Discuss Genesis 38 Page 2

  • Gary johnson on Genesis 38 - 6 years ago
    Unlike Joseph, Judah did not run from temptation.
  • JACQUELINE LOVE on Genesis 38 - 6 years ago
    All I can say is the Lord is good.
  • A disciple on Genesis 38 - 8 years ago
    Comparing these two chapters (38, 39), what instructions can we take from these two very different men? They were brothers according to the flesh, but one was righteous and one was evil; one was mistreated and hated, and the other was a friend of the world and a fornicator. It shows also, how that Christ came in the flesh, but not according to the flesh: spiritually Jesus was NOT a son of Judah.
  • PERRIE L BROWN on Genesis 38 - 8 years ago
    He said his daughter-in-law should be burnt but once he found out that she had his belongings he realized that he made a promise but didn't honor, so she used trickery on him...he forgave her because he felt she was more righteous than himself. Being faith and honoring your word shows faithfulness.
  • Lanell on Genesis 38 - 9 years ago
    This situation also tells us that ,the Lord is reaching out to his people with open out stretch hands, no matter what the problem,
  • I have always wanted to know who was Tamar according to scripture, now my unders on Genesis 38 - 9 years ago
    Now I know
  • Prophet John on 2 Kings 6:27 - 9 years ago
    Without divine breaking point from the Lord God, there is no breakthrough..... Genesis 38:28
  • Dewey J on Genesis 38 - 9 years ago
    Cesar, no he didn 't because she was impregnated by Judah. Even though that was the penalty in those days for adultery Tamar showed Judah and everyone else by presenting Proof of his signet, bracelets, and staff that Judah was the father Gen.38:25. Judah then confessed that Tamar had been more righteous than he. Tamar went approximately 6 months later to give birth to two sons Pharez and Zarah. God bless us all and also in the understanding of his Word. Praise God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • Dewey J on Genesis 38 - 9 years ago
    Jeremiah, interesting post. However, We must conclude that as the Scripture says, Isa. 55:8,9 "For my thoughs are not your thought, neither, are your ways my ways...Though you or me haven 't committed that particular sin as Judah here we all have our own sin Rom.3:10 "As it is written,there is none righteous, no, not one. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore, We are commanded by God in Lu.6:37 "Judge not that you be not judged. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus in all situations in life as well as all Biblical stories. Because Ep.2:8,9 says, "For by grace are we saved through faith and that is not of ourselves it is the gift of God not of works least any man should boast. God bless us all and also in the understanding of his Word. Bless the Lord with all my soul and all that is within me bless his Holy name through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • Peter mugendi mutara on Genesis 38:7 - 9 years ago
    am just amazed
  • Jeremiah on Genesis 38 - 10 years ago
    vs 16 17 this is a strong conversation with Judah soliciting for sex from a harlot. who will think the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH will come from such a disgraceful grandparent. many times its God 's way of doing things. He chooses that which we look down upon , the disqualified ,rejected. also it will have been an easy task for the devil to trace where or by who JESUS was born if GOD had used the obvious.
  • Cesar on Genesis 38:24 - 10 years ago
    Judah really had her burned, wow.
  • Joseph on Genesis 38 - 10 years ago
    Indeed the ways and thoughts of God are higher than ours Isaiah 55 8 9. God decides who He uses at any point in time. God knew that Jesus would come through the lineage of Judah and He allowed Judah to impregnate his daughter in law though Judah did not know that time and allowed her to bear twins, Pharez who was supposed to be the junior twin coming out before Zarah who was supposed to be the senior twin read verses 27 30 , similar to Jacob taking the position of Esau. The lesson i learnt is that no matter how sinful you might have been, God will have mercy on you if you come to Him just as you are and ask Him for mercy and pardon. Indeed God will have mercy upon whom He will have mercy and nobody can question Him! May we receive Grace to come to Him with all our burdens and sins and leave them at the feet of Jesus Christ in Jesus Name. Amen
  • Yaw Asiedu on Genesis 38 - 10 years ago
    So was Juda counted worthy or sinner for sleeping with a harlot as he suppose?
  • Geoffrey orero asanya on Genesis 38 - 10 years ago
    why did God allowed all this to happen
  • George Hartwell on Genesis 38 - 11 years ago
    Comment on verse 9. When I look up the word Onanism in my dictionary, I find that, in the definition of the word, there is a reference back to Genesis 38:9, but there are two definitions given to describe what Onan did to displease the LORD so much that the LORD slew him. Does this mean that Onan actually did both of these things, one after the other, or are biblical scholars unsure of which thing he did? Either way, it does seem a very draconian punishment. Has anyone any thoughts on this, please? Thanks in advance.
  • Adrien on Genesis 38 - 11 years ago
  • Adrien on Genesis 38 - 11 years ago
  • Adrien on Genesis 38 - 11 years ago
  • Bernard on Genesis 38:9 - 11 years ago
  • ONEN ISAAC on Genesis 38 - 11 years ago
    these all issues Jesus came to break them because this is the family where Jesus birth connected so he came so that we can be forgiven
  • Lorral Weaver on Genesis 38 - 12 years ago
    We are not called to think ourselves mightier than others, or more righteous. God can and does use even the lowliest people to accomplish His will. Thank you Lord that you see things in a greater way than we do.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Genesis 38 - 12 years ago
    They shall call him Jesus,for he will save his people from their sins. The Lord Jesus is of the tribe of Judah, and he will take the title deed to the world from the devil that Adam handed over when he disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus.
  • Trent on Genesis 38 - 13 years ago
    Mike, I’m wondering what the intent is of your comment and if you actually believe the Bible is ‘filth’?
    The Bible provides us with many examples of people in sin and having problems, and ultimately showing how salvation can be found, despite humankind's inclination toward sin.

    Sometimes people will post things only to stir up conflict, rather than have a thoughtful dialog. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll assume you really don't believe the Bible attempts to teach daughters to be prostitutes, because the Bible clearly does not teach that. To make such a claim would be like accusing your local newspaper of promoting prostitution, if they were to simply write a news story about it. We are to follow the Bible's examples of Jesus and how people worship God, not the examples of sin that people commit.
  • Mike on Genesis 38 - 13 years ago
    this is filth of the highest order... can you say INCEST!!!! and not one word of reproach!!! how can a book of God contain this filth, what is the moral of this story??? how to teach your daughters to become prostitutes??? what will you give me??? this filth cannot be attributed to God
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 38 - 14 years ago
    And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled [it] on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

    10 And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew him als

    We are so precious to the LORD - of course HE came and sacrificed HIS life for us - Here he shows, before we are even formed - HE LOVES US.
  • SA on Genesis 19 - 14 years ago
    Mild Bill,
    Thank you for your comments. So GOD punised the child from incest which were to become the nations of Moab and Ammonites. Then what about Phares and Zarah of Thmar. They were the child of incest begotten by Thamar made pregnant by Judah.
    ( Genesis 38:15-18)
    Out of this incestuous relatioship between a father-in-law and his daughter-in-law, twins were born, who were destined to become the great grand father of JESUS CHRIST (may peace by upon him).
    (Mattew 1:3)
    So is this true justice. Why double standards in punishment. One being punished and another being honored. Why???
  • Doris on Genesis 38 - 14 years ago
    Thank God for Grace, it really is amazing...

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