Discuss Genesis 2 Page 46

  • Bill on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    I started to re-examine my loss of religion. I thought what better place to start than reading the bible. I've read 2 chapters and have to say that I'm not sure this book will rekindle an awaking in me. To be accepted as literally true, is to hard for me to accept. I'll keep reading and maybe it will be more convincing. Maybe, I am interpreting it wrong. Should I be taking it literally or should I be accept it as an allegory?
  • Gordon Bennett on Genesis 2:7 - 13 years ago
    I found the answer in Wikipedia:

    Two stories or one?

    Until the latter half of the 19th century Genesis 1 and 2 were seen as one continuous, uniform story with Genesis 1:1–2:6 outlining the world's origin, and 2:7–2:25[19] carefully painting a more detailed picture of the creation of humanity. Modern scholarship, citing (1) the use of two different names for God, (2) two different emphases (physical vs. moral issues), and (3) a different order of creation (plants before humans vs. plants after humans), believes that these are two distinct scriptures written many years apart by two different sources, chapter 1 by the Priestly source and chapter 2 by the Jahwist, with the bridge the work of a "redactor", or editor
  • Gordon bennett on Genesis 2:7 - 13 years ago
    ... surely man had already been created in Genesis 1, verse 26. What's going on here?
  • David on Genesis 2 - 13 years ago
    Why does the order of creation change as we move from Genesis 1 to Genesis 2. It does rather beg the question as to which of the two accounts is true?
  • Frenz on Romans 5 - 13 years ago
    Prior to this i would like to share something about our topic, ( Romans 5:12)for by one man sin entered the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for in that all have sinned.....We know that the bible clearly state that both of them disobeyed God's command, as stated in this verse FOR BY ONE MAN SIN ENTERED THE WORLD,One man means not particular to one man only but two person,( Genesis 2:24)meaning they shall be in one flesh. In ( Genesis 2:16-17) Thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. When Eve begin to have fellowship with the devil, She begin to have a desire about the fruit in the midst of the garden, the devil expalin to her that you will not die if you eat the fruit but rather will be like God, Adam saw Eve that when She ate the fruit she did not die, but God said you will die, so when Eve gave him the fruit after he ate this, their eyes where opened and saw that they were both naked and covered with them leafs, and so the bible said In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die, they died on that day because for the Lord one thousand day for the Lord is only ONE DAY that is why they died on that day, but because of God's love to them before sending out from the garden God clothed them with skin of animals (Lamb)for the remission of their sin because God commanded them only ONE COMMAND! ( Hebrews 9:22) without shedding of Blood there is no remission of sin. because there was a sacrifice blood for them a blemish, without spot of a lamb. ( John 1:29) Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world.

    This is very important matter to all of us,the sin which committed by Adam & Eve was forgiven but there was something happend there was a consequence a far reaching consequence of their sin, we inherit the original sin which is death from hell, the only way to escape this is to have reconcilliation with Christ thru baptism in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins, this is the only key for us to enter God's Kingdom without repentance and without baptism we will all likewise perish. ( John 3:3-7)
    Without being born again of water and of spirit we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, for there is two salvation God wants to happen to all, being baptized of water & spirit and after this process we must continue to be with Lord in his second coming ( Titus 2:13) This the TRUTH the truth that will save us from damnation, because Jesus said I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE no man cometh unt the Father except thru me.

    Godbless you heart...
  • Nic on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    @mike A day to god is something of a thousand years to us. Going back to genesis 2:17
    he says, "....for in [the day] that you eat it you will surely die."

    now go to to genesis 5:5 "And all the years that Adam lived were [nine hundred and thirty years]: and he died."

    He didn't live to complete the day in God's eyes, which is thought to be one thousand years or a millennium. So fundamentally speaking, its been [two days] since Jesus died, in god's eyes that is.
  • Richard Exelby on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    verse 16 cannot be used to justify the use of just anything as a personal and legitimate right, because verse 9 says that it was "every tree that is good for food". As neither opium poppies or marihuana are trees, coca-leaves and other forms of drug use generally is not "food" i.e. nourishment, you can't prove from verse 16 that these things were even in the Garden or that you have a God-given right to take drugs; -especially not when you see what else the Bible has to say on the matter.
  • Ben weaver on Genesis 2:25 - 14 years ago
    God designed and created the human body as the crowning touch of creation, to be wholesome and beautiful. This prime delight of God is obviously what the enemy would try hardest to disgrace as a slander to the artist. He would make religious people think the body is vile and unclean, to be hidden from public view; After establishing prohibition, he then presents the female form as an attraction that he himself has to offer. He is now able to add corrupted desires to defile the pure purpose of God. Instead of preaching the new pure life that believers have in Jesus, organized religion agrees with the devil and has outlawed the appreciation of God's creation. This opens the door for the enemy to make it teasingly attractive. Prohibition doesn't work; make a rule and that is exactly what people want to do. The strength of sin is the law ( 1 Cor. 15:56). We need the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, not religious laws. There are established Christian Nudist organizations successfully emphasizing purity in Jesus and an appreciation for God's creation. Religion has thrown the baby out with the bath water and created a monster to the advantage of God's enemy. I've been to clothes-free camps, and discovered that the tease game is over and pure thoughts prevail; these are just real people. When we hide a part, curiosity has a toe hold. However,to win others to Jesus we will have to conform to the standards of our society. The Apostle Paul says, "I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some ( 1 Cor. 9:22). In order to satisfy other Christians, I have not pursued my freedom in Christ. May our Lord grant discernment and bless you all.
  • Frenz on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    This is where God commanded Adam And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

    17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Before I begin let me say that God hath made 7 dispensation meaning God made different time of salvation and for every time, there was salavtion as I explain thru the knowledge of God wherein God commanded Adam to freely eat all the fruits in the garden, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day you eat of it, you will surely die.

    So man disobeyed God when they eat the fruit of good and evil they died on that day because 1,000 years is ONE DAY FOR THE LORD. But before God remove them from the garden, He didn't let them go out without changing their dress, God put them with a SKIN OF ANIMALS which is the SKIN of the LAMB, THE TYPE AND SHADOWS TO COME, meaning this is where God will take place his salvation to mankind. The SKIN OF THE LAMB represent the BLOOD OF CHRIST to be SHED UPON (Heb.9:22) Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.

    The Skin covering of Adam & Eve representing what God will do to remove the CURSE (DEATH) which came into the world by ONE MAN, and so SIN entered the world, and DEATH passeth to ALL MEN, for ALL HAVE SIN. ( Romans 5:12) We are all BORN SINNERS IN THE SIGHT OF GOD ( Psalms 51:5) There is none righteous, no not anyone in the sight of God. ( Romans 3:10)

    The only solution for this CURSE that we INHERITED IS THRU RECONCILIATION BY OBEDIENCE THRU GOD'S WORD, THRU IMMERSION BY BAPTISM IN WATER IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF OUR SINS, AND YOU SHALL RECEIEVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. ( Acts 2:38-39), wherein you will clothed with Christ, and we will be buried thru his death thru baptism, that is why Galacians 3:27= All have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Because there is only ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, and ONE BAPTISM (Ephessians 4:5) There is only ONE GOD and he is the ALPHA, the OMEGA the BEGINNING and END ( Revelation 1:8)
    He is the IMAGE OF THE INVICIBLE GOD ( Colossians 1:15) He is the ONE True GOD that was manifest in the FLESH ( 1 Timothy 3;16) He is the True God and eternal LIFE ( 1 John 5:20) And He will be SOON COMING IN THE CLOUDS FOR HIS BRIDE (The Church) Titus 2:13) ( Matthew 16:18-19) For there is no other name in heaven whereby we must be saved ( Acts 4:12) He is the messiah that the Israelites until now still waiting for Him to come, but doesnt understand this Messiah is already came back to heaven in His throne as God Spirit ( John 4:24) To God be the glory in Jesus Christ name, amen.

    Godbless you all
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 2:17 - 14 years ago
    At one point man did knew nothing but life.
    Once he ate from the tree, he had the knowledge of the angels. In the image of GOD he was created. At that point his position as an angel was lossed and he was cast out. He was cast to the earth, as SATAN was cast IN the earth. Man no longer was protected with the HEAVENLY HOST but allowed SIN to do what SIN do - KILL and DESTROY. (sin = Satan)
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 2:4 - 14 years ago
    All the angels and hell were finished.
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 2:4 - 14 years ago
    Once again, These were the generations "GENERATIONS" in the DAY the Lord GOD created. not in the 24 hours. - once again emphasis on more than a 24 hour period "GENERATIONS"
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 2:3 - 14 years ago
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 2:2 - 14 years ago
    I would like for people to use the term "ceaseth" from HIS work. Otherwise, people would look as GOD as in somewhat as with human trates. GOD DO NOT GET TIRED - SO WHY WOULD HE REQUIRE "rest"
  • Ben weaver on Genesis 2:17 - 14 years ago
    Is it OK to surmise a little? A tree seems to be a natural structure that bears fruit (desirable outcome). The two trees that are named seem abstract from what we normally think of as trees. Maybe, some of the other trees were also symbolic. In Galatians 5:22, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, and more. Might there have been a tree of love etc. in the garden of Eden? God commanded them not to eat (partake) of the tree of knowing (experiencing) both good and evil. It does seem that God had already offered them every good that he created for them to have, so I don't know why He would now forbid kmowing good along with evil. This test seems to continue even today. In Deut. 30:19, God says, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live". In all areas of life, God wants us to have the ultimat of good, not trouble and misery. Jesus came that we could have life in abundance ( Jn. 10:10). It is an enemy that is intent to kill, steal, and destroy, as with Eve. Lets be fully devoted to the good shepherd.
  • Least of on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    genesis 2:7 john 1:4 genesis 2:16-17 here is the problem, man was for warned genesis 2:28 that we [have] dominion over the earth & every thing on it.with the blessing of GOD. THEY WERE INSTRUCTED genesis 2:16. genesis 3:1 our adversary makes them question GODS word,with doubt comes fear,if we are not GOD centerd we are self centerd apart from GOD man is void.
  • Ben Weaver on Genesis 2:17 - 14 years ago
    The words know & knowledge often refer to an intimate relationship with a condition or person rather than information in ones memory, i.e. Cain knew his wife and she conceived. Also, God didn't say knowledge about, but knowledgee of good and evil. Now, they already knew good at its best, but God didn't want his creation project to experience evil. The Heb. word for evil is "RA" and is also translated to 29 other words in the Bible, such as trouble, distress, sick and other conditions of misery. Rom. 8:22 says "The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain". Is this the result the first humans choosing to partake of evil. There are also some difficulties with this interpretation.
  • Ben Weaver on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    The words"know" & "knowledge" in the Bible often denote an intimate experience rather than information in ones memory, ie "Cain knew his wife and she conceived". Also notice that our verse 17, says "knowledge of" and not knowledge about good and evil. What Adam knew/experienced up till now was only good, very good. The Heb. word for evil (RA) is also translated into 29 other English words such as: trouble, distress, sick, and calamity. "Evil" indicates dreadful misery rather than forbiden delight, as the devil would have us believe. My personal interpretation of this v. 17, is that God was directing goodness for his creation project. He didn't want a painful ruin to overtake it.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    Genesis 2:7 when talking about this man, this man has the article,( eth ) so, its eth ha Adham, and with the Article it denotes Thee Man Adam, till the soil. Adam without the Article. Just ha, is speaking of human as in mankind. So, its to say like this, that the Adam which Christ would come from or as it will say, He was the son of Adam or be called the son of Adam is because it would be This Adam. Now the man created in chapter 1:27 Adam without the article is mankind in general. With the article denotes, Thee Man Adam, this one! The most specific is with the article And particle ( eth ) and when we have eth it is very emphatic. We are talking about, Thee Man, this one, someone who is ste aside here. The Hebrew tongue, grammar helps use see that this thee man is the one Christ would come from..just a thought. I think I read this from the companion Bible by E.W.Bullinger, anyway, its in my notes.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 3 - 14 years ago
    Genesis 2:17 is that tree of good and evil. The tree that was good and then turned evil. We follow the tree of life. And for in that day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. At that time a day was 1000 years and they didn't live to a thousand. God was with them and a day with God is 1000 years. In fact I don't think anyone made it to a thousand, some came close 900 plus. In 2:9 God stated fruit trees for food and then He tells us the LORD as the tree of life and then satan,the serpent, as that good tree that turn bad. In Genesis 3:13 and in 2 Corinthians 11:3 we see what the sepent did in the garden, he beguiled her. Beguiled is # 1537 exapatao in Greek comes from #1537, an #1538 and has one meaning only 'Seduce" whole or completely. Then in Genesis 3:15 you have the seed`s as ennity. Seed is " zera in Hebrew which is successive descendants of a person,generations not yet born. So we go check out Genesis 4:1 an 2. She thought she had a man from the LORD but cause in 4:2 it says "again" she bare Able. Hebrew its #3254 yacaph, primitive root meaning, to add or omit, to continue in labor to give Able life.that means delivered cain,then continued in labor and had Able. Un-identical twins and that's why cain`s not listed in Adam`s genealogy in chapter 5 but is in chapter 4 cause he isn't from Adam. Looking at 2 of every fleah getting on Noah`s boat cain`s people got on cause the kenites[ sons of cain] translated show up in first Chronicles 2:55.
  • Ernest on James 1 - 14 years ago
    yashua be praised.Beloved, it behooves us to really understand what james is saying in verse 22 of chptr.1,we are quick to quote this passage, but do we understand the meaning? do we really honor the sabbath? is this not hearing and doing? hint sabboth is NOT SUNDAY but friday sundown to saturday sun down, GENESIS 2:2-3 the truth
  • Chosen Vessel of the Remaining Bride on Proverbs 8 - 14 years ago
    Please read and understand:

    There remains no excuse for those people who do not realize that God’s image is masculine and feminine. All of God’s creation generally declares the masculine and feminine image of Elohiym. It is clear that out of Adam came forth a female Adam who was genetically bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh (see Genesis 2:22-25). The masculine Adam and the feminine Eve reveal the image of the spiritual Father
    (Melchizedek) and Mother (Holy Spirit/El Shaddai/Shekinah). The removal of Adam’s rib to make a woman is a reflection of how Elohiym became masculine and feminine. Out of Adam came forth a female Adam (Eve) who was equal in all things. Adam was only perceptually first amongst his feminine equal, since Eve was always within Adam and is Adam. This same paradigm reflects the presence of Elohiym. Out of subatomic negative darkness of God the Father came the positive light of God the Mother (Holy Spirit), who are the atoms in all things. The Father (subatomic darkness) seemed to be first amongst equals. In the heavenly sense of the earthly parallel, the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the eternal subatomic darkness, always dwelt in the intangible eternal body. Accordingly, the eternal body of darkness became masculine (darkness) and feminine (light), just as Adam became genetically male and female. The feminine Holy Spirit has her reflection in the feminine part of creation. She is our heavenly and earthly Mother, whose greatest image is seen in the form of Eve. Our universal spiritual parents are Elohiym. Elohiym (Gods, plural) said, “Let US (God the spiritual Father and spiritual Mother) make man (Adam and Eve) in OUR image (masculine and feminine), after OUR likeness” (see Genesis 1:26, 27). This reveals how the invisible things of Elohiym are clearly revealed by the things they have recalled. Wisdom is personified as a woman in Proverbs 8:1. Wisdom is none other than the words of the feminine Holy Spirit. The feminine Holy Spirit is the Glory of the masculine part of Elohiym. God has possessed Wisdom (words/thoughts of the feminine Holy Spirit) from the very beginning of Elohiym’s ways (see Proverbs 8:22). Wisdom was set up (came forth) from everlasting (darkness of God). Thereby, Wisdom came out of God (everlasting), as Eve came out (Adam’s rib) of Adam (see Proverbs 8:23).

    The people of today who sin against Wisdom (Holy Spirit) by rejecting present truth have freely chosen to be forever lost (see Proverbs 8:36). When a person rejects present truth (this new doctrine), he or she is rejecting the latter-day words of Wisdom (Holy Spirit) and committing the unpardonable sin (see Matthew 12:31). To swallow an abomination is to believe that Elohiym is not masculine and feminine, as reflected through their greatest earthly image (Adam and Eve). Man and woman are the final reflection of Elohiym. There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the word (two-sided scroll of life), and the feminine Holy Ghost (Mother), as alluded to in 1 John 5:7. The Father being Melchizedek and the word being the Son and Daughter, then the Holy Ghost/Shekinah is the Mother. There can be no son or daughter without a father and mother. Accordingly, the Holy Spirit is the eternal Father’s feminine equal.

    Revelation 12:1: And there appeared a great wonder in
    HEAVEN; a WOMAN {image of the Holy Spirit} clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a CROWN {Queen of heaven} of twelve stars:
  • Cory sellers on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    To: Patriciaagbinor, If the trinity was comleted as you say, how does that correlate to Him being the Alpha and the Omega the begining and the end?
    If the trinity is a viable theory how can They being as one be completed in genesus?
  • Cory sellers on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    To Michael's comment on 5-24-10. give scriptual references to your statement on Adam's creation on the 8th day. Just saying it is so does not make it truth.
  • Cory sellers on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    How do you tie the days of genesus chpt 1 & 2 to 2 peter 3:8?
  • Todd on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    I have heard many misquote verse 18. For example: A wife was pestering her husband about something, justifying what she was doing by saying she was just being his help-mate. The word after help in verse 18 is "meet", not "mate". Meet is an adjective, meaning suitable. Mate is a noun meaning the same thing as help. So, the words .. help meet.. from verse 18 literally mean ..mate that is suitable for..
  • Todd on Genesis 2:18 - 14 years ago
    How is it not grammatically correct?
  • Ross on Genesis 2:6 - 14 years ago
    Maybe the mist is symbolic of how Gods Perfect creation was hidden? He had already made everything and he said it was good.
  • T.K on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    Question,what is the geography(topography)of the eden,the garden God made (within or outside of eden?! and the position of the rivers with respect to "the eden" and with respect to "the garden"?
  • Michael on Genesis 2 - 14 years ago
    In answer to Dave:

    The clue is in 2:4, as this verse states that the chronological order of creation has been vaguely explained, and the detailed description of these events are to follow.

    Many people still believe that man was created on day six, and "Ha - Adam" on day eight, when verse 4 is simply the seperation between the synopsis and the the detailed accounts.
    As anyone can see the so called 8th day is never mentioned, as both descriptions refer to the same instance of events.

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