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It is through faith that we understand that the creation took 6 normal days ( Hebrews 11 :3). And they were normal days, just like our days, because God sanctified the 7th day as sabbath in the Law of Moses ( Exodus 20 :10-11). God bless you.
Please read genesis chapter 5 verse 4.
Then she further compounded her errors by looking at the tree with her physical eyes instead of her spiritual senses and since she had spirit she could at anytime communicate with GOD until she "ate" of the fruit of that tree. Adam was not mentioned as being around until she offered the fruit to him and he did eat. Since GOD gave them work to do in the garden it is entirely possible that Eve was alone when she spoke to the serpent, the adversary, and he must have dazzled her in some way to make her forget that she could talk with GOD anytime she wished because she had spirit until she sinned then she and Adam died spiritually and became just body and soul (breath life). Soul and Spirit are not the same nor interchangeable. Spirit is GOD's image and likeness; man's life was and is in the soul so the body didn't die when the spirit died. GOD had to create a new spirit for each of them afterward which was inside them only while they did the will of GOD (and did not died when they sinned, only left them until they asked for forgiveness and renewed their minds back to GOD's will), but we are now born-again with GOD as our spiritual FATHER and cannot die spiritually nor lose our spirit because of all the Jesus Christ accomplished our spirit is permanently ours and inside us always until the body dies then it sleeps until the gathering together of all those born-again ("the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1Thes 4:16&17 KJV).
Seed of the serpent is anyone spiritually "born" to satan; anyone who commits him/her self fully to satan becomes a "child" of satan. But since satan cannot create life this "seed" is a wedge in the mind of the person who is seed to the end that person is permanently open to devil spirit possession. Thus anyone seduced, instructed, and or lured to follow satan can become seed of the serpent. Cain was the proto-type; the blueprint of what those "born" of the wrong seed would be like.
Also spirit CANNOT mate with matter; satan cannot have children with women. Spirit superceeds the physical world, but since satan cannot create he must then influence that which is already created. The sons of God in genesis are believers (no angel was ever called a son of God; God made man to have children who would love and worship HIM) and the daughters of men are unbelievers. This is the first warning that believers and unbelievers should not be married together and have children; this is being unequally yoked.
So, it's hard to believe Adam just stood there and watch Eve get taken advantage of in that situation.
If Satan did take Eve's virginity, that tree of knowledge of good and evil bear some sort of fruit that was intoxicating. I think when Eve ate and gave to her husband, they both passed out from eating the fruit and Eve was thus taken advantage of and probably didn't know, nor did Adam.
And when they awoken, they obviously knew something wasn't right since they knew they didn't just "go to sleep." It's the same if a woman wakes up from a date-raping drug. She will definitely know something happened to her, likewise Adam and Eve.
And when they woke up, "guilt" probably was the first thing they felt and the fact they had to cover themselves, is a dead give-away and a guilty conscious that confirmed something sexual happened.
Even still, it doesn't explain why Adam felt the need to cover himself. I can see Eve wanting to cover herself after it happened to her but Adam had no reason for doing so. So, just what really happened there?
God cursed the ground for Adam's stake. That's a "partial" punishment as if he wasn't all the way at fault. The ground was cursed instead of him. And the fact he had to start eating herbs when he was eating "fruits that yield seeds" and "herb that bears seed" is quite indicative here.
Only the wild beast or non-humans were eating herbs as raw off the ground. So, if God to punishment Adam by making him eat herb raw from the ground, could be indicative that a beast actually molested Eve? Ape?