Great read. I like to add some input on the blessings Jacob gave his sons.
I believe the blessings to Abraham and Issac went through the Lineage of Judah.
Here's why.
Genesis 22:18.
Galatians 3:14.
Galatians 3:16.
Now here is Judahs blessing.
Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.
Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:
His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. Genesis 49:8-12.
Abraham's blessing to Issac was because he was Promised! He was God's doing! We are children of Promise as well.
Galatians 4:28.
Ishmael was the works of their own hands "Works of the flesh " ( This has a lot of spiritual application )
Here is the Contrast of the two.
Galatians 4:29-31.
Verse 30 says Issac is the heir this connects him to the promise on through Jacob on Judah to Christ. Revelation 5:5.
What's interesting is Jacob blessing Joseph sons out of order instituting the reverse sovereign order of the firstborn as seen in Romans 9:11-12. Romans 9:11.
("that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;")
I believe we see the contract of Works and Grace, Flesh and Spirit, The narrow gate and the wide gate. And the putting asleep of Abraham when the unconditional covenant was made. All in These verses.
Once again you have helped me by providing the Scripture in John where Jesus mentions that Abraham saw this day and rejoiced. I was going to search for it this morning, and here you gave it to me. I rad the whole chapter of John 8. Blessings to you.
Hi Gigi Some added incite James 1:13 God can't be tempted neither tempt he any man, the word tempt in Genesis 22:1 there is the word nasah which is to try or prove. When Gods word is followed he proves or shows what he can and will do which was Abrahams great example of Believing what he said to do. But to try and tempt God would be to go against what is written and expect him to bail you out. Perhaps some added perspective.
Thank you for re-living that wonderful portion of Scripture for us. Re: John 8:56, I would include John 8:56-58. In just three verses, Jesus speaks about life after death; that Abraham though now long dead in the flesh, was alive in spirit to be witness to Jesus' coming to Earth. As well, Jesus speaks about His pre-human existence: "Before Abraham was (even existed), I am". Is it any wonder that the Jews took up stones to destroy Him? Wonderful Truths that many, even today, will reject or twist to their belief.
And that "downswing of his arm" was probably the point when full trust & commital gave way to any speck of doubt or fear. And that was a micro-second in duration, reminding us that the Lord's timing can never be wrong.
...and sacrificed the ram as a substitute for Isaac (and all of Isaac's seed). Such an amazing historical story! As many have pointed out in their posts, many comparisons and fore-shadowings of Christ Jesus and His sacrifice. Abraham's one , and only Son promised to Abraham: God's one and only Son, promised to mankind in the garden of Eden. Isaac carries wood on which he would be sacrificed; Jesus carries his own cross on which he will be sacrificed. Isaac goes willingly to the altar and is bound willingly; Jesus willingly goes to Jerusalem, to Pilate, to Golgatha, to be nailed to the cross. Abraham is willing to to slay his own son; God the Father is willing to slay His own. The difference is, Abraham was stopped by God; God did not stop the slaying of His son, Jesus. The ram in the thorny thicket was provided for the sacrifice; Jesus with his head crowned with thorns (the thorns were dug into His flesh, and He bled). Just amazing parallels! Jehovah-Jireh-God will provide.! Then God speaks again to Abraham and reconfirms his promise and covenant with him, this time with Isaac, too.
Abraham passed the test of faith. He can look back on this and bless the Lord for His faithfulness and promised blessings.
I think the account in the remainder of the chapter happens at a time later than the test. Word comes to Abraham from Haran that his brother Nahor has had 12 children, 8 by his wife and 4 by his concubine, Reumah. This sets up the lineage of Isaac's wife-to-be Rebekah, born to Bethuel, Nahor's son. So, Rebekah is Isaac's second cousin one generation removed. Now Abraham and Sarah know that there is a kin person for Isaac to marry.
Whenever I read this account of Abraham's test with Isaac, I desire more faith and pray for it. I also remember Abraham and God's faithfulness when I face a test of faith, too. God is good and cannot be tempted by evil. He will always do what is right. It always reminds me to be in constant fellowship with God so that I know His voice.
....He also believed that God would resurrect Isaac after he died in the sacrifice. So, by faith, Abraham hoped against hope, and determined to do all that God had commanded him to do, without hesitation. He was sure of what he hoped for and did not waver in his faith in God. He believed God would completely fulfill his promises of making him a great nation.
God told him where to go to sacrifice Isaac. To a hill in Jerusalem, on a mountain in the land of Moriah. Many interpret this as the same mountain Solomon's temple was built upon (can't recall the verse where God tells David to go to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice). Abraham gathers all that he will need and sets out in the morning with Isaac and servants. Isaac caries the wood and Abraham carries the fire and the knife. Isaac goes willingly, perhaps like he has done many times before with his father, though he notices that there is not animal for the sacrifice and inquires about it. Abraham replies,, "God will provide Himself the lamb for the burnt offering." Abraham probably did not know he was prophesying about Jesus at this time, but Jesus did say to His Jews that Abraham saw this day and rejoiced. ( Jn 8:56). So, maybe he did see Jesus' sacrifice at this time or a little later. He built an altar, arranged the wood Isaac had carried, bound and laid him on the wood on the altar. (Was Golgatha the altar that Jesus was laid upon? Was it the same hill as in this event?) Without hesitation Abraham raised the knife with every intent to slay Isaac, and then God broke through,coming down from heaven, and stayed Abraham's hand, telling him not to lay a hand on Isaac. Saying, "Now I know that you fear God, since you did not withhold your one and only son, from Me." I tend to think that Abraham had just began the downswing of his arm holding the knife when God stopped him.
Then Abraham saw a ram caught in a thorny thicket.
As many have spoken of in their posts, there is so many instances of foreshadowing in this event.
This is one of my most favorite chapters in the Old Testament. For those who just finished reading this chapter, I encourage you to read Romans ch. 4 and Hebrews ch. 11:17-19. There is a direct connection between this chapter in Genesis and those I cited from the New Testament concerning faith.
The chapter opens with God's plan to test Abraham and his faith. This is both a physical and spiritual test. God is omniscient, meaning he knew every thing that will ever happen before he creation including all of the thoughts, intentions, words spoken, and actions of each and every person from before creation. God didn't need to find out what Abraham would decide or do. He wanted to test Abraham for Abraham's sake. God calls to Abraham; He initiates the encounter. Abraham did not go to God and say, "Lord, what can I do to prove my faith to you." Here I am." Abraham did not tarry in responding to God. he was not wary of God, nor did he think that serving God was a burden.
God explains what he wants Abraham to do. I have always been amazed that God would ask Abraham to do what everyone throughout history knows is wrong; kill another person. Yet the Bible says that God cannot be tempted by evil (can't recall the verse in the NT). Abraham knew that it was wrong before God to kill/sacrifice another person. The idolaterous people did this, sacrificed their children to Molech (Baal), laying them on the hands of the giant idol with a fire below his hands and in a chamber within his form. Abraham knew that Isaac was in essence his only son because God said to send Ishmael away and he was no longer a part of Abraham's family. He loved Isaac deeply having waited 100 years for Isaac to be born (25 years after God promised he'd be born). Isaac was probably close to adulthood at this time, or old enough to marry and have children to fulfill the promise of the covenant. Yet Abraham reconized that God is God and ne is not. He knew God. He trusted God. See more...
Hi English Sacha I see abrahams unwavering believing in that your sharing telling his own son God will provide a sacrifice which again shows Abrahams absolute walk, when God talked to Abraham his response here am I like what do you want me to do, no question,no doubt,just moving on Gods word. Can you imagine what his sons head was doing, then again his Son knew by example what Abraham believed, what a remarkable record.
Hi , I'm not quite sure what you are exactly asking but I have always taken the ram to be Christ . The crown of thorns around his head , the fact that Abraham tells Isaac that : God will provide a sacrifice . Thats how I've always read it but others may disagree .
Hello Leo. The emotional & spiritual conflict that Abraham would have gone through, from the time the command was given to the raising of the knife against his son, would have been so real & devastating. But Abraham knew his God. The God Who would provide Isaac as the "heir of promise" ( Genesis 15:4), now fulfilled that promise, & had something special planned that cannot disannul His Word. Abraham didn't know how, he only knew this God & that God's Promise would never fail.
If Satan was evident, it would have been sinful flesh working in Abraham's heart & mind to somehow avoid or change this 'awful' plan. It would have been Satan's delight to see Abraham cower down & refuse. But it was Abraham's singular focus to obey his God no matter what was asked of him (he might have even recalled the Lord's Directive to leave the Ur of the Chaldees & then Haran, not knowing what lay ahead). The provision of the ram in place of Isaac is clearly a picture of God providing His Sacrifice in our place. God could have allowed Isaac to lose his life through sacrifice & then raised up another. But the provision of the ram shows that each life is precious to God & there should never be an occasion for a life to die & face eternal judgement - that the ram was Isaac's substitute in death as the Lord Jesus is ours, hence providing the means for God to forgive us, as the Just takes on the punishment of the unjust.
Hi Leo That does not flow with the message of Abraham obeying Gods command to do what God told Him to the point of being willing to give His son believing and that God by the ram would provide the sacrifice. A tremendous account of unwavering believing. Here's even a greater perspective Abrahams committed walk was so big being called a friend of God that if he had to sacrifice his son that he figured God could resurrect Him that's just an interesting thought.
Question? Can any symbolic correlation be made for the entangled ram(v.13) and a representation of satan/the possible failure of Abrahams faith in Gods prior direction(v.1); being sacraficed?
This is a tremendous account of free will, God testing Abrahams faith, and the outcome of Abahams response confirming his trust which God did not know until Abraham chose to follow through. Then God said "NOW I know". God didn't say, I always knew. Free will is an amazing and yet dangerous power God has entrusted His greatest creation with, those He has given the opportunity to be His Sons bride.
All this pointed to a time in the future when God would then "provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering." ( Genesis 22:8). So the Old Testament showed the people their sin & need for a substitute sacrifice but all it did was to temporarily cover their sin (i.e. avert God's Anger against them) until the coming of "the better hope & the better Covenant" ( Hebrews 7:19,22). What was this new Hope & Covenant for Israel? Sin was still sin & the penalty then was the same penalty now, but the difference now was that God Himself would provide His Own sacrificial Lamb. All other sacrifices fell far short in God's justice system & could never deal with the sin issue - all people remained condemned before Him.
But the same love that God had for His people in those old days was still very much the same to be demonstrated in these last days. John 3:16 best describes that Love which not only was for Israel but through this special Sacrifice, would encompass all people that each one could be saved by it, simply by looking to Him in faith. And the only Sacrifice that could demonstrate that Love & fulfil His Holy demands was that God Himself would, through His Son (the Word given flesh), would lay down His Life for us all. There could be no other suitable or acceptable sacrifice for our sins & to divert God's Anger against us that would send us to Hell for eternity. No man or animal could fully pay the price - God willingly gave of Himself for us all. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" ( John 15:13 & 1 John 3:16 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because HE laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren). And the 'brutality of His Death' was because of the prevailing Roman form of execution, i.e. the release of Barabbas that Jesus might be crucified in his place.
2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,
4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, THE LAND wherein thou art a stranger, ALL the land of Canaan, for an EVERLASTING possession; and I will be their God.
9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.
As you read on down, God blessed Ishmael also. However, Ishmael was not a part of the Covenant concerning the land.
Ishmael See verse 20-21
God to Abraham Genesis 22:17-18
This is what the fighting is about in Israel today. Heirs of Ishmael are intent on destroying the heirs of Isaac; taking the Land that God have to Isaac.
If the USA persists in trying to force Israel to give up land for peace, no one has perceived what is going to happen to the USA.
Go look up the 5 cycles of discipline in the Book of Leviticus 26:14-39
Bad is about to get worse. We are moving into the 5th Cycle now. Respectfully, we need to impeach Biden now. He doesn't make any decisions apart from Pelosi and Obama. If we as a nation don't speak up now, in unity; we are opposing God.
The DEED to Israel is recorded in the Bible. They cannot give that land away. Nor, will God allow Ishmael's descendants to take it away from Israel.
Out of room. I'm afraid we're all going to see the beginning of the end.
Sadly, even Matthew Henry misses the depth of Gen. 22:8. God did not say he would provide a lamb. He said He would provide HIMSELF a lamb. All glory and wisdom and honor to God and to those who have their eyes opened by the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord.
A couple from the Book of Enoch: 58.3 And the righteous will be in the light of the sun and the chosen in the light of eternal life. And there will be no end to the days of their life and the days of the Holy will be without number.
62.13 And the righteous and the chosen will be saved on that Day and they will never see the faces of the sinners and the lawless from then on.
62.14 And the Lord of Spirits will remain over them and with that Son of Man they will dwell, and eat, and lie down, and rise up, forever and ever.
62.15 And the righteous and chosen will have risen from the earth, and will have ceased to cast down their faces, and will have put on the Garment of Life.
62.16 And this will be a Garment of Life from the Lord of Spirits; and your garments will not wear out, and your glory will not fail, in front of the Lord of Spirits.
As these are just some things besides the verses in the NT we have. Of coarse the ungodly and those who are against the Lord death is detailed to not be good throughout all Scripture.
Hello Byron. As you know the account prior to verse 14, Abraham subsequently named that place in the land of Moriah as "Jehovah Jireh". And we generally know this Name as another compound Name for God: Jehovah Who Provides - just as God provided the ram to be sacrificed in lieu of Isaac.
And also in verse 14, Moses quotes a proverb that was used during his time in remembrance of that wonderful day of God's provision to Abraham: "In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen". In Hebrew, Jehovah Jireh (at its root) translates to "God is seen, or God has seen". So, because of the all-seeing Eye of God, He is always aware of every need, & particularly so in this matter of Abraham taking his faith & obedience to the extreme point in raising his knife against his son. His faith didn't flinch because he trusted in Jehovah Jireh to be present at that time & would provide or intervene or even bless him with another son. There was a very active faith shown here. But because his son was spared, Abraham named that place as he did, & others after him knew that place as the 'mount where the Lord's Presence & Intervention was seen'.
And of course, this speaks to us of God's faithful Presence in each of our lives, no matter what we're going through in life or what 'mountain' of griefs lie before us; and it can only be the seed of real faith in God that provokes Him to do what is best & in His Will. We can be assured that His Arm of Salvation & Providence will be "seen" before our eyes during our trials & God becomes very personal & precious to us as our YHWH Jireh.
Byron, In the mount of LORD, it shall be seen, means to see, or, to see to a thing, or provide. It means in faith we can be fully confident without any doubt that our needs, God will Himself see to it the same way He did for Abraham. That is why Abraham called the place Jehovahjireh, meaning the LORD will provide.
I was not blessed with children so I can not even imagine how Abraham was feeling. God had told him to travel to this place to sacrifice his only son. Isaac asked his father, where is the sacrifice and Abraham told him God will provide himself a lamb. When he had placed Isaac on the wood and had the knife in his hand God sent an angel and stopped him and provided a ram. What faith it took for Abraham to have in God. There was another sacrifice, same as God asked of Abraham but God did not stop it, and His only begotten Son He gave provides us salvation, being rescued from the power and penalty of sin and eternal life with Him, in His Son Jesus the Lamb God provided Himself, for us.
Great read. I like to add some input on the blessings Jacob gave his sons.
I believe the blessings to Abraham and Issac went through the Lineage of Judah.
Here's why.
Genesis 22:18.
Galatians 3:14.
Galatians 3:16.
Now here is Judahs blessing.
Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.
Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:
His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. Genesis 49:8-12.
Abraham's blessing to Issac was because he was Promised! He was God's doing! We are children of Promise as well.
Galatians 4:28.
Ishmael was the works of their own hands "Works of the flesh " ( This has a lot of spiritual application )
Here is the Contrast of the two.
Galatians 4:29-31.
Verse 30 says Issac is the heir this connects him to the promise on through Jacob on Judah to Christ. Revelation 5:5.
What's interesting is Jacob blessing Joseph sons out of order instituting the reverse sovereign order of the firstborn as seen in Romans 9:11-12. Romans 9:11.
("that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;")
I believe we see the contract of Works and Grace, Flesh and Spirit, The narrow gate and the wide gate. And the putting asleep of Abraham when the unconditional covenant was made. All in These verses.
God bless you and Good night.
There is also a search tab, where you can try searching the site.
Once again you have helped me by providing the Scripture in John where Jesus mentions that Abraham saw this day and rejoiced. I was going to search for it this morning, and here you gave it to me. I rad the whole chapter of John 8. Blessings to you.
And that "downswing of his arm" was probably the point when full trust & commital gave way to any speck of doubt or fear. And that was a micro-second in duration, reminding us that the Lord's timing can never be wrong.
CONTINUING- I sent the previous text mistakingly to soon.
Genesis 22:14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, IN THE MOUNT OF THE LORD IT SHALL BE SEEN."
"Abraham was happy to see my day "!!!
God bless.
In Abraham's mind Issac was as good as dead. Abraham was banking on Gods promise as you said.
Hebrews 11:17-19. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
ACCOUNTING THAT GOD WAS ABLE TO RAISE HIM UP, EVEN FROM the DEAD; from whence also he received him in a figure.
Genesis 22:14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.
Abraham passed the test of faith. He can look back on this and bless the Lord for His faithfulness and promised blessings.
I think the account in the remainder of the chapter happens at a time later than the test. Word comes to Abraham from Haran that his brother Nahor has had 12 children, 8 by his wife and 4 by his concubine, Reumah. This sets up the lineage of Isaac's wife-to-be Rebekah, born to Bethuel, Nahor's son. So, Rebekah is Isaac's second cousin one generation removed. Now Abraham and Sarah know that there is a kin person for Isaac to marry.
Whenever I read this account of Abraham's test with Isaac, I desire more faith and pray for it. I also remember Abraham and God's faithfulness when I face a test of faith, too. God is good and cannot be tempted by evil. He will always do what is right. It always reminds me to be in constant fellowship with God so that I know His voice.
God told him where to go to sacrifice Isaac. To a hill in Jerusalem, on a mountain in the land of Moriah. Many interpret this as the same mountain Solomon's temple was built upon (can't recall the verse where God tells David to go to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice). Abraham gathers all that he will need and sets out in the morning with Isaac and servants. Isaac caries the wood and Abraham carries the fire and the knife. Isaac goes willingly, perhaps like he has done many times before with his father, though he notices that there is not animal for the sacrifice and inquires about it. Abraham replies,, "God will provide Himself the lamb for the burnt offering." Abraham probably did not know he was prophesying about Jesus at this time, but Jesus did say to His Jews that Abraham saw this day and rejoiced. ( Jn 8:56). So, maybe he did see Jesus' sacrifice at this time or a little later. He built an altar, arranged the wood Isaac had carried, bound and laid him on the wood on the altar. (Was Golgatha the altar that Jesus was laid upon? Was it the same hill as in this event?) Without hesitation Abraham raised the knife with every intent to slay Isaac, and then God broke through,coming down from heaven, and stayed Abraham's hand, telling him not to lay a hand on Isaac. Saying, "Now I know that you fear God, since you did not withhold your one and only son, from Me." I tend to think that Abraham had just began the downswing of his arm holding the knife when God stopped him.
Then Abraham saw a ram caught in a thorny thicket.
As many have spoken of in their posts, there is so many instances of foreshadowing in this event.
The chapter opens with God's plan to test Abraham and his faith. This is both a physical and spiritual test. God is omniscient, meaning he knew every thing that will ever happen before he creation including all of the thoughts, intentions, words spoken, and actions of each and every person from before creation. God didn't need to find out what Abraham would decide or do. He wanted to test Abraham for Abraham's sake. God calls to Abraham; He initiates the encounter. Abraham did not go to God and say, "Lord, what can I do to prove my faith to you." Here I am." Abraham did not tarry in responding to God. he was not wary of God, nor did he think that serving God was a burden.
God explains what he wants Abraham to do. I have always been amazed that God would ask Abraham to do what everyone throughout history knows is wrong; kill another person. Yet the Bible says that God cannot be tempted by evil (can't recall the verse in the NT). Abraham knew that it was wrong before God to kill/sacrifice another person. The idolaterous people did this, sacrificed their children to Molech (Baal), laying them on the hands of the giant idol with a fire below his hands and in a chamber within his form. Abraham knew that Isaac was in essence his only son because God said to send Ishmael away and he was no longer a part of Abraham's family. He loved Isaac deeply having waited 100 years for Isaac to be born (25 years after God promised he'd be born). Isaac was probably close to adulthood at this time, or old enough to marry and have children to fulfill the promise of the covenant. Yet Abraham reconized that God is God and ne is not. He knew God. He trusted God. See more...
If Satan was evident, it would have been sinful flesh working in Abraham's heart & mind to somehow avoid or change this 'awful' plan. It would have been Satan's delight to see Abraham cower down & refuse. But it was Abraham's singular focus to obey his God no matter what was asked of him (he might have even recalled the Lord's Directive to leave the Ur of the Chaldees & then Haran, not knowing what lay ahead). The provision of the ram in place of Isaac is clearly a picture of God providing His Sacrifice in our place. God could have allowed Isaac to lose his life through sacrifice & then raised up another. But the provision of the ram shows that each life is precious to God & there should never be an occasion for a life to die & face eternal judgement - that the ram was Isaac's substitute in death as the Lord Jesus is ours, hence providing the means for God to forgive us, as the Just takes on the punishment of the unjust.
1) Concerns a kingdom: a political organization ( Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:10)
Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From {RDf} "Things That DIFFER!":
1) Concerns a body; a living organism ( 1 Corinthians 12:12; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 4:12-16)
2) The kingdom to be established on earth ( Jeremiah 23:5; Matthew 6:10)
2) The Body given a position in Heaven ( Ephesians 1:3; Ephesians 2:5-6; Colossians 3:1-3)
3) Christ to be its King ( Jeremiah 23:5; Isaiah 9:6-7)
3) CHRIST Is The Living Head ( Ephesians 1:19-23; Colossians 1:18)
4) The Body Chosen In CHRIST "Before the world began," but "kept secret since the world began" ( Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:4-11; Ephesians 3:5-9)
4) The kingdom prophesied "since the world began" ( Luke 1:68-70; Acts 3:21)
5) Israel to be given supremacy over the nations ( Isaiah 60:10-12; Isaiah 61:6)
5) Jew and Gentile place on the same level before God ( Romans 10:12; Romans 11:32; Ephesians 2:16-17)
6)The Gentiles to be blessed by Israel's instrumentality ( Genesis 22:17-18; Zechariah 8:13)
6) The Gentiles blessed through Israel's obstinancy ( Acts 13:44-46, Romans 11:28-32)
7)The Gentiles to be blessed by Israel's rise ( Isaiah 60:1-3; Zechariah 8:22-23)
7) The Gentiles blessed through Israel's fall ( Acts 28:27-28; Romans 11:11-12; Romans 11:15)
All this pointed to a time in the future when God would then "provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering." ( Genesis 22:8). So the Old Testament showed the people their sin & need for a substitute sacrifice but all it did was to temporarily cover their sin (i.e. avert God's Anger against them) until the coming of "the better hope & the better Covenant" ( Hebrews 7:19,22). What was this new Hope & Covenant for Israel? Sin was still sin & the penalty then was the same penalty now, but the difference now was that God Himself would provide His Own sacrificial Lamb. All other sacrifices fell far short in God's justice system & could never deal with the sin issue - all people remained condemned before Him.
But the same love that God had for His people in those old days was still very much the same to be demonstrated in these last days. John 3:16 best describes that Love which not only was for Israel but through this special Sacrifice, would encompass all people that each one could be saved by it, simply by looking to Him in faith. And the only Sacrifice that could demonstrate that Love & fulfil His Holy demands was that God Himself would, through His Son (the Word given flesh), would lay down His Life for us all. There could be no other suitable or acceptable sacrifice for our sins & to divert God's Anger against us that would send us to Hell for eternity. No man or animal could fully pay the price - God willingly gave of Himself for us all. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" ( John 15:13 & 1 John 3:16 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because HE laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren). And the 'brutality of His Death' was because of the prevailing Roman form of execution, i.e. the release of Barabbas that Jesus might be crucified in his place.
Here's another possibility.
Genesis 22:14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, IN THE MOUNT OF THE LORD IT SHALL BE SEEN.
Jesus was crucified on the same mountain Abraham offered Issac. "His only begotten Son. And you also see faith in the resurrection as well.
Hebrews 11:17-19. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
God bless.
2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,
4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, THE LAND wherein thou art a stranger, ALL the land of Canaan, for an EVERLASTING possession; and I will be their God.
9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.
As you read on down, God blessed Ishmael also. However, Ishmael was not a part of the Covenant concerning the land.
Ishmael See verse 20-21
God to Abraham Genesis 22:17-18
This is what the fighting is about in Israel today. Heirs of Ishmael are intent on destroying the heirs of Isaac; taking the Land that God have to Isaac.
If the USA persists in trying to force Israel to give up land for peace, no one has perceived what is going to happen to the USA.
Go look up the 5 cycles of discipline in the Book of Leviticus 26:14-39
Bad is about to get worse. We are moving into the 5th Cycle now. Respectfully, we need to impeach Biden now. He doesn't make any decisions apart from Pelosi and Obama. If we as a nation don't speak up now, in unity; we are opposing God.
The DEED to Israel is recorded in the Bible. They cannot give that land away. Nor, will God allow Ishmael's descendants to take it away from Israel.
Out of room. I'm afraid we're all going to see the beginning of the end.
No problem sir. Here are a couple sections from the Apocrypha books that I know of. A couple good Scriptures on death of those who are with the Lord.
Wisdom of Solomon 2:23-24, Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9, Wisdom of Solomon 4:7-16, Wisdom of Solomon 5:15-16,
Ecclesiasticus 14:11-18, Ecclesiasticus 19:18-20, Ecclesiasticus 41:3,
A couple from the Book of Enoch: 58.3 And the righteous will be in the light of the sun and the chosen in the light of eternal life. And there will be no end to the days of their life and the days of the Holy will be without number.
62.13 And the righteous and the chosen will be saved on that Day and they will never see the faces of the sinners and the lawless from then on.
62.14 And the Lord of Spirits will remain over them and with that Son of Man they will dwell, and eat, and lie down, and rise up, forever and ever.
62.15 And the righteous and chosen will have risen from the earth, and will have ceased to cast down their faces, and will have put on the Garment of Life.
62.16 And this will be a Garment of Life from the Lord of Spirits; and your garments will not wear out, and your glory will not fail, in front of the Lord of Spirits.
As these are just some things besides the verses in the NT we have. Of coarse the ungodly and those who are against the Lord death is detailed to not be good throughout all Scripture.
God Bless Spencer.
Seeing your post a verse comes to mind. Though it is not exactly what you state about to "mourn birth". Ecclesiastes 7:1.
I know of a couple other things about death being "good". For those who are with the Lord of coarse. If you're interested let me know.
God Bless.
And also in verse 14, Moses quotes a proverb that was used during his time in remembrance of that wonderful day of God's provision to Abraham: "In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen". In Hebrew, Jehovah Jireh (at its root) translates to "God is seen, or God has seen". So, because of the all-seeing Eye of God, He is always aware of every need, & particularly so in this matter of Abraham taking his faith & obedience to the extreme point in raising his knife against his son. His faith didn't flinch because he trusted in Jehovah Jireh to be present at that time & would provide or intervene or even bless him with another son. There was a very active faith shown here. But because his son was spared, Abraham named that place as he did, & others after him knew that place as the 'mount where the Lord's Presence & Intervention was seen'.
And of course, this speaks to us of God's faithful Presence in each of our lives, no matter what we're going through in life or what 'mountain' of griefs lie before us; and it can only be the seed of real faith in God that provokes Him to do what is best & in His Will. We can be assured that His Arm of Salvation & Providence will be "seen" before our eyes during our trials & God becomes very personal & precious to us as our YHWH Jireh.
I was not blessed with children so I can not even imagine how Abraham was feeling. God had told him to travel to this place to sacrifice his only son. Isaac asked his father, where is the sacrifice and Abraham told him God will provide himself a lamb. When he had placed Isaac on the wood and had the knife in his hand God sent an angel and stopped him and provided a ram. What faith it took for Abraham to have in God. There was another sacrifice, same as God asked of Abraham but God did not stop it, and His only begotten Son He gave provides us salvation, being rescued from the power and penalty of sin and eternal life with Him, in His Son Jesus the Lamb God provided Himself, for us.
God bless, Ron