Discuss Genesis 2 Page 33

  • Robert hughes on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Gen. 2:25 they were not ashamed they were naked, do you think that even as God the Father is called the Father of Light, and we the children of light, that there was a glow about Adam and Eve. So when they fell into sin, they were ashamed and sought to cover themselves because they had died spiritually even as God said.Later it is interesting that Jesus cursed the fig tree , for not bearing fruit.
  • Greg on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    what happened to the first humans God
  • Cristian on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    God is awesome designer, from the dust of the earth and His breath of life He made Adam. Combination of dust and breath produced the living soul! After sin, we are told, reverse happens: till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.( Gen 3:19) Clearly death is revers of life. When we die we just sleep in the ground.
  • Irene to Linda Stubbs on Genesis 2 on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    actually the first sin was Genesis 3:6 (possibly v. 2 where Eve even spoke back to the serpent!) - v. 6, she ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
  • Jerry Hatcher on Genesis 4 - 9 years ago
    Genesis 1:26, 27, 28 is generalized while talking about the 6 days of creation. Genesis 2:7 and 8 give the details of how he created mankind (Adam
  • Karl on Genesis 4 - 9 years ago
    responds to Billy; I ask the same question regarding cain's wife. If you read Genesis 1:26,27,28, then read Genesis 2:8, did the LORD create humans, and then create the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve, planting a seed so to speak? How's that sound to you? Anybody else have the same question? Looking for an insightful answer.
  • Tiffany on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Speaking up on life itself
  • Joy on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    God is supreme and as it was in the begining so it shall be in the ending my life is hid in him people need to understand that
  • Elizabeth on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Am happy to read the word of God
  • Ms.misty on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    I like genesis because it is a pretty good story
  • Word on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    The tree of Life is that same Tree in Revelation and that is Jesus Christ and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is Satan. Just so you know all the other trees where fruit trees.
  • Lulu on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
  • Dawn on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    We were blind before,and yet we still blind, because we not seeing the light in front of has and the light his jesus.
  • Carol on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Our GOD is awesome Why can't he make my husband C Im the one he should look out for not his mother Just don't make sense to me Why he puts me On the back burner To pay for her living And not 4 Our happiness.
  • Kingdom Son on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Hebrews 4 tells us how to rest as God rested, any man in Christ has ceased from all his works, remember what Paul says "It is no longer I that lives". Don't stop at Genesis please its only the beginning.
  • Word on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Don't miss the fact in verse 2 that God ended His work on the 7th day. He worked on the 7th day. I know what religions say but you have to clear your mind of mans traditions and what you have been told and read the word with our Father and the scriptures then will flow in simplicity. With prayer love and thinking with Him and the Book.
  • Word on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Carolyn in the days of the writings they didn't know that the rib or the curve as it is written and I'm pretty sure it's DNA that Father took and created Eve with.
  • Rocky on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    I'am thrilled and amazed that would tell us these secrets of our sacred past.
  • Jane on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    I am amazed that God needed rest,that is why we should take vacation. Only woman was not created from dust. God so far in genesis chapter one and two instructed the eating of vegetables and fruits.
  • Carolyn on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    How God formed man from the dust and made woman from one of man's rib. Knowing that God did the very first surgery, by putting man into a deep sleep, took a rib from him and made this man a help mate so he wouldn't be alone. What a awesome God we serve, who can do all things.
  • Francisca Iyanda. on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    This chapter tell us how God rested after He created every thing.It also tell us about the first man and woman on Earth .God has His way of doing things.From this chapter we know that the first man was created from dust while the woman is of man, s bone .God put them in the garden of Eden , land of peace and plenty.
  • Vidyadhar on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    God ordered Man not to eat from the tree of knowledge. What is the reason?
  • Amos mogire on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    plain and clear. GOD blessed th seventh DAY. may HE help us see this clearly-ts th day spoken of.
  • Rocky on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Thank You God:Of all the 650 billion Galaxies of the Universe,the Milky Way, the Galaxy Earth is in, is the most Beautiful.
  • Maria De Los Angeles Soto on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    God is great! 7 Days rested. Created man at his image, from Dust thru nostril made a woman for man to have companion. Fruit tree of livinglife, along snake, been desobedient made God anger and man and woman were cursed for life. Snake always be a snake. Our flesh lead us to lust, free of sin glorifies God, i noticed God reveals when a person has several souls pile up. Negativity Anger. Positivity reading bible Jesus never forsakes us. Jesus is Love . My testimony i always haf fear snakes. Not anymore, 2 1 2 yrs ago cleaning my yard, picked up a sandwich wrap and. I heard a whisper saying becareful there could be a snake there. I pull up and thought is just my mine. Not - i picked up wrapper and a snake rolled under wrapper. I was shocked lost my voice, traumatized, i wanted to run, scream coudn't. Went around then crossin over snake. Got inside and cried was pale my body dropped and felt my spirit was gone. Ex- H, try find it to kill it, was gone. Stayed home, no Dr. seeing snakes everwhere, could not touch nothing, 2 days later i research on line, ammonia mixed water keeps bugs away. I spray all around home every where. Then snake appeared again dying because amonia. I could not see it i was still in trauma. Went to church not feeling good. Felt my blood was getting blocked
  • Robin on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Beautifully said may God bless you abundantly for your beautiful insight. .sometimes we know these things but don't act upon them..stay blessed in Hashem
  • Charity on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Genesis 1 vs 26 lets us know dat man was created in IMAGE LIKENESS of God. This image is a body which was meant to house God in order to interpret his purpose on earth. That is why man was a complete dust until the life of God- which is his LIKENESS, was breath upon man nd man became a living soul unside d image. Genesis 2 vs 7.
  • Tony on Genesis 2:7 - 9 years ago
    I tend to lean more to what Mr Scott has stated btwn ch1 ch2
  • Guy on Genesis 2:12 - 9 years ago
    What does it mean in Genesis 1:28, God tells man to "replenish" the earth?
  • Mixhael on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    I luv Jesus

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