Discuss Genesis 47

  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 24 - 2 years ago
    Hi James. Not sure how common this practice was but certainly here in Genesis 24:2 (with Abraham & his chief servant Eliezer) and Genesis 47:29 (with Jacob & one of his sons, Joseph) we see it occurring.

    It is generally understood that this expression of 'placing one's hand under the thigh' is an euphemism that required the subordinate (in these instances, a servant & a son), to place their hand near the procreative organ of the one initiating an oath. Therefore, this was no ordinary promise to do something, but signified making an unbroken pledge of obedience, come what may. With Eliezer, he had to find a spouse for Isaac, but if she or her family refused to release her, then the servant would be freed from his oath. And with Joseph, he was placed under oath not to bury his father Jacob (Israel) in Egypt but in Canaan.

    Though we might find that such an act of placing ones hand under the thigh amusing or uncalled for, it signified to both the one requiring the oath & the one making the oath, before God, that what was promised will not be reneged on.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Interesting question, I do not find Job's age at the beginning of his trials just the ending, Job 42:10-17 , "full of days"

    I was recently reminded & encouraged about feelings of 'time lost' GOD has this blessing HE gives to some of HIS chosen even after the flood. Genesis 25:7, Genesis 27:2, Genesis 35:27-29, Genesis 47:8-9,28, there seems to be a commonality with each : trials, hard times, lost time with a son, a bigger purpose in calling on their lives. Promise of restored years Joel 2:25,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Good, you're at the right site. Start reading the WORD written inside by clicking the Books, I like Luke when I started that was great to show me as new study who Christ Jesus was, is & is to come. Hover over the scripture here, should bring you straight to it.

    Luke 1:1-4, you can continue to read by clicking read full chapter the scroll down, click tab on edges to next chapter, etc. Many people enjoy Psalms, I didn't enjoy it as much as a new beginner study but do enjoy it much more now after years of study.

    Psalms 1:1-3,

    U may enjoy Exodus, which actually begins in Genesis 37:1-36, continues : Genesis 39:1-23, Genesis 40:1-23, Genesis 41:1-57, Genesis 42:1-38, Genesis 43:1-34, Genesis 44:1-34,

    [Note this scripture chapter 44, Genesis, if you noticed we skipped Genesis 38, because it jumps from Joseph to Judah. Now if you read Genesis 38:1-30, you can understand a few things on deeper level = Judah maybe knows painful loss of children at this point in his life & even the difference of love towards children of his "loved wife". Next very importance of Judah's sacrifice for others, resemblance of Jesus sacrifice being beloved Son of GOD. John 3:16, ]also interesting Tamar, bore to Judah the son in Jesus documented lineage Matthew 1:1-3]

    Back to story : Genesis 45:1-28, (forgiveness), Genesis 46:1-34, Genesis 47:1-12 (Redemption) Genesis 47:27-31,

    Now note: Genesis 47:13-26 , Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:10, Genesis 12:11-16, * Genesis 12:13-20, Genesis 16:3, Genesis 16:6-11, Genesis 15:13-14, Genesis 21:8-21, my own opinion Deuteronomy 32:35-36, Romans 12:19.

    These moments in Genesis leading up to how & why Israel came into bondage. Exodus 1:1-8, continue reading Exodus 1:22, please continue to read all of Exodus.

    One more encouraging note :) Hebrews 11:22, Psalms 105:1-45,

    Furthermore on this site under the 1611 Version tab you can scroll to see more history on the Bible.

    Hopefully these inspire a new lifetime desire of deeper study
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 49 - 3 years ago
    Hello Jannelle. I'm unsure what you are seeking as proof of Jacob's age at his death. We do have Genesis 47:28: "And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years." If this verse isn't sufficient evidence, I doubt if anyone could dig up any other records to confirm this age, unless someone at the time of his death made some other record or inscribed this information on a rock or something. Till date, nothing else has surfaced, so we, as do the Jews, have to accept the age given in Genesis as true.
  • Victor on Deuteronomy 8 - 3 years ago
    Deuteronomy 8:1 ...which the LORD sware unto your fathers.

    Deuteronomy 8:3 ...neither did thy fathers know;

    Genesis 15:15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace;

    Genesis 47:9 ...have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.

    Genesis 48:21 unto the land of your fathers

    Numbers 20:15 How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we have dwelt in Egypt a long time; and the Egyptians vexed us, and our fathers:


    Who are these Fathers? any special meaning?
  • Job - In Reply on Genesis 47 - 4 years ago
    Or, the coronavirus.
  • Obbie Beal on Genesis 47 - 5 years ago
    cell phones, cable television, wasteful spending on junk-this-and-that, so I am the blame for not being a prepared as Joseph was because I have been warned any day now the roof of my shelter shall not be found, plus one assume power who is at war with the seed of the women, plus Anti-Christ. It do not say but I bet GOD's blessing was on Jacob a remnant through-out this catastrophic event.
  • Obbie Beal on Genesis 47 - 5 years ago
    25 And they said, thou hast saved our lives, let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants. NOTE, in 2019 a catastrophic event can put the whole world in a similar-situated-circumstance. Example, the sixth-seal of Revelation 6:12. or the sun give off another electric-magnetic-pulse as it did in the mid-1800 Most will give themselves to whoever has food.
  • John on Genesis 47 - 5 years ago
    I found this story double edged really . It flies in the face when of Christ’s of bread and Christ’s message you of fear not for God will provide. Furthermore we see Pharoah and Joseph capitalize upon the unfortunate people who are suffering the famine. It reads as clever as comply and righteousness but it is unforgiving for the people of Egypt are displaced and in bondage; yet the priests are not
  • A disciple on Genesis 47 - 7 years ago
    The Story of Joseph presenting his brothers and his father to Pharaoh, and bringing them in peace into the best land, nourishment, wealth and security; is a sign for instruction, and a type and figure of Christ taking care of his People Israel in the world to come. Following the salvation and establishment of His family Jesus will bring all Nations out of great tribulation into the kingdom of God.
  • Iz on Genesis 47 - 7 years ago
    @Abutu You have to understand it was no normal situation, it was Pharaoh asking him, the ruler of all Egypt.
  • A disciple on Genesis 47 - 8 years ago
    "The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving-kindness of the LORD." ( Psalm 107:42-43) The LORD humbles and chastises all the inhabitants of the earth, to bring the world salvation, and the kingdom of God over all the Nations; along with the reconciliation of His people Israel.
  • Rhonda L. on Genesis 47 - 9 years ago
    This scripture being in the 1st book of the Bible gives clear meaning that money can fail and to always be prepared even unto this day. And God being the beginning and the end is revealing to us that money will fail again but this time Christ will return and the government will be on his shoulders. Amen!
  • Esther on Genesis 47 - 9 years ago
    Joseph understands the ranks and respect them and also he has a strong respect to the elderly. He has a forging heart.
  • Mark Nyondo on Genesis 47 - 11 years ago
    Very encouraging indeed to all christians.The grace of GOD that Joseph possesed made the pharoah to favour and acknowledge and appoint him as governer and accept his family in Egypt. Hence it is the Grace that makes us whom we are and how we serve GOD. With less power we receive miracles according to our understanding of the word. For example in a classroom, same teacher,same chalk,same black board,same desks and same headteacher but we get different results, and different careers.AMEN!!!!
  • Timothy Wayne George on Genesis 47 - 12 years ago
    Joseph is given wisdom from God how to provide for his people when the money failed. How many people worry today about not having enough money, and we too have to trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and lean not to our understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct our path. Our God shall provide all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Joseph gives a principle for how government shall collect taxes from the people which is twenty percent, and the priest should be exempt. Joseph is concerned to see that his father's request for burial is honored which tells us the respect that he has for the elderly. The bible tells us if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men freely, yet we must ask in faith, for the just shall live by faith. The same wisdom that was given to Joseph, is there for us if we will just ask of God, and believe that he is able to provide for us the wisdom that we need for every situation in life.
  • ABUTU JOSHUA on Genesis 47:8 - 13 years ago
  • Doris Early on Genesis 47 - 13 years ago
    Looks like Joseph was the first economist. He exchanged (bartered) bread for their cattle...the money had failed. SOUND FAMILAR
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 47 - 14 years ago
    And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him before Pharaoh: and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

    I love this verse, because it shows RESPECT for the elderly.

    Todays's world have people thinking its, MONEY and POSITION, that deems respect.

    We as a people have gotten so off tract from what GOD'S WORD is and has instructed, its sad.

    We can't choose part of GOD's WORD and call ourselves CHRISTIANS - For it is better not to know GODs WORD then to turn from it.

    NOW I have ministered GOD's WORD to you about the elderly.
  • James W. Stark on Genesis 47:21 - 14 years ago
    Pharaoh's were not yet self-deemed as a god or a deity. Refer to Genesis 41 and Pharaoh's dreams where he needed others to interpret his dream. Again in Verses 37 - 38, Pharaoh does not even infer to himself as a deity. He acknowledges that there is a God to whom Joseph relied for wisdom.

    It isn't until after 47:21 that Pharaoh becomes lord and sovereign over all of Egypt, its lands, its agriculture, its people become servants OWNED by Pharaoh. It is at this point in history that Egyptian Pharaoh's begin to view themselves as and set themselves up as deities.

    How do we know this? The Bible tells us by giving us enough hints. We need to study the Bible as history, not a series of stories.
  • Patricia on Genesis 47 - 14 years ago
    In Afghanistan it was common for the wealthy tribal chiefs to use a drought to buy up all the land around them cheaply. That eventually destroyed the relative social equality that made the tribal system function and turned Afghanistan into more of a feudal society with a large portion of the rural population effectively enslaved to the rich tribal chief. This was one of the socioeconomic ills that led to the Marxist coup in 1973 and eventually caused the Soviet invasion. It's not surprising to hear about this tribal practice in the Bible, since Genesis concerns mainly tribal people. This is how it works in the tribal economy -- when there's a drought, the rich end up even richer and the poor end up slaves.

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