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Philip's 20 mile translation from Gaza to Azotus after his baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch...other translations
1Kings18:12. 11Kings 2:16. 3:14. 8:3. 1Thess 4:16,17.....also, look up how Jesus and his row boat friends " were immediately at the other side of Galilee after they encountered the storm...the Holy Spirit did the translations?
Answers how the kangaroo got from Australia back and forth to and from Noah's Ark
See also at Babel how the people WERE scattered not scattered..." lest we be scattered" in the KJV
If you do a search on "scattered " you'll find more references to " WERE scattered" as opposed to " scattered " in the scriptures..... so the people and animals didn't scatter ( migrate) but " were scattered" just as in these examples on scripture
It's like " beam me up Scotty " from Star Trek..... . and they were translated ( scattered to their destination). They didn't
What's wrong with this interpretation of how the kangaroo got to and fro the ark?
Those are a few Scriptures to show that God, Who is One, has sent out His Word & His Spirit to accomplish His Plans. So when we read, "God said, Let US make man in our Own Image", this plurality which you've observed, is God in His Fullness involved in man's creation as also in creating the heavens & earth. Man, (interpreted as Adam), was first created. And "them" would be his wife, Eve, & all his progeny after them that would "have dominion over the earth & its creatures".
Man was "created in God's Image". God is Spirit & no man has seen God at any time - he cannot be described in physically terms. But what we do see is not the physical Image of God, but the part of God He desired that man would also have & benefit from. So looking at God's Character, we see that He is first Holy ( Leviticus 11:44), His Spirit communes with man's spirit, He has the power of Love, of Choice, of Fellowship, of Righteousness (pure & holy living), of expressing Emotions, etc. That describes God & His attributes that Adam also enjoyed, but after Adam chose to disobey God & sin entered into him, sin subsequently marred his physical, mental & spiritual aspects. And this marring, or corruption, fell upon all mankind, i.e. we've inherited this sin nature ( Romans 3:23), & our own lives show us daily how far short we have fallen from that ideal & how far our sins have separated us from God.
Genesis 1:26
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
To whom is God referring when he says "us?" Is God a singular entity? If so, then why the plural form? And who is this "them?" Men? Then why not say "men" instead of "man?"
Genesis 1:27
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
If God is a singular entity, then how could both men and women be "in his own image?" Is God a hermaphrodite?
The Times of Israel, 6 August 2015:
"The head of an extreme right-wing Israeli group opposed to Jewish-Arab integration on Tuesday advocated the burning of mosques and churches in Israel at a public forum.
Lehava chairman Bentzi Gopshtain took part in a panel debating Jewish religious law Tuesday night alongside Rabbi Moshe Klein, rabbi of the Hadassah Hospitals; Tsuriel Krispal, deputy mayor of Elad; and Benny Rabinovitch, a writer for the ultra-Orthodox paper Yated Ne'eman.
Gopshtain's remarks came against the backdrop an arson incident at the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in June. Police arrested three Jewish suspects believed involved in the attack, some of whom were implicated in previous attacks on Christian sites in Israel.
During the debate, Rabinovitch asked Gopshtain point blank whether he advocated the burning of churches, according to a recording of the debate published Wednesday by the ultra-Orthodox news site Kikar Hashabat.
'Maimonides' Gopshtain started, apparently alluding to the rulings of the 12th century Jewish sage, 'you must burn [churches], are you against Maimonides or in favor of Maimonides?'
'Don't tell me about Maimonides, I asked you what you say,' Rabinovitch replied.
'Of course I am,' Gopshtain said."
I recently relocated so I am unemployed, so continue to pray for that job to come my way. I know the job will come because God is in control. It is only a matter of time!
Thank You and God bless you.
Thank you...
Please pray for my doubts and anxiety to vanish and my walk with the Lord to be strengthened.
He chose Israel out of all nations to be his peculiar people. The apple (iris) of Gods eye. His inheritance.
That is why ALL nations are jealous of Israel and try repeatedly to disperse them, eradicate them, strip their land from them, and nuke them off the face of the earth (spoken by Iran often). Now Biden intends to fund the Palestinians with all the money that the USA has blessed Israel with throughout our history as a nation. We did this to ourselves.
[2] And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
[3] And I will bless THEM that bless thee, and CURS him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Get ready to experience CURSES. It's coming to America, soon.
The zeal to fire President Trump will start something you all ignored: Genesis chapter 12.
In the beginning:
Many of brethren doesn't knew when n days it's fall. It's just mentioned In the Beginning!!!!?
I am a coptic orthodox Christian youth and suffering from social media and "mobile phone usage" addiction . And have no progress in daily life because of these kinds of addiction .
And pray for my success in GRE exam because will do the test soon to apply for chemistry masters in US.
Thank you my fellow Christian
We are one flesh in Christ.
In Genesis 1, much is written about heaven, firmament, dividing, etc. all those center of the page columns (abc notes) refer to other scriptures. You'll need a study Bible with that feature. Or...
You can go on Google and type in: charts of 3 heavens. NOT all of them are accurate according to scripture.
God is Spirit. He doesn't need to stand on something. The Holy Spirit is Spirit; same thing. In Genesis, Jesus's name is the Word.
See John 1:1-5
Philippians 2:8-10, 6 and 3:19
Revelation 19:13
Zechariah 13:7
Isaiah 9:6
All those scriptures may have reference notes to additional scriptures. You need a reference study Bible, to research deeply.
It takes determination to search out the mysteries of God.
Always ask the Holy Spirit to HELP you and TEACH you those mysteries. He's the Spirit of Christ; and a born again Christian has the Mind of Christ. You have everything you need when combined with Faith: faith that the Holy Spirit does what scripture says that He does. Pursue Him.
We live within the confines of Time, which is the first thing God created in Genesis 1:1. Let us be at peace with that. We are known by Him.
Satan is a defeated foe. Ephesians 6, gives us the Armor and the authority of Jesus Christ to stop his activity, and that of his agents of evil. So read the Gospels, Acts, and Paul's writings to see examples of disarming personal attacks.
A good teacher of the authority Jesus gives his born again believers can be viewed on YouTube. Search Charles Capps.
Jesus paid for it with His shed blood, and we must understand what we have been given.
Start there. I'm here if you have other questions.
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
God is love
Lust is not love
His word is pure.
Matthew 16:23
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men
If this were not the case with the Moon, then the phases of the Moon that we see should just be an optical illusion. But the phases prove that there is something hiding a part of the Moon (i.e. the Earth's spherical shadow). If it were not so, then the Moon should constantly reveal to us here on Earth, a fully lit ball, if it indeed emitted its own light.
And Genesis 1:16, the Hebrew word for 'Light' (maor) is translated 'luminary'. This allows for both the Sun & Moon to either generate their own sources of light or to be reflectors of it. God had provided mankind a light source for both day & night, even if it is only a reflected light from the Moon.