Jacob had a dream, sent to him by God. When he awoke he knew God had sent him the dream so he set up his 'pillow' as an altar and anointed it with oil. And thru the yrs. other Israelites passing that way used the altar for prayer to bless their journey or their camp there, or for healing or for whatever.
Genesis 28 is the perfect medicine for anxiety and worry. Ive seen and been through much but he's always been there. Even when Ive turned away...he's always been there talking to me and protecting me. How much so can I truly rest for the rest of my life knowing he's been with me all this time? I rest fully in him..
GOD is our life to my family.We started nothing but now all my our children are all professionals and not a regular employee but with position.God did not bless us to be blessed but He blessed us exceedingly more than enough.OUR GOD IS A GOD OF MORE THAN ENOUGH.Time given to him will not come back empty.
I see that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother,but Esau did not,instead, making his parents more griefed of mind by taking ungodly women to wife,which ultimately cost Esau and his decendants a lot of trouble and ungodliness which eventually lead to the demise of the Edomites. I believe Isaac instructed Esau as well as Jacob the things of God,but Jacob had ears to hear the things of God.
'Behold i am with thee' this verse signifies God's love for His children and continual guidance to all who will look up to him for grace and strength to run this race.
George, the subject is not Isaac or any of his family though they all fail because of their selfish human means and favoritism by both parents. God told Rebekah from thee beginning before her sons were born and I am sure she told Isaac that the elder brother Esau would serve the younger Jacob Gen. 25:23. Therefore, that was God 's will because he knew Jacob would love and value him and his blessings far more than Esau. God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost is the subject of this story and every story in the Holy bible and his will.
Why could Isaac not bless both Jacob and Esau equally? The entire conflict seems to be born out of poor treatment by Isaac....could not Gods blessing be large enough for both sons?
In verse 21 Jacob said that if God was with him and kept him safe, provided him with food clothing and that he would once again go back to his Father 's House in peace, then shall the Lord be his God. So that means that Jacob never recognised the Lord as his God before the dream ???
Fezeka Makeleni Makilili on Genesis 28 - 10 years ago
To me this book is explaining salvation as a whole. Creation, How Great is our God, Mightly Warrior, Faithful God. Life Before the sin e.g Adam and Eve in Eden, Life After the sin e.g Cain life after killing his own brother apart of God we can do nothing , then life after repentance. e.g Jacob his name changed to Israel Genesis 32
That as a stranger in the land where i am now, i and my children will posses the land and inherit the good things in the land, all of God blessings through Chrit righteousness
Jacob was blessed because not only did Esau sell his birthright which was now Jacob 's and he deserved to be blessed. But Isaac was about to bless Esau when he knew God had said that the elder will serve the younger. Jacob tricked his father into believing he was his brother and God probably loved his creativity. Who knows? Esau may have actually held on to all his father owned which he came to actually possess when Jacob ran away. However, the spiritual blessing is not one to give and God supplied Jacob with both. So what he had in the end came directly from God. And you must admire Jacob 's creativity. Sometimes, God does allow things like that to happen. He would not stop you, but your actions may have consequence. Like Saul when he disobeyed God and lost his kingdom. Or David when he commited murder and lost the fruit of it. Rebecca saved her family, I think. Like Joab. He may have killed Absalom and David never forgave him.But he saved Israel. These things come back to haunt us. Solomon killed him because he had killed too many innocent people and had been part of a rebellion the same reason he killed Absalom.
Behold The Lord with me and will keep me in all the places I go no matter what I go through He will bring me into the promised land He will not leave me I have the assurance that He will do what He promised in His word.
This particular verse to me is talking about the promises of God concerning his faithful children. because there are five basic things to consider here. 1. I am with thee that is God 's presence. 2. will keep thee in all places whither thou goes, God 's protection. 3.and will bring thee again into this land God 's promises. 4.for I will not leave thee God 's assurance 5. until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of God 's fulfillment.
As believers we should cultivate the habit of hearing from God. When we feel weak, lonely and troubled, the ability to hear His voice brings hope alive in us and strengthens us within to carry on.