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peter Mcaleer
hope, faith, trust, expectation, and a good bible
your sincerely
Peter Mcaleer
Peter Mcaleer
page 2
Concerning the three heaven and earth AGES; reference will again be pointed toward the entire chapter of 2nd Peter chapter 3. This might give you a clearer understanding of these separate DISPENSATIONS OF TIME (not the formation of three separate heavens and earths). For reference I will again state that "the world that then was" ( 2 Peter 3:6) refers to the first dispensation of time. "The heavens and earth which are now" ( 2 Peter 3:7) refers to the second dispensation of time (the time we are presently living in from Adam until now). And "a new heavens and a new earth" ( 2 Peter 3:13) refer to the time period that all God fearing humans are waiting for; also look at Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 66:12, Revelations 21:1.
My question concerning Satan brings into light the three dispensations of time; as Scripture would be most difficult to understand without comprehension of them.
The fall of Satan happened in the first earth and heaven age and was the reason for the end of that particular time period. Information regarding this can be found (as you stated) in Isaiah 14:12-20, Isaiah 45:18, 19, Jeremiah 4:22-29, and Ezekiel 28:12-19, as they are descriptive figurative statements revealing him to us. Not a page of God's word could be turned without the use of figurative language; which is employed to emphasize a truth and reveal a deeper understanding of the topic being discussed.
Therefore, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1. That was the first earth age.
Found in first half of Genesis 1:2 is the result of the end of the first dispensation of time (due to the rebellion of Satan); hence, the earth was (became) without form and void.
Found in the second half of Genesis 1:2 is the first act of the second dispensation of time; hence, the Spirit of God moving upon the waters.
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I will attempt to be less confusing. I apologize for possibly trying to give too much information.
There are two accounts of the creation of man. The first account is found in Genesis 1:26-29. The second account can be found in Genesis 2:4-7.
Genesis 1:26-29 is the 6th day account of the creation of the different races that make up mankind, both male and female. The blessings and instructions given in Genesis 1:28 were given to those particular people.
Genesis 2:4-7 is the 6th day account of the creation of the specific man Adam. In Genesis 2:7, God gives us detail as to HOW both Adam and ALL of mankind are formed by Him (from the dust of the ground), but these verses concern only the particular man Adam. Genesis 2:15-17 are the instructions given to the man Adam that are different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind. Adam was that particular man chosen by God to "till the ground" ( Genesis 2:5) and be a farmer in God's Garden; and try to resist Satan.
Genesis 2:21-23 is the formation of Eve FROM Adam. This is not creation of mankind, both "male and female" as found in Genesis 1:28, which concerns all of the races. This particular lineage is very special for all of mankind. It begins with the divine act of our heavenly Father taking a "rib" from Adam and creating Eve (one from one + the Lord God) and ends with the divine act of the Holy Spirit through Mary bringing about the promised birth ( Genesis 3:15) of the Lord and Savior of all the earth (one from one + the Holy Spirit) ( Isaiah 7:14).
And to your question: "If the beginning of the earth was the first seven days of creation found in Genesis 1:2 - 2:4, then when did the fall of Satan occur?" This question is moot. There will always be theories when Satan's fall occurred. It could have been at some time after the creation of the angelic host ( Isa 14:12-15), maybe after God's creative Work had ended. It may have been according to the type given in Ezek 28:12-17, when Satan was already in Eden & from thence he fell into sin; or even in ( Rev 12:7-9) where Satan & his angels were cast out of Heaven to the Earth after Jesus ascended to the Father (though this option wouldn't work, as Satan was already active way before this time on Earth). So, I have to plead ignorance to your question, as the Scriptures don't give me a clear answer, though if compelled, I would lean towards the Isaiah description.
To get a true understanding of the Bible, you must first pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you (your mind) into all truth. We cannot read the Bible like any other book. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned (understood) 1 Cor. 2:14, last part. If you don't ask Him into your study, there is an enemy who will be very happy to show you things the way he wants you to see them. You don't want that. That is called deception, and it's on the highest order, coming from him. The devil knows his KJV of the Bible better than most people. I will pray for all of you so you will remember to ask Him - first, to lead & guide you as you study & read. The Bible (KJV) is God's word to all of us. We Must read it and understand what we read so that it will become a part of our daily lives. We also need a very serious relationship with God (in these last days), to have Jesus' Righteous character given to us. We must Know God to be saved. John 17:3. I hope this comment helps.
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In addressing your comment mentioning that God would not properly be representing all races; I will state that God chose Adam and his lineage to bring forth, umbilical cord to umbilical cord, the Savior of the world ( Genesis 3:15). That promise by our heavenly Father made this particular lineage the most important lineage to ever walk on the face of the planet. All other peoples and nations mentioned in the Bible are only due to their interaction, good or bad, ( Isaiah 10:5) with God's chosen people and the nation of Israel.
We are all children of God, blessed by Him, and given freewill to believe whatever we want!
On a side note, you state that Adam and Eve were made "in the image of God." The PLURAL words of God stating "in OUR image, after OUR likeness" ( Genesis 1:27) is the intention of God to make the mortal features of mankind to be a physical reflection of God and the angels. We are to be a representative figure of what we looked like in the 1st Dispensation of time. We are an illusion of that spiritual body, but delivered unto these flesh bodies in order to be tried and tested by God by the very freewill He grants unto us. How could God the Father and His only begotten Son know us beforehand if the first time we came into existence was in these flesh bodies in this 2nd Dispensation of time? The answer is simple; God "did foreknow" ( Rom 8:29) each and every one of us because we were all there in the 1st Dispensation of time. The only One made in the true image of God is His only begotten Son ( John 5:37, John 10:30 John 14:7, John 14:9, Colossians 1:14, Colossians 1:15. The clear understanding that there are 3 heaven and earth ages can be found in 2 Peter 3:6, 2 Peter 3:7, 2 Peter 3:13.
Question If the beginning of the earth was the first seven days of creation found in Genesis 1:2 - 2:4, then when did the fall of Satan occur?
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I appreciate your feedback concerning the creation of Adam and Eve.
In reply to your first question, I believe that was answered in the original post. Scripture states that God created mankind on the 6th day, both male and female. God then B-L-E-S-S-E-D them, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and RE-plenish the earth, and subdue it. ( Genesis 1:26, Genesis1:27, Genesis 1:28). These are the instructions given to the rest of mankind. We are clearly neither insignificant nor are we worthless in His sight. We are all children of God with power given by Him to choose for ourselves who or what we want to believe. God makes the choice even easier: Be a part of His family of everlasting life or be a part of Satan's family of death.
Your phrase "or later" in regards to creation after the 6th day, I would point to Genesis 2:1, Genesis 2:2, and Genesis 2:3, which states that God FINISHED all of His creative work by the end of the 6th day; mankind being the last and greatest (and most confused) creative accomplishment.
I do not account for the existence of "cavemen." Scripture does not leave room for evolution. God states that He "created" ( Genesis 1:27) man. You and I were born, not created, as Adam, Eve, and the other Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the races (i.e. genealogy, Luke 3:23 - 39). Have we evolved from Adam?
Concerning a race or races of "sinless" people out there in the world I would point to Scripture found in Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, 1 Corinthians 15:22.
Cain found his wife because Adam and Eve were not the only two people living on earth at that time.
( Genesis 1:26 - 28) states that on the 6th day God created mankind, BOTH male and female, blessed them, and told them to be fruitful and multiply, RE-plenish the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over every living thing on it.
God also created Adam on the 6th day. Adam, however, was not told to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. Adam was put in a garden in Eden ( Genesis 2:7, 8) completely by himself ( Genesis 2:18, 1st Timothy 2:13). The instructions given to Adam were to dress the garden and to keep it ( Genesis 2:15). Adam was a farmer, and the animals brought to him in ( Genesis 2:19 - 20) were utilized for that particular purpose. The instructions given to Adam are completely different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind because God chose Adam to stand against the serpent in the garden, and God chose the lineage of Adam to bring forth the Savior of the world. (It is interesting to note that unlike Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc., who are all stated as being faithful or righteous, that is nowhere stated of Adam; but it may be implied, as God did choose him).
The Bible uses translated words such as "peoples," "nations," "heathen," and "gentiles" to define these people as "foreign" or, in other words, a different lineage than Adam. The reason Cain found a wife in the land of Nod, east of Eden ( Genesis 4:16) is because the other races of people created by God on the 6th day were living on the earth, reproducing, and having dominion over it. It is interesting to note that for over 6000 years of marriages between the races of the world, those same races are still very much distinguishable......and ALL are blessed through the perfect plan of God, ( Genesis 1:28 12:2, 3, 26:4)
As to why the earth was being RE-plenished by God, look at ( 2nd Peter 3:5 - 7, 13).
I'll look forward to seeing further comments from you here, as I do with all others, & may the Lord help you in your endeavours to know Him better.
and so it would happen slowly
as a perfect earth just can suddenly stop from being perfect by creating weeds and when God says he is going to do something; he sure does it; and so why not take what you gave to man and bring it right to the opposite to teach him for the benefit of man. He did it with the flood and so why not continue to make it difficult if they continue to sin and we know that every time the earth is threaten with plagues etc; after that there is usually a revival of Christianity. I don't know about other one God religions although I would expect the the same thing there
All Adam and Eve had was leaves for a small piece of cloth that God made so that they could cover them selves; and with that he had to leave the garden and he never even knew how to build a fire. I don't even know if he knew what fire was.
I don't know where evolutionists got that our how they figured it out but they were wrong to base something on that and also to teach it; as when it comes to the Bible; I have read Genesis chapters 1, 2 and 3 often; but after that; generations of people get complicated to me but I know about the common things like Noah's flood and as someone pointed out; that was the first time it rained and that in itself would have changed a lot of things.
So, in conclusion, animals and even man would have changed but basically man is still as he was created except he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and he has being developing his thinking and his mind ever since. I wonder was it Adam who discovered fire and use it. I don't think so.
Conditions had to start to go right down hill from a perfect earth to the caveman stage and thru science; we know that cave men invented fire and started to cook meat; and advanced too as we are today. God said to Adam how the land would give weeds etc but he did not say that that would happen immediately; and so it would happen slowly as a perfect
In regard to words, verses; searching on site and on the internet; and interpretations of these things; these things are no doubt important and the words we pick are extremely important as if we do not pick the most appropriate words; then we do not get the most appropriate answers; and very few people get the same answers if they do not put the time in on it; and in fact study the whole Bible; and even then; there are questions for example on what should we eat as when we were created; we were suppose to eat plant based foods, etc.: and of course; I see comments on these things and often look at any references; and lately I used the search feature to check things that I am interested in; and I was surprised to find one thing that changed my view of one of the things that I had doubt on and never meant to comment on but forgot and did. So that made me realize that I should be checking for myself instead of waiting until I see some one else's comments to straighten me out. It made me feel lazy. ; the one thing that I don't want to be and can't afford to be.
Once again, Thank you for your comments and help in understanding the Bible
Or, 'angels': they can be the inhabitants/messengers of Heaven or those come in human form (e.g. to Abraham, to Lot's house, who wrestled with Jacob, whom we might entertain unawares, etc.), so there are inferences here too. Often, even using the internet to do a search can bring up useful results. But nothing better than to systematically read the Bible from cover to cover & make notes to accomplish your goals.
Jesus Christ is the only living sacrifice acceptable to God The Father, to save mankind from their sins. God
The all male Trinity is a lie. It is a "false truth", and a doctrine of Satan that have been taught in churches for thousands of years as truth.
Howerer, All males cannot produce children, spiritually ir physically. If the world is to look up to God in heaven to see the perfect order of a family, and they are lied to that God is just The Father with a male Son, and a male Holy Spirit, and the all male union produces children, with no Mother anywhere to be found, then that's a major reason why woman have been treated like dirt in some countries, and there is so much disorder in the world today.
Jesus Christ is the son of God The Father, and if Jesus is also our everlasting Father, as the lying scribes say; that means that you and me, The True children of God have the same Father, and that makes Jesus my brother.
My brother can never be my father.
This is truth, not heresy!
The lying pen of the scribes changed some of the scriptures into lies?
"How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made He it, the lying pen of the scribes is in vain." Jeremiah 8:8
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning was The Word{Jesus Christ}, and The Word{Jesus Christ} was with God The Father, and The Word was God." John 1:1
"26 And God{God The Father and The Word,Jesus Christ, God The Wife, God The Mother} said, now, WE make man in our image, after our likeness, and WE give them dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
27 "So God created man in Their own image, in the image of God, they created man, male and female God created them." Genesis 1:26,27
Human relationships did not start first!
Everything God creates has perfect order. The perfect order of the spiritual family is, God The Father and God The Mother(The Holy Spirit, The Wisdom, The Word made flesh(Jesus Christ), then The Children. Genesis 1:26,27
Whoever is truly humble, yet offended by this perfect order of family, needs to REPENT, turn from their wicked (twisted) ways of thinking, and allow GOD, to heal the land in their minds first, then physical land around them.
""If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
Please Note:
Covid-19 is a pestilence.
" pestilence walks in "darkness", Psalms 91:6.
This "darkness" is, "spiritual darkness, spiritual disorder'. It is the rejection of "The Spiritual Light" of Genesis 1:26,27, that God are our Spiritual Parents, God The Father and God The Mother, The Holy Spirit.
Everyone who rejects this perfect order of God The Father and God The Mother who produce Spiritual Children, are spiritually asleep, walking in the spiritual darkness of their carnal minds{the mind is the heart of the spirit}. The spiritual darkness, spirtual disorder in their minds reflects out into the physical-realm as all kinds of evil, including the Covid-19 pestilence.
If you really want God's protection, then honor Them spiritually in your minds first, as Father and Mother, Your Spiritual Parents.
"Jerusalem(Jesus Christ) who is above is free. She is The Mother of us all."
Galations 4:26
The Spiritual Relationship of God The Husband and God The Wife existed way before man was created. Everything God creates has perfect order. The perfect order of the spiritual family is, Husband and Wife, Father and Mother, then The Children. Genesis 1:26,27
Whoever is truly humble, yet offended by this perfect order of family, needs to REPENT, turn from their wicked (twisted) ways of thinking, and allow GOD, to heal the land in their minds first, then physical land around them.
""If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
More proof God is Husband and Wife, Father and Mother, MelquisedecLisbet,
"For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not, break forth and cry, thou that travailest not, for the desolate{the bond woman} hath many more children than She{God The Mother, The Holy Spirit, The Wisdom} which hath an Husband{God The Father}.
Galatians 4:27
THIS IS THE CORNERSTONE, the religions builders of the faith rejected throughout the centuries.
"But Jerusalem who is above is free, She is The Mother of us all."
Galatians 4:26
"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey The Truth."
Galations 3:1
Thank you, for your comment; I really appreciate it as I did not even know where it was in the Bible and it is so interesting because it says He will be in their midst; and I really believe that. He is with us in spirit as you have explained it; and also we can rejoice as our prayers and praise are always heard; but it can be difficult for some people who can not find other christians to pray with; and I know that there are some and maybe many who have problems and I also believe that at least some of them; takes it to the Lord in prayer; but they still need other christians to pray with; and I don't know if they have that
I am taking about our creator, God. Genesis 1:26,27.
That is the perfect order of a family. Father(Male), Mother(Female), then their Children.
All of creation shows that order: Magnetic fields North (male)+South(female), plants(male+female), animals(male+female), mankind(male+female)
Do not be deceive!
The Book of Proverbs clearly tells us that, The Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding is Female.The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. That's normal, a good thing,! Stop being offended by the nature of God, accept it and get over it!
While it is practical and conservative to keep your personal and collective environment as clean as possible; SIN is the real pollutant! We are not only guilty of sin, but great sins such as blasphemy, abortion and sodomy, which God has called evil, mankind has called good! God will not be mocked!!
Do not doubt that this earth will remain as long as it serves HIS purposes. This should give you comfort! If the covid crisis brings more fish to the net...I say Hallelujah!!