Discuss Genesis 2 Page 45

  • Jake on Genesis 2:7 - 12 years ago
    1. Dont look up things on Wikipedia
    2. The Genesis Account is not figurative or an Allegory
    3. God Did not Create Anything on the Seventh day including Adam ( Genesis 2:1-3)
    4.Verse 4 Brings us back to the day or Period (days 1 - 6 , yes all these "days" are refered to one "day" or period)when Jehovah creative works were being completed.
    5.How long were these creative days? the Bible does not say. Were they literal 24 hours ? Theres no basis for arbitrarily stating that each day was 24 hours but his seventh day of rest from creative works continued into Pauls day( Hebrews 4:3-6) if not into our day .
  • Marius Potgieter on Genesis 2:7 - 12 years ago
    Both 1 and 2 tell the same story - stated allegorically. The message is about God and His absolute wisdom and power - not a chronological account. My faith is strengthened, knowing God caused everything to come into existence and not by wondering about what came first according to my own logic. Discussions about "which one is true?" is superfluous and creates disharmony - "light" is often used (in the idiom of people who lived at that time) to denote "order" or "wisdom/understanding", et cetera. Chapters are separate pieces of skin or clay with writing on them - both pieces contained the the same account and both were found to be trustworthy and worthy of inclusion in the writings about "In The Beginning".
  • Nadeem on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    i just want to say .blessed are those who believe in him without seeing .THE BOOK OF GENESIS IS THE WORD OF GOD.

    its just a pleasure to read and praise the LORD
    the word is inpiration and courage to those who believe in it. if i am getting couraged and power by reading it . i got no comments .GOD BLESS YOU ALL >nadeem siddique pakistan
  • Nevermore Mazongo on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Genesis 2:21-25 is an expatiation of Genesis 1:27
    These verses gives us more detail on how male and female human beings were created.

    God created Adam and Eve in the 6th day of creation.

    Brothers and Sisters

    To understand and receive a revelation of Bible scriptures we should make it a point to pray first to God so that the Holy Spirit can guide us through the scriptures.
  • Amy on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    the bible never said the friut was an apple btw just fruit
  • Rea on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    When God ordered Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, God had already given them the feeling of curiosity which led to their punishment. Adam and Eve were curious about what the fruit tasted like. They were curious about what it could give them. They were curious about knowledge itself. They were curious about power.
  • Keith Baldwin on Genesis 2:7 - 12 years ago
    Genisis 1&2 seem incongruant in that 1 says "male and female created He them"which sounds complete in the order of creation. Then in chp.2 suddenly "there was no man to till the earth" so then God formed man. So was man created during creation week or after?
  • Annie Mckenzie on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    God told them not to eat from the tree.
  • Funeka on Genesis 2:24 - 13 years ago
    I think this verse is deliberately left out during weddings or counselling because people are running away from the truth of God that husband and wife are one with each other. The cause for so much chaos in most African people is that in laws always want to prove a point that they are more concerned with their own child than their spouse is. This is causing a lot of decay in marriages, and at some point in time, we are all going to become mothers and fathers in law, so we need to just give our children a chance to grow, start and head their own families. One family cannot have 2 or more heads. Such as the church is headed by Christ is a wife headed by one person, the husband. When everyone wants to take a leading role in a wife's life all hell breaks loose.
    All other verses are made clear and explaine very well in detail to couples, but this one is mentioned in passing or not at all. This cause an imbalance in homes and this gap needs to be closed.
  • Ben weaver on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    "The knowledge of good and evil" indicates knowing (or experiencing) both, rather than just intellectual knowledge about them. In ch.4:1 "Adam knew his wife and she conceived". Although he had knowledge about her, he now experienced her and she became pregnant. God didn't want His creation project to experience evil along with the good that He had already provided for them. The Heb. word for "evil" is also translated to 29 other words such as; misery, tribulation, wretchedness, calamity, etc. The deceiver encouraged Eve to choose and partake of these evils, and only then did she actually experience misery etc. To save humanity from the tree of life (in this sad condition) God banned them from it until Jesus redeemed us. After Rev.2:7, He gives us of that tree to eat.
  • Kim on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    hey Gloria, I believe the apple represented knowledge, wisdom. god gave them an order not to eat from that tree. As long as they did not they were covered but once they ate from that tree they were exposed to the disappointments of life. What I mean by that they had no cloths on, they were put out of the garden, punishments such as working in the field for Adam, labor pain for Eve...etc
  • Kim on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    The answer to your question Cain took his wife. basically Cain and his Wife had sex. This is what I was taught in Bible Class.
  • WTP on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    Vlad's Genesis Chapter 2 comment on 1/10/2012, 7:11am...
    Adam who it refers to (And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a liuing soule)Became the first living soul having received the breath of Life.When no suitable companion was found God did as before except this time he took of what he had made unlike before where it says god made male and female each of its own.The distinction being this others already existed or who or what did it mean when it says Cain took a wife
  • Linda Lenore Hall on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    Linda Genesis Chapter 2:comment on 1/16/2012 @2:10PM. God work for six days and rested on the seventh day. Seventh DAY was a day of REST. When a man leaves his MOTHER then he CLEAVES unto his WIFE. He also made a MAN and a WOMAN (HE/SHE).
  • Donna on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    I would like to know why was man made from dust?
  • Vlad on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    How very interesting that in the first chapter it is God that creates the heavens and the earth, man as male and female, and the beasts and the waters and the plants.
    And how interesting it is that in the second chapter, it is LORD God (notice the distinction) that creates Adam (how is Adam different from the men already created male and female by god in chapter 6, men who are already in the likeness of God?).
    The way it is decribed, Adam and Eve appear as.. inferior beings to the men already created by God.
    Is there a difference between God and LORD God then?
  • Lester on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    I understand that God created Adam and Eve on the 6th day according to chapter 1 verse 26 throu 31.
    enough said
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    The tree of good and evil was that old serpent the dragon who is the devil satan. They were in a fig grove of trees and when it was over they covered their private parts and when she had labor she "again" continued in labor and had two un-identical twins from two diffenent fathers and cain is not listed in Adams family because Cains daddy is the devil.
  • Gloria on Genesis 2:17 - 13 years ago
    i dont understand how bitingh of an apple could make you sin.
  • Michelle Peru on Genesis 2:24 - 13 years ago
    I was in a long term relationship who was the father of children who just vanished out of our lives all because of his parents filling in mind with negativity and making him go by thier choices.Pretty much his parents were interfering in or lives in disagreeeing that he spend to much money in rent and natural finaces of every day life. so I love this scripture I would of like to have read to him and his parents.
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    Well,because the 7th day ended I verse 2 and verse 3 and on are the 8th day Adam was created. Note on the 6th day God filled the earth with people. That's where Cain got his wife from the 6th day creation of the many different people and God saw them and said it was good. All are Gods children and He loves them. The 8th day Adam and Eve is where the Blood line of Christ will come from. Seth.
  • Aaron on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    I must say what is interesting is how everyone holds to the idea that Adam was created on the sixth day and now I hear that there is a belief that he was created on the eighth day.
    Thwe interesting thing is everyone seems to mis verses 5,6 and 7
    It quite clearly states that before any plants had appeared on the land, God created Adam and placed him in the garden of Eden when God created it.
    So actual it would appear that Adam was created on the third day and that other human beings were created on the sixth day and which would tie up with Cains claim that after he killed Abel and was banished from Gods presence, he claimed that anyone who found him would kill him
    The question is where did they come from if the only inhabitants were Adam, Eve and perhaps any other children they had before the birth of Seth.
    Now in regards to humanity coming from the line of Adam, that would be through Noah who was a descendant of Adam.
    Anyway those are my thoughts
    Peace be to all
  • Ray on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    their are so many different churches and denomanations. and everybody tells me something different. one important message in the bible. watch out for false teaching. i dont know where it is in the bible but, paul says. i know their is some division among you. their should not be. one doctrine, one church. is that correct.does anybody know? i dont know who or what to belive. after the 7th day he rested. then he said he made adam. but he said he already made man on the six and rested. why does he say he made adam then. he said he already made man and rested. some people tell me he made adam on the 8th day, because he was special. adam is supposed the blood line of JESUS; is this true. because the book seems to be just about his family, and whoever they came in contact with. is this true? and noah. why was his family the only pure family in the earth.
  • Leslie on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago

    Bill I wanted to address you in particular. I am ever grateful to know that you are re-examining your loss of religion and am glad to see you are seeking answers. I do believe if you ask you shall receive.

    Regarding literal concepts of the creations described, even scientists cannot fully explain the creation or invention of the earth, stars, sun, moon, space or time. It is unknown to all exactly how it happened. God did create these things listed, but it doesn't state exactly how except for the taking of Adams rib to create woman.

    You must consider that these things are too difficult to fathom. We as humans are not capable of understanding the creation from "no physical materials" or energy only. It is an obvious creation by a higher power. Be open minded as you seek answers. Be open to the idea that not answers will be unveiled to you. Many of the concepts in the Bible rely on faith. Once you continue to read, as others suggested, you will find a better definition of faith in relation to your own self. You will realize how important faith truly is. Once you rely on that faith all things are possible.

    Please keep in mind as you are reading, not only faith, but how the entire text offers love, trust, and gives valuable "rules of thumb" to live by. Even if you are only here to learn more, understand that the information you are retrieving is good for anyone to follow.

    Best wishes to you Bill.
  • JasiEL on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    yes this is a more detailed account of what happenrd on the sixth day but it is a clear indication of the purpose of man and woman on the earth, his an her authority given from God but more importantly the union of husband and wife.
  • Susan Dalton on Mark 15:34 - 13 years ago
    "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ( Mark 15:34) The other morning, I was half waking up and I heard a chirping sound. Half drowsy, I just knew something sounded odd, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I kept hearing the chirping. I tried to think what it could be. I thought maybe it was the computer, or maybe the cell phone. Yet, as I listened I knew the sound was not coming from any of these things. I got up, and still coming out of a sleep, I tried to figure out what I was hearing. It sounded like it was near the window, so I opened the blind and looked down. When I looked down, I saw a big, black cat. It had something gray in its mouth. I thought it was a mouse, and I did not think to much of it. Then, I realized it was a squirrel. I know its the way it is, that animals prey on each other; but, I did not want to see the squirrel die. I ran outside, and the big cat dropped the squirrel and ran off. The squirrel ran also; but, the squirrel could not run right. He looked like he was trying with all he could, but, everything was not working right. I feared for him. He tried to climb a tree, but he only got a little ways up and he fell back to the ground. It was an intense moment. The squirrel could not get up a tree; I thought maybe I could get some gloves on and do something. I thought, he's been saved out of the cat's mouth, and now he's trying to get to safety, and he cannot. As he was trying to get himself "together," another cat was coming from another direction. It just seemed the situations were all against the squirrel. I shooed the cat away. The squirrel managed to climb into a small cedar tree. The lower branches had been cut off, and he made his way up into the green branches. I was relieved for the squirrel, but I knew a cat could easily get him in that tree. I went back inside and watched from the window. This was so intense. I just kept praying, "O LORD, please don't let him die. Please restore him. I know its your will for animals... but, I don't want to see him die; please help him, restore his life, restore him." I didn't want to see him die. I watched. I was afraid to watch. He came down out of the cedar tree and ran up a locust tree. He made it about half way up or more. He went to a branch and lay down. I was so glad he made it up into the tree; now I was afraid he would fall out of the tree. To have seen him struggling as he did, trying to run, trying to climb, and everything not working right; I was concerned he might fall out of the tree. I thanked the LORD for getting him into the tree. I watched him. He lay for quite awhile. He began to move some; I was so afraid he was going to fall out of the tree. I thought, maybe this is where I should stop watching; he is out of immediate danger of the cats, he seems to be stabilizing, maybe now is a good time for me to stop watching; but, I did keep watching. A neighbor came riding near-by on his riding mower, the squirrel climbed way up into the tree and I could not see him any more. Later, near evening, I saw a squirrel climb down out of the tree. I saw him climb down to about a foot above ground. He looked like he had everything "together." He went on the other side of the tree and I didn't see him any more. I thought, well, he escaped that death. I recently saw a movie where a mob man "introduced," took a man "on the inside." Later, it was found out the one he "introduced" was an informant. The man who "introduced" the informant to the mob, got a phone call; he was called to come to his death. He kissed his wife and told her how pretty she was, he told her if the one he "introduced" called, to tell him "if it had to be anyone, I'm glad it was you." He took off his jewelry, he left his money, and personals in a box he left open. He walked out the door. The movie ended shortly later. It did not show him being killed. I felt like the movie left me hanging; not that I wanted to see his death; but, I guess there's that wanting a good outcome; maybe the informant somehow saved his life. (the informant was crossing the line in his bond between being the informant and being one of them). I would suppose most people would want to intervene if they could stop death. Some may ask, " why doesn't God intervene and stop death?" I know there are times He does; but, many times death prevails. Some during the Holocaust may have asked "where is God?" There were those that sought to save those being killed by the Nazi's. Some countries would not hand over the Jews (and others)that were in their countries when Germany asked for them. Some people hid the Jews, at the risk of being killed themselves. Some businessmen did what they could to save people from death. Some people sought to flee death and hide in the woods. Still some may ask "Why, God?" When God created man and put him in the garden of Eden, he gave him a commandment, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." ( Genesis 2:16-17) Death entered the world through man's disobedience. ( Romans 5:12-21) The result of sin is death. The penalty of sin is death. I know sometimes God chooses to deliver us from death (Daniel in the den of lions, etc.) but, man still has to die. Jesus came and took our death upon Himself. He never sinned, yet, our sins were upon Him. Why did God forsake Him? because "He being found in the fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." ( Philippians 2:8) He, just as man was tempted, was tempted; yet, He sinned not. He overcame sin, death, and the grave. Just as one sinned, and we all became sinners; one was obedient, and we all can be made righteous. ( Romans 12-21) In Christ, we never die; though now we still see the effects of the penalty for sin; our outer man dies: but, the new man in Christ shall never die. How many times a day, God must watch death. I know God does not take pleasure in the death of any of His creation. Death entered the world through man's disobedience; but, because of God's love we do not have to fear death, we overcome death by our faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Jesse on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    In Genesis 2:7 and onward throughout the rest of the chapter, God is giving us a review with added details of when He created Adam and Eve on day 6. By Genesis 2:3, God has finished the entire 7 day week by blessing, sanctifying, and resting on that day.

    He then goes into detail about how He created mankind and what Adam was doing before God created Eve. Adam needed a helper :)
  • Trent on Genesis 2:21 - 13 years ago
    It's possible God chose the rib, because it's one of the few parts of the human body that can regenerate, and it likely contained enough matter which could be used to form another being. How clever. If someone took a piece of your rib right now, it could regenerate in time. Most other parts of the body don't do that.
  • Michael on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    It is good you lost your religion now maybe you can find the Lord Jesus. John 3:3 says you must be born into the Kingdom of God.
    Start at the beginning of the New Testament. Matthew and read through it, it will be life changing. Bless
  • Amelia on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    Bill, I take Genesis 2 literally, but it is probably not the best place to start if you feel you have lost your religion. Religion is by definition repetition, and that is not something we would invariably need. We need Someone who loves us, and I find that best defined in the Gospel of John. Genesis is hard to believe unless you can accept God as being so amazing that He can actually do all that. It's hard to accept that unless you have felt it in your life, but keep on looking. God speaks to us all differently, and if you seek Him, you will find Him.

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