Discuss Genesis 3 Page 31

  • Michael C. on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Many read the Bible without any sensitivity to the conviction of the Spirit. Instead, it becomes their obsession to invent meanings that don't exist, and to reveal what they think are hidden things; only so men will worship them as some great knowing one. But the great truths of the mysteries of the kingdom, God reveals to babes; and the proud are passed over. Wisdom is in the behavior by faith.
  • Michael C. on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Re:Mista-B, "There is no unrighteousness in Him." Psalm 92:15. The world, and all that is in it, He made perfect in beauty; and all innocent and very good; and there was no sin or evil. By Adam's transgression, sin entered the world; and death by sin. Our "opinions" should be to fear God and be in agreement with Him in His Word.
  • Mista-B on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    michael you are missing the point, question, when in your opinion did sin enter into the world? for scripture shows sin was in the world at the creation of adam and eve by the revelation of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to them,would that not be informing them of such and therefore there being no need to ask? and did god know they would eat of the tree? i would think so! what about you?
  • Michael C. on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Mista-B, I think you should look simply at the facts of the things as they are written, for their instruction of obedience in truth and faith. The LORD God had reason for commanding the man not to eat of the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It would have gone better if Adam and his wife had asked God, to learn exactly what that tree was for.
  • Mista-B on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    most wont agree with me but the tree of life is clearly "the law" and if the law then "the word" and if the word then "christ" and if christ then "God", and the tree of good and evil also, indicating sin already present in the world? how can this be when everything was very good on the day god rested from his works??
  • Kai on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Adam and Eve are resting in their graves waiting on the resurrection of the righteous.
  • Anita on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Fact God told Adam and Eve to NOT eat of the tree of Knowledge, or they SHALL SURELY die, I am certain they went to hell, GOD means what he says, LOT S wife he said DO NOT TURN BACK , she did and became a pillar of salt. Our life is like a vapor ,we are not promised anything, nor do we deserve anything, But if you are sincere about the Bible STUDY it not just read it, do not turn it into your own satisfaction,GOD made man for HIS purpose ,IF WE ARE sincere New Testament Christians we have an open line of parer 24 7 with GOD. People leave GOD he does not leave them, he will turn his back on you after you keep on doing the same thing over and over again on purpose, called willfully sinning.I have studied the Bible my entire life, I do not own a television ,there is nothing fit on there, I have lived in enough earthly hell I do not want to go there,Sorry this is not just on Genesis But this is where it starts,Love everyone no matter what as if they were the only one, If I can still LOVE my X spouse after 35 years of pure torture,and a dad that was a child molestor,and rapest. GOD states turn the other cheek , DO NOT get me wrong my dad is dead,my x- I do not associate with ,but I will never quit praying for anyone,GOD has held my hand all the way and I failed to even thank him, we expect,how often do we give praise and thanks to GOD for even our breath,I LOVE YOU ALL
  • Michael C. on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    The Judge of all the earth always does right; and its counted for what a man knows; and not for what he doesn't know. He weighs our actions, and our spirits. God hides Himself from man for our good, because sin makes us "not fit for the presence of God." Christ coming into the world was to undo the ruin caused by Satan, so we can begin building up our character in His image and likeness by faith.
  • Cheryl Gorley on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Chapter 3 Verse 22 It say that man ate of the tree of good and evil, not the tree of life. It said God remove him before he could eat of it , so why do they r7n each line together as 1. R the Cherubims/sword still protecting the Garden of Eden.
  • Cheryl Gorley on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Chapter 3 Verse 22 It say that man ate of the tree of good and evil not the tree of life, God removed him before he could eat of it, so why do we run each line together as one.
  • Word on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Kiwikomet Romans 5 vs 13 speaks of no sin if they don't know the law and the law was not in effect until Moses.
  • Word on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Innocent, they were very innocent I'm sure because God is pure love, as long as you try to be a good person an truly believe, talk with Him with love and try to please Him always ask for forgiveness through Christ blood clean that book of bad rewards of your sins an short comings then with Christ on your side you will be in heaven. No one has been judged yet except Satan Ezekiel 28vs18,19 to death
  • Kiwikomet on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Did Adam and Eve go to heaven
  • Word on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Susan the Tree of Life was nailed to the cross but He can never be destroyed and when you get to Revelation you will read of Him again. Now the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that old serpent the devil and how pride set in can be read about in Ezekiel 31 that Assyrian has no article and it's saying in vs 3 Behold, the little box cedar and goes on to explain Satan in the garden. Ch.28 -31.
  • James Muntener on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    I believe that Adam and Eve's being tempted in the Garden of Eden is a perfect example of Satan tempting people through their minds.
  • James on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    I feel and believe that as a Christian if Satan can tempt Adam and Eve to step outside the will of God. He can also get people to do the same. The only way to avoid this temptation is to stay in the word of God.
  • Apelu on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    This story may be real or allegorical. Either way, it shows the danger of isolation (Eve being alone) and of engaging with the devil (the serpent more subtil). It shows man's propensity to blame the woman and the woman's propensity to be beguiled. It also shows there is consequence to sin and there is mercy with God.

    Before sin, apparently mankind could communicate with animals or with the devil!
  • Christos on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    1, to Yous Rasiel,,,Studying The kabbala as you advise is a search for the very thing Adam and Eve were Forbidden to have and were chased out of the garden of Eden to prevent man eating of it! , So it Must be a Sin!! As God did not allow us It in the first instance,!! 2, Susan it says skins, NOT animal skins , Perhaps he clothed us with our actual Skin , as before they were Naked,
  • Yous Rasiel on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    To all of you in the discussion on the tree of life, read up on Kabbalah. That is not only the hebrew word for receive but also for tradition. It is the faith of Adam and Abraham, the original patriarchs of the faith. In that understanding of the word of God, the numerals are "blocks" and letters are "beams", which the tree of life is formed. Read Aryeh Kaplan's translation of Sefer Yetzirah.
  • Susan on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Seems like the animal skins for covering was the first animal sacrifice for sins.
    Also, the tree of Life would have been destroyed by the Flood when the entire world was covered with water.
  • Lawrence Smith on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    The Bible is the greatest book on the face of the earth I enjoyed it a lot.
    A conversation with Jesus Christ is the answer to problems no matter how big or small they are.
    Faith Love Courage Grace Happiness are what everyone needs.
    God Bless you all.......
    Lawrence Smith.
  • Tamekia Thompson on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Adam blamed Eve
  • JJ - 8 years ago
    Eve knew the effects of eating from the tree. She clearly responded at Genesis 3:2,3. Both Adam and Eve knew what death was for they had seen animals die. Regardless of knowing evil, she chose to believe a lie over God, becoming like God in the sense of setting standards of good and bad, something that was strictly decided by God before their rebellion.
  • JJ on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    The tree of knowledge wasn't supernatural. It represented God's sovereignty like a king uses a crown or sceptre to symbolize their authority. This tree which was guarded by cherubs ( Genesis 3:24) would have eventually withered away.
  • Chico on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    3:22- so what happened to the tree of life? Does it still exist? Or did it go extinct with the dinosaurs? Plus, God says "became as one of us, to know good n evil" it is possible Eve didn't know the serpent was purposely trying to cause their downfall if the knowledge of evil didn't exist? And hence may not have been coerced over a period of time, as we assume?
  • Osayo on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    God still made coats of skin for them.............Merciful Father
  • Marian on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Man's best defense against evil will be to resist having a conversation with evil. If Eve had said NO to the serpent at the very onset of the conversation , and refused to hear anything coming from the serpent , this sin will not have happened .
    Lesson learnt for me is to watch thought closely and ask myself if that on coming conversation is from God or not. I will dismiss the evil's chat.
  • James on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Man once walked with Almighty God, and was obedient. Now Adam is told to leave the garden and refused so God "...drove out the man..." Sin will always bring more disobedience.
  • V jen on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    I think every time you read or hear this scripture read the blame always fall on Eve, I don't believe that the serpent could have gotten close to her if Adam was around more and I think that the serpent came around daily charming her til she fell for what he was saying yes I agree she was wrong. The same way the serpent charm Eve she did it to Adam and I don't believe it was done in one day
  • Mary christy on Genesis 3 - 8 years ago
    Thats the reason...why we live with sin....

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