Discuss Genesis 6 Page 26

  • RAY MCKENDRY on Genesis 6:5 - 12 years ago
    I think Gen 6:5 is a text that comes from before the fall and before the promises made to Noah and mankind by God regarding Him not destroying the earth via a general flood again. ( Gen 9:11) Gen 6:5 is a difficult verse to interpret because of its context which includes "sons of God" and "giants on the earth" (NKJV). Why does this make any difference? Simply because Bible critics have always thought it falls into the realms of "myth." As they say Gen Ch.1-11 do!
    I do not believe it's myth; not even technically myth (muthos). But that does mean I understand what the "sons of God" were or why there were giants or what significance the giants were to salvation, man's character, or God's intention in creation.
    However, verse 5 tells us that God was finished with mankind and this gives us the explanation why. Man was corrupt to the extent that God was sorrowful and wanted to start again! It seems amazing but He did restart mankind via the flood scenario which was universal. Only 8 people survived the flood and they were far from perfect for they still contained within themselves the seeds of sin and proved this soon after the flood was over. ( Gen 9:21 Noah got drunk and naked and later the people built the Tower of Babel which God stopped and scattered the people. Gen 11:1-9.)
    The doctrine of human depravity is clearly displayed here. It is clear that we have sinned and because we thus display that we all have a sinful nature, we need a sacrifice to appease God whose holy anger burns against us. This sacrifice was revelaed later in the Bible as Jesus Christ. Thank God for His indescribable gift! We all need Him as our Saviour and we need to repent and put our trust in Him.
  • Pete on Genesis 6:2 - 12 years ago
    they were an alien race that had sex with our women and produced "men of renown".
  • Mike Rogers on Genesis 6:2 - 12 years ago
    hi, could you explane Gen.6:2
    thank you
  • Apostle on Genesis 6:3 - 12 years ago
    the holyspirit does not abide in somebody whos carnal.
  • Hamton on Genesis 6:2 - 12 years ago

    Butch is right and he delineated his reasoning directly from unmolested scripture. You and another poster stated how your reasoning is short-sighted in each of your own statements. You said, "The LORD HIMSELF stated [...are like the angels in Heaven who neither marry...]. Exactly-in Heaven. Why is Cain not mentioned in Adam's lineage? Also, if you notice, Cain's sons became the fathers of all worldly things-metal working, music, etc. Where did they get the knowledge to do so if Cain was hidden from God? Further, the same "Sons of God" are spoken of in the old and new testament in reference to fallen angels.

    Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say that all angels are in heaven or that they cannot conform to earthly bodies (see Sodom and Gomorrah where they tried to rape the angels).
  • Lonnie on Genesis 6:2 - 12 years ago
    Butch is right. Basically Wesley is saying that the godly line (Seth) mingled with the ungodly cain and this union produced giants. There is no godly line, if the line of seth is so godly then how come Noah and his family were the only ones on the ark? I believe the sons of God are angels no other interpretation makes sense.
  • Lightening on Genesis 6:2 - 12 years ago
    Butch: Jennifer and Wesley have it right. You do greatly err knowing neither the Scripture nor the power of God...for those who die in Christ are like the angels in Heaven who neither marry nor are given away in marriage. You never read that passage did you? The LORD HIMSELF stated this. If fallen angels are called by Scripture "the sons of God" then there is no reason for a Savior to go to the cross and die for our sins. Ya knucklehead.
  • Ace on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    Verse 6 repented means to change one mind , God changed his mind about man but saw the righteousness in Noah and saved man kind. God saw the wickedness in man in which was not to be in the plan of salvation.
  • Amy on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    Response to John: God did create the earth and the sun and everything else.It is stated in the bible that He did this. IN the beginning is where He starts explaining in chapter 1 in the book of Genesis. Alot of time has passed since then so of course things will be a little different alot different.Thanks to our intelligence that He gave us.He created the earth first then He created the sun on the fourth day of His creation process. When Bod first made light it was just light at first in Benesis chapter 1 verse 3 Bod said,"Let there be light:"and then there was light. So later on the fourth day of His creation process He made the sun,moon,and stars.In Genesis chapter 1 verse 14-And God said,"Let there e lights in the firmament(sky)of the heaven to divide the day form the night and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. verse 15-And le them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth:and it was so." Verse 16-And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the daym and the lesser light to rule the night.:[He made] the stars also. Verse 17-And Bod set them in the firmament of the heaven ot give light upon the earth, Verse 18-And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness:and God saw that [it was] good.Verse 19-And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. So in verse 18 is the sun and moon. The way how everything in this earth is just right and balanced like how we need oxygen and plants and trees need carbon dioxide so we breath in the oxygen and plants breath in our carbon dioxide for example or how we have inteligence has to come from somethingl That is th power of the LORD. He loves you and all of us. U need failth. Its so beautiful once you experience it. And Gos knows everything.. There is no way any one could even grasp that amount of knowledge.He only gave us a small amount.Us people will never know everything, Its impossible-there will always be a question that only He knows that you may fimd out after you die. We are not suppose to know everything we can't handle it. Because it si too great. And for those who believe in evoulution that is false. Why aren't we seeing with our very own eyes things transforming shouldn't there be some sort of proof especially with all our technology and discoveries and knowledge why haven't we found any proof its just a theory and its wrong..there actually has been proof from the bible like the dead sea scrolls and artifacts etc etc. so ppl believe a theory with no proof over a bible written from the beginnig of time with proof and never disappeared in time it stuck around because it is with the power of God's word and His promises. sorry but i don't see how evolution could just stop. cuz if it were true wouldn't the fish or monkeys or whatever would be turning in front of us still it would just keep going round and round and why stop her. thousands of years ago wht all of a sudden there are ppl and it stops. dosen't even make sense and evolutionist always try to use big words to sound smart whenn its just a bunch of jibberis i don['t know nothing about jubilee years but that doesnt mean that there is meaning or reasons for interpretations of what is being said. Ppl who don't God in there lives or Jesus is because the chose not to. He gave us free will so we can chose to love Him isn't that better to be loved by choice rather than force thats really not love then isn't it. YOu have to invite God into your life for Him to exist for you. You have to accept Jesus as your Savior and know that He died onthe cross for our sins ..we should be more grateful than we are. sorry i got carried away but there is just so much evil and sadness in this world and evryone wants to blame others or God when we are the ones being sinful bringing this bad upon ourselves. We need more faith, love, and hope than hatred and mean and evil
  • Timothy Wayne George on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    As for the verse that says "it repented God that he had made man" God does not make mistakes, and he provided for man an escape from the flood which was to judge man for his sin. Noah was found to be righteous in the eyes of God, and the Ark speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as Noah, and his family were saved by entering the Ark we will be saved by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Jesus is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, and God knew that man would sin, so he had already in eternity past held a meeting with God the son to become a man to save man from his sin. So thank God for Jesus, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that who ever would believes on him would not perish, but would have eternal life. Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the son of man returns. The next time God distroys the earth it will be by fire, but God is not willing that any should perish, but for all to come to repentance.
  • Billyjoeb1 on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    I've just wondering why God repented that He had made man on verse 6.I know is a GOD is a GOD not make mistake.I know God is grieve not repent.What can you say about this brother and sister.
  • John on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    It says that. "The earth was currupt before God, and earth was filled with violence." in verse 11. God did not create the earth and the SUN was never stated but he did not know it was the sun that created light, even so, the SUN is OLDER than the earth. Earth cannot be created first and people do not live for hundreds of years. It never says any jubillee years , the bible stats years.
  • Ronald Allen on Genesis 6:3 - 12 years ago
    There is always a reason for everything God does, and giving a 120 yrs reprieve before judgement was passed upon man and all life destroyed, gave Noah time to build the ark, but could the 120 years also refer to time allocated until our final judgement? Let me explain, a jubalee is a time of renewal and forgiveness or a new beginning, and a jubalee is once every 50 years, so could it be that mans allotted time before Christ returns be 120 jubalees, or 6000 years? He said we don't know the day or the hour, only the Father knows but those who are Christians would know the time or season of his return, and we are actually in the 120th jubalee which ends 2023 on the feast of trumpets.
  • TARIKU on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    That is not mean that angels have a sexual relationships with human beings as commented above.but when Adam and Eve had ceased the paradise ,they had tricked by the evil spirit.and also there was disobedience during Noah time.so that the God decides to limit the age of human being.as the spirit of the God translates for me, the husband is the Yolk of sin and the beautiful girls are humanbeings who the God creates in resemblance of himself!!!!juda number 6
  • Annie Mckenzie on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    This was a good verse.
  • Chris jacob on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    this was a good verse
  • Jay Jay on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    My understanding of Sons of God mentioned in this chapter is generation or lineage from Seth and daughters of men are from Cain. I don't think angels had sexual relationships with human beings and produced GIANTS! We should try to understand certain thinks in the bible with spiritual understanding not literally or carnally. This is just my thought not to offend anyone.Glory to God!
  • Curtis on Genesis 6:4 - 13 years ago
    If you look up the word "Giants" it means brute or tyrant. Before & after this scripture God talks about the nature of man & what he thinks about him, so maybe giant could mean someone that wants power & control over others.
  • Itsme Thistime on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    Q: Why was Cain aloud to continue as a bloodline but not the giants? It's my understanding that when Eve partook of satan in the garden he was in his spiritual body, wouldn't this make Cain a hybrid like the giants? And yet we know that the kenites still live to this day..?
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    Watch the names of the children. Satans kenites from Cain`s naming are real close to the naming of the good children. Kind of reminds me of satan calling himself lucifer meaning morning star. We only have One Morning Star and that's Our Lord. Satans such a thief. As far as Noahs family and blood there was no blimish. In 6:9 perfect mean petagree or pure perfect blood line. Also reading about the Eden the garden of God in Ezekiel 28:13 where its talking about satan being there we see another one of his names, prince of Tyrus, means little rock. But reading it and seeing how much he had, he was the covering cherub and was the one who guarded Gods Mercy Seat. Michael holds him now until he let's go and boots him to earth so all 3 Michael, Gabriel, and lucifer must be really powerfull. God controlls the Universe, I know he set the plannets in motion so they can take cared of themselves but if He made the Ark Angels powerfull and almost to the full pattern. That's a lot of power. Satan can dsiquise himself. Its said trasform in the word but it means disquise so maybe Adam didn't know he was or satan was a man and saw a woman. Just thinking of the word.in Ez. 28:18 it tells you satans been sentence to death and how its going to happen. A fire from with in to out. Burned up. That must be hell. The seperation from the sheep and goats is going to happen after the Great White Throne Judgment and Goe seperates and the goats burn up and then our minds are erased so there is no tears in heaven. Gone!
  • Meme on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    These angles left their estate (heaven) came down from heaven and TOOK the daughters of men and children were born (meaning very tall and strong) these are considered the fallen angles the third that fell with satan.
  • Kathryn Leal on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    God never said that angles did not have a specific sex, He merely said that they did not marry. Read you Bible. The angels did have sexual relationships with woman and thus created the Nephilim, the giants of old, men of renown. It was because of this pollution to the DNA of humans that God had to destroy His creation. Only Noah and his family did not allow their DNA to be corrupted. Try reading the book of Enoch to which Jesus Himself refers, and you will learn the whole truth about those days. Also, prepare yourself because Jesus said, "As in the days of Noah, so shall be the coming the Son of Man be....
  • Gilbert on Genesis 6:4 - 13 years ago
    It's me again, I meant the kingship descended upon earth before the flood and after!
  • Gilbert on Genesis 6:4 - 13 years ago
    In Genesis chapter 1-Beasts of the earth(Dinosaurs)and in chapter 2-beasts of the field(mammals of today). In Genesis 6 vs 4; were the fallen angels who fornicated with the daughters of men and procreated GIANTS.In the Septuagint Bible it reads, and they bore them children, these were the giants of old, men of renown. In the Sumerian King's list, the kingship ascended before the flood and after, therfore twice did fallen angels descend upon earth and commited the same sin which equalled the Rephaim after the flood, but, in the book of Enoch,towards the last chapter, it reads that Noah's posterity would produce giants of carnel flesh which equalled the caananites, the amorites etc....etc....
  • J.R. on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    To, Denard

    You may want to check out Jude, and read up what it says angles actually did, and where they will be sent to. Also, angles did, according to the scriptures have come down many times back then, and took coporeal human like forms. they were suboordinate to God's will, but any rebellious ones would not be on the same accord. I mean Jacob wrestled with the angel (I think thats who) and then men who were in Sodom tried to gang rape the two angles that came to sojurn with Lot.
  • Trent on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    This says angels had sex with human women in Earth and their offspring were called Nephilim- like giants, who possibly became Philistines and were mentioned in Numbers 13:33 as inhabiting Canaan.
  • Trent on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    Interesting how verse 3 says man's age will be limited to 120 years and thousands of years later with all of man's innovations in science and health, it still holds true. The oldest people in the world live to be right around 120.
  • Denard on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    We can rule the half angel and half humans out because God say that angels do not have sex. Besides angels would not be able to reproduce with humans anymore then a rabbit can reproduce with a snake and create half snake half rabbit hybird.
    I often wonder what God mean't by giants in the earth in those days. Wanted to ask harold camping that but never got a chance. Insects were bigger and rabbits where 6ft tall so maybe humans could the been 10-12ft tall back then making them giants. Since being that tall was normole noah could the been 12ft and not felt like a giant if everybody eles was that big. Preflood eviroment was diffrent. Maybe people grew smaller after the flood. it may have when down to 9ft, 8ft 7ft until our current average.
  • Jim on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    Passages like these referring to the sons of God are difficult to understand. There really is no possibility of any definitive resolutions to the questions this chapter in Genesis raises. There simply isn't enough information in the Bible itself to do so.
  • J.R. on Genesis 6 - 13 years ago
    Yea, just to through my own 1/2 cent in there...it also helps to be able to read and speak hebrew, and latin. There are many synonyms that they use, which when translated to english have two COMPLETLY different meanings, or are similar, but different. My best example is when the Holy spirit came in and gave teh disciples power. In that passage it talks aobut different "kinds" of power where as Jesus had Power, the disciples recived a different kind of power a "power to do things" its really hard to explain, but i learned of it only through latin. Think of it as meaning power=the ablility to do work, and Power=Authoritative power(like a judges power). Anyway i digress to my original 1/2 cent. If you take the hebrew literally of the name Micheal, it translates to " Who is like God?" important to take into the fact that it ends in a question mark.

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