King James Version (KJV)

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2. The Genesis Account is not figurative or an Allegory
3. God Did not Create Anything on the Seventh day including Adam ( Genesis 2:1-3)
4.Verse 4 Brings us back to the day or Period (days 1 - 6 , yes all these "days" are refered to one "day" or period)when Jehovah creative works were being completed.
5.How long were these creative days? the Bible does not say. Were they literal 24 hours ? Theres no basis for arbitrarily stating that each day was 24 hours but his seventh day of rest from creative works continued into Pauls day( Hebrews 4:3-6) if not into our day .
its just a pleasure to read and praise the LORD
the word is inpiration and courage to those who believe in it. if i am getting couraged and power by reading it . i got no comments .GOD BLESS YOU ALL >nadeem siddique pakistan
These verses gives us more detail on how male and female human beings were created.
God created Adam and Eve in the 6th day of creation.
Brothers and Sisters
To understand and receive a revelation of Bible scriptures we should make it a point to pray first to God so that the Holy Spirit can guide us through the scriptures.
All other verses are made clear and explaine very well in detail to couples, but this one is mentioned in passing or not at all. This cause an imbalance in homes and this gap needs to be closed.
Adam who it refers to (And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a liuing soule)Became the first living soul having received the breath of Life.When no suitable companion was found God did as before except this time he took of what he had made unlike before where it says god made male and female each of its own.The distinction being this others already existed or who or what did it mean when it says Cain took a wife
And how interesting it is that in the second chapter, it is LORD God (notice the distinction) that creates Adam (how is Adam different from the men already created male and female by god in chapter 6, men who are already in the likeness of God?).
The way it is decribed, Adam and Eve appear as.. inferior beings to the men already created by God.
Is there a difference between God and LORD God then?
enough said
Thwe interesting thing is everyone seems to mis verses 5,6 and 7
It quite clearly states that before any plants had appeared on the land, God created Adam and placed him in the garden of Eden when God created it.
So actual it would appear that Adam was created on the third day and that other human beings were created on the sixth day and which would tie up with Cains claim that after he killed Abel and was banished from Gods presence, he claimed that anyone who found him would kill him
The question is where did they come from if the only inhabitants were Adam, Eve and perhaps any other children they had before the birth of Seth.
Now in regards to humanity coming from the line of Adam, that would be through Noah who was a descendant of Adam.
Anyway those are my thoughts
Peace be to all
Bill I wanted to address you in particular. I am ever grateful to know that you are re-examining your loss of religion and am glad to see you are seeking answers. I do believe if you ask you shall receive.
Regarding literal concepts of the creations described, even scientists cannot fully explain the creation or invention of the earth, stars, sun, moon, space or time. It is unknown to all exactly how it happened. God did create these things listed, but it doesn't state exactly how except for the taking of Adams rib to create woman.
You must consider that these things are too difficult to fathom. We as humans are not capable of understanding the creation from "no physical materials" or energy only. It is an obvious creation by a higher power. Be open minded as you seek answers. Be open to the idea that not answers will be unveiled to you. Many of the concepts in the Bible rely on faith. Once you continue to read, as others suggested, you will find a better definition of faith in relation to your own self. You will realize how important faith truly is. Once you rely on that faith all things are possible.
Please keep in mind as you are reading, not only faith, but how the entire text offers love, trust, and gives valuable "rules of thumb" to live by. Even if you are only here to learn more, understand that the information you are retrieving is good for anyone to follow.
Best wishes to you Bill.
He then goes into detail about how He created mankind and what Adam was doing before God created Eve. Adam needed a helper :)
It is good you lost your religion now maybe you can find the Lord Jesus. John 3:3 says you must be born into the Kingdom of God.
Start at the beginning of the New Testament. Matthew and read through it, it will be life changing. Bless