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The two separate accounts of creation can be found in Genesis 1:26-29 and Genesis 2:4-7.
Genesis 1:26-29 is the 6th day account of the creation of the different races that make up mankind, both male and female. The blessings and instructions given in Genesis 1:28 were given to those particular people.
Genesis 2:4-7 is the 6th day account of the creation of the specific man Adam. In Genesis 2:7, God gives us detail as to HOW both Adam and ALL of mankind are formed by Him (from the dust of the ground), but these verses concern only the particular man Adam.
Genesis 2:15-17 are the instructions given to the man Adam that are different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind. Adam was that particular man chosen by God to "till the ground" ( Genesis 2:5) and be a farmer in God's Garden; and try to resist Satan.
Genesis 2:21-23 is the formation of Eve FROM Adam. This is not creation of mankind, both "male and female" as found in Genesis 1:28, which concerns all of the races. This particular lineage is very special for all of mankind. It begins with the divine act of our heavenly Father taking a "rib" from Adam and creating Eve (one from one + the Lord God) and ends with the divine act of the Holy Spirit through Mary bringing about the promised birth ( Genesis 3:15) of the Lord and Savior of all the earth (one from one + the Holy Spirit) ( Isaiah 7:14).
I believe that you are partially correct concerning Adam. Adam is the first man and Eve is the first woman.. OF THE LINEAGE THAT WILL BRING FORTH THE MESSIAH; as 1 Corinthians 15:45 states. The other races were created on the 6th day along with Adam. We know this because God ENDED all of His creative work by the end of the 6th day ( Genesis 2:1, 2).
We have examined the Scriptures and come to different conclusions. This is the beauty of the Word of God. Let us all keep learning and growing in His word.
I will leave you with some final thoughts and questions concerning these particular topics.
The information concerning the two separate and distinct accounts of the creation of man and the separate instructions given in Genesis 1:26-29 from that given in Genesis 2:4-7 can clearly account for the creation of mankind in general and the creation of Adam in particular.
If we are all ancestors of the singular man Adam you say accounts for Genesis 1:26-29 AND Genesis 2:4-7, how have we such distinct and separate races upon the earth after 6000 years of interbreeding?
One race mating with the same race does not produce another race or all the races; neither does migration.
If we are all derived from one man, than we would only have one nation to speak of because we would all be of the same lineage! How then do we in the third dispensation of time (when we are all with God again) still find a distinction between the house of Israel and the other nations? In Revelations 21:24, we find the different Kings of the nations bringing their glory and honour inside the gates? (i.e. they live outside the gates; and we are all with God at this point in time.
We are ALL of the family of God, i.e. of one blood ( Acts 17:26, 1John 1:7); but all are NOT of the same lineage.
If God makes a distinction between the lineage of Adam and the nation of Israel from every other NATION upon the earth, shouldn't we!
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I will attempt to be less confusing. I apologize for possibly trying to give too much information.
There are two accounts of the creation of man. The first account is found in Genesis 1:26-29. The second account can be found in Genesis 2:4-7.
Genesis 1:26-29 is the 6th day account of the creation of the different races that make up mankind, both male and female. The blessings and instructions given in Genesis 1:28 were given to those particular people.
Genesis 2:4-7 is the 6th day account of the creation of the specific man Adam. In Genesis 2:7, God gives us detail as to HOW both Adam and ALL of mankind are formed by Him (from the dust of the ground), but these verses concern only the particular man Adam. Genesis 2:15-17 are the instructions given to the man Adam that are different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind. Adam was that particular man chosen by God to "till the ground" ( Genesis 2:5) and be a farmer in God's Garden; and try to resist Satan.
Genesis 2:21-23 is the formation of Eve FROM Adam. This is not creation of mankind, both "male and female" as found in Genesis 1:28, which concerns all of the races. This particular lineage is very special for all of mankind. It begins with the divine act of our heavenly Father taking a "rib" from Adam and creating Eve (one from one + the Lord God) and ends with the divine act of the Holy Spirit through Mary bringing about the promised birth ( Genesis 3:15) of the Lord and Savior of all the earth (one from one + the Holy Spirit) ( Isaiah 7:14).
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I appreciate your feedback concerning the creation of Adam and Eve.
In reply to your first question, I believe that was answered in the original post. Scripture states that God created mankind on the 6th day, both male and female. God then B-L-E-S-S-E-D them, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and RE-plenish the earth, and subdue it. ( Genesis 1:26, Genesis1:27, Genesis 1:28). These are the instructions given to the rest of mankind. We are clearly neither insignificant nor are we worthless in His sight. We are all children of God with power given by Him to choose for ourselves who or what we want to believe. God makes the choice even easier: Be a part of His family of everlasting life or be a part of Satan's family of death.
Your phrase "or later" in regards to creation after the 6th day, I would point to Genesis 2:1, Genesis 2:2, and Genesis 2:3, which states that God FINISHED all of His creative work by the end of the 6th day; mankind being the last and greatest (and most confused) creative accomplishment.
I do not account for the existence of "cavemen." Scripture does not leave room for evolution. God states that He "created" ( Genesis 1:27) man. You and I were born, not created, as Adam, Eve, and the other Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the races (i.e. genealogy, Luke 3:23 - 39). Have we evolved from Adam?
Concerning a race or races of "sinless" people out there in the world I would point to Scripture found in Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, 1 Corinthians 15:22.
Cain found his wife because Adam and Eve were not the only two people living on earth at that time.
( Genesis 1:26 - 28) states that on the 6th day God created mankind, BOTH male and female, blessed them, and told them to be fruitful and multiply, RE-plenish the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over every living thing on it.
God also created Adam on the 6th day. Adam, however, was not told to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. Adam was put in a garden in Eden ( Genesis 2:7, 8) completely by himself ( Genesis 2:18, 1st Timothy 2:13). The instructions given to Adam were to dress the garden and to keep it ( Genesis 2:15). Adam was a farmer, and the animals brought to him in ( Genesis 2:19 - 20) were utilized for that particular purpose. The instructions given to Adam are completely different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind because God chose Adam to stand against the serpent in the garden, and God chose the lineage of Adam to bring forth the Savior of the world. (It is interesting to note that unlike Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc., who are all stated as being faithful or righteous, that is nowhere stated of Adam; but it may be implied, as God did choose him).
The Bible uses translated words such as "peoples," "nations," "heathen," and "gentiles" to define these people as "foreign" or, in other words, a different lineage than Adam. The reason Cain found a wife in the land of Nod, east of Eden ( Genesis 4:16) is because the other races of people created by God on the 6th day were living on the earth, reproducing, and having dominion over it. It is interesting to note that for over 6000 years of marriages between the races of the world, those same races are still very much distinguishable......and ALL are blessed through the perfect plan of God, ( Genesis 1:28 12:2, 3, 26:4)
As to why the earth was being RE-plenished by God, look at ( 2nd Peter 3:5 - 7, 13).
Thank you very much for responding to my requests.
I would like to know what the Bible has to say and not Churches. Or Doctrines of man.
May be you will be able to clarify more clearly by studying Mathew 12:40, we need to seek the Truth.
Please help me.
Warm regards
Abba in Romans 8:25 is Aramaic . Aramaic is a ancient language that was used in Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Arameans, Hebrews, and Arabs.
My church teaches that Jesus died on a Friday and rose on Sunday Amen
Abimael Seyoum
As soon as I came in, I saw all the comments. The Holy Spirit said one word:
That's what we do here, mostly lol. I was reminded of a couple of things: Genesis 2:19, God brought the animals etc to see (with pleasure) what Adam would name them. That's a lot of critters so I'm thinking it was a daily time together.
Genesis 3:8, and they heard the voice of God !!! Walking in the garden in the cool of the day. I know I like walking, early evening. Forget the sin and stuff... God likes to walk with us. It could happen if we were ever in tune with Him.
Watching in the night before Him. Listening. Talking to Him like he was in the room too?
Fellowship. We were made for all kinds of fellowship, but primarily with God, through the Holy Spirit. He's NOT a floating ghostly vision: He is a Person. He would comfort us if we would let Him!
Watchman, Watchman, what do you see ?
Since you are all excellent searchers of the Word; here are some places of scriptures concerning 'fellowship' between us and God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of Jesus for his saints.
Psalm 130:6, Psalm 19:2, 1 Corinthians 1:9
Ephesians 3:9, books of John 15, 17
Philippians 2:1-2, 3:10
1 John 1:3, 6, 7. And more to discover...
One time I was reading Ezekiel and got to the Valley of dry bones. When God said for him to prophesy! Every hair on my body stood up and when he said THUS SAITH THE knees gave way.
He is so majestically Powerful, it takes your breath away.
You can have a relationship /fellowship with the Godhead!
Those scriptures will change from words on a page, to the living Word Of God! Alive, living in your heart, your mind, the text you write.
You all need to ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift, of discerning of spirits. Covet the best gift: word of wisdom. Receive it. Gifts and callings are irrevocable.
Can some one guide me in understanding some of the following:
Romans 8:25 Abba, which is the language which is Addressing Father as Abba
Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. Please let me know the day in English calander when He died on the stake. Ref: Mathew 12:40
I believe in the Hebrew names of Almighty God as Yahuah and His Son as Yahusha.
Please respond.
Herman Dcouto
My family was hardworking with 5 children, post-WW 2.
I was born to a farm in Red Rock, Texas. As a child, I think I was accompanied with an angel. Almost died lots of times. I had an awareness of God then. Genesis 2:19, God was actually interested to see what Adam would name the creatures. That's the God I knew then and now. I only want Him by my side. The sinful years don't matter anymore. He came and saved me at 34. I've been single 30 yrs since. My relationship with Jesus has only gotten sweeter and deeper over the years. I find Him fascinating; I worship Him as Holy; Lord of all. Whatever He asks, I will to do it. Ridicule doesn't slow me down. Keep your eye on the prize set before you. That would be Him. The greatest thing you can do for God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, is to worship and adore them. Father is God; the Holy Spirit is the definition of strength, gentleness, teaching, leading. My poor efforts to define are not enough. Jesus is ALIVE! Never doubt who you have chosen to follow.
( Red scripture) 2 Corinthians 12:9, And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness:
I too have a thorn in the flesh. I've prayed for it to be removed, over the past 9 years. It kind of turns your focus more upon Jesus. He knows why and I learned to accept it.
The most dangerous thing you can do; is sit before the Lord quietly, in his presence. Perhaps to sing to Him, praise to Him for who HE is to YOU. You can't do enough of that; it Lights you up!
The singer met the Song, and he understood.
You log in hours upon hours studying scripture, translating scripture, frequently explaining (knowledge of the Holy) to unseeing eyes, unhearing ears. Give your gift to the Lord and let Him bring it back to you with power.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
So; I would say that God created the family; and therefore, if anything takes from that, it is wrong even if it is considered a christian thing to do. If anything, including a christian religion; takes from the family; it therefore seems to me to be a cult; and therefore I would caution christians to consider and be aware of such matters.
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord formed (mould) man of the DUST of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Genesis 1:27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female. Genesis 2:22
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
GOD DID NOT give Adam dominion over OTHER men or women!
Just like everyone else that has lived prior and now, OUR COLOR came from the same dust.
Genesis 11:1-9 is the account of the Tower of Babel; which was for evil by Nimrod. God changed the language of the people from one to many. The Lord scattered them all over the earth. Nothing is said further about races or colors. It happened back in the dust God used. Adams name in original text means, RED. That doesn't mean Adam was Native American.
You have full cause to be at peace with the color your ancestors were. Who knows what color Moses was, but he married a woman from Midian, which was predominantly dark skinned. His sister Miriam made a protest about it and God afflicted her with leprosy for a while. Numbers chapter 12.
God hates racism of any kind.
Before God the creator, no one has ever had a right to persecute people of color. If they were reading the Bible rightly, they would know that; in their hearts.
Satan has used his WILL to enter in and pervert the truth. People bought into it and it's been this color versus that color ever since.
God is Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Spirit. Jesus is the Son of Man. (He has color)
Believe the Bible, pass it forward. I thank God we're not all the same color! :D
You need to stay in 1 Corinthians chapter 7; read it slow; take some notes to keep it straight.
My comment is that children suffer the MOST when parents get their relationships in a knot.
Genesis 2:23-24 is the first marriage in creation. It's supposed to be a covenant. The two become one.
God barely tolerates divorce; only for adultery. If I understood right you have left the wife of your youth? Do you have children with her?
My best advise is to go to a Christian pastor or counselor, with your legal wife and try to see if you have enough between you to continue.
The 2nd woman, unfortunately, doesn't get to participate in the counseling.
Try to consider three people who are being harmed by this. I know if you ask the Lord to help you set it right, He will help you.
Spend a little time in 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. My Bible says charity which is the same word, love. Don't walk away from God over this. God is Love. Walk toward Him.
Re: your comment on Angels. Well, in Nehemiah 9:6, we read: "Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee." This of course tells us that God created all things & also the "host of Heaven". This "host", or inhabitants, would include the angels, seraphim, cherubim, & other heavenly beings. They may have been created at some point before God's creative Work was completed ( Genesis 2:1 "...all the host of them (were finished))". Satan himself was a created being, a Cherub ( Ezekiel 28:13-16): the King of Tyrus is spoken of in these verses but vv 13 & 15 indicate this was not a mere human but a reference to Satan. It speaks about God creating him & he was perfect until iniquity was found in him & thus banished from God's presence.
So, that should give you a quick explanation to your questions.
Genesis 7:12
Genesis 8:2
you seem to be and I would say that you are right on; but I don't know how long that was after Adam as I have never read the verses between Adam and that flood; and it probably does not list every generation and maybe only the relevant ones. very interesting
Genesis 2:4
and then ADAM and Eve was the first generation; and God walked with Adam and gave instructions to him; and created Eve for Adam etc
I hope that my comments come out in orders and that they are helpful in understanding these 2 chapters of the BiBle
People sometimes have trouble with chapter 1 and 2 and so maybe it is best to take it from the beginning, and look at one verse at a time. I love this particular one as it could not have been said any better. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. It doesn't say when the beginning was, not yet; but later we will see He created "lIght', and dIvided it from darkness and so the beginning was the first day. Genesis 1:5
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord formed (mould) man of the DUST of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (woman also later), became a living soul.
Genesis 1:27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female.
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
God DID NOT give Adam dominion over OTHER men or women!!!!
Just like everyone else that has lived prior and now, our color came from the same soil.
Genesis 11:1-9 is the account of the Tower of Babel; which was for evil by Nimrod. God changed the language of the people from one to many. The Lord scattered them all over the earth. Nothing is said further about races or colors. It happened back in the soil God used. Adams name in original text means, RED. That doesn't mean Adam was Native American.
You have full cause to be at peace with the color your ancestors were. Who knows what color Moses was, but he married a woman from Midian, which was predominantly dark skinned. His sister made a protest about it and God afflicted her with leprosy for a while. Keep reading, it's all true.
Before God the creator, no one has ever had a right to persecute people of color. If they were reading the Bible rightly, they would know that; in their hearts.
Satan has used his WILL to enter in and pervert the truth. People bought into it and it's been this color versus that color ever since.
God is Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Spirit. Jesus is the Son of Man. (He has color)
Believe the Bible, pass it forward. I thank God we're not all the same color! :D
CLEAVE UNTO cleave to;
2 adhere to, hold to, cling to, stand by, abide by, be loyal to, be faithful to, remain true to.
adhere strongly to (a particular pursuit or belief): part of why we cleave to sports is that excellence is so measurable.
become very strongly involved with or emotionally attached to (someone):
I love the word "cleave to or unto" as right from the start that is what a man is suppose to do; and i don't see why they can get that confused and treat their wives different; and still they do and some even believe and or interpret it differently in other parts of The Bible; but believe me; every word in the Bible is consistent and compatible and add up the same where ever you see it.