is not my timing, and my ways are not His ways. I have learned to let things go and give it to the Almighty. We always want to be in control, because we often think that we know all the answers to life. We all need to step back and let God/Elohim take control of the wheel. Wow was that hard for me and that is my biggest struggle, but I am doing it, giving it all to Yah, just like I pray you and others are. Stay safe and may the Lord bless you and keep you and give you strength and give you peace. Shalom.......blessings and praises to Yah
  • Amy on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my peace, and closure on a matter. Please pray for my ex husband to have a kind heart, peace & the love of Jesus in his heart and calmness from this very minute forward. I cancel any assignments Satan may have for or against us. We both need to move forward in love and respect for each other and for our son. It is my prayer that after 27 years, that we can put one foot in front of the other, to be able to move forward with God's plan for us. I pray his discernment and complete guidance on each and every part of our lives. Lord please fill us and let us move forward in peace and harmony. Thank you Lord for your blessings upon us and loving us unconditionally, we praise you and Love you. Lord, just thank you
  • Dan - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Thank you for your honesty. You describe what I am going through. I will pray for now...1100 est on 13 January. God bless
  • Paul McDaris on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I'm 68 years old. I grew up in a Christian home the youngest of six children. My dad was a Baptist minister and he and my mom were gone in the evenings mostly and we were left to pretty much raise ourselves during school time. My dad was a country man worker pastor and constantly in revivals. He did what he felt was right and I certainly do NOT blame him but we were never encouraged to have home devotion or Bible studies and we never had that with him when he and mother were there. I was not saved until a few years ago and I'm trying to read Gods word and learn it so I will be pleasing to him. I can't remember like I could when I was younger so my request is would you pray somehow God would open up my brain and help me comprehend his word as he intended for his children to do. I get frustrated and skip days as I know I shouldn't but especially in the Old Testament it is hard for me to understand. I know he says in his word if we want knowledge he will give it to us more abundantly so where am I going wrong? Please pray when I set time aside to read his word, my mind will be removed of all worries and things to distract me. Thank you so much. God Bless you for doing this great work for him on line and I'm so thankful he led me here to read and learn. You will certainly be rewarded in heaven for sending out his great words. Again,thank you so much. Paul
  • Wilbert Ashton on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    To God be the glory great things he has done. Prayer request that God will open my spiritual eyes,wisdom,vision and knowledge,In Jesus name men.
  • Braylen Young on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I want to receive the Holy Spirit

    A good school year

    A blessed 2021
  • Valerie on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    There are times we don't know why things happen the way they do, so we become fretful, fearful, begging and demanding for Yah/Elohim to fix our life. I pray that we let go and turn everything over to our Creator of Heaven and Earth. Yes never cease praying, and when 2 or more are gather in HIS name Yah is in the mist. Christ said lay all our burdens on him. It can be hard when we see our love ones and friends going through issues of life. I pray that we will Bless HIS Holy name, give thanks to HIM, praise HIM, sing to HIM, and exalt HIM, and when we do He will hear us clearly. When we asked for things to be fix in our life, Yah/Elohim already knows before we open our mouths. With that said give thanks to HIM, and Bless Him our Father who art in heaven. I pray that all these prayers are answer according to HIS will. I pray that when we come to HIM just thank HIM for all HIS mercy and grace HE has given us to this point. There are no coincidences in like, because God makes no mistakes. Sometimes He may try to get our attention, oh I know because me being a stiff neck in life ignoring HIM certainly got my attention later in life. We are in these trying days where everything may look bad, but let not our hearts be fearful but filled with Elohim will. Jesus Christ said that he will send the comforted to us. If we ask it shall be given to us, but let not our faith waver. I pray that we continue to humble and submit ourselves to HIS will, and trust all thing works for the good who put trust in our ABBA FATHER. I pray that Christ Jesus (Yeshua) give us strength and power to defeat the darkness of this world. Remember we are made of light and in HIS image. Remember there is no darkness in our beloved God/Yah. May peace be with us all, and I pray for speedy recovery for the sick, people are financially struggling, people who feel sad, and people who feel like given up. Christ Jesus lives within you. Keep saying His name Jesus Christ and calling on him. peace
  • Valerie on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Prayers for a job or employment via computer that is respectable and to earn income. And for persons who treated me(us) like Lazarus that GOD word is. Prayers for Safety and Protection.
  • Kristopher Philip Kupka on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Repent, Ask, Receive, Transform, Receive again, Enter and become.
  • Betty Landreth on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    In Genesis 1:28:And God blessed them, and God said unto them,

    Be fruitful, and multiply, and REPLENISH the earth, and subdue it.

    Does this not indicate that there had been persons on the earth before?

    Thank you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I agree, that is something hard to understand when so much of the creation & the creature declares the supreme presence of a Being Who only could undertake this great task. To say that things just happened out of nothing requires a whole lot more faith. After reading what you wrote, I thought of that great quote by Pres. Abe Lincoln, though he himself did not claim to be a Christian, yet demonstrated wonderful thoughts & attributes that would have brought him much closer to the Lord, I would think.

    He once said, "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how a man could look up into the heavens and say there is no God."

    And dear brother, you WILL get to Heaven: your faith in Christ's work at the Cross, your new nature in Christ, the Spirit's indwelling you, is the guarantee of your redemption. God will not undo or sideline what He has done for you & in you - His Work was too great & too costly for any errors or shortcomings.

    Ephesians 1:13,14: "In whom (Jesus) ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were SEALED with that holy Spirit of promise; which is the earnest (guarantee, promise) of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." You belong to the Lord & nothing, but nothing, can separate you from His Love.
  • Brandon on Genesis 1:1 - 4 years ago
    To say that Jesus is only a created son of God is to misunderstand that OF God is something that never happened before and trintarians don't seem to be able to grasp that .

    The argument that Jesus is only a man or like a prophet, of old or Jesus is God in the flesh . Both views are extremely in error . Jesus is the Son of God like no other . God being with him was exhibited in his life death and ressurection .

    These to me are men's confused views both wrong or out of balance . Jesus is the Son of God . And if understood very clear and simple .
  • Norman Walker - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    That is something that I just cannot understand why so many people believe this world evolved and not created by God? This world is so complex and all it takes for me is to just look at it and the Sun. This world has millions of very complex creatures including billions of humans that are different and the Sun has burned at the correct temp. to keep everything on Earth alive and has never ever ran out of fuel!! Never even ran low every since the day it was created so tell me how many things that burn never run out of fuel, non of them they all have to have fuel but the Sun!! Just take a good look at it and if you do not see it was created by God then I am sorry for you. God created the Heavens and the Earth and I so hope I will get to go to Heaven forever and ever! Amen and thank you Jesus and thank you God!!
  • Cathy Akers on Genesis 1:28 - 4 years ago
    I believe there is a psalm, not sure, but it's something to the effect of this, "I heard your prayers all along, I never did not hear you, I answer prayers in my time, not yours"

    Does this sound right? Any psalms to that effect or where could find it? Tyvm
  • Church on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for everyone in the world
  • Audrey HoChoy on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I want to have a strong relationship with God.
  • Rickey Nichols on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    My prayer request is that God heal me and allow me to walk again that God continued to bless him keep my children safe and that he would save them also that God will allow me to get out of this nursing home and go home I pray for the country that I live in and I pray that the peace of God May rest in the hearts of men also that I find out what my gift is
  • Freda on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I need prayer for a Large Money Miracle to come to me quickly. Having severe financial hardship. Also pray for me to find a good paying Work From Home Job with good benefits. Tired of working in the workforce with people who don't want to work & tired of people causing confusion. Pray for me to buy a New Home with Land to call my own. Tired of paying rent & making the landlord's pocket fat with my hard earned money. Also I need prayer for God to keep his Hedge of Protection around me, my sister & brother, and rest of the family from the covid-19 virus, danger, accidents, enemies, sickness & other diseases. Thank you in advance for praying for me & with me. Happy New Year 2021 and may God continue blessing your ministry
  • David on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    please pray for Kristie nd myself today please pray that the wall that separate us be removed and we are united
  • David Allen on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Please keep me in your prayers today
  • Jay - In Reply on Luke 1:31 - 4 years ago
    My dear friend, if you are posting questions so you can have a fight that is not good. Only dogs fight ( Revelation 22:15; Revelation 11:1-2). The word Elohim (God) is plural (Eloah being its singular) See: ( Genesis 1:2; Genesis 1:26; John 1:1; Isaiah 9:6; Deuteronomy 6:4). Your line of reasoning is the same as saying that while your mother and father are Williams, you are simply Kevin so you do not wear their title because you are only the son. There is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Please read Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 1, Ezekiel 1, John 1. Read also the apostle Paul to the Phillipians (Philipians 2:12).

    However, I will not continue this... Matthew 13:41. May God bless you.
  • Elijah on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago





  • Eglah phiri on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    No I don't have a bible so I need you to help me have a bible in my phone

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