Discuss Genesis 2 Page 44

  • Diana Holleran on Genesis 2:3 - 12 years ago
    God changes not nor alter the thing that came out of His mouth.
  • Cindy Jones on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Okay in Genesis 1:27 God created man and woman, so in Genesis 2:21-22 why did Adam go into a deep sleep if woman was already made? Were there 2 women in all? What about Lilith in the torah? Is that true, findings from the Dead Sea Scrolls?
  • Pastor on Genesis 1:27 - 12 years ago
    We should desist from the habit of reading the Bible like a novel, newspaper or philosophy but should seek God's revelation on every verse. Genesis 1:27 is very clear and so is Genesis 2. In 1:27 God "CREATED"[make from nothing] and this man was in the image of God. Bible readers know that God is a spirit. Thus, this man was a spirit-man with both masculine and feminine spiritual nature just like God [think, El Shaddai]. Hence this man 'he-them' could not till the earth. Another interesting observation is this man, 'He-them' could not sin or fail 'cause he was the very image of God. In Genesis 2:7 God 'FORMS' Adam [not create] from the dust and breathed the He-them of Genesis 1:27 into him thus began the war within us. That's why God could not form Eve from the earth but had to take her from Adam. Now, the formed man doesn't have the nature[image] of God thus his inclination toward sin. The African, Chinese, European man etc is not the image of God. How can he be with all his evil, hate, bitterness, carnality, lust etc…
  • Chris on Genesis 2:7 - 12 years ago
    I had so many thoughts on the matter. I believe in God and scientific facts. I believe you can’t ignore facts that are in front of you, nor God the creator. I believe that man and woman was created before Adam and Eve and if this is so then the facts are correct about the cavemen days and the destruction to an end. But if I’m wrong then I am still confused by this chapter, and why would God create man then later says he created Adam and gave it life which I believe is spirit. I hope GOD would let me know but I’m sure he will let me know in his time.
  • Clement on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Genesis 2 had summarized the essence of our entity (human being) to make the world a peaceful and loving place for everyone. May we have the grace to serve the Lord as detailed in the book. In Jesus name.
  • Stephen Paul on Genesis 30 - 12 years ago
    In Genesis 1, God created Man and Woman (of man) and then already the plan was for 1 on 1 relationships. ( Genesis 2: 24) 'Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his WIFE: and they shall be one flesh.' There were 'rivers' of people which we are never supposed to mate with to assist in the populating of the earth as too much inbreeding causes bad genetics. The law of 1 on 1 marriage was only instituted by the Christianized ones. Marrying as a living example to the 'doubting Thomas' type of people. YOU CANNOT TELL ME HOW TO BE A GOOD FATHER AND LOVING HUSBAND IF YOU ARE NOT ONE YOURSELF. To curb the RAPIDLY expanding population (the earth can handle only so much). Besides it fulfills the Genesis 2:24 statement where WIFE is singular.
  • Kerry on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    The word CREATE was not used here.
    And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
    God Bless You with understanding!
  • Cheri carpenter on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
  • André on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Sections of the bible may apparently contradict each other, yet in fact, they will complete each other.
    But once we apply much alacrity to such sections, with the help of the holy spirit, all apparent contradictions will disappear leaving clearer perception than ever.
    Let’s foster toward greater understanding of the word of GOD.
    God bless you.
  • Mike on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Has it not occurred to the literalists that these two accounts contradict each other and no amount of explanation and sophistry can overcome that basic problem?
  • Mike cobbs on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
  • Tae on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    God is the first one who commands, all powers are coming from God.
  • Funmi on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    The supreme being God almighty finished creation on his master sheet, the designing of things etc day after day in Genesis chapter 1, then waits for the actualization of his master plan from chapter 2. There is a phase called lag phase where things have been planted and finished before you can behold it visibly that chapter 2 is an account of what has been finished in chapter 1. Thus when God created man on day 6, he created male and female spirits, then he united them to walk side by side, by forming Eve from Adam. Chapter 2 is project actualization phase although the creation design has been finished! He does not start anything until it is finished actually.
  • Donna on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    HI, I just wanted to encourage you to stay faithful to Gods house and shareing His word, every chance. God opens the door as well you keep up the good work for our Lord and he will bless you far more than you could ever immagine. Much love in Christ Jesus. have a glorious day everyone.
  • Willie J. Duncan on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    It's just like the rest of the Bible, it's wonderful.
  • André on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    In fact GOD created man on the sixth day in Genesis 1, and Genesis 2, GOD is only giving details on man’s creation, it is not another phase.
    As you may notice, the verb create is only used twice in Genesis 2 (verses 3,4), and both to recall what GOD did in Genesis 1.
    Genesis 2 just explains Genesis 1.
    GOD bless you.
  • Kerry on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    On the sixth day our HEAVENLY FATHER created man, both male and female. Which day was Adam created?
  • Lorral Weaver on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    I believe that it shows a great dishonor to our Heavenly Father when a person cannot take the time to capitalize His name. etc, God, He, Him. Any word describing the LORD,Lord, or His Son must be capatilized, or you are talking about false gods.
  • Brittany on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    I think that he did a very good job at what he has done and getting me where I'm at now so I really thank him for that a repaying him I will do what I'm told and read the bible everyday
  • Fred on Genesis 2:5 - 12 years ago
    It reveals how important God has made man in his program on the earth. It confirms that God never creats without a need. He created the heavens & the earth 4 his glory. God put man in the garden to dress it. A man that receives the appropriate wife provokes divine help. The earth was lifeless until man showed up. God & man an unbeatable combination.
  • Ralph Cooper on Genesis 2:4 - 12 years ago
    you cannot have a 24 hour day before the sun was created. The sun was created on the 4th day but not illuminated until the six days of creation was completed. In verse 4 God divided the light from the darkness differently then verse 14. In verse 2 the earth was in total darkness called night. when god said let there be light, the light covered the whole earth and extended outward into space. If you had a spaceship back then you could have traveled upward to where it was dark just like we can today. In verse 14 he set the sun in that darkness 93,000,000 miles from eath until creation was finished. When he illuminated the sun, the sunlight divided the light from the darkness like in verse 4, creating light on the side of the earth facing the sun the backside remained dark. when the rotated on its axis creating the 24 hour day and night.
  • Adisu Fenta on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    First we have to start from the bigning, i.e Genesis says "day one ", "day two".... In addition, one day have two parts,i.e the light & the dark. So don't worry about the hours. The seventh day is sunday.
  • Richard Omulo on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    The book of Genesis chapter two clearly tell us without doubt God rested on the seventh day-This is one of God's command that six days after work we shall all rest Exodus 20.It is very clear in the book of Mathew that when Mary Magdaline and other ladies went to visit the tomb they went on sunday morning after the sabbath which means the sabbath was on Saturday when the Lord rested.
  • David on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    in gen 1 man and woman was made in the image of god. in chapter2 there was no man to work so he made adam.
  • Magira chacha nyakimahi on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    one of the things that confusing the world right now is on which day god is the seventh day in this world of ours, some says sunday is the seventh day and people rest on this day as god did after creation of the world and host.
    some says it is saturday, because jesus died on the sixth day and ressurected on the the first day of the week. then he rest in the grave on the seventh day, which day is the biblical seventh day?.
  • Anonymous on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    the bible we all need to read and live the best we can .( look around and can you make thing out of nothing .( GOD CAN AND HE DID ).
  • Fedentia masuvhelele on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    i just want to say that,when we read the bible as humans,we interprete it diferrently depending on our own understanding in that particular part, but what i can say is that it is more important to pray first and ask GOD to give us knowlege and understaning of the bible,because sometimes we can think we are on the right track whilest we are misinterpreting the word of GOD.prayer will help us revelations and unerstanding.
  • Rich on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Chapter 1 says that the Earth and man were created on separate "days". Chapter 2 says both were created on the same "day". I use the quotation marks because that is literally what Genesis says. It seems then that any literal interpretation of Genesis would need an extremely good justification for giving two different meanings to the same word. I'm aware of the different possible meanings of the Hebrew word "yom", but that justification makes no sense, when Chapter 2 clearly states in verse 4 that the following verses are describing what happened on the single day that god created earth and the heavens. It does not say "this is what happened the day god created everything" or anything like that. Chapters 1 and 2 are contradictory if taken literally.
  • Samuel james on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    the creation of God ended on the six day on the seventh day God rested from all His work,theres no 8 day mentioned in the creation of God, Genesis 1 is a spiritual creation of all things even vers 26,where Genesis 2:7 is a reality where God formed man from the dust of the earth,its to believe God's word and not figure out what happened.6 is the number of men,7 is God's number,rest,8 is eternaty,bacc to the beginning. ONLY BELIEVE.GOD BLESS.
  • Stan peel on Genesis 2:4 - 12 years ago
    It means what it says, that Man was created on the same day that the earth was created...day 3. The Woman was taken out of Man three days later just as the foundation of the church was formed from Christ's body at the Last Supper, 3 days after Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time.

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