Discuss Genesis 1 Page 81

  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1:16 - 4 years ago
    Shannon, the moon of course is the "lesser light" in Gen 1:16. In the old days, before astronomy progressed, the moon was probably thought of as emitting its own light. As we know, moonlight is simply the sun's light being reflected. And yes, it is still very much a light source. When I used to visit some poor villages in Pakistan to minister, they had no electricity, no lanterns or kerosene; they depended entirely on moonlight. But its amazing how well our eyes adjust to low or no light, so life goes on without complaint for those people.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1:25 - 4 years ago
    Shannon, that verse in Gen 1 can sound tricky unless you see how the pronouns are used. 'Beast' is written in the singular, thus the use of 'his kind', or its species. 'Cattle' is in plural, therefore using 'their kind; and so with 'every creeping thing' is in the singular. There is no reference or even inference that the Trinity is seen in this verse. That is altogether a false interpretation of the Scripture.

    Re: your comment on Angels. Well, in Nehemiah 9:6, we read: "Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee." This of course tells us that God created all things & also the "host of Heaven". This "host", or inhabitants, would include the angels, seraphim, cherubim, & other heavenly beings. They may have been created at some point before God's creative Work was completed ( Genesis 2:1 "...all the host of them (were finished))". Satan himself was a created being, a Cherub ( Ezekiel 28:13-16): the King of Tyrus is spoken of in these verses but vv 13 & 15 indicate this was not a mere human but a reference to Satan. It speaks about God creating him & he was perfect until iniquity was found in him & thus banished from God's presence.

    So, that should give you a quick explanation to your questions.
  • Etta - In Reply on Genesis 1:27 - 4 years ago
    Dear Shannon,

    The best way to know what to believe is to go to the Source, the Bible, a good cross reference would do nicely. But as Bob said, is correct, there is 0 references for "Lilith"

    Praying God will lead and guide you,

  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Genesis 1:27 - 4 years ago
    Greetings Shannon, by no means do I believe in what I am telling you concerning a "Lilith" in Judaism.

    The word Lilith appears 1 time in the King James in Isaiah 34:14 The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. (the king James translators used screech owl for Lilith)

    In the Jewish encyclopedia: Lilith was the first "wife" of Adam prior to Eve, she left him cause she did not want him to be "on top" and she went to become the wife of samael. Where do they come up with this stuff? Only in the minds of certain Rabbis as it is NOT in the Bible. This is why Paul wrote in Titus 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

    Wiccans (witches) revere Lilith as the queen of demons and even have festivals in her "honor"

    I am not sure where you came across this name from, but I would stay away from it as it is steeped in the occult.

    I came out of the new age and went to Bible college and did studies on the occult. This stuff is evil.
  • Shannon - In Reply on Genesis 1:27 - 4 years ago
    I have heard of a woman named lilith! I am not going to say anything more because idk what to believe. I just submitted a question about this situation. Hopefully someone answers.
  • Shannon on Genesis 1:27 - 4 years ago
    So did Adam have a wife before eve? It says here these two were created from earth. Then he talks about eve being created from adams rib...

    I am just looking for some insight.

    I have heard of a woman called lilith, supposed she and Adam bumped heads because they were equals. Maybe Adam killed her? But people think she remains on earth and at one point when sdam and eve are away from each other Adam has a one night stand with this lilith because it says during there time apart adam is at his worst, he is very distraught.

    I don't know where it talk about this. Please understand i don't think its ok to question any of this because i don't know if I am pointing out a real honest point that most don't see, or my interpretation is off and its wrong to think this way.
  • Shannon on Genesis 1:25 - 4 years ago
    The words his and their mean he has a kind. I can't think of a better word. He comes from a family or society. Idk how to put this. It is really hard to understand this. But i have been told its the trinity. I honestly don't know what to believe. It also never says he makes the angels so theye are a part if his civilization or family. They have a history.

  • Shannon on Genesis 1:16 - 4 years ago
    He says a lesser light.

    But still a light.

    Why would anyone think he does not mean exactly what he says.

    The moon is a light source.
  • Shannon on Genesis 1:15 - 4 years ago
    To me this means the moon is its own light source. Any feedback?
  • PROPHET DANIEL ADDO on Genesis 1:1 - 4 years ago
    I need studied bibles pls
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

    People sometimes have trouble with chapter 1 and 2 and so maybe it is best to take it from the beginning, and look at one verse at a time. I love this particular one as it could not have been said any better. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. It doesn't say when the beginning was, not yet; but later we will see He created "lIght', and dIvided it from darkness and so the beginning was the first day. Genesis 1:5
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 1:5 - 4 years ago

    God created, one must know how to create in our own lives. Speaking those things into existence that one truly desires, then knowing what is good and speaking good over our creations
  • Vivian - In Reply on Genesis 1:5 - 4 years ago
    God created, one must know how to create in our own lives. Speaking those things into existence that one truly desires, then knowing what is good and speaking good over our creations. Separating also the day and night is important remember Gods word as reference to keep us on course.
  • Mishael - In Reply on 1 Timothy 3:16 - 4 years ago
    Genesis 1:26 and 11:17. God spoke:

    LET US

    Either he was talking to himself or.....

    He was speaking to the Word

    Speaking to the Holy Spirit

    You wrote all that untruth for what?
  • Alex on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    COMMENT BY Alex on the sabbath day, Nope there is no more sat. or sunday in Christ Jesus,when he said abide in me and i in you thats 24/7,he even tells us the branch has to abide in the vine continually 24/7 or there will be no fruit. like his disciples followed Jesus every day NOT 1 DAY A WEEK they had to forsake everything, that day of rest is in the spritual realm. God wants everyday holy Not 1 day a week,When the kingdom comes there will be no more days of the week. When he fed the multitudes he fed everybody no questions asked men women and children everybody even picked up 12 baskets for the gentiles,God always had the gentiles in mind as Jesus said about naaman the Syrian Being healed b/f th Jews. Jesus said he maketh his sun to shine on the good and the bad maketh his rain to fall on the just and the unjust God is no Respector of persons as all men must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed which is the living word of God Jew and gentile a like,as we all carry the stain and the spot of Adam there was none righteous no not one thus he will pour out his spirit on all flesh as Isaiah said knowledge shall cover the earth as the waters cover the seas EVERYBODY IS GONNA BE BAPTISED WITH HIS SPIRIT JEW AND GENTILE ALIKE.HE WILL POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH just as he fed the multitudes the 3 rd day If i be lifted up i will draw ALL men unto me,Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE He makes his rain and his sun ( his spirit ) to cover everybody.God so loved the world etc not his will that any should perish.By 1 spirit are we ALL BAPTISED INTO THE BODY OF CHRIST JEW OR GENTILE ALIKE ECT.
  • Eugene Arachchige - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    lovely, i agree wholly with you. Amen.
  • Mishael To June - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    June, I am sorrowful for the pain that you feel. People who race onward and do not carefully read each word on the creation of Adam and Eve, will miss out on the greater revelation.

    Genesis 2:7 And the Lord formed (mould) man of the DUST of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (woman also later), became a living soul.

    Genesis 1:27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female.

    Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    God DID NOT give Adam dominion over OTHER men or women!!!!

    Just like everyone else that has lived prior and now, our color came from the same soil.

    Genesis 11:1-9 is the account of the Tower of Babel; which was for evil by Nimrod. God changed the language of the people from one to many. The Lord scattered them all over the earth. Nothing is said further about races or colors. It happened back in the soil God used. Adams name in original text means, RED. That doesn't mean Adam was Native American.

    You have full cause to be at peace with the color your ancestors were. Who knows what color Moses was, but he married a woman from Midian, which was predominantly dark skinned. His sister made a protest about it and God afflicted her with leprosy for a while. Keep reading, it's all true.

    Before God the creator, no one has ever had a right to persecute people of color. If they were reading the Bible rightly, they would know that; in their hearts.

    Satan has used his WILL to enter in and pervert the truth. People bought into it and it's been this color versus that color ever since.

    God is Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Spirit. Jesus is the Son of Man. (He has color)

    Believe the Bible, pass it forward. I thank God we're not all the same color! :D
  • SC - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Yes! The enemies of The LORD reap what they sow.

    Look at Psalms 91:6 again!

    It says that, "pestilence walks in darkness"!

    That darkness is, "spiritual darkness".

    The Covid-19 pestilence, came forth into this physical realm because there was too much "spiritual darkness" in the world, and too much "spiritual darkness" in too many of the churches around the world.

    The main foundation of that "spiritual darkness", is the rejection of the Spiritual Light of Genesis 1:26,27, that tells very clearly that, The Image And Likeness Of God is, Spiritually Male(The Father), and Spiritually Female(The Mother), and Then They produce Spiritual Children, Sons and Daughters who have spiritual and physical life eternally. The Holy Spirit is, God The Mother who gives birth to Spiritual Children, for Her and God The Father.

    YET, too many churches are teaching and preaching the opposite. The are preaching and teaching that God is, God The Father(male), God The Son(male), and God The Holy Spirit (male), and these three spiritual males produce and give birth to children. This is "spiritual darkness " and the spiritual disorder that causes disorder in the minds of men, which brings forth all kinds of wickedness, evil and destruction into the world.

    The time is NOW for all you people who are called by God's to REPENT of this evil, and accept The Light of who God is.

    God is, Father and Mother of The Family. This is the Perfect Spiritual Order, that renews the mind and bring order to the world.
  • Jayden Gaines on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Why is it important to do the Bible give me a answer thank you
  • R oseannn on Genesis 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Thank you we will read the scriptures every day
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    I look up the scriptures when other people do that. I love studying.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Mishael on Genesis 1

    Why did you put this under Genesis 1, when it is about other chapters? Also there are no links to these other chapters and there are several. I see this with others also; but I am relatively knew to this; and so i don't understand it. It seems to be relatively common but I find it difficult to follow when I am in Genesis; however; if i were to pick the newest comments; then I could decide on those other chapters there and may be that is what people usually does, in which case, I can see why people may post in one book on things in other books and then those who are interested can go there when they are browsing on the new comments looking for something to interest them.

    Thank you for your comments in the Bible; I enjoy them.

  • Mishael - In Reply on Daniel 10 - 4 years ago
    To PAUL: Yes. Genesis 1:1 explains what all scientists are trying to explain or discover:

    Time. Force. Action. Matter.

    It's already discovered that the universe is moving away from earth.

    I believe as described in Ezekiel 28 and Genesis, that something huge hit the earth. The earth was void; dark. Lucifer (before he was named satan) was the Big Bang (my guess). No one has been able to determine how long Lucifer and the 1/3 of the evil angels who were thrown to earth were in the void; creating pre-adamic people's, dinosaurs; all we have about it, is bones, How long? Time had not been set in motion YET.

    Time was created for man, otherwise we'd live forever. Next God created Light. Jesus said that He is the Light of the world. In beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. God the Father, Jesus the Son & the Holy Spirit ARE the LET US in verse 26.

    I think there would be much knowledge put together rightly if scientists (some of them) would accept that Creation makes more sense, than evolution with no God it. Early scientists were Christian, fascinated with what they were discovering about earth. Even I can see why satan was upset with God receiving the credit. He lost his deed to planet earth at the Cross of Jesus; the Son of God. All Satan is now is a destroyer of the life that comes from God. He tried to get permission to kill Job, but God would not permit! He thought he had killed Jesus, but Jesus was resurrected and that was recorded by many witnesses alive then. Thanks to the Pharisees that had Roman guards posted by Jesus's tomb till Sunday. Jesus's tomb is on display every day..empty!

    The Book of Revelation is Truth and a final Battle will be fought between Jesus and Satan. It's all going to happen as written.

    I ask all unbelieving scientists WHY wouldn't you want to live eternally in New Jerusalem, and see, study...what happens NEXT?! Why wouldn't you want to meet the CREATOR of everything? He'd love to meet you :)
  • Mishael on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Scriptures on prophesy/ prophesying

    (There's rules, people) First start in Ezekiel chapter 3:10-11, 17-27. Then 13:1-15. Notice the WOE on verse 3.

    Acts 2:17-18; John 6:63; 1 Corinthians 2;12, 14:31, 14:1, 13:9, 12:4. Revelation 11:3; 1 John 4:3, Romans 12:4-7

    Poor Ezekiel; he was sent to the House of Israel. Prophetic ministry is just as then. It's serious when you speak in the Name of the Lord. Anything spoken that is of the flesh...will not be confirmed. Be prayerful.

    "Thus saith the Lord" is serious business.
  • Jaleesa Freeman - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    May God bless you and keep you under peace love you!!
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    It is all about perspective. You are looking at scripture as though all happened within the Universe we live in Today. The KJVInterpret looks at scripture from the beginning, everlasting first days; the second day, and third day, and considers these to be the places of origin. I can think of very few places in the KJVBible in which scripture may originate from this Universe. There is, "he made the stars also," in Genesis 1:16, and there is, "Beloved," in 2Peter 3:7,8, with the two, "thousand years'" referencing the six, "thousand years,'" in Revelation 20:2-7 having two tellings for the fifth day and the beginning of the six day in verse seven.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Where did my understanding come from? I like to call the KJVBible, the Kenneth Jesus Victory Bible, my Holy Grail with

    th "V" in th KJVB because of the great victory Christ Jesus led me to, in the King James Version. He did it through an amazing near-death experience, from a severe cerebral contusion; localized with my brainstem, in a motorcycle crash I had: Monday April 10th, 1972. This, combined with the miraculous recovery Jesus facilitated for me, from the ICU in the UT Hospital Knoxville, Tennessee 37920. I have been to where Jesus Christ is now, to that other place. Now that I have a good understanding of God's Word in the KJVBible; I am ready to tell my story.

    I began this work in Proverbs 8:22 following Genesis 1:01, focusing on, "in the beginning of his way;" Monday morning, January 1st, 1990 and by Saturday, March 7, 2020; I had all that was needed for the hypothesis, but still needed to complete the work on the paper explaining it (in process).

    I would disagree with your summation of the work. I think the perspective of the KJVInterpret is innovative, intelligent and learned. It is innovative in that using "grammar," as the media, offers a pathway having much to offer in terms of clarity, depth and correctness. It is intelligent in that intelligence must be used to imply the history of other dimensions with the grammatical features offered by Hebrew, Greek and English. And of course, it is learned meaning that one must be learn the linguistics in the letters of English, Greek and Hebrew. And, it is original, I have found nothing like it anywhere. So; go ahead, take it for a test drive and see if it does not meet up to your standards.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Isaiah 45:7 - 4 years ago
    Greetings Adam, I overall agree with your statement that the Lord did not create evil however....

    Isaiah 45:7 I (Lord) form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    Darkness is absence of light. The Lord created everything good as in Genesis 1: 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    All God created was good, no evil yet Job 38 records the sons of God shouting for joy at the foundation of the earth. So they must be angels since Adam did not exist till 6 days after the earth. Lucifer was in existence and been good.

    Ezekiel 28 records the fall of Lucifer

    Verse 15 "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee."

    Created, not born or formed...

    Yes God created Lucifer good who you point out rightfully that he had freewill to fall and he became evil. Since God created all he did evil to
  • Henry Gordon - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 4 years ago
    I find it intriguing how we keep on ignoring the fact that God says to all of us " - - I have shown you the end from the beginning" - - Isa 46:9-10, Mat 5:17-18
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Mishael in Genesis 1 - in Reply on Genesis 1:1

    Thank you for your comment; encouraging


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