Discuss Genesis 2 Page 34

  • Word on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Janet Eve was beguiled by the snake who was the tree of good an evil, Satan, and beguile translates sex. They made aprons to cover their private parts not their faces.
  • Janet Light on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was for the purpose of obeying and for following instructions. It wouldn't have mattered what edible fruit it was. It's important that it was edible and beautiful to the eye. It was eaten. Which was not following or listening to direct commandment. Sin and punishment happens.
  • Rick on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Yes, I got the Tree of life and the Tree of "Knowledge of Good and evil " mixed up. Sorry. That is a good question. Perhaps it is a fruit that no mortal man 's tongue has ever tasted? Perhaps it is what is given to our souls when we are born again into life eternal?
  • Toilynne Miller on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Genesis is very Powerful and Beautful message that brings me close to GOD and the way I should live with my husband until we die and go to Heaven together in LOVE.
  • Rick on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    I don 't think that the fruit of the tree of life mattered. It was a tree that the Lord put there to prove man 's obedience. When man disobeyed God and partook of the tree of life, he sinned, and the soul that sinneth shall surely die. He could have picked any thing--maybe even said, do not sit on that rock, but the effects would have been the same in that disobedience was sin which brought forth the death of man 's soul--which God so graciously brought back to life born again . Also, I would like to note that I find it interesting that God said that he would make HIM Adam himself an help meet for him which he did, by taking a rib from Adam and literally making Adam to be his own help meet.
  • Adam on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    what was the tree of life and what fruit did it bear and what kind of tree was it
  • James beckett on Genesis 2:18 - 9 years ago
    help meet is ezer neged in Hebrew, meaning both complementary and counterpart to husband.
  • Martha Prince on Exodus 31 - 9 years ago
    Dewey J...How do you explain Genesis Chapter 2? God wasn 't talking to the Jews or Christians! Genesis 2:1-3 1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
  • Howardalston on Genesis 2:21 - 9 years ago
    Very good
  • Dudley Lewellen on Genesis 2:24 - 9 years ago
    It 's the word of God the creator of all and it 's true it is The Word Of God.
  • Jove k joy on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    why man got satisfied only with a woman? Is it because she looked like him or is it because she was made from man? Even though god spoke to him daily,why does he felt lonely?
  • Ken on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Can anyone give me the meaning of Genesis chapter 2 verses 10 thru 14?
  • Motdaugrnds on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Tom, the time line I 'm seeing as to what was created on what day was that both man and beasts were created on the same day, i.e. the 6th day. That satisfies me.
  • Tom on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Motdaugrnds, chapter one clearly states first beast and then man who got dominion over them. Chapter two clearly states the opposite.
  • Motdaugrnds on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Tom, Chapter one is very clear as to which days what was created, specifically stating both beasts as well as man woman were created on the 6th day. Gerard, I don 't see where another female besides Eve was created for Adam. Where do you read that occurred? TheRealTruth, we often see what we look for...and "perfection " will never be found in any woman or man.
  • Tim on Genesis 2:2 - 9 years ago
    i do not see a sabbath establishment here for mankind, God finished His work on that day and He rested. Nowhere is there a command or an observance of sabbath rest from Adam to Moses, until the law was given. If the sabbath day was so important why did God not command Adam or anyone to keep it?
  • Danilo on Genesis 2:17 - 9 years ago
    The fruit of the tree in discussion is fruit of knowledge of GOOD and EVIL. Ones you eat the fruit from it, you surely die. Eating the fruit is birth of knowledge. Adam and Eve learned to evaluate what is good and evil. The two creatures learned what is honor, the meaning of responsibilities, and protection, to himself. Both of them learned, that were part of their surrounding. God was very happy seeing that Adam and Eve were intelligent being to manage and administer the evolution and development of the earth. Now, God know that Adam by eating the fruit learned to know, that he is now a family man, who needs to persevere for the future of his beloved wife and children. Eve being the loving wife by eating the fruit, found to love her husband and nurture her children. God never said that eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil made Adam and Eve sinners.
  • Tom on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    So gen 1:25 states creation of beasts and 1:26 of man. While gen 2:7 states man and 2:19 beasts. So who was created first?
  • Rodney on Psalms 37 - 9 years ago
    whether you are a good ,Bad or ugly person.you were created in the imagine of God like just like the angels. Angels can not ever die or completely be annihilated or not exist. So since the fallen Angels seperation from eternal god were kicked out of heaven, they must exist some were. So god made a place call hell for them. Always remember the real interpretation of the word hell means forever suffering My fiend Luke 16:23 is not an imaginery story, but of live events jesus talked about. Hell is not a metyphor or some curse word,it is a literal horrible place made for fallen angels SFEG not men. However, When men refuse to be born again or chose jesus as lord and savor from hell, he is all ready bond to go to to hell. Today is the day salvation for you and whosoever, because tomorrow,next week, month, or year could be last time before death seperatates you from time to eternity. Genesis 2:7 Death separates the body from the soul. Your soul is eternal and has to exist somewere forever like the fallen. Man will never not exist beyond the grave or you will always exist forever because of your soul. Matthew 10:28 Please!! do some follow up reseach on this matter and chose wisely. If you fail to go to heaven forever, hell is the alternative forever, because man was created to exist fovever. This is whats unique about the creation of man and angels vs. all the rest of creation of God, we the power of belief and choice. I hope to see you in heaven!!
  • Prince godday ojo on Mark 2:27 - 9 years ago
    What I know here is two knowledge I think we can learn here, 1 mark 2:27 mean that we have right to eat on sabbath, because sabbath is made for man to rest, the bible say in Genesis 2:2 was the seven day and God rested,, so what does rest mean rest is part of eating and relaxing, , that is why jesus said sabbath is made for man in other words is made for man to eat and relax or rest, ,, Then in verse 28, , he add to it that even himself Is lord of the sabbath in other words he is before moses exit that give them the law he has been in existence John 1:1
  • Thorn edwards on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Hi love it
  • Gerard on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Was there another female aside from Eve created for Adam.
  • Anefe on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
  • Dennia on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Ah yes, the which day is the sabbath controversy...the early church met and worshipped on the FIRST day of the week, for example I For 16:1. It is canlled the Lord 's Day. But believers are still bound by the 4th Commandment, to observe God 's Sabbath, just as they are bound to keep the other 9. The Christian Sabbath is the Lord 's day, the first day of the week.
  • Wardell jr. on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    I think that was awesome, it makes me feel good like you-hopefully.
  • Mark Aubart on Matthew 5:17 - 9 years ago
    As has been written, Christ came to offer salvation through grace, but the salvation from sin is an offer. People can take the offer and become part of the Church of Christ, which by its nature will obey God and his commandments. Or refuse the offer and follow man aka satan, lucifer, the world . I believe the 10 Commandments were for Jews Gentiles alike, the other laws Torah were specifically for the Jews, and pertained to the time before Christ B.C. . The 4th Commandment specifically, regarding the Sabbath, predates the 10-Commandments and was never abolished and never changed by God. Lucifer man religion changed it in order to demonstrate how inept and evil man is and to fool mankind when they read: Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Mark 2:27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Mark 2:28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Now people will ask without thinking: "But which day is the 7th day? " But God did not allow man to change the days of the week, Sunday is the first day of the week on every calendar, in every language, in every country in the world. Those that wish to believe otherwise want to be deceived, and in fact are preferring to follow the world and not Christ, not God.
  • NOEL-GEN on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Ebenezer, after Our God Memorialized the seventh day at the Creation, He reestablished the yearly cycle after the Exodus, then at Sinai, with our Great I AM giving the Commandments to Moses, the fourth Commandment declared the seventh day, God Commanded the day of rest for all his people on the seventh day reestablishing it, and then while the Israelites wandered in the wilderness and was fed manna from God getting a double portion on the sixth day so they would not half to gather on the seventh, being the day of rest, this went on for forty years. Then finally at the murder of Our Holy Messiah, marked the seventh day for all time. We use what is called the Gregorian calendar, and the seventh day aligns with the Hebrew day for day. So with that, it means the seventh day is Saturday. Beyond any doubt. Gen 1-5-9-15,
  • Ebenezer on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    Which day which is seventh day according Genesis 1
  • S.E.A. on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    that when we violate the laws of God there are consequences... the consequence of sin! We have a tendency to think that we are different ROMANS 5:12 in the end there is only one remedy for SIN that is CHRIST the Lord. Adam was afraid for it is a consequence of sin... it disconnected them from God thus death and the curses came into the world. gratefully GOD created a remedy for sin Hebrew 9:22 the work of the cross is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING in it 's completion to help us. God gave His people their 1st covering of the blood through the sacrificial lamb Exodus chapter 12 . If we see the consequences then we apply the remedy it is the 'day star angels ' purpose and intent to confuse and deceive humanity that the promises of God will not be fulfilled and our salvation secured. From the very beginning we were the prize in the centre of a great and old war where the 'Great Maker King ' mighty host fought the sin of the Day star and 1 3 of the heavenly host that fell with him by choose. It is still a choice to sin or miss the mark though not always do we knowingly sin for when we fall short of God 's glory at times we are satans pawn instead of God 's glory.
  • RNM 2-4-20 GEN on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    GEN 2-4-20...Tushar, If you are talking about the 7th day rest then you are exactly right. God created this Sabbath for multiple reasons. One, God meant that everyone would follow and abide in His law or Commandments, which if doing so, the husbandman or your employer would be bound by the Law or Commandment of God to let you rest on that 7th day, unlike a lot of employers who work their people 7 days a week, or create schedules that put you in the position of having to work on the 7th day Saturday Sabbath, which the Spirit of God being able to read the intent of the hearts, have recorded their works, and will hold them accountable. The 7th day Sabbath can be found in Exodus chapter 20. It was written in stone by the finger of God. And our Lord and Messiah Yeshua through the Holy Spirit wrote the same Commandment along with the other nine on the fleshly tablets of our Heart. So that we would keep them out of Love! It 's not a complicated precept. It is Obedience to God, It is also the will of God that we are Obedient to His Commandments. I thank God for revealing His Truth. Remember this, Sunday is just another day, the 1st day of the week, but Satan has made it his day to be worshipped. If you observe this day, you are giving your allegiance to Satan, NOT GOD! If you value eternal life you need to look into this, immediately!! Time is short, and the day is at hand. PRAISE OUR HOLY FATHER AND CREATOR GOD, AND HIS HOLY SAVIOR AND ULTIMATE KING OF KINGS, LORD YESHUA. AMEN!!

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