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In Genesis, God numbers the days 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., through the month. Nowhere in the Bible are the days ever given names. Naming days was an early pagan practice. The Bible only says that ***Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest*** holy to the Lord ( Exodus 31:15). The Sabbath can be any seventh day.
Scriptures such as Romans 14:5-6 and Colossians 2:16 give Christians freedom to observe a special day. God requires that we have a Sabbath day of rest. He also desires that we worship and serve Him continually, every day, not just on the Sabbath.
Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).
We are commanded to Honor the Sabbath
For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: "On the seventh day God rested from all his works." There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience ( Hebrews 4:4, 9-11).
We are commanded to honor God and the Sabbath, but the Sabbath CAN BE ANY DAY of the week we pick to meet together. But the Sabbath is not the only day to worship the Lord. We should be worshipping the Lord DAILY.
Comment: WORK 6 days and REST on the 7th. If it falls on a week day, you rest on the next day.
I just politely restating text book science to say color has a science. I was scraping off social narratives, keeping color to its science and separate actually. I think color is a forgotten science - people just are not taught. Hence all the parsing out of GOD's color identity matched up to what is not color science relative, and becomes incongruous to color sciences, and makes colors laws muddy. Remember: Before you were clothed in Genesis 2:67 in earth' we were already Light! Science has laws of color in Heaven and here, that create unequivocal law and order in His science. Example: World plants for example? The leaves on shrubs are green lets say? Then per color science of photosynthesis 'the sun emits' colorful rays? Yes. By color laws? The green color of the leaf attracts and pairs (as designed) to attract the red rays to grow the green plant. This is the law of color science.
We have a GOD that chastens those He loves and you and I are obedient in devotion. Why? To keep His Kingdom's order, His peace. To the Creator's honor, no more arguing. I heard a Pastor say the other day that the opposite of 'Light' is 'dark'. Not true in fact. So I know color and Light need to be explained better. The KJV- John 8:12 is-as GOD's id is Light= Color. Absolutely 'dark' is not the 'opposite' of GOD's Light! His Light equal to dark? No. Anyway this cannot be. Anyway we know 'out of black or out of white' come all colors,and so Light wins. This is why we are told that in Heaven? We will see beautiful glorious Light only! All the colors! Now how beautiful will this be? (smile - great right?) Pretty wonderful I think that our GOD is Light and so He is Color and the color laws of Heaven bring the Peace and Light we all want. No more color agenda wars. AMEN. This will make the LORD very relieved I am sure. Much love to you friend.
The next day he led me to John to learn of the Holy Spirit! So I could recognize his leading! He would remind me he was with me when I was in need; or in trouble.
He even showed up at the Light House Fellowship, and put praise and worship inside of me! So I would be able to keep my mind on him!
He would reveal Jesus to me; and gave me understanding of the new testament, and helped me study. Holy Spirit would reveal people' s heart to me, and show me the future.
Through dreams and visions! I always felt his presence! Until the enemy came to make me dirty again! But the holy spirit would tell me, to tell Jesus everything! Christ Jesus is our High Priest everything!
And would lead me back to his words to get clean inside. When we meditate on Jesus' words alone. Especially the beatitudes! I believe this is where we take our spiritual bath. These are some of my experiences, in Christ Jesus!
As I may have stated these things before I believe they are a way of pointing to the Divinity of Christ or His pre-existence. Being one with the Father.
Many places throughout the NT it is stated that when we are "born again" we receive the Holy Ghost from above. Which also in many places we have the Spirit of God in us and the Spirit of Christ in us. I hope no one would just want to pick one out of the three.
We are told the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth in several places. We know the Spirit of God is life. As in Genesis 2:7 God brought fourth life to the dust He formed us from by the breath of life. So there's two things that connect directly to John 14:6 Jesus Christ saying "I AM" these things.
We know Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and man. I don't see any way of someone being this except He were both. God and man. We see even in the OT denoting our Creator having a Son. Before He was born of the flesh here. Proverbs 30:4.
We know about John 1 in that He is the Word of God who became flesh and dwelt among us. Also noted as the Lamb of God from John the baptist. Who also stated that one was coming after him who was before him. John was around six months older than Jesus Christ. This seems to point to pre-existence. Also as another stated to be a perfect sacrifice for the entire world I would think it would have to be more than just a "perfect human". Being the Lamb of God He is part of God.
Again I know some have a their own view of these things. Though to just use the Scripture and let the Holy Ghost be your teacher it is sure.
I want to end this with just saying how thankful I am that Lord has chosen me to have received His Holy Spirit. To live for Him. All the things He has allowed me to see, hear, feel. Priceless. There is nothing else that interests me anymore except to please our Father and thank Him continually for sending us His Son. To be reconciled with the Father through Him.
Your comment struck me as interesting, because you started this discussion by you asking a question speculating where Cain's wife came from. But here it seems you're now being critical of people for trying to help by answering your question- which you now call speculation. Your original question is speculative. God bless.
The Bible says that Adam and Eve had many children.
Genesis 5:4 "And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat SONS AND DAUGHTERS:"
Obviously, one of those daughters eventually met up with Cain and they got married. God permitted that at the beginning of creation and since man was still close to Adamic perfection, this did not cause birth abnormalities. It is the only way that humans, at the beginning, would have been able to procreate - they had to marry their bother or sister.
In fact, we do the very same thing today, really. We are 1 large human family and we all have Adam as our father. When we marry a fellow human being, we are really marrying our brother or sister.
Good day.
Cain got his wife from Adam amd Eve.
"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
Adam and Eve were living souls.
1. True, Genesis 2:2,3 does state that God rested (or, ceased) from all the work which He had made, which implies Sabbath (rest) & that was then given as a commandment for Israel to obey & do likewise.
2. Isaiah chapter 66. You may be directing me to verses 23 & 24. These verses appear to be speaking about the Millennium period or at the creation of the new heavens & earth. In the OT economy, the description given here is 'from month to month and from week to week' (Moons & Sabbaths): that was their understanding. However, if it was a declaration that those who worship God at that future time will do so again on a Sabbath, (which gives a warrant to do so now), then do we also obey the moon cycles which are used to determine the 'feasts'. I'm unsure if any Sabbath-keepers/believers keep those feasts according to the moon's determination. Shouldn't they do so, if the Lord has said so? Are not the Sabbath & the Feasts equally important & incurred equal punishment if not adhered to?
3. Can't comment on that as I believe the 'remembrance' was for Israel to do, as they still do now (as those under the Law).
4. Daniel 7:24,25 is generally attributed to the coming Antichrist. I'm not sure whether his changing of "times & laws" applies to the Sabbath or not. So, the present condemnation of non-Sabbath-keepers (purportedly because of what Constantine ratified in 321 AD) is unjustified, since Daniel speaks of the future. Does that mean that the Antichrist will change 'Sunday worship' to another day, seeing that many Christians already do that now according to early Church practice? Or maybe to a day he chooses for all to worship him?
5. Sorry, can't see it yet: if you could point me in the right direction. If anything, I see a continual departure from the Truths of God's Word, rampant sin, & lukewarmness in the Church.
Be encourage and Jesus Christ loves you and will help you when you ask.
Here is the scripture regarding marriage 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 and I pray that you will get clarity and understanding.
I have learned a lot from listening to youtube-Honest News Network-Brother Joseph Skinner and it may help you.
God bless you and may the Lord keep you safe under his wings Psalm 17:8 and my prayers are with you.
Genesis 3:20. And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the ""MOTHER OF ALL LIVING.""
It's apparent Cain wife was either his sister or niece.
God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and MULTIPLY.
Which seems to imply the world wasn't multiplied.
Adam and Eve probably had a thousand kids Men and Women..
Genesis 4:16-17. And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
The scripture doesn't say Cain took a wife "from" Nod. It says he went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod, Adam and Eve could have been 100's of years old and their children children had kids, Perhaps he may have been married before he slew Abel and he brought over a wife to Nod.
I can go on and on!
You see we can speculate and go on and on about what we don't know but that don't change what we do know.
And that's Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the ""MOTHER OF ALL LIVING.""
God bless.
From the beginning, man was created to work for God ( Genesis 2:15). The woman was then specially created as the help most suitable to accomplish that purpose ( Genesis 2:20-25).
The Lord's value system is quite opposite what the world judges worthwhile. If your friend knows the forgiveness and redemption gained by Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead, then she has an eternal purpose and reward in the perfect will of God. ( 1 Corinthians 15:58, 1 Peter 3)
Being an excellent mother carries a far greater weight of glory and influence than any of the vain achievements or self promotion touted in this world's marketplace. ( Proverbs 31:10-31)
The Bible has many accounts of women who by faith achieved great things for the Lord, including:
Sara: Hebrews 11:11-12
Rebekah: Genesis 24-27
Leah and Rachel: Genesis 29-
Shiphrah and Puah: Exodus 1:15-21
Moses' mother and sister Miriam: Exodus 2
Rahab: Joshua 2, Joshua 6
Deborah: Judges 4
Jael: Judges 4
Naomi and Ruth: Ruth 1-4
Hannah: 1 Samuel 1-2
Esther: Esther 1-10
Elisabeth: Luke 1
Mary: Matthew 1-
Martha and Mary: Luke 10, John 11
The faithful women at the crucifixion of Jesus after the disciples fled: Matthew 27:55-56
Mary Magdalene: Mark 16, John 20 - (The very first person to meet the risen Lord Jesus Christ),
along with many other notable followers in the early church.
Just pray this prayer to return to your first Love:
Lord, after what I've read today, I don't want to allow any spirit of compromise in my life!
I now understand that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is compromise with the world. Lord, I don't want to live with one foot in the church and another foot in the world. I want to break free completely from the world and its influence so I can give myself completely to Your cause!
I want to be holy, to live in a way that pleases You, and to experience Your power in my life. Today I am renewing my commitment to You all over again! I turn from the world, and I am running to You!
I pray this in Jesus' name!
Just for a little reply. And I have no problem with your questions as questions are good. As your motive is to be solid and sharpen your sword.
Though it does not say where the seventh day ended, as the other days, with a evening and morning. It does concur that God ended His work on the seventh. Blessing that day and resting from all His work in creation. Genesis 2:2-3.
As said I see it Genesis 2:4 and further are just going over details of His creation work. As it goes over heaven, earth, plants, then to the details of Adam and Eve and naming all the animals etc.
I myself don't see an 8th day.
God Bless you Isaac.
Genesis 2:4 onwards then describes what God had done & how He made man (in Genesis 1:1-31). We're not told how He made man in chapter 1, only that He created man & woman. Then chapter 2 details how this was done, introducing this man Adam (made from dust) & Eve, who was 'take out of man', Adam. This is the way I understand these two chapters.
I know there are other interpretations of this, similar to what you shared. However, I don't see any reference to a second creation of mankind. If this were so, we would have to ask, 'what happened to that other creation, as there is no mention of them?' And if there was another creation, did they also sin as Adam & Eve did, or were they sinless? Could there be some sinless tribe or nation also living among us? It would be strange that the Bible would be very quiet on this other creation. Does Jesus' sacrifice also include them - but then again, they would never know about it, & the apostles were never alerted to this 'fact' by the Lord? Or, maybe when Cain left for the land of Nod, his sinful nature (from his parents) also infected this other creation. The possibilities are endless, but without scriptural support. It's best to stick with what is revealed to us in the Word & just admit ignorance where what we seek is not revealed.
Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5,6; Ephesians 5:22-26 & 31; 1 Peter 3:7.
As far as whether appropriate to call out others' sin, I personally would not in most situations. If openly called out to someone's face or in public, I think it sometimes has the opposite effect, because someone may be viewed as 'judging' others, and since everyone is imperfect, you may be highly scrutinized and the next time you sin yourself or make the slightest mistake you might be branded as a 'hypocrite' and their perception of Christianity may be even lower than before.
I personally think everyone is born with right and wrong- a moral conscience. When people who don't know God commit sin they usually feel guilt in my opinion. I think only through conditioning can this be suppressed. I think people know homosexuality is unnatural and wrong and will have feelings of guilt already that they have to suppress in order to continue that. I think the same guilt is present for a variety of perversions like sodomy, incest, bestiality. Of course those committing it will defend it rigorously with a logical fallacy by claiming you're denying them the ability to 'love', but obviously it's the act itself. People are commanded to love everyone as ourselves. Love the sinner, hate the sin. ButI personally think the best strategy is to love others and withhold your comments until you build rapport and if you show you care they someday may ask you your opinion and you may at that time have credibility. No one would be alive today without the symbiosis of male/female.
Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:23
God bless...