Discuss Genesis 2 Page 25

  • Stanjett - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Adam and Eve was the first two people on earth. All others came from them. And there was a second creation. His name was Abel and Cain and more after. You may even say all that was born was created by Him.
  • Seventh day is sabbath - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Genesis 2:18..It is not good that man should be alone, so He made a help meet for him helper Women were not put on this earth to "obey man". Acts 5:29 It is better to obey God rather than man..
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    And was that the only creation? And what was the tree of Life. Was that Jesus?
  • Val Johnson - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    You are correct .Check your bible In Genesis 2 chapter and you will read creation.
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    I don't think that GOD actually wrote the Bible but HE did inspire others to do so and thus we have several countries and religions including the Islam religion and Christians believing in one GOD GOD is good and by nature we probably also know what is good. Obviously however some preachers do not know what is good as many have abused children, etc... Such evils needs to stop of course
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    2 of 2 Eve also the only women made. I would like to see it in the Bible if indeed there was a second man made by God and indeed if there were would that be a second creation? I don't think that there was a second creation. If so I would like to see where that is in the Bible also? I feel that Adam and Eve was the GGGGGG........Grand mom of all and Adam the the GGGGGGGG............Grand Dad
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    1 of 2 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. The man that God made was Adam. He was the first man made and I always thought the only man that God made but I hear people asking who was the first man that God made as if there were a second man. He also made Eve also the only women mentioned here.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Wasn't the first humans, Adam and Eve?
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    2R The people you teach are free to look for themselves 2 heads are better than 1, etc. We are not perfect, don't know all. They'll understand. I like these Discussions as I learn from them but I don't read much from Books for several sorts of personal reasons as I have a few health issues even being a senior can contribute. I admire you for teaching such a Bible class, wish i could attend.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    I understand your concern but what I would do is just say, I don't know as the Bible as far as I know, doesn't say as I can't find it. I would think that God never meant to tell us everything as there is a lot to tell and some people take the Bible by faith alone. I myself would not want to encourage or discourage anyone no matter how they take it. But i am like u, I want 2 understand
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    The tree of Life I think is first mentioned in chapter 2 verse 9 I think so interesting that it is also where you said I would assume because I believe that also, from memeoryhowever.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    when did God get mad?
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    There was also the tree of life and doesn't it say somewhere that unless we pick the tree of life If my memory is right, Christ is the tree of Life. Thus if we are christians, we have picked the tree of Life and now as we know good from evil we should be trying our best to do good however we all sin but Jesus suffered and died for our sins. If my memory is right
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam was good before he ate of that tree and he was forbidden to eat of that tree but he did and so we now know good and evil and Christ has already died for our sins. And I think that there is something about we can pick which we decide to do and a tree of life but I don't know as i do not know the facts.
  • Ton Fortney - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Unfortunately I teach an adult class at a small independent Bible church, about 30 members. They have some very good discussions and questions, most are extremely well versed and want more information. It bothers me when I can not answer their questions but think it is important to try to understand things that are not spelled out specifically. Sometimes God has answers He will expose.
  • Peter, I have been here before, several years ago on othe places - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Bible does not say, thoughts? I'm not sure what the Bible says but as I said in a previous comment, eve picked it and adam ate it and Adam at least knew he was not suppose to. Do we really need to know anything else? I don't know if any of those other things are true or not because as you said the Bible does not say. I see no reason why it should if it does not say. I don't need to know
  • Peter, I have been here before, several years ago on othe places - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    I don't quit understand your comment. They both lived in the garden of eden were everything was peaceful and all they had to do was not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they had everything but they were tempted by, -- that persuade eve to pick and eat and adam did likewise and then etc. And i don't understand the others things that u say.
  • FELIX UMOHEKPO on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    If God then used the rib of man to create woman,to be his wife,whose rib was the woman who accepts to marry her fellow woman made of? Where is the rib of the stupid man who accepts to marry his fellow man as a wife? Lesbians and Gays have no place in God's mind because they have altered God's creation.
  • Peter, I have been here before, several years ago on othe places - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    At first i did not understand your comment and I thought that you were criticizing God, sorry if u get that comment delete it as I misunderstood. I can see what you meant now. Good observation
  • Stan jett on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed. Eastward from where? So Adam was not made in Eden, but from the west of Eden.
  • Karen on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    i really love the word of God it opens eye.. and i wonder why lesbians and gays marry it is well indicated genesis 2:23, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh because she was taken out of a man.. and not vice versa lets preach the gospel and pray that GOD opens their eyes.
  • Peter, I have been here before, several years ago on othe places - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    I think that the tree of knowledge of Good and evil was a tree of fruit that caused Hallucinations once Adam hallucinated u know the rest.
  • Lola - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    it means helper
  • BSP on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Verse 17 Jehovah God clearly stated the consequences of disobeying his law regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Adam and Eve purposely went against this command and suffered the consequences just as Jehovah God said that they would.
  • Sally on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Proverbs 19:2 Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth. We need to know God's word. God told Adam do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because Adam didn't need this knowledge. God wants us to exercise our free will to do his will like Jesus Christ did. What we need is to obey God.
  • Adam on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Adam and Eve had a perfect life. What a shame that you can have absolute perfection and give into sin and do evil. Sad human nature.
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    That's a good point. God wants us to do good and doesn't tempt us Himself, but allows us to give in to our own desires or through Satan's temptation.
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Help meet your help mate?
  • Paula Boyd - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Help mate

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