King James Version (KJV)

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In Genesis 11:27 onwards, you can read of Sarai becoming Abram's wife, but she was infertile. And you can read their story from here on, but then in Genesis chapter 17, God establishes a covenant with Abram, that he would be a father of many nations, and that he would now be called, Abraham. As for Sarai, her name became Sarah, for she would be the mother of nations & kings of people would come from her (v16).
You have legitimate questions. According to the Bible, apparently God was the Source of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:9, giving one the impression evil existed at, or before the creation of man. So, who is the author of evil/darkness growing from the same tree which produces the knowledge of good, Whom we know God is the Author?
I find it interesting all the plants and animals God created according to Genesis reproduced their own kind, yet the tree in question produces TWO completely opposing foods/forces, which in reality cannot coexist. Just as in darkness and light, evil and good cannot coexist in the same mind as truth, without that mind being confused, i.e. literal insanity. Can God be the author of evil as well as good? If so, what then, can we credit Satan being the author of? Is the tree of knowledge of good and evil the first introduction to mankind the concept of dualism?
Love/Creation created you with the free will to choose what to have faith in; good or evil, light or darkness, holiness or sin, etc. Because of that, we can freely choose to believe in both or choose one or the other. Yet what we choose has no effect on truth; what exists, Who God is. Personally, I believe God is not the author of evil/fear. I am. I have chosen to think unlike Him and therefore made up all fear for myself.
Something else to consider: If you could create a mind with a free will, would you defeat your purpose by placing commands, demands, threats of doom and make bargains with it?
With God being naked and no fear, and in chapter 3 after the downfall hiding
Themselves being afraid of God. First state total peace, second state in terror
Because of sin conscienceless they knew they did wrong. Last point the bible is God's word and in Genesis 2:25 they were both naked before the fall and this is
God's word giving their state and they were not ashamed still pure in thought.
Genesis 1:26 And God said,"Let Us make (mankind) in the likeness of Our image: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
God ended His work of creating the 2nd Heaven and Earth age on the 6th day. He then sanctified the 7th and theN FORMED
manADAM on the 8th, Genesis 2:7 a Potter to till the ground, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life(soul)and manAdam became a living soul.
The dinosaurs are what plenished the earth in the first age before God destroyed it.
There are some who mention the fact that we have passed from death to life ( 1 John 3:14); and other verses justifying that we have already experienced the "first resurrection". This; again is an eschatological attempt at justifying that there is no Millennial period (i.e. the church age fulfills all the prophecies); which is not the focus of analysis here.
There is validity in seeing the basic principle of Genesis 2:17 and its repercussions. Clearly; there was immediate spiritual death that occurred; and a later physical death that resulted from the ensuing corruption to the flesh that the fall set in motion. For a believer; we are sealed until the day of redemption ( Ephesians 4:30). He promises never to "leave or foresake us" ( Deut. 31:8; Hebrews 13:5).
We have a great "cloud of witnesses" ( Heb. 12:1-2) that are further described in the chapter. We have a High Priest now that ever intercedes ( Heb. 7:25 and other verses in that book). The basic idea here is that we are always "married to Christ" ( Romans 7:4). Because of these promises; we see that our physical resurrection si merely a process; simply in reverse of what happened in the garden. Our glorification is simply a done deal in God's mind after salvation along with sanctification ( Romans 8:30). In God's eyes; we were known from eternity and part of His plan ( Genesis 3:15). Therefore; it is all grace that saved Adam's helpless race.
Genesis 4,
Interestingly the Garden was in GOD's presence, Genesis 3:8,
Cain fleed GOD's presence, couldn't it be the Garden representative of the "vinedressers" "stewards" of the Church? Genesis 2:8,9,15, Matthew 20:1-16, Seth is the lineage of Jesus CHRIST, Luke 3:21-38,
There are many people mentioned in Genesis 4, & different trades,jobs, skills to spread throughout the Earth as commanded by GOD in Genesis 1:28
Hopefully these are helpful
A Christian since 1968, very encouraging! Especially that you're reading throughout the Bible again into study! I hope you'll keep us in your study as you go. Many of us enjoy deep study & thought in the WORD of GOD.
There seems to be several scriptures to verify your thought, of multiple people: Genesis 1:27, let them have dominion over ._... fish, of the sea, fowl of the air, over every living thing, that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 4:1,2,8,13,14, Notice Genesis 4:13-17, Genesis 4:25,
also notice by now to continue for some people to try to say "only Adam & Eve" would be to ignore all the facts of other people listed.
Genesis 4:19,23,24,
Genesis 5:1-2, interestingly they both male & female named "Adam"
If you look in the Concordance by clicking on Genesis 1:27, man = mankind, human spelled English translated = the Hebrew name Adam sounds (aw-dawm)
Please also notice Genesis 6:5,7,12,17, why would GOD destroy the whole earth if only Adam & Eve, 1 lineage which is listed in the records of Genesis were only on Earth?
Genesis 5:3, Genesis 2:7,8,15,22, Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:45, 1Chronicles 1:1, Luke 3:21-38,
Sometimes we have to ask questions
1st does an interpretation represent GOD's Laws, standards, examples? Leviticus 20:17, 1Corinthians 10:13, James 1:13-15, Proverbs 11:1,
2nd What is the main points GOD is pointing us to? Romans 5:17-21,
3rd, does it feel right, truthful, honest in our spirit? John 14:26,27, James 1:5, 1John 2:27-29,
I believe the reason anyone has questioned outside what is written, is because false teaching: Note: 1John 2:26-29, 2Peter 2:1, 2Timothy 3:1-5,
1John 4:1, 1Timothy 6:3-6,
Hopefully these are all helpful in your study
In Genesis 2:2-3, God completed his creation by making the Sabbath holy and this sanctification and the blessing of the Sabbath then became a seventh day of rest.
Because God rested from all his works in creation, God's command of the 7th day of rest was also promulgated in the Mosiac Law that all Jews followed. See Exodus 20:8-11. This 7th day of rest or the Sabbath falls on a Saturday, which usually begins on sunset, instead of a Sunday evening. Throughout the Old Testament period, Jews have always congregated in their synagogues every Sabbaths (every Saturday evenings), for worship and hearing of the Law. The Sabbaths is based on the lunar calendar, and not the on the solar calendar. In the New Testament, we see Jesus in the synagogue as He was reading publicly the scroll of Isaiah,which spoke of the fulfillment of Jesus 'ministry. Jesus of course met on the Sabbath day( Saturday).
See Luke 4: 16-21. Noticed that on verse 16 of Luke, Jesus went to the synagogue just like any Jews of his time. It was customary. And certainly it was on a Sabbath day. There is one reference in scripture that mentioned Paul in Acts, about the monetary collection for the church on the first day of week. See Acts 16:1-2. Honestly, I think these verses speaks about the Sabbath where they assembled was on Saturday but never on Sunday.. because the Jewish calendar is carefully counted when the next Pentecost would be. (See Acts 16:8) so this all makes sense when we read the content of scripture regarding the Sabbath in a more precise understanding of the factual truth about the Sabbath day.
It was Constantine who changed the Sabbath Saturday into the "Sabbath " Sunday in 321 AD. It was a decree for all Roman Christians to rest back in the early days of Roman Christianity in the Roman Empire. Centuries later in 1582 the pope that you mentioned, changed the chronological timing of the solar calendar that we now have today with Sunday as the official Sabbath.
Naturally I have a few questions and I would like to think about them before moving on.
1: In Genesis 1:26 God said "let us create man in our image". Who are the "us" and "our" in this sentence? Then in Genesis 1:27 "he created male and female" I thought this was Adam and Eve, however in Genesis 2:7 it goes on to say that "on the seventh day that God rested. However it goes on to say that he created man from the dust of the ground". Further, it states in Genesis 2:22 that he then created woman. Were these different sets of people?
2: Genesis 4:5 Why did the Lord not have any respect for Cains' offering? The bible does not offer any explanation?
3: Genesis 4:15 What kind of mark did the lord place upon Cain after he slew his brother Abel?
4: Genesis 6 Who are the "sons of God" who took themselves daughters of men? And who were the giants mentioned in Genesis 6:4?
Thank you to anyone who is able to answer some or all of these questions for me. I am in no hurry to rush through all of the chapters and would just like to gain a better understanding before I proceed. Thank you and God bless.
and the believer tries or pushes their spouse to believe. Absolutely unbiblical because who saves people jesus Christ via
Gods word and that by seeing the love of God demonstrated. When you walk in Gods love [agapeo spiritual] which the highest
action of love we walk in what GOD IS PERFECT LOVE which is what was displayed by Jesus Christ i.e. those who have seen
me have seen the father. The corinthian churh dealt with all types of unbelief and division which Paul by revealed knowledge
from God addressed. Chapter 7:1-16 deals with single believers and marriage whether one is a believer or both. God
instituded marriage Genesis 2:23=24 therefore why would God won't to divide what he desired. Now if a person in a marriage
get born again and the spouse wants to split, the born again one is not held accoutable for someone elses unbelief. Look at
Gods love if one or the other splits look at verse 15 if the unbeliever leaves we are not in bondage but are calles to peace.
The other side of the coin if husband or wife is a believer God Does want that to break up verses 13+14. The heart of
God is not division but peace healing love grace and mercy all possible by walking on his Word. We don't push or compell or
condemn we love with agapeo.
Genesis 1:16, "made" = asah, definition; 1. to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application, further down "to bring to come to pass"
Also Genesis 1:26,27, "make" and "created"
Even Genesis 2:7, "formed" =yatsar, = to mould into a form
These are great tools, when we want to study deeper into scripture.
Hopefully you'll find these helpful
John 1:1
GOD does not lie!
GENESIS 1:5;8;13;19;23;31
ALL Say, Evening and the Morning ; they were either; 1st day or 6th day.
Genesis 2:2 7th Day GOD Ended his Work and Rested from ALL his Work.
Genesis 2:3 It Says, GOD Blessed the 7th Day, and sanctified it: because he rested from all his work, in which GOD had Created and Made.
Like I said before,
Genesis 1:5 1 Day = Evening to Morning! So, a Day ====='s Evening to Morning! No, Matter how we look at it!
A Day Starts in the Evening and Ends in the Morning. Don't Gloss over GOD'S WORD!
Today, We go from Morning to Evening, as our Day! Think on this deeply! PRAY, about it! Go to GOD in PRAYER about it!
Then you have, as you say, Evening to Evening!
Is That what GOD's WORD actually says?????
RE - Read: GENESIS 1:5 And the rest I listed above...
YET, GOD says, Evening to Morning; are 1 day!
This is repeated in Genesis, refer to above; Book Genesis, Chapter 1 and Verses 5,8,13,19,23,31,
And Genesis Chapter 2:2; is your 7th Day!
Remember, GOD does not LIE!
There's only 1, who LIES and that's SATAN!
We are even told to test the Spirits! So, be careful!
Test your teachers, so they don't lead you in the wrong direction either!
Read the WORD, but also, LISTEN to GOD'S WORD ALOUD; BOOKS, CHAPTERS, and VERSES everyday!
GOD BLESS to them who READS and HEARS GOD'S WORD now!
Because, we are told there will come a time, when we won't have either anymore!
Theresa A. Wood
If you would 1st please consider the way it makes you feel. As you stated "horrified" that's not of GOD. Galatians 5:22-25,
2nd please consider all around you. Is there peace, is there light, anything to be thankful for? Is searching out news also symbolic of wanting to "know" what's happening in the news" Genesis 2:17, Romans 16:19,
3rd consider why there's only bad, horrible, divisive news? Hebrews 6:8, Proverbs 22:5, Why do they report the one horrible thing or person & not the million good? Is it meant to trigger rage? Hebrews 12:1, Luke 6:43-45,
1John 2:16, Titus 1:15, 2Samuel 22:27, Psalms 18:26, 1John 3:3, 2Peter 3, James 3:17, James 1:27, Philippians 4:8, Romans 8,
1Corinthians 4:5,
The Word also says: Numbers 11:12, Jude 1,
Hopefully these are helpful & encouraging
That's ok, I am not skilled in Greek or Hebrew.
I still respectfully disagree; my understanding is our soul is who we are. Genesis 2:7 When God breathed into Adam, and he became a living soul/being. The spirit given to us gives us life and it is what goes back to God who gave it. When we are dead there is no more breath or communication until our resurrection when this mortal puts on immortality and death is swallowed up in victory by the grace of God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you again for your reply I read your posts and I am grateful for the knowledge of Greek that you share.
God bless.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man out of the dust of the ground ....
Man, as well as all creatures, is only a body.
....and breathed into them the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
The soul, or body, has no life outside of the breath and life of God.
Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery ....Christ in you ....
John 20:22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive the Holy Ghost.
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ .......
John 14:6 ....I am the life .....
God Bless You.
Genesis 1:27, notice: Genesis 1:26,28,29,
Genesis 2:7, interestingly here "formed, breathed life" is this symbolic of the Church the body of Christ to come? John 12:25, Genesis 3:22, John 5:26, John 5:24, John 3:36, John 6:48,54, Titus 1:2, Romans 8:6, John 5:39,
Is chapter 2, symbolic of the stewardship of GOD's Church? Genesis 2:15, Matthew 20:8, Luke 12:42, Mark 12,
Back to Genesis 1, "man appears to be collective for both" yes in name like human, humanity, humankind "man"
see even more interesting = Genesis 5:2,
GOD says distinctly female & male Genesis 1:27,
It appears it could be those created to multiply, fill the earth, subdue were away from the presence of GOD, again seeming to point to the symbolism in the garden "in the presence of GOD " His church. Genesis 3:8, Genesis 3:23-24, Genesis 4:14-16,
Genesis 2:17, spiritual death? Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:60, Matthew 22:32, Matthew 23:27,
In the forming of Eve, it appears also specific, spiritual & special with symbolism, Genesis 2:21-25, Genesis 6:1-3, Mark 10:4-9, 1Corinthians 6:15, Revelation 21:2,9, Isaiah 62:5, John 3:29-36, Matthew 22, Luke 12:36, Ephesians 5:30-32,
1Corinthians 13:9-12, James 1:5, Ephesians 3:4,
Hopefully these are all helpful
Genesis 2:4, "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens". "Generations" in the Hebrew can also mean 'account, order of begettings'. So in chapter 2, we're reading more detail of chapter 1, specific to the development of mankind. In Genesis 1:11,12, we read that God created the plants, but it seems that they were still sub-terranean, until man was created to till the ground & the mist sent by God to water them, then they began to grow. And of course, we read that man needed someone to help him & be a companion to him, hence the creation of Eve.
So, I read Genesis chapter 2 as an expansion of Genesis chapter 1 (the sixth day of creation), highlighting the need for cultivation & tending of God's plants, which man was appointed to do. Of course, mankind would eventually do much much more than being confined to farming work, but for Adam & Eve at that time, that was their sole responsibility.
Genesis 2: 7 God formed man from dust and breath life into man.
In Genesis 1, man appears to be collective for both male and female.
In Genesis 2, man appears to be male and the female was then formed from the man.
Please enlighten me on these two sets of people?
Thank you.