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Talk about corporate!
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing ALL MANNER of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the PALSY; and he healed them.
If our Faith is small concerning some illnesses; it's hard for us to trust Jesus. People have to go through the New Testament and feed their Faith just to receive a miracle. What the doctors can't do, Jesus wants to and can. If the Church worldwide got radical against autism...wouldn't that be a testimony to Jesus?
We don't lay down and take it. My nephew has it; I've been praying for him; he's in the service now becoming a Seal.
Corporate prayer at your church or one that is tough on demon oppression, can unite their corporate faith and cast that demon of autism out! When Jesus gets involved, good things can happen.
Most important; be careful of your verbal conversations of doubting faith. Don't be Doubting Thomas. Pray and get all the faithless speech DELETED off the book. Your confessions should be full of hope and faith.
Conversation = Faith
It takes determination based on faith scripture. Pump it up and then see what Jesus does. What Satan meant for evil: to curse a life...will be turned to good; to give GLORY to Jesus (who still heals). On Sunday too :)
Remember! Corporate Prayer.
There are Christians beside you in church that look like Goliath in the faith department. Call up the old ladies too. We're talking about a kids life. God's got His people....
Go listen to 'Sunday's on the Way' by Carman, on youtube.
Romans 3:10-12 KJV
(10) As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
(11) There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
(12) They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Darkness was upon the face of the deep as mankind's foolish heart (all together) had become darkened:
Romans 1:20-22 KJV
(20) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(21) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
(22) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters....holy men of God speak (waters = tongues, languages, etc) as they are moved by the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 1:20-21 KJV
(20) Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
(21) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
So, I did about 15 years of research; etc.
Now to answer your question, I have heard of young children having seizures after the immunization shot/ not sure which one? Do i think these things that u refer to cause Autism. Not in all cases for sure; but some maybe. So i don't go there although I do not disagree with you or any of the other anti vaccine people. I do know that Immunization works but I do not know if all those shots in young children are necessary. I do know that most cases are due to an atypical stimulation where just one of the senses are affected; and that plays over and over repetitiously and that always leads to fear development, hallucination and sudden Fight or flight.
I do not think anyone followed or accepted my research from the beginning, and there was always new research; but these things you referred to, were commented on several times but I have never done any research in that regard. My research was to find the cause and I did that in ever which way,
Matthew 6:12|View whole chapter|See verse in context
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive ourdebtors.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Thimerasal is another name for mercury used as a preservative in some vaccines.
Vaccine makers are exempted from lawsuits thanks to congress.
what kind of incentive do the vaccine makers have for safety if it costs them money and they can not be sued?
Yes some vaccines have mercury in them.
a letter to 7 churches, a song: Our Time Now (by Carman). euphoria, etc. your mom doing, corona What man can take it; Only a man of God trained to do What God has asked him to do as he asked God to do, and then he put u in contact with me on this site as I too also just came to couple the work that God trained me to do.
Jesus came and said that they have made my house a den of thieves; and they have and it continues to be dens for thieves. Can you explain the Sabbath and why we work on the sabbath, Can you tell me exactly in the Bible where I can find the lords prayer and the 10 commandments as all chapters I know where to find is Genesis 1, 2, 3 and sometime 4.
These other things that you talk about I think happened at the very beginning of creation when the arch angel and a number of ordinary angels rebelled, and they were cast into the sea of fire or someplace; all except the Devil; and he is still active every since, but people do not want to hear about those previous things as it frightens us. At least now, they have heard about it.
But like mine; your Jon that you were trained for is finished and like me you are not God and he don't need us; but we need him; and so we can now relax and listen to hymns and go on and off of this site advising maybe where we think our advise would benefit especially kids with the permission of their parents a or at least telling them to check with their parents if they are on this site or any site, but adults only accept advise when they ask for it and the final judgement is God's. Just let it be as with what judgement we judge; we will be judged.
I have done a few messages. i don't know if you have got them but I I agree with you and you have done a fantastic job in making people aware of problems of the seven churches and for that a special man was needed; one who cherished the scriptures and prayed for them and that prayer was answered and all things were revealed unto you, and you did a great job on that. I also find it stressful but once again I am at peace with my soul; and so i can do a cup of coffee and lie on my lawn chair; and relax in peace. It is time now I think for u also to beat peace with your soul and listen to the fine hymns and he singing of those hymns on u tube. I do that over and over and it help me relax and get over my arthritis; and finally. I also started to fast last Sunday; always wanted to as u are not suppose to do any work on Sunday, but I did it as I was thinking do animal fast and does not indeed fasting prove that we have a mind and that god created that with a breath of life; and indeed if God created it and said do it; then there I would be Blessing in it as i know that there is punishment as sin will visit 3 or 4 generations of the man who sins. SO be at peace with you soul; listen to hymns on u tube especially I am at peace with my soul. It get rid of all that bothers you even arthritis etc, a cure all, over time, and a lot od christuans do it in phase to the lord; that is how a lot of hymns were created and i particularly like Fanny crosbie; a wonderful blind christian, and she wrote hundreds even 1000 of hymns ....
Hi. d give me a bit of time as I'm old and have a few problems however don't stress yourself. You have been blessed and I can tell you the things you have done; a letter to the churches; a song or a hymn, etc. is fantastic Jesus said that the churches was a den of thieves or something and they are even worst today; and the other things you speak about is the war in Heaven, I suspect; So, i will give you a proper reply in a day or so; but for npw can u tell me where to find the Lords pray and the ten commandments; and if you do; You may delay a response for maybe 3 or 4 days but istill would like to have it, meanwhile, take care; and I will as i said , re[ly proprly a later etc,,u know i have bad eyes and am sort of old and can[t type but no worries; it can be dome even properly; also waht is a den of fire or something like that regarding the war in the heavens?
have a great dau; and was that song in deed called a hymn but u did not want to say so as people may think u are nuts. Waht odds what people think. You know the Bible and your grand mother did also and how about your mom. Did she know it? Mine lived with me; and i have to say; when she dot old, as my cousin lived with his mom all his life and never married; and people thought that there was something wrong with a man like that worth lots of money; and so I have to say when she got old she came to live with me but I was living common law the time and had little money. So I suppose everything was and is okay. Any way have a great day and i will get back to u later. Co,plete and uneditted
I know The Lord wills this too. I'm a unremarkable clay pot, filled with love for a Remarkable God. It truly is the Holy Spirit that lives in me and through me, that gives me the scriptures to use.
1990 I wrote a letter to 7 churches. It was Him, not me. My friend from one Church must have seen the letter. He wrote a song: Our Time Now (by Carman). I know people were blessed.
After that euphoria, the Holy Spirit would almost overwhelm my being with visions and information: it was too much for my being. Powerful! Well, the last thing He said then, was Hide. It was like I became a sponge: soaking up all manner of knowledge and things my natural mind did not know why I was learning it. Time passed and I missed hearing Holy Spirits voice. My prayer life became intense: I begged; I sat quiet listening for hours. I felt abandoned. I searched scriptures. I wasn't prepared for Silence. It's painful. I knew He was there but He wasn't speaking to my spirit.
I was all set to begin evangelizing in nursing homes. My mom died in one and the burden I had inside grew. Then co-vid hit and I couldn't go.
I finally found this website and what a blessing to just read what others are saying! It was a couple of months before I made a comment. Something wonderful happened: the Holy Spirit was back! He's choosing scriptures and my testimony which I had never shared because I thought people would call me nuts. He wants to Teach people to know the Spirit world and how it works. To free themselves from spiritual warfare ... demons. They tried to kill me. It's serious and it's going to get worse.
I need more learning.
my grandmother was my go to person for relationship problems. she had a lot of wisdom i could relate too. she knew me, wall to wall. i knew she prayed for me and i loved her for that. she's the first person i'd like to visit in heaven. :)
she was your treasure
you are mine, i think that you are ours, i have never seen anyone know so much scripture and you are so faithful; you'r the man, your comments are my treasures; thank you, thank you. thank you thank you, thank you. thank you thank you, thank you. thank you thank you, thank you. thank you i can't thank you enough thank you, thank you. thank you thank you, thank you. thank you thank you, thank you. thank you thank
Another way of looking at it would be: the Law requires you to have that 'special' piece of paper to prove a marriage - God requires you to lovingly commit & consummate your decision to marry, as a holy & binding marriage.
God is Spirit (no color)
Holy Spirit (no color)
Jesus (Mary's color)
The 3 persons of the Godhead have WILLS. It was given to Adam and Eve. They could obey God's will; OR do what they did: disobey God's will (for them) which they did with Satans encouragement; deception.
In addition, satan has a will. He was a created Archangel; covering Cherub. His speeches start with I WILL. He's the evil that hurts people. He never does anything Good. He wills to crush Gods children.
He thought he had killed the Son of God. Imagine his grief when Jesus walked out of the grave.
Look up the scriptures to prove me right or in error.
I to have things to attend to in life, Just like you - I don't sit in front of my PC 24/7
Also if you make your questions shorter and clearer I can understand you better
Small Ape people in Australia? Never heard of them - But if there were, they go back to the days of the Nephelim. I suggest you research the cover up of history - Giants and the fallen angels and the sons of God having their way with the daughters of men Genetic manipulation and hybrid beings (Not human) and hybrid animals part human part animal Gen 6 is a good place to start.That is why God destroyed all living things with the flood - except those on the ark
A big subject - Too long for emails.
I suggest you check out research by Steve Quale, Timothy Alberino and Tom Horne Bless you Mate
You are one of the few clear thinkers - And willing to think about what is being said in scripture - And don't get all upset when faced alternate points of view - I am definitely all for truth, and blindly follow the religions of men
God bless to you and your family
Talk this over with God, every day, until you feel His peace.
A person that says something like that usually wants space, time, no contact. We sometimes feel desperate to get back what we had.
If God allows a door to close; accept it.
You are being given time to set your house in order. Do some googling on relationship problems. It never hurts to hit the books.
Be sure to dig through the Bible too. Read the Book of Ruth; book of Job; Proverbs has MUCH wisdom for relationship snags.
My Grandmother was my go to person for relationship problems. She had a lot of wisdom I could relate too. She knew me, wall to wall. I knew she prayed for me and I loved her for that. She's the first person I'd like to visit in heaven. :)
Croc Dundee lives down the road from me - He is not home at the moment - But I will pass on your message LOL
blessings, peace and protection to you and your family