Here we see GOD's purpose being fulfilled. JACOB wrestled with an ANGEL. Who took on flesh and blood for the purpose of GOD. No one has an idea of why, but we do see the end results. JACOB was appreciative and was blessed by GOD.
Thereby setting other events in motion, in order to fulfill the scriptures.
Genesis 32 is an amazing chapter. who would ever think they would have the opportunity to actually wrestle God face to face! that in itself is amazing, however, what's more amazing is the reasong why God did it. it represented the Jacob's constant struggle with God. God didn't want a superficial faith from Jacob, he wanted his heart! God could have easily overcome Jacob but, the all night struggle only illustrates how stubborn Jacob was to depend on his own self instead of submimiting to God. When god asked him his name, he actually responded with the truth adn gave God his real name instead of lying like he did to recieve Esau's blessing. This hit home with me as I always struggle with God and yet, give in freely to Satan! The bible is "black and white" and is loaded with life's answers to live a God-like life.
Thereby setting other events in motion, in order to fulfill the scriptures.