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It is just connecting all the center column referencing to other scriptures. They point to other references, that in turn point to others. It's a personal quest that takes time and prayer with Holy Spirit. I'm not a scholar and I don't know Hebrew word interpretation. The thing that interested me was all the conflict on the age of the earth. Not in here, but in what sciences say.
Today I realized that it's not In my calling. I've been sheltering past few months. I need to leave this and do what I know to be doing. I do not mean to cause conflict.
i'm not sure where the history pages are but i will check as i would loke to see them especially if theyare all summed up in the history pages, sounds good,
best part is that science & archaeology prove the bible is true.
i would also say that the bible itself and god proves it
thanks for your comments, i enjoy them and always find them helpful; now i will look for that history
Some countries are already facing some persecution now as non-Christian governments oppose the work of Christians. And of course, we see much of this now in the laws from our Western governments as they pass anti-Christian legislation & laws which go against the teachings from the Word. We are grieved by what we see & feel helpless to make a change (even our Christian politicians don't seem to be proactive in this), therefore we are cast upon Him for Strength, Grace & the knowledge that He will bring all sin to light, with many of our government heads facing the greater judgement for their wickedness. The Bible also speaks about those who have the rule over our souls (i.e. Church leaders) as they too will be held accountable for the quality of their leadership & care ( Acts 20:28 & Heb 13:17). So each of us will be accountable, but more so to those who have been placed in power & authority over us.
Thank you for your comments.
The two separate accounts of creation can be found in Genesis 1:26-29 and Genesis 2:4-7.
Genesis 1:26-29 is the 6th day account of the creation of the different races that make up mankind, both male and female. The blessings and instructions given in Genesis 1:28 were given to those particular people.
Genesis 2:4-7 is the 6th day account of the creation of the specific man Adam. In Genesis 2:7, God gives us detail as to HOW both Adam and ALL of mankind are formed by Him (from the dust of the ground), but these verses concern only the particular man Adam.
Genesis 2:15-17 are the instructions given to the man Adam that are different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind. Adam was that particular man chosen by God to "till the ground" ( Genesis 2:5) and be a farmer in God's Garden; and try to resist Satan.
Genesis 2:21-23 is the formation of Eve FROM Adam. This is not creation of mankind, both "male and female" as found in Genesis 1:28, which concerns all of the races. This particular lineage is very special for all of mankind. It begins with the divine act of our heavenly Father taking a "rib" from Adam and creating Eve (one from one + the Lord God) and ends with the divine act of the Holy Spirit through Mary bringing about the promised birth ( Genesis 3:15) of the Lord and Savior of all the earth (one from one + the Holy Spirit) ( Isaiah 7:14).
I believe that you are partially correct concerning Adam. Adam is the first man and Eve is the first woman.. OF THE LINEAGE THAT WILL BRING FORTH THE MESSIAH; as 1 Corinthians 15:45 states. The other races were created on the 6th day along with Adam. We know this because God ENDED all of His creative work by the end of the 6th day ( Genesis 2:1, 2).
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These are some very important subjects that you seem to be a bit unsure of. As I am sure you already are, we have to dig a little bit under the surface; that is where the hidden treasure is. If we do not understand what happened in the beginning, how will we understand what will happen in the end?
"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" ( Luke 17:26), also look at Isaiah 46:10, Amos 8:11, Matthew 24:37, 2 Timothy 2:15.
Since we have been discussing the first chapters of Genesis, I will leave you with this.
The sons of God are Angels, look at Job 1:6, 7. The fallen angels came down from heaven and mated SPECIFICALLY with the daughters of Adam, producing giants. The flood came not only to rid the earth of evil men, but to preserve the lineage from which Christ would come (due to the success of the fallen angels).
Satan was an angel. Eve was beguiled by Satan. The word "beguiled" means to be seduced (Strong's). What happened in the garden to Eve (and Adam) was the first attempt to blot out the seed line from which the Messiah would come, and was the same thing the fallen angels were guilty of during their second attempt. The punishment Eve (and the rest of womankind) would from that point forward endure had to do with BIRTH, look at Genesis 3:16; and the punishment Satan faced included a separation of his PROGENY from that of the woman ( Genesis 3:15).
Other things however can not be as interactive as people think but animals don't. They develop differently, of course. They were made before Adam and did not have to think to survive. Adam was an animal also but he was made in the image of God, and God gave him that ability; the ability to think; but Adam lost the chance to develop it with God. Adam thus became a caveman who could develop like an animal but with a mind that could develop like people develops today.
"Unto Adam also and to his WIFE did the Lord God MAKE COATS of skins and CLOTHED them".
Anybody know some Hebrew? Translate MAKE.
They weren't animalistic cave people. They were created human and had clothing. Adam was intelligent!! He named everything in Creation. He was anointed to dress and keep the garden; give names to creation. His job. He was employed and worked 6 days a week!
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I will attempt to be less confusing. I apologize for possibly trying to give too much information.
There are two accounts of the creation of man. The first account is found in Genesis 1:26-29. The second account can be found in Genesis 2:4-7.
Genesis 1:26-29 is the 6th day account of the creation of the different races that make up mankind, both male and female. The blessings and instructions given in Genesis 1:28 were given to those particular people.
Genesis 2:4-7 is the 6th day account of the creation of the specific man Adam. In Genesis 2:7, God gives us detail as to HOW both Adam and ALL of mankind are formed by Him (from the dust of the ground), but these verses concern only the particular man Adam. Genesis 2:15-17 are the instructions given to the man Adam that are different than the instructions given to the rest of mankind. Adam was that particular man chosen by God to "till the ground" ( Genesis 2:5) and be a farmer in God's Garden; and try to resist Satan.
Genesis 2:21-23 is the formation of Eve FROM Adam. This is not creation of mankind, both "male and female" as found in Genesis 1:28, which concerns all of the races. This particular lineage is very special for all of mankind. It begins with the divine act of our heavenly Father taking a "rib" from Adam and creating Eve (one from one + the Lord God) and ends with the divine act of the Holy Spirit through Mary bringing about the promised birth ( Genesis 3:15) of the Lord and Savior of all the earth (one from one + the Holy Spirit) ( Isaiah 7:14).
I gave a lot of scriptures that are in the history pages now. Have a look. I had seen them before cause they're all marked up in my Bible. I just didn't know how they fit in; but they do. It should be exciting study.
Best part is that science & archaeology prove the Bible is True.
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In addressing your comment mentioning that God would not properly be representing all races; I will state that God chose Adam and his lineage to bring forth, umbilical cord to umbilical cord, the Savior of the world ( Genesis 3:15). That promise by our heavenly Father made this particular lineage the most important lineage to ever walk on the face of the planet. All other peoples and nations mentioned in the Bible are only due to their interaction, good or bad, ( Isaiah 10:5) with God's chosen people and the nation of Israel.
We are all children of God, blessed by Him, and given freewill to believe whatever we want!
On a side note, you state that Adam and Eve were made "in the image of God." The PLURAL words of God stating "in OUR image, after OUR likeness" ( Genesis 1:27) is the intention of God to make the mortal features of mankind to be a physical reflection of God and the angels. We are to be a representative figure of what we looked like in the 1st Dispensation of time. We are an illusion of that spiritual body, but delivered unto these flesh bodies in order to be tried and tested by God by the very freewill He grants unto us. How could God the Father and His only begotten Son know us beforehand if the first time we came into existence was in these flesh bodies in this 2nd Dispensation of time? The answer is simple; God "did foreknow" ( Rom 8:29) each and every one of us because we were all there in the 1st Dispensation of time. The only One made in the true image of God is His only begotten Son ( John 5:37, John 10:30 John 14:7, John 14:9, Colossians 1:14, Colossians 1:15. The clear understanding that there are 3 heaven and earth ages can be found in 2 Peter 3:6, 2 Peter 3:7, 2 Peter 3:13.
Question If the beginning of the earth was the first seven days of creation found in Genesis 1:2 - 2:4, then when did the fall of Satan occur?
When Adam and Eve sinned, Lucifers name became Satan. He obtained the deed to the earth.
Evil was here until 2nd Adam, Jesus came to earth, became the Son of Man, and fulfilled his work as Messiah; the Son of God.
When Jesus was crucified, He fulfilled over 100 prophesies. One was Genesis 3:15, And I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman and between thy seed and her seed, "IT" shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
Jesus got the keys to hell to release the prisoners; and He took back the deed to the earth. Satan was stripped. But he's still here. At the 2nd Advent, there will be a war between Satan and Jesus. Satan will lose.
That's why we have an I WILL running around to and fro in the earth exercising evil against people. Gods children are hurt too, but we can pray for Divine intervention if our faith is strengthened and exercised.
Even in the Lords Prayer, we pray: deliver us from the evil. If you don't know what that prayer means, you are going to suffer hurts or worse. Get knowledge and fight!!
Satan is a loose evil will in our world. That's all he's got, but that's bad enough. That's why I tell people to pray and ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of Discerning Of Spirits. You'll be able to discern when evil is about or when angels are near.
Learn about spiritual warfare. Don't start seeing demons everywhere. Learn what their fruit is.
Look, I'm not going to tell about weird stuff that's happened to me. If you have weird stuff then you can ask me. My testimony is Heinz 57.
Be blessed because Jesus has overcome them!
As soon as I came in, I saw all the comments. The Holy Spirit said one word:
That's what we do here, mostly lol. I was reminded of a couple of things: Genesis 2:19, God brought the animals etc to see (with pleasure) what Adam would name them. That's a lot of critters so I'm thinking it was a daily time together.
Genesis 3:8, and they heard the voice of God !!! Walking in the garden in the cool of the day. I know I like walking, early evening. Forget the sin and stuff... God likes to walk with us. It could happen if we were ever in tune with Him.
Watching in the night before Him. Listening. Talking to Him like he was in the room too?
Fellowship. We were made for all kinds of fellowship, but primarily with God, through the Holy Spirit. He's NOT a floating ghostly vision: He is a Person. He would comfort us if we would let Him!
Watchman, Watchman, what do you see ?
Since you are all excellent searchers of the Word; here are some places of scriptures concerning 'fellowship' between us and God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of Jesus for his saints.
Psalm 130:6, Psalm 19:2, 1 Corinthians 1:9
Ephesians 3:9, books of John 15, 17
Philippians 2:1-2, 3:10
1 John 1:3, 6, 7. And more to discover...
One time I was reading Ezekiel and got to the Valley of dry bones. When God said for him to prophesy! Every hair on my body stood up and when he said THUS SAITH THE knees gave way.
He is so majestically Powerful, it takes your breath away.
You can have a relationship /fellowship with the Godhead!
Those scriptures will change from words on a page, to the living Word Of God! Alive, living in your heart, your mind, the text you write.
You all need to ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift, of discerning of spirits. Covet the best gift: word of wisdom. Receive it. Gifts and callings are irrevocable.
What did scientists and archaeologists find in the earth? Maybe they were looking for gold and diamonds... they found bones! Ancient civilizations, artifacts, cave drawings! People dug post holes and found crude oil. It is never ending "what's next" around the earth. We start looking at the stars (possibly trying to find God) and find planets, moons, other galaxies!!
If you were a hate filled Lucifer, used to being admired for beauty and music to praise God with? What's wrong with that picture? Satan wanted the praise for HIMSELF. God told Michael the archangel, go take care of that (Satan). Michael hurls him to earth like an asteroid and ouchy, that was one Big Bang. Earth wasn't a garden yet. So Satan is here, bored, making dinosaurs, terrariums, cave dwellers who were eaten by dinosaurs or killing dinosaurs for food. There is no archeological evidence that cave men were religious. There's drawings of hunts, mean neighbors, herds. If there are cave people in heaven I'll make them banana bread cake and K-cups. Point is there been conflicting archeological evidence: pre-Adamic and post-Adamic; post flood. I find it very interesting googling. I find God's hand everywhere.
God wiped out satans projects with His own. Satan still owned the earth till God made first Adam. Adam messed it up giving in to his wife's offering of the fruit. I think he knew it was a bad idea. And it was. Satan May have thought he got the one up, on God, but not so. The WORD of God, Jesus, stepped in to be the 2nd Adam. Score one for the Godhead. Now Satan has to look forward to having his head crushed by Jesus. Genesis 3:15. Satan is not privy to all truth. When Jesus hung dying on the cross, satan thought he had defeated God by killing his only Son. Jesus came out of the grave with the Keys to hell and the Deed to the earth!!
Satan is defeated! His plans for Antichrist will fail too!
I don't see any problem with this statement. There were animals in the garden and some were beast of the field and some beasts of the woods and plains maybe etc. and the serpent was the most subtil of all the beast that were in the field. He was in the garden just as Eve was.
And of course, the old Serpent was not far away to entice these sinless souls to committing sin so that now the sinless became the sinner, & so sin passed onto the rest of their descendants (us) through the flesh so tainted ( Romans 5:12). Satan was also around in this manner (as you may remember), when Jesus, God's sinless Son, was also tempted ( Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus was tempted on all points as we are ( Heb 4:15): "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life". ( 1 Jn 2:16), but unlike Adam & Eve, He resisted Satan's thrusts & relied on God's Word, the Sword of the Spirit, to thwart Satan's offerings to Him. So now, all who believe on Jesus & trust Him for their salvation, are made new creations ( 2 Cor 5:17) who still have the body of sin, but now a new enlivened spirit touched by the Spirit of God ( Rom 8:9).
Thank you for this Bible study. just downloaded it today looking for an answer. Did Adam know that he was eating from the forbidden tree? And was he there with Eve when she chatted with the serpent
Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that OLD SERPENT old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Was Eve really talking to a snake or with that OLD SERPENT who had been around for a long time?
(Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God)
Ezekiel Chapter 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
14 Thou art the ANOINTED anointed (angel) cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
15 Thou [wast] perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast CREATED created, till iniquity was found in thee.
(Created, not born shows this is an angel)
16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy BEAUTY beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Eve was possibly speaking to a beautiful creature who wished harm upon the Lord and all his creation.
What does intrigue me is what did this serpent look like in his un-cursed state ( Gen 3:14)? We know 'it' was an animal, but apparently had the power of speech as Satan occupied its body, & was unlikely to be in the form of a snake, as we know it. And Adam & Eve showed no surprise that an animal would be able to talk to them: did other animals talk, or did they not know that this serpent was a 'one-off' & had a special gift of speech? I wonder what a serpent in this account actually looked like? Was it already a long, thin animal that moved in an upright manner? Too many questions that come to mind: we can only wonder & speculate. It was only after the curse, that it began to slither on its belly.