King James Version (KJV)

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1.God created only two genders as its written in the scriptures.
2.LGBT is man-made due to the lust of their hearts and God has given them over to their own imaginations
Please read the book of genesis 1:27 and Romans 1
Repent and pray for God to help you understand his words Amen
I would go as far as to say when we are truly saved we should "RECOGNIZE" we have become light "THAT HAS BEEN SEPARATED FROM DARKNESS". And we should walk in that light. 1 John 1:5-7.
God bless.
The genealogical descendants as you will observe are listed in Matthew from Joseph; but in Luke they are from Mary's lineage.
One point that is brought out in Matthew is the census; clearly the lineage of each family was well known in the list of descendants. There are some complexities involved which on a surface level may appear to be discrepancies. Nonetheless; the whole history of the O.T. had to have descendants for the Messiah to come through certain individuals. David was promised according to Mark 12:36 (referring to an O.T. scripture) that Messiah would be in his lineage.
The whole Christian faith hinges on God coming in the form of a man who could live as we did but without sin; and becoming the final atoning sacrifice. The O.T. sacrifices have been gone for nearly 2000 years; the occurrence of the curtain tearing in the Temple happened when Christ died. He had to overcome death and was Resurrected as well; all prophesied events. (See Luke 23:44-45). The virgin birth was promised in Isaiah 7:14. Christ had to not be born with the sin nature which all sons of Adam had (so wasn't from natural human seed). He had to take on our sins as the sacrificial lamb.
He had to be God (as God the Son and part of the eternal Godhead demonstrated as early as the Book of Genesis where God created man in "our image" ( Genesis 1:26). Only God can forgive; and Christ stating that He was the "I am" ( John 8:58) showed He was truly God as only God can forgive sins.
Starting with the very first book and the verse first verse .
The KJV has got it right ." In the beginning God created the heaveN and the earth "
It was not heaveN that was in darkness note .it was the " earth" . Gen 2:2
For that heaven "needs no sun or moon for zGod is the light thereof "
Verse 2 is really the recreation of the earth not the primary creation.
The heaveN of verse 1 is where the devil was cast out from and fell like lightening "to the earth who's piwer is now in the air .
For note that the" darkness was upon the face of the deep " of the EARTH.
Most bar two as I know have Genesis 1:1 as heavenS .
As Genesis 1:2 has " heavens" which is correct as it is talking about the heavens of earth . People are misled into thinking that Genesis 1:1 and 2:1 are the same heavenS.
But we have the firmament of earth with waters below and above it . Which God called " heaven" . And you have " He made the stars also and the sun to rule the day and the moon the night what we now call ' space' . But is if you will the second heaven of earth . For it was created from verse 1:2 onwards .
The HeaveN of gen 1:1 is the third heaven where the person Paul knew went to and which it was "not lawful to speak about".
That heaven is the heaven where the angels of God were created where zGod gives no information and which we should not pry .
The invisible heaven and the visible ,the earth .
By such translations we have a Bible I have sen called " The Students Bible" which has Genesis 1:1 as " In the beginning Hod created the SKY and the earth " a reasonable rendition if Genesis 1:1 was HeavenS.
But clearly absurd . For are we not to think " Our Father who are in sky?
Taking heaveN out of the language and all knowledge of it or at best progresively confusion upon confusion .
Which was called heaven . This is not the same " Heaven " of chapter 1:1 . For verse 2 is only speaking of the "earth "
Initially there was a ' sea' above the firmament and below it but those waters broke come the flood .
There is but clouds above the firmament now . For before the flood " it did not rain upon the earth "
Thus this firmament he called " heaven" you have 1 heaven where the birds fly .
You have another ' heaven' where the stars are .For after verse 2 " He made the stars also".
Which is heaven number 2 .
Then you have the first heaven of Genesis 1:1 . " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth .
It was not heaven that was in darkness but the earth .
For that heaven needs no sun or moon for zGod is the light there of.
Thus we have 3 heavens.
Not to be confused with Genesis 2 those heavens are the two of " earth "
The third heaven of gen 1"1 is the one Paul speaks of as someone going to "the third heaven" of. Which it was "not lawful to speak of ,"
when Adam fell at the garden, he lost the dominion to Satan who ruled over instead of Adams Place.
Then at the cross Jesus took back the dominion from Satan at the cross and gave it back to us, by us i mean Christians who believe in the lord Jesus Christ.
Genesis 1:27-29
27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God, he created him.
male and female, he created them.
28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." 29 And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.
Matthew 28:16 (All authority)
16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them min2 the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Repent before God and believe int he lord Jesus Christ amen and Pray to God to give you understanding.
Jesus was our example. He did no sin, but he went through the process he expects us to go through. As for the Holy Ghost, it appeared in the bodily shape of a dove. And remember God spoke saying, "this is my son in whom I am well pleased." What this shows you is God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or as some say, The Trinity). God is not Jesus and Jesus is not God. They are two seperate beings.
John 1:1...In the beginning was the Word (notice the capitalization), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
I submit to you God as in God the Son. Not God the Father. I have the same last name as my father, but I'm NOT my father. Hopefully that makes sense.
Genesis 1:26...And God said, Let us (us means more than one, so who else was he talking to? Jesus! Remember, he was from the beginning) make man in OUR (there's another word that means more than one) image, after OUR likeness: and let them have ominion...
A question of asked but like Pontius Pilate most never wait for an answer .
For he is recorded as asking that question to Jesus ,but is also recorded as " walking away" after saying it .
In truth as to the Lords innocence he already knew the truth and publicly stated it at least twice .
If anyone has encountered some injustice take a look at Jesus who was tried three times in one night , publicly declared innocent in one ,condemned to death when under oath confessed the truth He was the Son of God in another .
And still condemned to death and was crucified .
Pilate thought Jesus was standing before him . In truth he was standing before the Lord .
So what is truth ?
If you don't understand the truth about anything . You are to all intents and purposes in the dark . Unable to make a right or good decision. Or know which way to go .
When you know the truth you see which way to go and what is the right decision.
The truth then is the light that shines in the darkness .
This then is the truth :
"In the beginning God created the heaveN and the earth "
And it was not heaveN that was in darkness but the earth . Genesis 1:2
For that heaven needed no sun or moon for zGod is the light thereof .
And it is not God who is in darkness but man . For God is light and in Him there is no darkness .
Thus it is that earth that needed heavens light and it is man that " sat in darkness .."
man was created for the light .
His eyes respond to light ,wether he is conscious or not . Put a man in a room with no light for long enough and he will suffer .
Man was created for the light .indeed his default position is that you and I should always be told the truth .
But while all men expect it they do not always tell it .
Indeed demand the truth but do not speak it .
We're told not to add or take away Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18,19,
Hopefully this is helpful
God does not change as it was in the beginning so it will be at the end .
For God will separate the " children of darkness " and the children of light"
Some object to a God who will send people to hell .
But if you " love darkness more than the light" would not heaven be unjust of God to send you there? For "Heaven" ( gen 1:1) needs no sun or moon for God is the light thereof .
But would it not be just of God to send you to that place you love the most ? What the scriptures call" outer darkness ".
I'm not sure what that means but it does not sound good .
Man was created for the light . His eyes respond to light conscious or not . Put a man in a room with no light for long enough and he will suffer . We were created for the light .
But due to the fall and of sin we have by that fallen nature become children of darkness .
Notwithstanding this ,he has the ability to respond to the Light .
Jesus said though "this is the condemnation , the light has come but men love darkness more than the light "
If a man finds himself in hell ,it's not so much because he has sinned ( for all have sinned) but that he loved his sin more than righteousness .
Religion if that is all it is ;is great darkness though it asserts otherwise . " for if your light be in fact great darkness how great is your darkness ".
The definition of what faith IS is therefore still upheld by Hebrews . " Now with is.."
Thus we must have a clear understanding of what faith IS before can go on .
And for that matter what it is not! So we don't get sidetracked .
For the record the Kingdom of God has been in existence since God created the heaven and earth .
God has not once relinquished His throne and still reigns and rules even as He has from the beginning .
That mankind have become rebels and relinquished their dominion over the earth to the devil is another matter entirely . But not without the foreknowledge of God .
Before anything was created visible or invisible there was only God or rather there is only God .
When God created both heaven and earth . That creation was not incorruptible ,for only God is incorruptible .
With every action there is a reaction . So "sin must come but woe to him by whom it comes"
Wisdom then dictated two trees in the midst of the garden . The tree of life and the other tree.
Note in all that followed Genesis 1:1, God still ruled and worked everything according to His own council and will .
The devil rebelled in heaven , he was cast out of heaven to the earth his power "in the air"
The Lord is coming to the air . he is vast down to the earth . The Lord will step on the earth . he is cast down the pit .
" If I by the finger of God do cast out demons ,know ye that the kingdom of God has drawn nigh you.
The kingdom of God is within you it is also written .
I think your confusing two very different subjects ." He that doeth the will of God are my ( true) mother "
And what faith IS . Time and space will not allow me to say much else . But I hope and pray what has been said helps. GB
The 10 commandments say, "Thou shall not kill". So this means even ourselves. Do you have other concerns or questions about suicide ?
We are MAN kind for it is nota woman that has the seed but the man.
What came first ? The chicken or the egg? The chicken .
You can argue that dog kind can vary from a Great Dane at one end to a tiny toy dog at the other they are all of a kind .A cat being another kind .
You can cross breed a horse with a donkey for they are a very close ' kind' but while you will get a Mule as a result ,a mule has no life in it to reproduce itself . So if you want another mule you need another horse and donkey .
So likewise if you mix truth with error you will get ' something' but it has no life in it to reproduce itself .
Jesus speaking of Himself taught " that unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone ,but if it does it will bring forth much fruit " what sort of fruit? After its own kind.
When God spoke in the beginning and after Adam had sinned he spoke of " the woman's seed" .
And "the serpents seed "
Clearly God knew of the biology he had created but willing to show that this (it) one ,male( he) child born of a woman thus fully man would not be of Adams seed spoke in a manner wisdom dictated . The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head and the serpent would bruise his heal "
The gospel in embryonic form .
"The seed which is the Word of God " which was not of Adam thus not corrupted nor born in sin nor shapen in iniquity which became flesh was and is the express image of the invisible God .
Thus the seed of the serpent and the ' seed of the woman ' each brings forth fruit after its own kind .
And is it not written ? " By their fruits shall ye know them ".
"For it was not to angels did God say."
Nor is there any where in scripture where man was created in any other image but of God .
But though man was created in the image of God. He is BORN in the image of Adam.
The image of God has been so lost or marred by the fall and sin of man it is no longer recognisable in man .
Did not Jesus who was and is the " express image of the invisible God" state He came " to seek and to save that which is lost"?
And did not He teach ,speaking of himself ," that unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone"?
But if it so dies " it brings forth much fruit"?
What sort of fruit? After its own kind .
Hence the desperate need to be BORN again not of that corruptible seed which is of the first Adam . But of the " incorruptible seed which is of the " last Adam" .
Thus overall we are MAN kind .
In general we are MAN . For man was created first out of the dust of the earth and are apt to forget that the woman was created second out of the body of the man .
But God doing all things well and right sae fit to have all men be born of a woman .
The woman was not created from his head to " Lord " it over him . Nor from his feet for him to trample over her . Not from his back so she must walk behind him . But rather from his side his rib, to walk with him and as a " help meet for him" .
There is also in all this a foreshadow of the Bride of Christ as is fitting . For even as Eve was created from the body of the first Adam so too the Bride of Christ will come from the Body of Christ .
It is worth mentioning perhaps also that while man was created in the image of God . He is BORN in the image of Adam. Thus born in sin and shapen in iniquity "
Which is why we " must be born again " not of that corruptible seed but if the incorruptible seed which is the Word of God ".
For Genesis 1:1 states : In the beginning God created the heaveN and the earth ".
To ' In the beginning God created the heavenS and the earth '.
Genesis 2:1 all state heavenS. Which is right .
But if you have heavens in both chapters people are misled to think it is speaking the same thing . It is not.
For God is a God of order . For in the beginning Genesis 1:1 we have Heaven and earth . Verse 2 onwards it is only speaking of the earth .
For it was not heaven that was in darkness but the earth .For heaven needs no sun or moon for God is the light thereof .
It was not God who was in darkness but man. For God is light and in Him there is no darkness nor shadow of turning .
Further along in the order of God we have the waters that were above the firmament and the waters that were below the firmament and the firmament He called " heaven".
But this ' heaven' is clearly of the earth . and not of Genesis 1:1. Which is where Gods throne is and all the host of heaven.
There is another ' heaven' though not mentioned save indirectly . For when God " made the stars also" was that not also stated from Genesis 1:2? Thus there are the heavenS of earth as prescribed in Genesis 2 and the third heaven as in Genesis 1:1.
And was mentioned by Paul.
By such inaccurate translations and changing Gen 1:1 from heaven to heavens we have the absurd translation of a ' Students Bible'. " In the beginning God created the Sky and the earth ".
So in the beginning so too at the end from changing" IN His throne " to .ON His throne " Rev 3 .
and much else in the middle .
I thank Almighty God for the KJV.
It translated from the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH (Eng. transliteration.).
The Hebrews added the vowels from their title "adonay" (Eng. "lord") to the tetragrammaton YHWH to derive the more pronounceable name "JEHOVAH" (or "YAHWEH").
When recorded in this all-capitals manner, the title "LORD" Identifies "The Eternal, SELF-Existing ONE.
created; Isa. 45:18 = Translated from the Hebrew verb root "bara'" (transliterated; pronounced "baw-RAW"), the term "created" applies only to JEHOVAH GOD, for it literally describes HIM bringing something into existence from nothing simply by HIS DIVINE Words or Will (cp. Rev. 4:11). Compare Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth."
formed; Isa. 45:18 = Translated from the Hebrew verb root "yatsar" (transliterated "yaw-TSAR'"), the term "formed" describes JEHOVAH GOD miraculously, and on a grand scale, shaping and fashioning that which HE previously created out of nothing.
1. In my life I have met people that are such good actors in their everyday life that one would bet their life on them. Can that person who saw aliens prove what he said or is it just words? Also often people say that have seen ghosts, do you believe them?
2. Genesis 2:1-2 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them).
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made."
So God finished creating the heavens and earth and rested on the 7th day. So nothing more was created from there on at least. Even if we assume that God did actually create other people after us on other planets then those people should be "younger" than us, so how come they have already created such a supercivilization that made spaceships that travel millions and millions of light years and finally found earth when at the same time we here on earth have not travelled further away than the moon (man boarded missions)? Not logical is it? Maybe God made other people before us, before creating earth? Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning (of creation) God created the heaven and the earth." So earth was the first thing to be created together with the heavens. Genesis doesn't place anything in between heaven and earth, nothing was created before earth. So nothing was created before earth and after earth was created (together with people) God stopped and rested.
3. You ask "did Jesus go there and die for them too?". So if there are say 1000 (or million) different earths in the universe then Jesus was sacrificed 1000 different times? Not a very good idea to be a God then, is it? It would be very painful (just trying to be funny). I don't think that even God could take that
4. Maybe another Jesus, you ask. There is only one Father, one Jesus and one Spirit, there aren't many.
Well dear brother we will hear a lot of weird things these last days. Don't believe them. My opinion.
Have a blessed day.
It says right in the Bible the earth is round.
"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:" Isaiah 40:22 KJV
Circle means round, it doesn't mean a dome or pancake. Discrediting nasa or people or videos has nothing to do with what the truth is as they aren't gatekeepers of the truth, God is.
You can also easily confirm and prove God's truth by simply flying around the world as many do every day. Just fly in one direction and you end up where you started. You can also prove the rotation of the earth and direction and the sphere when you have longer days when flying toward the west, and shorter days when flying east. It also takes seconds to compare the length of shadows on the earth in different parts of the day. Just facetime your friend on the opposite side of the world and he/she will be in darkness when you're in daylight and vice versa and measure when the sun rises for each place around the world and measure shadows along different axises and then you realize, yep, God is right that the earth is in fact round. God bless.
There are -0- verses in the Word of God pertaining to a round spinning globe at 1000 mph which defies every law of physics when it comes to a thing labeled "gravity".
The earth is actually massive compared to what we've been told and there's a youtube video that's been deleted and is now on Rumble, where Buzz Aldrin is asked by a young girl what it was like being an "astronaut in space" Buzz Aldrin struggles to answer the question, pauses, and then reveals the truth by saying "he was never really an astronaut, he was a scuba diver"... Buzz Aldrin's mouth peace (handler) is squirming in his chair to contain himself to end the interview.
NASA = SATAN = anagram backwards NASA minus the T. The NASA logo has a red forked tongue of a snake licking across the logo which anyone can research the truth which is why astronauts get a star on the Hollywood walk of shame.
So we have two choices on our earth. We can choose to believe God or we can choose to believe man in which case Jeremiah 17:5, God makes perfectly clear, man will deceive you. I choose to believe God's Words over man's words.
The bible clearly states that In Genesis 1:21 God created great whales and onwards shows they are not a copy of another creature from heaven above or earth below.
On 25 about beasts of the earth as it is written GOD made them after their kind meaning classification or into different category or specific groups not a copy as well.
Remember this is the word of God which is in truth
Pray and ask for more understanding God is faithful to shows us amen