Discuss Genesis 21

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Abrahamic Covenant.

    Part 3.

    Centuries after Abraham died, the children of Israel took possession of the land under Joshua's leadership ( Joshua 21:43). At no point in history, though, has Israel controlled all of the land God had specified. There remains, therefore, a final fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant that will see Israel occupying their God-given homeland to the fullest extent. The fulfillment will be more than a matter of geography; it will also be a time of holiness and restoration (see Ezekiel 20:40-44 and 36:1-37:28).

    The Abrahamic Covenant also promised many descendants ( Genesis 12:2). God promised that the number of Abraham's children would rival that of "the dust of the earth" ( Genesis 15:16). Nations and kings would proceed from him ( Genesis 17:6). It is significant that the promise was given to an aged, childless couple. But Abraham "did not waver through unbelief" ( Romans 4:20), and his wife Sarah "considered him faithful who had made the promise" ( Hebrews 11:11). Abraham was justified by his faith ( Genesis 15:6), and he and his wife welcomed Isaac, the son of promise, into their home when they were 100 and 90 years old, respectively ( Genesis 21:5).

    God reiterates the Abrahamic Covenant to Isaac and to his son Jacob, whose name God changes to Israel. The great nation is eventually established in the land where Abraham had dwelled. King David, one of Abraham's many descendants, is given the Davidic Covenant ( 2 Samuel 7:12-16), promising a "son of David" who would one day rule over the Jewish nation-and all nations-from Jerusalem. Many other Old Testament prophecies point to the blessed, future fulfillment of that promise (e.g., Isaiah 11; Micah 4; Zechariah 8).

    See Part 4.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 90 - 2 years ago
    There are multiple reasons for delay & no from GOD.

    James 4, not GOD's perfect plan, timing = look at Abraham he was promised a son, even past natural ability Genesis 12:4,6,7, Abram 75 yrs old, Genesis 17:1-8, Abraham also called Abram 90 yrs old, Sarah Genesis 18:10,11, Genesis 21:1-3, was the delay for example of faith Hebrews 11, was it for the linage of Salvation timing? Matthew 1:17, ?

    1John 3:22, John 16:23, Psalms 37, Luke 11, Matthew 6, Matthew 7, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 21:22, Luke 18,

    I fasted, prayed, begged, cried out & received what I asked many times & several of those caused me years of deep pain, regret, sadness etc. Trust GOD ALMIGHTY sometimes it's protection, not seeing & knowing everything & everyone attached to the things we ask. Luke 8:10-18,

    Luke 8:15, Revelation 3:10,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Shelves,

    God did not come from anywhere. He has existed always. He had no beginning and will never ceases to be. This is why He gave Moses His name as "I AM WHO I AM" or "I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE" which speaks to being everlasting, eternal, being self-existent. This means that God is Life Itself. His existence is derived only from Himself, not having acquired life or existence outside of Himself. Existence is internally Who He Is. In many places in the Scriptures God speaks of Himself as the Eternal God, Everlasting Father, Everlasting to Everlasting, ( Isaiah 63:16; 1 Chronicles 16:36; 29:10; Psalm 41:13; 90:2; Isaiah 9:6; 40:26; Psalm 93:2; Genesis 21:33; Jeremiah 10:10, etc.)

    We are to understand by these Scriptures that God always IS eternally so. He alone has this eternal existence, that is why He alone is the only true God. Hope this helps.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There are many beautiful, pure, Christian people not married yet into even 40's these days, don't worry trust GOD: Matthew 6:25,

    Just look at: Luke 1, Genesis 17, Genesis 21:1-7,
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Gary,

    I concur with Jesse.

    The Scriptures say that God is everlasting and eternal, without beginning nor being created and will never cease to exist. Life and existence belong wholly to Him. They do not exist outside of God, meaning He did not acquire them from anything outside of Himself. He always has possessed these.

    Genesis 21:33 (Eternal)

    Isaiah 63:16 (Everlasting)

    Isaiah 26:4 (Rock eternal)

    Jeremiah 10:10 (the living God, the Eternal King)

    Romans 16:26 (Eternal God)

    1Tim 1:17 (unto the King eternal immortal)

    Hebrews 9:14 (eternal Spirit)

    1John 5:20 (He is the true God and Eternal life)

    Ps. 93>2 (You are from all eternity)

    Deuteronomy 33:27 (Eternal)

    1 Chronicles 16:36 (the God of Irael, from everlasting to everlasting)

    Nehemiah 9:5 (who is from everlasting to everlasting)

    Isaiah 9:6 (Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace)

    Isaiah 40:28 (The Lord is the Everlasting God)

    Habakkuk 1:12, (O lord, are You not rom everlasting?)

    Isaiah 57:15 (the Lofty One, who lives forever

    Hope these help.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago

    The Bible speaks of God being both eternal and everlasting ( Psalm 90:2, Genesis 21:33, Deuteronomy 33:27) just to name a few.

    In order to understand God being both eternal and everlasting, we would have to conclude that God has no beginning and no end.

    If we ask who created God, then we would then have to ask who created the person that created God, and it would never ever end. So, if it never ends, it can only be logical that God has no creator but has always been in existence.
  • Ishmael returned only for the funeral of Abraham - In Reply on Genesis 25 - 2 years ago
    What does Genesis 25:9 mean?

    Genesis 23 describes in detail Abraham's acquisition of the cave of Machpelah immediately following the death of Sarah. Now Isaac and Ishmael reunite to bury Abraham's body in that cave alongside Sarah.

    Abraham had sent away Ishmael, along with his mother Hagar. Ishmael was 16 or so and Isaac was around two ( Genesis 21:8-14). Now the step-brothers would be somewhere around 89 and 75, respectively. Ishmael's presence at Abraham's burial may imply there was some contact between Isaac and his birth family over the years.

    Despite this meeting to honor their father, God's prophetic remarks about Ishmael would prove true

    ( Genesis 16:11-12). Ishmael's descendants would become the Enemies of Israel.

    Genesis 25:1-18 adds details before describing the deaths of Abraham and then Ishmael. Abraham has taken another wife, (not Hagar) other than Sarah, and has six sons with her. He gives them gifts but sends them all away to the EAST.

    Isaac will be his sole true heir. Still, when Abraham dies and is buried at the age of 175, Ishmael joins Isaac for the funeral. Ishmael's 12 sons are listed, along with a description of the region their tribes settled in. Finally, Ishmael dies, as well, at the age of 137.
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    Hi Giannis.

    Part 1

    As I promised I would get back to you on your reply and questioning.

    Let's start with the verses you gave as the promises that Israel forfeited over to the Church.

    1. Genesis 12:1-3,

    2. Genesis 12:7,

    3. Genesis 13:14-17,

    4. Genesis 15:5-7

    5. Genesis 15:13-15,

    6. Genesis 15:18-21,

    7. Genesis 17:4-10,

    8. Genesis 21:17-18

    You stated, "Abraham and his seed pass to Jesus and His children. and you say according to

    Galatians 3:16. Paul atributes these verses to Christ it is obvious that they are for Israel as well.

    Let's look at Galatians 3:14-17.

    If you notice in the link the promise/covenant was not a land covenant. Verses 2-8 you gave are all the land covenant.

    Did you notice in Genesis 15:15-17. God told Abraham he would die before they would enter the land?

    Look how Stephen put in Acts 7:4-5.

    "and is is after God performed the covenant!!" So when will he inherit it? Hebrews11:8-10.

    Now the 1st verse is a preview of both. The Promise his seed going to be given land. "Israel"

    ( and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. ) "Christ"

    This is the only portion associated with Galatians 3:16.

    Here is the covenant Paul is speaking of in Galatians.

    ( And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

    That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; AND THY SEED SHALL POSSESS THE GATE OF "HIS" ENEMIES;

    And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. )

    Genesis 22:16-18.

    The Gospel was preached even before there was a law to be broken.

    Galatians 3:8.

    " Important verse"

    I removed "if it" because I believe it's in italics and shouldn't be there.

    ( Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet be confirmed, NO MAN DISANNULLETH, OR ADDETH THERETO.) Galatians 3:15.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Part 1.

    DearSpencer, lets talk about God's promises to Abraham.

    Lets go to Genesis. The verses that describe God's promises to Abraham are the following:

    1. Genesis 12:1-3,

    2. Genesis 12:7,

    3. Genesis 13:14-17,

    4. Genesis 15:5-7

    5. Genesis 15:13-15,

    6. Genesis 15:18-21,

    7. Genesis 17:4-10,

    8. Genesis 21:17-18

    Now in most of them God gives His promises to Abraham and his seed. Who is this seed. the obvious answer is that it is his biological descedants. Paul in his epistle to Galatians 3:16 disagrees, he says "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.". So we can agree that all the promises given to Abraham and his seed pass to Jesus and His children, Which are they? The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and the 8th. Only one is left the first. You will argue that although Paul atributes those verses to Christ it is obvious that they are for Israel as well, the land covenant as you call it. You are right about that. But that promise that Cannan will be given to Israel by God wasn't fulfiled when Joshua and his descendants conquered that land? Yes it was. So what other promise/covenant given to Abraham is left to be fulfiled? I cannot see any other, correct me if I am wrong. GBU
    I understand what you are saying, but not everyone on our planet has a belief in it.

    The Covenant of the Land was CUT between God and Abraham; Abrahams children born ONLY with Sarah: Gods Perfect Will.

    In Gods PERMISSIVE WILL, he blessed Ishmael too. It was not a covenant for any lands God set apart for Israel.

    Israel's Lands (boundaries) are recorded in heaven and in the BIBLE. Look at the ancient maps of Abraham's time.

    Throughout History, those boundaries have been illegally changed. God does Not Change. He personally cut the covenant Himself.

    Most modern day maps of Israel deny what is recorded in the Bible: the Original Deed.

    More info: God cut the covenant Himself. The Deed to the Land= Genesis 17:7:8

    Genesis 16:10-16, 17:36-21

    Genesis 21:14-18, Genes 25:12-17

    Promise & blessing on Ishmael

    Genesis 17:18-26. Story Gen. 21:16-21


    Israel stretches 424 km (263 mi) from north to south, its width ranges from 114 km (71 miles) length, to 15 km (9.3 miles) width, at its narrowest point. *Israel and New Jersey are similar in size.

    Folks, this is why the end of this fight/war__ will be fought at ARMAGEDDON__in Israel, in the the Valley of Megiddo. As it is written in the Bible, so shall it be done.

    There will be NO PEACE until THE PRINCE OF PEACE returns

    We're getting close to that time. "wars, rumors of wars, nations rising up against each other. Read Matthew 24, Luke 21 and the Book of Daniel, minor prophets books: if you want to know what's going to happen. If you don't read much; listen to some Nelson Walters videos on YouTube.

    There's going to be 7 Seals opened; 7 Trumpets; 7 Bowls of Judgment.

    The internet "thought leaders" are going to force one world currency (money system, one world government and one worldwide religion. Look for it now.

    Don't be deceived. Choose Jesus NOW. Lack of food , water and fuel are signs. Somebody please preach this every day. Signs are speeding up.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Samuel 31 - 2 years ago
    Hello Gary. In Hebrew, the tree that you read about in 1 Samuel 31:13, is called 'eshel', & this refers to a tamarisk tree. However, in a corresponding passage in 1 Chronicles 10:12, the KJV shows it as 'oak', with the Hebrew ('elah') identifying it as the terebinth tree.

    Why the Bible translators used 'tree & oak' in these passages is uncertain. It maybe at the time, those particular trees (tamarisk & terebinth) were not readily identifiable/understood or using botanical names may have been confounding to the readers, or even the appearance of two different Hebrew words in two different passages for the same tree could have also presented problems. So generic terms were used, as also seen in Genesis 21:33 (Heb. 'eshel' = grove). It would have been more appropriate to use the Hebrew to English equivalents in the Bible regardless, I would think; yet, there is no error in the KJV for using the generic words, as the intent of the texts remain unchanged.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 21 - 2 years ago
    Ishmael the son of Abraham :

    Genesis 25:13-18, 1Chronicles 1:29-31,

    Genesis 16:10-12, Genesis 16:15, Genesis 17:20-21, Genesis 25:8-10,

    Genesis 28:9, Genesis 36:3,

    Ishmael the son of Nethaniah

    2Kings 25:23,25, Jeremiah 40:8,14,15,16, Jeremiah 41:1-18,

    Ishmael the son of Azel

    1Chronicles 8:38, 1Chronicles 9:44,

    Ishmael the son of Jehohanan

    2Chronicles 23:1,

    Ishmael the son of Pashur,

    Ezra 10:22,

    1Timothy 1:4,
  • Udodirim Amaefule on Genesis 21 - 2 years ago
    Who are the present day descendants of Ishmael?.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Cecil, please read Psalm 37,

    I knew a guy named Cecil at Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. He adopted a 6month old baby girl that had been horrificly abused. I read your post several times. I closed the ap. Had to pray a little & think on your post. I haven't heard from our friend Cecil since I was a teenager. The MBAFB shut down shortly after those days & everyone moved away.

    Cecil, GOD is Just. Have you heard of Moses? In Genesis, Abraham was promised several amazing things, a son from his 'wife', in their old age, etc. Gen. 12:2,3,7, but also that those heirs would be servant in strange land & afflicted 400 yrs. Genesis 15:12-13, if you read in depth you can find GOD's justice. Genesis 12:10-17, Genesis 16:1-16, Genesis 21:9-19 = it was in Egypt, Abraham's children of Sarah's son Isaac's offspring were afflicted.

    Genesis 18, shows great mercy of GOD that if 10 righteous were in that land (Sodom & Gomorrah) it would've been spared. That's his Nephew Lot's friends & family. ?, Right here is proof the GOD interecedes on People's behalf when they obey HIM.

    GOD's ways are not our ways, Isaiah 55:8,9,

    We cannot blame GOD for wickedness of man = Genesis 6:5-6,

    Yet GOD shows us mercy & unimaginable love, John 3:16-17, salvation through sacrifice, Psalms 18:25-27,

    GOD is merciful, true & Just. If you read the books that go alongside Isaiah you'll get a clearer picture: 2Chronicles 36, Jeremiah 29, Jeremiah 51, Exodus 22:22, Isaiah 1:17, Isaiah 1:23, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 22:3, Ezekiel 22:7, Malachi 3:5, Zechariah 7:10, you can start with those verses because that's most of what GOD asked of Israel & Judah. Then please read the Books & chapters.

    Then Babylon: 2Kings 20:12-18,19, Daniel 1, 2Kings 25:8-9, I stopped there because that's enough about the evil.

    Hopefully these are helpful if you are trying to search for truth & understanding. You can also ask for wisdom James 1:5-6,21,

    Job 38:1-41, James 4:12,

    * Hebrews 7:25,
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Jullyenoch.

    I don't think so, Jacob went out from Beersheba on his way to Luz/Beth-el.

    Genesis 28:10-11. And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran.

    And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

    Genesis 28:19. And he called the name of that place Beth-el: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.

    Genesis 35:1-3.

    Genesis 35:6-7.


    Beersheba was founded when Abraham and Abimelech settled their differences over a well of water and made a covenant (see Genesis 21:22-34).

    God bless.
  • T Levis on Genesis 12 - 3 years ago
    Just noticed a correlation between Pharaoh here Genesis 12:17, Genesis 15:13, Genesis 16, Genesis 20:1-18, Genesis 21:9-21, & Books of Exodus
  • Ellen Rebecca - 3 years ago

    Muslims, Christians and Jews alike serve the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    Jews are under Isaac, Muslims are under Ishmael and Christians are under Jesus.

    As it is written in the Hebrew Tanakh (Torah & writings of the prophets/Old Testament), Abraham had two sons; one of a bondwoman Hagar unto Ishmael and Isaac born of a free woman Sarah the bloodline unto the descendants of Abraham ( Genesis 21:12). God called as this bloodline for the Messiah but God did not forget Abraham's first son Ishmael. God Honors Ishmael and promised Abraham he will make Ishmael a great nation ( Genesis 21:13) which is long before God promised Moses to make the Jews a great nation ( Exodus 32:10).

    When the Lord first made a covenant with Abraham ( Genesis 17) God said it will be an everlasting covenant with he that is born of the house and he that is bought with money as servant of the house ( Genesis 17:13) and the covenant is the circumcised flesh. All of Abrahams house was circumcised in Genesis 17. Isaac who the covenant unto the elect of God is through wasnt born yet and it was Ishmael who was circumcized.

    There is only one God, the God of Abraham. Ishmael grew up with God And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer ( Genesis 21:20). Ismael had 12 princes ( Genesis 25:16) which are the bloodline of Arab (Muslim) tribes today.

    The blood lineage of Prophet Muhammad directly descends from the tribe of Ishmael's second son Kedar ( Genesis 25:12-17). God told Abraham that Ishmael Shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren ( Genesis 16:12).


    Abraham's circumzied himself and his son Ishmael ( Genesis 17:26) and all the males of his house who were born into house or were bought as servants and circumcised them ( Genesis 17:23) grafting them all into the promise also!
  • Ellen Rebecca - 3 years ago
    Muslims, Christians and Jews alike serve the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    Jews are under Isaac, Muslims are under Ishmael and Christians are under Jesus.

    As it is written in the Hebrew Tanakh (Torah & writings of the prophets/Old Testament), Abraham had two sons; one of a bondwoman Hagar unto Ishmael and Isaac born of a free woman Sarah the bloodline unto the descendants of Abraham ( Genesis 21:12). God called as this bloodline for the Messiah but God did not forget Abraham's first son Ishmael. God Honors Ishmael and promised Abraham he will make Ishmael a great nation ( Genesis 21:13) which is long before God promised Moses to make the Jews a great nation ( Exodus 32:10).

    When the Lord first made a covenant with Abraham ( Genesis 17) God said it will be an everlasting covenant with he that is born of the house and he that is bought with money as servant of the house ( Genesis 17:13) and the covenant is the circumcised flesh. All of Abrahams house was circumcised in Genesis 17. Isaac who the covenant unto the elect of God is through wasnt born yet and it was Ishmael who was circumcized.

    There is only one God, the God of Abraham. Ishmael grew up with God And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer ( Genesis 21:20). Ismael had 12 princes ( Genesis 25:16) which are the bloodline of Arab (Muslim) tribes today.

    The blood lineage of Prophet Muhammad directly descends from the tribe of Ishmael's second son Kedar ( Genesis 25:12-17). God told Abraham that Ishmael Shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren ( Genesis 16:12).

    Ishmael's name means: God has heard thy affliction ( Genesis 16:11).

    Abraham did not only marry Hagar who bare Ishmael and Sarah who bare Isaac but Abraham also took another wife Keturah whom he married after Sarah died ( Genesis 25:1) and she bare him six sons ( Genesis 25:2). With Hagar, Sarah and Keturah ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD WILL BE BLESSED IN ABRAHAM ( Genesis 22:18)!
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    Hi Jocelynne.

    The account is in Genesis 22:1-18.

    It's a lot to this story than what meets the Eye.

    Issac was the child of promise and heir of the blessings promised to Abraham and by which the seed would come and by which all the world would be blessed.

    Genesis 15:5-6.

    Genesis 21:12.

    ( And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.)

    Now if God was going to keep his promise "WHICH HE ALWAYS DO, BECAUSE GOD CAN'T LIE" Abraham would have to believe in something else. THE RESURRECTION!!

    Hebrews 11:17-19. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,

    Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

    Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; FROM WHENCE ALSO HE RECEIVED HIM IN A FIGURE.

    I believe this is where the Gospel is preached to Abraham.

    Galatians 3:8.

    Genesis 22:14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, IN THE MOUNT OF THE LORD IT SHALL BE SEEN.

    I believe the Lord Jesus was offered up on that same hill.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • Two Sons__One Blessed by God__One heir of the Covenant - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Genesis 17 has never and will be not change God's promise to Abraham with wife Sarah and son, Isaac. God cut the covenant Himself. The Deed to the Land= Genesis 17:7:8

    Genesis 16:10-16, 17:36-21

    Genesis 21:14-18, Genes 25:12-17

    Promise & blessing on Ishmael

    Genesis 17:18-26. Story Gen. 21:16-21

    Isaac was the son prophesied of when the 2 angels came back from destroying Sodom and Gomorrah.

    God cut the Covenant of Land with Abraham with Sarah his wife. Hagar was called bondwoman. God blessed Ishmael; gave him wealth, princes, kingdoms. But Israel was Isaacs Inheritance.

    The Bible says that God was with Ishmael.

    We have to understand that Ishmael was born of the permissive Will of God.

    Gods perfect Will was to Abraham and the prophesies son, Isaac. Then Jacob.

    No matter how history unfolds, The lands and boundaries of Israel are under Gods protection. If you think about looking at a map, Ishmael's portion of the lands are greater. But through the scriptures we know this war will continue to Armageddon.

    All countries of the world have a part of the ending of this story. Even Russia, China and the USA. It's written in Daniel.

    Everybody is going to have to witness the final destruction of this very ancient war. All this land peoples have fought and shed blood upon; will be destroyed at the end of all days. 2 Peter 3

    It's inescapable. It's been written and it will happen. Believers in Messiah Jesus will escape from it. He's the Son of Man, and the Son of Jehovah God.

    It's written the earth will be renewed for 1000 years following its total destruction. We have to be born again, book of John chapter 3 verse 5.

    A lot of us have unsaved loved ones. To live after the destruction; we must choose Jesus. All have sinned, so we must choose the one who never sinned: Jesus.

    With Christ's love I have taken the time to reach out to you. To Jesus, you were worth dying for.

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Good, you're at the right site. Start reading the WORD written inside by clicking the Books, I like Luke when I started that was great to show me as new study who Christ Jesus was, is & is to come. Hover over the scripture here, should bring you straight to it.

    Luke 1:1-4, you can continue to read by clicking read full chapter the scroll down, click tab on edges to next chapter, etc. Many people enjoy Psalms, I didn't enjoy it as much as a new beginner study but do enjoy it much more now after years of study.

    Psalms 1:1-3,

    U may enjoy Exodus, which actually begins in Genesis 37:1-36, continues : Genesis 39:1-23, Genesis 40:1-23, Genesis 41:1-57, Genesis 42:1-38, Genesis 43:1-34, Genesis 44:1-34,

    [Note this scripture chapter 44, Genesis, if you noticed we skipped Genesis 38, because it jumps from Joseph to Judah. Now if you read Genesis 38:1-30, you can understand a few things on deeper level = Judah maybe knows painful loss of children at this point in his life & even the difference of love towards children of his "loved wife". Next very importance of Judah's sacrifice for others, resemblance of Jesus sacrifice being beloved Son of GOD. John 3:16, ]also interesting Tamar, bore to Judah the son in Jesus documented lineage Matthew 1:1-3]

    Back to story : Genesis 45:1-28, (forgiveness), Genesis 46:1-34, Genesis 47:1-12 (Redemption) Genesis 47:27-31,

    Now note: Genesis 47:13-26 , Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:10, Genesis 12:11-16, * Genesis 12:13-20, Genesis 16:3, Genesis 16:6-11, Genesis 15:13-14, Genesis 21:8-21, my own opinion Deuteronomy 32:35-36, Romans 12:19.

    These moments in Genesis leading up to how & why Israel came into bondage. Exodus 1:1-8, continue reading Exodus 1:22, please continue to read all of Exodus.

    One more encouraging note :) Hebrews 11:22, Psalms 105:1-45,

    Furthermore on this site under the 1611 Version tab you can scroll to see more history on the Bible.

    Hopefully these inspire a new lifetime desire of deeper study
  • GiGi on Genesis 21:9 - 3 years ago
    continued: Abraham trusted God to provide for Hagar and Ishmael or he would have given her more food and water. God did provide for them in the wilderness, allowing Hagar to find find the spring/well of water. God was with them and brought them to a place in the wilderness to live. Ishmael grew up there and became proficient with the bow and arrow. This helped him provide for his mother and himself in an harsh environment.

    It says that Ismael was blessed because he was a seed of Abraham. God promised to both Abraham and Hagar, Ishmael's parents, that he would become a great nation. And he did. Hagar must have taken him to Egypt to get a wife according to the text. The people who came from Ishmael and the Egyptian wife are the Arabs, part Hebrew and part Egyptian.

    It says that God was with Ishmael. He looked after him. Hagar must have had some faith in the God of Abraham. She was blessed with at least two positive direct interactions with God. I don't see anything in her from the text that would warrant disliking her. She and Ishmael were just not the the bloodline of promise.

    The tribes of Israel were scattered throughout the world from the exile in Assyria. It is very likely that many migrated north eastward and north westward from Assyria and mixed with the populations of Europe, Russia, and eastward. Some may have migrated southwesterly and southeasterly. Therefore it is likely that many people across the world have Abraham's bloodline in them. Many in the world do not. But in Christ it is no longer about the bloodline of Abraham; rather it is the about the spiritual bloodline of Christ through faith in Him that we inherit the promise of God. Any of Ishmael's descendants can have the promises of God through Christ if they believe. Any Jew or Israelite can have the promises of God through Christ. Any descendant of Ham or Japheth can have the promises of God through Christ. God's promises are for everyone who believes in Jesus and heirs of God.
  • GiGi on Genesis 21:9 - 3 years ago
    It is raining today again. Some people get down dur to rain and gray skies. For me, I try to remember God's promise with Noah and his covenant rainbow. Also,, I recall Hosea 10:12 where it says, "Sow for yourself in righteousness; reap inn mercy. Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord 'til He comes and rains righteousness upon you."

    I feel the rain on my head and know that Christ's righteousness is raining down on me, since He came!

    Having read this chapter and the comments I see so much to be hopeful in the text. Abraham and Sarah knew that God had given them a specific time for Sarah to conceive. They were hopeful for God to fulfill his promise, and He did. They were hopeful throughout the pregnancy that the babe would be born safely, and he was. Sarah mentioned that those who hear of her son's birth will laugh with her. There was much joy in Abraham's camp! Abraham circumcised Isaac on the 8th day as God had commanded.

    The next part speaks of a celebration of Isaac's weaning from breastfeeding. He was probably between 2 and 5 years old at this time since it was common for children to be breastfed this long in those times and even in many cultures today. This ensured that the child always had an instant supply of nutrition in environments that can be harsh.

    Ismael was a teen ager at this time. We are not told how he mocked Isaac, perhaps provoking or teasing Isaac in an unkind way. With the age difference, Ishmael should have known better. This upset Sarah enough to want Ishmael and Hagar sent away into the wilderness, not wanting Ishmael to receive any of Isaac's promised inheritance. So maybe he was taunting Isaac about about being born first and of his father's favor. Abraham loved Ishmael and the thought of sending him away was a difficult decision to make. God intervened and told Abraham to go against his heart feelings and do as Sarah had said. He provided Hagar and Ishmael with some sustenance and sent them out into the wilderness.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 17 - 3 years ago
    The two marks defining the people of God (Israel) were Circumcision & giving of the Law. No other people or nation received those directives from God ( Genesis 17:10,11; Leviticus 26:46). In regards to the Law, they were to learn God's requirements for a familial relationship to Him, to their society, & in their personal lives. For circumcision, they were to be marked out in a way distinct from any other (different from any body markings, cuttings or disfigurement of the heathen, even if there was an accidental loss of an organ or an appendage). And of course, the Apostle Paul spoke of this in Romans 2:25-29, connecting the two directives together - that one couldn't be without the other to the Jew - and since the Law couldn't be kept perfectly, true circumcision then must be of the heart & not of the flesh to count before God. I wonder whether what was given as a Mark of distinction & also for hygiene purposes, was also to alert the Jew that this seemingly unnatural act (of circumcision) was to point him to what the apostle now learned as a believer.

    And this practise of circumcision continued, not only within Judaism, but also Islam. Yet as much as Islamists (Arabs) might have their heritage back to Seth, yet "in Isaac shall thy seed be called" ( Genesis 21:12 & Romans 9:6-8). And this rejection of Ishmael by God will always keep those adherents at odds with the "seed of Isaac", & will most likely figure in those awful days of devastation that lie ahead.
  • Sandra Jordan on Genesis 21 - 3 years ago
    Who was Abraham and Sarah's father? Did not incest exist during that time?
  • Khevent jhon on Genesis 21:5 - 4 years ago
    how old is issaac?
  • 4READY - In Reply on Deuteronomy 18 - 4 years ago
    Genesis 21:23

    "Now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal falsely with me, nor with my son, nor with my son's son: but according to the kindness that I have done unto thee, thou shalt do unto me, and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned." .................AND I PRAY YOU GET OVER YOUR ILLNESS TO SLEEP WITH MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS.......
  • Abraham39s Two Sons - In Reply on John 6:53 - 4 years ago
    The Torah and the Bible have recorded Gods dealings with Abraham, Sarah; Hagar; Ishmael and Isaac.

    In the King James Version of the Bible: chapters 16-21 are recorded the covenants and the blessings on Abraham's seed: Isaac and Ishmael.

    Ishmael: see Genesis 17:18-26, 17:24-26

    Genesis 16:11-16, Genesis 21:12-18

    The Covenant of the Land of Canaan (Israel)

    Genesis 17:7-8

    God never meant for history to have experienced all the wars fought in the Middle East. He made Covenants with both of Abraham's sons. Through Ishmael was gained wealth, lands, commerce with powerful princes and kings descended through Abraham.

    God had already decided to bless the son born between Abraham and Sarah, even before Ishmael was born. In Gods permissive will, He allowed it; and later gave a covenant inheritance to Ishmael.

    Gods Perfect Will was continued through Isaac and his descendants.

    He's God. We don't get to tell Him how to bless his people. The Bible says of God: I change NOT.

    God chose every human being that was directly involved in producing THE MESSIAH, that would save all mankind that would receive Him.

    This is all going to bring everyone on earth, to the Book of Revelation. I know, not everyone accepts it, but it's still there like a gigantic signpost at the end of this road we're all on. It's not going away. Even if we burn all the books and launch all the nukes; it will still be there. That is not me talking; it is the words of the Bible; carried and protected, throughout history. Also known as the Dead Sea scrolls.

    Jesus was, and is the Messiah. He wants all sons and daughters of Abraham's seed to trust their mortal and eternal lives with the promised Messiah. All must have their names recorded in his Book of Life. (Read Revelation)

  • Joseph M Wisener on Genesis 21:9 - 4 years ago
    Names of our father god
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 21:9 - 4 years ago
    Page 2.

    Can we then resurrect that 'dead' sin nature? Does it even still exist? Sadly, until we get to Heaven, our sin nature will always remain in us, but the victory lies in how we deal with it & how we deal with Satan who appeals to that nature. Can we resurrect that nature? Every time we listen to Satan, we are resurrecting that nature. Every time we listen to God, we are keeping that nature 'in death' & living in the Spirit. And this was the struggle that was with Paul as he wanted to live in the Spirit, but Satan kept attacking him in his old nature.

    So, Joan, the struggle will always continue while we're here on Earth, but Christ gives us the victory. What can you do? You have already pleaded with God for release from your bondage - God hears your cries. Has He put anything else on your heart? I don't know your story, but the Spirit of God is there for you to give it all to Him & to give you victory. If your mind is afflicted, then set your mind on wholesome, spiritual things that are found in God's Word. If it is a lust for something, then turn away from that temptation or remove it from your view altogether & turn to God in prayer & in His Word. When you resist Satan, he will flee ( James 4:7) because He knows that you are calling upon the Power of God against him. This is not just theoretical, but very practical as we stand against the wiles of the devil. Talk to the Lord often, wherever you are & in whatever you're doing & when Satan is near to tempt you, run to the Lord Who is listening for your call. And remember, your stand against the enemy can only be done in the Spirit's Power & not in your own strength.

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