Discuss Genesis 32 Page 2

  • GiGi on Genesis 32 - 3 years ago
    Jacob has been traveling south along the east side of the Jordan river. As he approaches the land of Seir (Edom) where Esau lives, Jacob considers what may become of meeting up with Esau after all of these 20 years. Although Jacob holds no animosity towards Esau, he figures Esau is probably still angry with him, perhaps remembering how Esau was when they grew up together for 40 years. Jacob's group was very large. He wanted to make sure that Esau knew that they are a peaceful group, not hostile or warriors. He also wanted Esau to know who he was. This gives time for both of them to prepare for a meeting. Jacob is anticipating problems, so he sends droves of livestock ahead with servants to give to Esau as a gift, hoping to soften Esau's demeaner toward Jacob and his family. That final night, after the livestock are on their way, he send his wives and children.

    I have always wondered why he sent family ahead of him. Did he think Esau would see his family members and feel family affection? Did he send them away so he could be alone with God in prayer? The night Jacob wrestles with a strong man all night. Perhaps this can be likened to persevering in prayer until one gets an answer. I wonder at what point Jacob realized he was wrestling with God and not a human adversary? By the morning neither had prevailed over the other. Jacob would not stop wresting God until God blessed him. God did, changing his name from Jacob to Israel which does indicate a change in character for him. Now he would be a prince among men. At the end of the encounter, he asks God to tell him His name and God does not grant His request. I wonder why? Maybe Israel was not yet ready to know God by Name yet.

    It is interesting that when he prayed to God before this event that Jacob admits his need for God's help an that any blessing he has received is undeserved and he is unworthy of being so blessed. He is humbled and finally realizing he is not the force or strength behind his successes.
  • Bernard Collins jr on Genesis 32 - 3 years ago
    I love the lord jesus and live under GOD DESIER plan of life on this earth to the everlasting life through jesus the savelir
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Shayne, that's an interesting idea of body, soul, spirit being like the trinity. But do these really align perfectly? For example, is God always a body? and which of the triune God is always a body, Jesus? But scriptures (like the one you just shared) show that physical body was only a temporary thing for Him being on Earth. Matt 27:50 says Jesus gave up His spirit when He died on earth, showing that He too is a spirit. Also, God the Father or possibly a trinity also came into physical form too, when He wrestled with Jacob, for instance. Genesis 32:29. Also the LORD appeared to people in the old testament: Genesis 18:1-33. And who is the "LORD" of the old testament? Jesus, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, or triune God?
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Teresa johnson,

    We see in Job the sons of God are angels ( Job 1"6) ( Job 2:1) and ( Job 38:7). There are demons on the earth that I hope you never have to contend with because these are vicious beings. How or why they are here is not in scripture, there are writings outside of the Bible but whether they are true is in question. But what does scripture tell us?

    We see in Scripture angels appearing in the form of man, able to eat, drink, and have physical contact with humans. ( Genesis 18:2-8) ( Genesis 32:24-30). We are also told to be careful entertaining strangers because they could be an angel, ( Hebrews 13:2). The angels that left their first estate were treated differently, they were locked in chains of darkness (bottomless pit) until judgment, they are not roaming this earth.

    Angels have no need to reproduce in their present estate like humans. If angels by choosing to leave their first estate can procreate, that is what we see in ( Genesis 6:1-4), and is probably the reason those angels were locked up in darkness because they corrupted God's creation of mankind, that God destroyed with the flood.

    Angels and demons are roaming the earth. We see in Daniel 10 good angels and bad angels battle each other here on earth, same as we battle these beings, these may be part of the third that will be cast down with Satan. We see they rejoice in heaven when this happens and say woe unto those on earth.

    We know by Job Satan has access to heaven because he went with the sons of God when they presented themselves to God, ( Job 1:6-12). Some take Revelation 12 as in the past, but if we look at what is said. Satan is the accuser and accuses us daily. If you read Revelation 12 you will see in vs. 8, Satan has no more place in heaven. In vs. 11 they overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives until death, this is in the future, not the past.

    God bless,

  • Cherry Dickerson - 3 years ago
    I'm doing research on Historical Bible mistakes and contradictions. The work is as expansive as hidden crimes come to life. For those who make up excuses for the current Bible errors, shame on you. These errors have already been corrected, and no thanks to the people who pleaded against the changes, saying God makes no mistakes. God is perfect, people are not.

    in 1860, William Henry Burr produced a list of 144 self-contradictions in the Bible.

    A 1716 edition of the 17th-century King James version (known as the Party Bible) replaces "Sin no more" from Jeremiah 31:34 with "Sin on more". There were 8,000 copies printed before anyone noticed.

    "Let the children first be killed" is Mark 7:27 and it's supposed to be: "Let the children first be filled." A 1795 edition of the King James version.

    "If the latter husband ate her" Known as the Cannibal's Bible, a 1682 printing alters this passage from Deuteronomy 24:3, which is meant to read: "If the latter husband hate her."

    " I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." Genesis 32:30

    "No man hath seen God at any time" John 1:18

    "The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father" Ezekiel 18:20

    "I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation" Exodus 20:5

  • What Jacob means to the whole World - In Reply on Genesis 32:30 - 3 years ago
    I was taught that Jacobs name had the meaning of deceiver attached to it, over the birthright issue with his brother.

    Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord.

    This is the incident where Jacobs name was changed to ISRAEL. He was the forefather of modern day Israel. The Covenant of blessing and THE LAND (deed), passed upon all descendants of Abrahams descendants born to ABRAHAM and HIS wife, SARAH.

    Ishmael who was born to Abraham and Hagar, was blessed separately by God and given power and wealth, even to Present day, Palestinian nations and people's. This is all recorded in Genesis 16:11, 17:20, 21:18.

    In these end of days, there is argument over the land of Israel still. No matter how the politicians try to separate Israel from the land; the covenant God initiated, will stand.

    Israel is only about 7 1/2 miles wide, yet the entire world covets the Land God gave to Israel by a Covenant with Abraham. As I was taught, Ishmael was born through the permissive Will of God. He allowed it, but His Covenant was enacted with Abraham and his wife, Sarah. The children born to Israel are their mothers religion.

    Hagar moved away and provided Ishmael an Egyptian wife. Princes, kingdoms and wealth was given to Ishmael and his descendants. Modern day Palestinians. The whole world will suffer and witness this 6000 yr old struggle for the land of Israel.

    Modern day: every super power on earth will attempt to force Israel to give up their land "for peace", which is a lie of the devil.

    If we had desired peace in the United States, why then did we vote "party", instead of protecting the fragile peace in Jerusalem? Vote With Gods known will? Satan will blind their minds.

    Those who bless Israel will be blessed by God.

    Get ready because we're all going to have to suffer for our acts. Try hard to understand covenants and the prophesies at work here? Don't be an ostrich (book of Job).

  • Lauren - In Reply on Genesis 32:30 - 3 years ago
    I had a conversion experience in my early 20's while living and practicing in a Zen Buddhist

    monastery it will remain forever etched in my mind and heart. I was saying a Buddhist mantra

    (in Korean), and sitting full lotus style, surrounded by gray robed Buddhist monks. In my heart I was very desperately

    wanting to know God, I was quite broken internally, and I did not know God, I called it "enlightenment." One morning early I had a sudden, profoundly moving vision of Jesus' face on the Cross, and a feeling of such immense joy and recognition, I was changed forever. I saw that face and said, "Lord!" an I had never said that word in all my life.

    It was the beginning of my Christian walk. I saw His face. By God's unspeakable mercy, and for HIs glory, this face had a profound effect on my spirit that will never be erased..... I know we all come to Him differently, but this was my experience. So I love that scripture.
  • Tony on Genesis 32:30 - 3 years ago
    Gen 32:30, please elaborate the best possible meaning. Face to face could be another word for meeting, not a literal meaning that Jacob actually saw God's face. Right? If he saw God's face then it contradicts other scriptures that says no man sees God otherwise will surely die.
  • Simon on 2 Chronicles 10 - 3 years ago
    Part 1 continued:

    ( Ezekiel 21:12) Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people,...smite therefore upon thy thigh. "smite therefore upon thy thigh" is reference to Jacob wrestling an angel for the birthright he obtained from a hungry Esau, for a bowl of lentil soup. Wrestling the angel permanently injured Jacob's thigh ( Genesis 32:24-25). Seen as our "Jacob's time of trouble"; the great tribulation.

    God made both Gog and Esau "small" and "despised "( Obadiah 1:2) Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.

    ( Daniel 11:23) And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

    ( Matthew 24:21-22) For then shall be great tribulation....

    ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3) The falling away is the abomination of desolation.

    ( Mark 13:14) ( Matthew 24:15)

    ( 2 Peter 3:10) (Mathew 3:11)

    ( Amos 5:18) ( Amos 5:20)

    ( Daniel 11:31)

    ( Revelation 17:16-17)

    ( Daniel 9:27)

    ( Jeremiah 51:53)

    ( Revelation 18) vs 20 ...for in one hour is she made desolate.

    ( Revelation 18:9-10) ...for in one hour is thy judgment come. ( Ezekiel 18:26)

    ( Daniel 12:6-7)

    Israel (house) is notably attacked [from the south to the north]:

    ( Ezekiel 21:2-4) And say to the land of Israel (northern kingdom),...therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh [from the south to the north].

    ( Ezekiel 20:46-47) ....Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree:...and all faces [from the south to the north] shall be burned therein.

    ( Isaiah 21:1) ....As whirlwinds in [the south pass through]; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land (Gog's land)

    ( Job 37:9)

    ( Isaiah 24) "Day of the Lord" aftermath.

    ( Revelation 9:18) By these three was the third part of men killed...
  • SkipVought - In Reply on Acts 7 - 3 years ago
    As Chris stated, the star of david is not mentioned in The Bible.

    But there was a star mentioned in a prophecy by the pagan prophet, Balaam, when he had been hired by the king of Moab to put a curse on the people of Israel. But God wouldn't let him utter a curse no matter how he tried. It's quite a story, with a donkey being more perceptive than a prophet. Anyhow, here's the prophecy that God allowed him to pronounce:

    "I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth." Num 24:17 (KJVA)

    This is referring to someone who's appearing later, not at that time. A "Star" out of Jacob and a "Sceptre" out of Israel. Well Jacob was named, by God Himself, "Israel" in Genesis 32:22-32. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and was the ancestor of King David and Joseph the husband of Mary and Mary the mother of Jesus, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." Rev 22:16 (KJVA)
  • SkipVought - In Reply on Genesis 32 - 3 years ago
    I believe that this is a physical manifestation of the pre-incarnate Messiah, who Christians refer to as the Second Person of the One Eternal God; one revelation, if you wish, of a multitude in The Old Testament that reveal the Three Persons of The Godhead.

    Take this one from Zechariah: there are TWO Persons of the Godhead; God The Father [GTF] and God The Son [GTS]

    And the angel of the LORD [GTS] protested unto Joshua, saying, "Thus saith the LORD of hosts [GTF]; 'If thou wilt walk in my [GTF] ways, and if thou wilt keep my [GTF] charge, then thou shalt also judge my [GTF] house, and shalt also keep my [GTF] courts, and I [GTF] will give thee places to walk among these that stand by. Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I [GTF] will bring forth my servant the BRANCH [GTS]. For behold the stone that I [GTF] have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I [GTF] will engrave the graving thereof,' saith the LORD of hosts [GTF], 'and I [GTF] will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. In that day,' saith the LORD of hosts [GTF], 'shall ye call every man his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree.'" Zec 3:6-10 (KJV)

    Here's a passage that has all Three of The Godhead:

    "Come ye near unto me [GTS], hear ye this; I [GTS] have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I [GTS]: and now the Lord GOD [GTF], and his Spirit [HS], hath sent me [GTS]." Isa 48:16 (KJVA)

    Start at verse 3 and follow who is speaking. The speaker in verse 12 says "I am he; I am the first, I also am the last." That's about as clear a statement of who the speaker is, The Son of God.

    "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."Joh 1:18 (KJV)

    Bottom line: many evidences in the OT of the pre-incarnate Christ and Jacob met Him, in all likelihood.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Genesis 32 - 3 years ago
    David, may the Spirit grace you with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    The angel of the Lord of the old testament is the same as Jehovah of the old testament and is the same that came in the flesh that we know as Jesus Christ and is now back in the glorified body he has had since he was begotten of the Father. The angel of the Lord is a man in a glorified body, Jehovah is a man in a glorified body. Jehovah set aside his glorified body and took upon himself a body like sinful flesh and was manifest as the man Jesus Christ who died for us to reconcile his brothers and sisters to the Father. Then at his resurrection took back the glorified body he laid down for us. Let's look at some of the scriptures that shed light on this. All angels have glorified bodies like their archangel the angel of the Lord.

    Exodus 3:2 The angel of the Lord appeared to him (Moses) in a flame of fire......

    Exodus 3:14 And God (Jehovah) said unto Moses (as the angel of the Lord out of the burning bush)I AM that I AM.....

    John 8:58 .... before Abraham was, I AM.

    Genesis 18:1 And the Lord appeared unto him (Abraham).....

    Genesis 18:2 And he (Abraham) lift up his eyes and looked, and lo, THREE MEN stood by him...

    Genesis 18:22 And the (two) men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord (Jehovah, the third man).

    Genesis 32:24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man.....

    Hosea 12:4 Yet he (Jacob) had power over the angel......

    Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entered angels unawares.

    Psalm 103:20 Bless ye the Lord, ye HIS ANGELS....

    Meditate upon the implications this last verse implies.

    There are many more scriptures that parallel the angel, Jehovah and Jesus Christ, but not enough space in 2000 words to write them all.

    Ask for the Spirits wisdom and understanding and YE SHALL RECEIVE.
  • Daivd on Genesis 32 - 3 years ago
    looking for thoughts on the angel that wrestled with jacob
  • Sad to ENCOURAGED on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Please pray that GOD will encourage me and lift my spirit. I have been abused by those who have Satan's mindset in them for so long, even today I couldn't bare to look outside at the bright sunshine. I had to close the curtains back. I LOVE the sunshine, and we haven't had it in so long with the rain, clouds, and dreary skies. Typically ANY light from the LORD's sky gives me a boost in the room that I live in, but today, I just closed the curtains back and cried.

    GOD has hope available to me, and He seems to have tried to keep my spirit from crying at times, so that I'd keep trying to get out of this bad situation. And HE DID help me in that for a LONG time! The crying was temporary--for a few minutes and even that only, came after our LORD and Father (GOD) had His Holy Spirit or/and heavenly angel(s) tell my soul not to go there (start crying) but to instead, keep going.

    Typing this actually made me feel better.

    Thank you to all who have prayed for me before (not that anyone knows who I am, but I KNOW that I think it was last year maybe, that I KNEW SOMEONE on this site or elsewhere had prayed for me--there was a CHANGE!!!! I can't say that I recall ever having experiened that before--but someone had prayed FOR ME. I could only pray to GOD to bless whomever that was. I hope that that helped them, because they helped me!

    PLEASE be encouraged, and remember, that your Father is GOD! Your family--the men who are your fathers and brothers that GOD created--they consist of at least TWO kings (King David and King Solomon are two of our earthly fathers--you can see our family lineage in Matthew 1:1-21). We are descendants of Abraham (we are the promise GOD made unto him: "...I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore...."), his son Issac, and Jacob, who later became Israel after a blessed wrestling match ( Genesis 32:27-28)!

    GOD witnesses ALL done2&4us! Thank u all who pray, and thank u 2 this site
  • Esther on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago
    Food for thought. Why did the man that wrestled with Jacob touch Jacob's thigh and put it out of place? Why not Jacob's arm? Touching the thigh was a significant sign. It was for blessings. It was an oath. It was their promised word. Do you see where I am going with this? This was a spiritual encounter with a blessing to follow. We name our children what we think is a pretty name. Names in the Bible were important. We should choose wisely when naming our children.
  • Esther on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago
    If you believe there is no Trinity, read where God tells us that his son sits on the right side of his throne and the earth is his (Jesus') footstool. You must by faith except his birth, life, burial and resurrection. When we become Christians (real born again), we are told that we are dead in Christ. I think we are to follow Christ as our example for living and dying. May all who reads this be born-again. God bless each.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    I will state at the outset Melvin, that I've never fasted & prayed: I've never sensed the need to do so, though I do understand Jesus Own Words in this regard ( Matthew 17:21) & others in the Bible who have fasted & prayed ( Luke 2:37, Acts 14:23). There is no reason to not fast & pray, but when we consider these examples, it seems clear that fasting (coupled with prayer), is an act to make one more conscious & focused on the important/urgent matter in our hearts or in the spiritual work we might be called to do, that engages with the spirit world.

    The opposite is also true: if you have a big lunch & its a lovely warm day, it doesn't take much for the body to relax & slowly drift away into sleep (for me at least). But when the body is denied food & coupled with a determination to bring our matters before the Lord, then our spirits are more centred on this & stray thoughts & need for sleep are kept at bay. As well, I would think that the Lord also sees the earnestness of our hearts about our matters before Him & we in a sense 'wrestle with the Lord' in prayer as Jacob did physically with God's Angel, saying, "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." ( Genesis 32:26). And James in James 5:16 says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much", which almost implies that if we choose to fast & pray, then this adds 'weight' to our fervent, effectual praying. Does this make our prayers more powerful? If our prayers are then made in full faith not doubting, in full earnestness, in full agreement with the Will of God, then yes, by fasting, both ourselves & God are pressed into 'action': from us, focused fervent prayer; from God, being conscious of our appeal to Him & not letting go until we see His Hand move.

    Maybe others here on this Site, who engage in fasting & prayer may be able to help you further in this matter.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 8 - 4 years ago
    I think you're referring the tribe of Levi. If so, Levi was a son of Jacob, who was also called Israel ( Genesis 32:28). You can see the names of Israel's other sons in Exodus 1:1-5. And then we read of Levi's sons in Exodus 6:16-19 and all these were appointed by God to serve Him in the Tabernacle ( Numbers 3:5-10), while the other sons of Israel had other appointments throughout their journeyings towards the Promised Land.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 26 - 4 years ago
    The key verse is there in 2 Chronicles 26:16: "But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction: for he transgressed against the LORD his God, and went into the temple of the LORD to burn incense upon the altar of incense."

    Uzziah was a great king, served the Lord well, mighty in battle & helped his people. But all his abilities & fame got to his head, & he greatly transgressed by usurping the duties of the priests by burning incense in the Temple. For this grave error, he became leprous & remained so till the day of his death.

    A New Testament correlation for us could be found in 1 Corinthians 10:12: "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." We can learn from Uzziah's downfall if we too start to become overly confident in our abilities & accomplishments, believing that we're in a strong position that prevents us from any error. It is when we lose sight of God & of our utter reliance upon Him for both our physical & spiritual lives, that we fall into the temptation that we are as 'gods' having the power & authority to do anything. God may just have to put our "thigh out of joint" ( Genesis 32:25) as He did to Jacob, to remind us from whence our strengths & blessings come from & not to usurp God's Authority over our lives.
  • History of Israel and Gentiles - In Reply on Matthew 10:18 - 4 years ago
    The simple explanation of it: there are 3 groups of people on earth:

    Unbelieving Gentiles, Pagans

    Gentiles (all born again people, no matter their nationality or church affiliation.). Grafted into the Vine (Christ) by faith.

    The Jewish People. In covenant with God ( Genesis 15). In Genesis 32:28, 30

    Jacobs NAME was changed to ISRAEL.

    Much of what scholars know about Israel's ancient history comes from the Hebrew Bible. According to the text, Israel's origins can be traced back to Abraham, who is considered the father of both Judaism (through his son Isaac) and Islam (through his son Ishmael).

    Abraham's descendants were thought to be enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years before settling in Canaan, which is approximately the region of modern-day Israel.

    When World War I ended in 1918 with an Allied victory, the 400-year Ottoman Empire rule ended, and Great Britain took control over what became known as Palestine (modern-day Israel, Palestine and Jordan).

    The British controlled Palestine until Israel, in the years following the end of World War II, became an independent state in 1947.

    God set His love on Israel. The unsaved world Hates Israel for that one Reason. Armageddon will be fought for that same reason. Then this world will end. Don't be left behind.

    John 15:18-19. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

  • Anonymous on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago

  • Alex on Genesis 32:8 - 4 years ago
    Comments by Alex about Jesus telling Nic. he had to be bornagain by water and spirit which are the same,The water Jesus is refering to is his WORD as Peter said being bornagain of an incorruptible Seed even by the Word of God, that liveth and abideth for ever. LIVING WATER. As John said when Jesus spoke of the water he was refering to the spirit for the H.G WAS NOT YET GIVEN b/c Jesus was not yet glorified so the water JESUS was speaking of was the H.G.LIVING WATER. Even Paul said the CHURCH had to be washed by the WATER of the WORD. When Jesus used the word water it was Spirit the H.G. ( HIS WORD ) Jesus was not refering to H20 .Jesus was simply impling we must be bornagain by a seed even by the WORD of God. Even in the natural a birth has to be initiated by an intimacy and a seed has to be sown but now that GOOD SEED is sown in our hearts initiating a birth of Christ in US. WHEN Jesus said ye must be bornagain by the water and the spirit thats only 1 baptism of the H.G. THAT LIVING WATER OF HIS WORD. When Jesus said if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink, John said he was refering to the SPIRIT not h20. Faith comes by hearing his WORD which initiates a birth,thats y the bible says that FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,In the natural a woman has the substance of things hoped the evidence of things not seen when she is expecting . But our new birth is in the spirit as that which is born of the spirit is SPIRIT. And only JESUS CAN SOW THAT GOOD SEED IN OUR HEARTS AMEN GBU
  • Old Days versus These Troubling Days - In Reply on Genesis 32:8 - 4 years ago
    When I was young, we Painted each other with washable paint,

    Sang " all you need is love", by the Beatles and played frisbee.

    Then everyone went swimming. It was fun.

    Nowadays people burn stuff, shoot at the cops...wind up in the hospital with the virus.

    Jesus could come back tonight when the rioters are in the street; AND they will not be caught up in the clouds with Jesus; no matter how many times they've gotten "saved".

    They will be Left Behind with an Antichrist who will have them gunned down on the spot. He hates everybody and demonstrates it every single day. He will hang decapitated heads on college gates to discourage rioting.

    Everybody Google the riots at Kent State College, in the 1960's, by the students. They were not using rubber bullets.
  • Cher on Genesis 32:8 - 4 years ago
    Just like the lost sheep, always trying to make up excuses to do things their way instead of God's way! Tatoos are nasty looking carvings! Look to the old days as why they did them!!!
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 32:8 - 4 years ago
    You should read the Commentary on all those verses.; it'll shed some more light.

    God hated Esau for selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. It's the only verse in the Bible that says "God hated."

    Then Esau wanted it back, and chased Jacob all over & around to get it back. What Rachel started and Jacob went along with, was not condemned by God. The birthright meant NOTHING to Esau. He just wanted the blessing. He didn't repent and ask God to forgive him. He was bitter.

    If you follow Esaus' life, you'll see he was rejected by God.
  • Ann Jirjis on Genesis 32:8 - 4 years ago
    Indeed I think that Jacob is a nasty man; all other characters; esua, laban are more decent than he is; except for Rachel the thief ..she is one of hell of a daughter ...she matches Jacob .. in being nasty.....
  • Mishael on Science - In Reply on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago
    That's some weighty thought there.

    We're a 3 part being: spirit, soul, flesh.

    "Behold, ALL SOULS ARE MINE; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die."

    When we die, the flesh returns to the dust that it came from. The whole earth is dust.

    God owns the soul. They were paid for by Jesus's blood sacrifice.

    IF the individual received Christ as their Lord and Savior, the spirit is made alive unto God; and returns to God in heaven upon death; to await the moment of Jesus Rapture (Caught Up), in the clouds.

    The believer is transformed into the eternal body which does not decay. Spirit, soul, transformed body.

    I'm not sure why there needs to be a scientific explanation of molecules, atoms and matter?

    God has already set forth what happens and when. Pouring over books just causes weariness of the mind.

    We're supposed to be filling our spiritual lamps to the top with the oil of The Holy Spirit, and be watching for Jesus coming in the clouds. The oil of gladness?

    We're too close to be getting engrossed in weighty theories that busy our mind with anything other than what we're supposed to be doing. No offense intended.

    God could use someone Full of zeal and fire to pray and intercede for scientists of all kinds to come into the Kingdom NOW. It seems boring huh? Mighty angels respond to those prayers.

    Being a Christian is the Best! We just can't be Christians full of pride and self-achievement. Gotta get on God's team :D

    May the Lord bless you.
  • BabzO39Matic - In Reply on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago
    It is, most certainly, my humble opinion concerning Burial and the methodology of what might refer to, respectfully "dealing with the remains." I assure everyone with a single most and paramount answer; Our God, Father Almighty is Sovereign and therefore ALL those who've died in Jesus will be Resurrected. We're already aware that, "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord," ( 2 Cor. 5:8). A body, alive, is but a vessel of Neutrons, Protons, and Electrons, manipulated by God Almighty within the Womb (It is above my Paygrade to comprehend this, molding of Atoms, prior to conception!). And the possibility, not answered can be that upon our death, the vessel/shell, I believe to be a disposable unit, is left and those Atoms are what is delivered to in the presence of The Father? So, my answer is that the "disposal of remains" does not matter as the Torah does not give guidance towards this finality? In most cases, man-made ceremonies and adornments are what we know today.
  • Danny on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago
    New Testament saying ofGOD GOD is not the author of confusion but peace meaning true easily words to be understood
  • Danny on Genesis 32 - 4 years ago
    Mark10:18 and John 13:13 Jesus confusion and proof of it but I'm certainly not confused about it he also tries to tell you about a Good Samaritan though mark 10:18 he says something different even about His own self

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