Discuss Genesis 9 Page 12

  • Richard on Genesis 9 - 11 years ago
    Kerry The curse was for us to know what happened to Noah. Moses wrote this book Genesis This book started in Chapter five...With the first 4 chapters being carried forward...To see someones nekkidness you see there. Truth You see their wisdom....For today a lot of Christians have none you can tell by their speech...Think about it..You honestly think it was a naked man....The blessing was to Noah..Then to Abraham And so on they passed the book to Moses..How else did Moses have the information..Or the information was passed down by God Through Noah To Abraham are abram xcetera...Either way it goes the book was passed down.. The two other brothers wife and covered The book... If anybody else has a better explanation tell me.. No they were not a different color They're the examples Of how a generation after their mother and father That disobey Or even have truth they don't care about the truth Can be come and be like in the future... Take the genealogy of Cain...The last two brothers and sister only sister mentioned until the tribes of Israel..She is the harlot The two brothers pay attention what they do and read revelations...They are the ones that make up Chapter 18 Through verse 22...Make no mistake read it yourself ...
  • Kerry Elmore on Genesis 9:22 - 11 years ago
    What was the curse that was given to Ham and how did it affect Canaan. Where they turned a different color.
  • Yvonne on Genesis 7 - 11 years ago
    Noah lived approximately 50 years after the Flood.

    Noah was 600 years old when the Flood started. ( Genesis 7:6)
    "And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights." ( Genesis 7:12)
    Flooding lasted over 300 days ( Genesis 8:13 and using prior verses to establish timeline.)
    Noah lived to be 950 years old. ( Genesis 9:29)
    (600 years + 300 years = 900 years. 900 years + N years = 950 years. N = 50 years.
  • Pat Grant on Genesis 9:13 - 11 years ago
    I am weeping because the clouds continue to weep but as I look out and see a rainbow and remember God's promise, I weep out of joy. Praise Him.
  • Toni on Genesis 11:4 - 11 years ago
    To Aubrey's question Why did God do this to the people?First, they did not do as God had told them to do. Genesis 9:7 God had told Noah and his sons to spread out and repopulate the world. Remember that God made humankind in His image and God said, “nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” Having one language can make the development of technology easier and faster for good or for evil. God wanted to “slow down” people’s ability to do and invent new ways of doing evil. You know how it is these days, many morals have dropped to an all time low. There is no self-respect or love for self or others. God was just wanting to slow down man's capacity to endanger himself and the world so He handled that by confusing the speech and split the one language into different tongues which confused them scattering them into other parts of the world.
  • Angela on Genesis 9:3 - 11 years ago
    Anil M. Jesus himself observed the passover feast, which had lamb as a main course. God also required the death of animals to atone for human sin. True, this wasn't a part of the perfect earth God created, but when sin entered the world, things changed. Don't make the mistake of getting caught up in the politics of animal cruelty. People, not animals, were made in God's image. Yes, we shouldn't be cruel to animals, but you can't ignore that the scriptures make it clear that we rule over them, and one of their main purposes is for food.
  • Angela on Genesis 9:3 - 11 years ago
    Anil M. Jesus himself observed the passover feast, which had lamb as a main course. God also required the death of animals to atone for human sin. True, this wasn't a part of the perfect earth God created, but when sin entered the world, things changed. Don't make the mistake of getting caught up in the politics of animal cruelty. People, not animals, were made in God's image. Yes, we shouldn't be cruel to animals, but you can't ignore that the scriptures make it clear that we rule over them, and one of their main purposes is for food.
  • Mercy on Genesis 9 - 11 years ago
    Tamara, husbandman means farmer not husband, that is why we see Noah tilling the soil and planting g****s that he made wine and got drunk. As for the p***age, we see GOD giving humans another chance to inhabit the earth and replenish it, it just goes to show us his love and mercy towards man. But man has always had sinful tendencies.
  • Gloria on Genesis 9:13 - 11 years ago
    One of my favorite p***age in the Bible.
  • Watcher on Genesis 9 - 11 years ago
    Anil m's Who are you to question God?? The problem with people is they put thier own understanding to the Bible. Thats wrong! it says what it says and also warns about changing 1 thing. God said that man would eat meat, thats it finished God Spoke.
  • Keneth Gitari mburia on Genesis 9:6 - 11 years ago
    It gives man a warning not to commit muder,God is the one who has power over life.
  • Anil m on Genesis 9:3 - 11 years ago
    i dont believe a compassionate jesus would allow meat eating!This has probably been modified later by writers to justify meat eating as per their choice!
  • Pam on Genesis 9 - 11 years ago
    Noah was in a compromising condition. His son looked upon him, and possibly even passing judgement and did not do the right thing to cover his father and make things well for him. He also talked about his father to his brothers. This is not love or respect as we should treat our parents or others especially those we say we love.
  • Tamara on Genesis 9:20 - 12 years ago
    Why does it say he began to be a husband, wasn’t he already doing husband duties before the flood.
  • Vincent on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    Do you know the token of covenant between God and the earth? It is the rainbow which might be the first death. The second and final death will be fire.
  • David Leavines on Genesis 9:5 - 12 years ago
    I Believe that God, when talking about the hands of the beast and the hand of the man He's talking about the seed of beast of the serpent, like Cain was and the generation that followed him. Those that God called into the ark with Noah; two of the unclean the male and his female, and seven of the beast that were called clean the male and female of the seed of Cain.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Genesis 9:25 - 12 years ago
    Various sins take on future generations as a curse. JESUS only has the power to break an undesired curse! JESUS came to set us free!
  • AL ARENA on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    Genesis 9:24, Noah awoke and knew what his younger son has done to him. Who was the younger son and just what did he do to Noah?
  • Berithar on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    It is an interesting story, Ham was supposed to cover his father but unfortunately he did not think of that, people must learn that alcohol it is not good for human being because it causes disasters and more problems in the home, let us learn from Jesus, our shelter in the time of storm.
  • HARRY ALLISON and BEAUTIFUL WIFE SHIRLEY. on Genesis 9:24 - 12 years ago
    For me, alcohol has always been involved in my problems in society. ALCOHOL has always been an issue with distorting man’s thinking…, alcohol is the mother of lies, and will deceive you easily. BEWARE, it makes you see strange things. It makes you stupid. FILL up with JESUS!
  • Jay on Mark 7 - 12 years ago
    Correction on remarks concerning anonymous about anti-swine friend. Genesis 9:3 is written under grace not under the law which does not really begin until Exodus 20:1.
  • ROBERTO GOMES on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    When I was a seminary student I was assigned by my Hebrew professor to carry an in-depth case study on this particular passage of scriptures. Of course I did my very best and the answer is not easy. It all depends on which kind of approach one takes. Well after done my very lengthy study I came to conclusion that Ham had a sexual relationship at least, with his father's wife. It will depend how one interprets the Hebrew word "and Ham saw" which is the same word in "Adam knew Eve".
  • Jay on Mark 7 - 12 years ago
    As on anti-swine friend, there are still many denominations and individuals that are still trying to please god by practicing Old Testament Jewish laws where they do not apply in the New Testament church age. This is what happens when you do not rightly divide the word of truth ( II Timothy 2:15). Jesus is always using a physical situation to illustrate a spiritual situation as he is doing here in Mark 7:15. The issues are of the heart (soul) not the stomach ( Proverbs 4:23; 23:26; 23:7). If a person does not want to eat certain foods for health reasons there is nothing biblical against that, but when a person eats or abstains from certain foods to please God spiritually that is Old Testament mentality, not for the New Testament church Christian age ( I Timothy 4:1-5), and Genesis 9:3 written under the law, not grace under. Meats for the belly and the belly for the meats it all comes out at the drought.
  • David on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    Uncovering your fathers nakedness, Leviticus 20:11, And the man that lieth with his father's wife (incest) hath uncovered his father’s nakedness. The result was Canaan, and that’s why Noah cursed him ( Genesis 9:22).
  • Arthur on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    A few comments on questions I've seen. In the original Jewish Torah from which the first five books of the Bible come. Genesis 2:18 says God "had created" the animals. They were created before and He was just now bringing them to Adam. As for the comment that there had to be other people besides Adam that God created because Cain mated with one of them in 4:17, that was after he had killed Abel which had to be not too long before Seth was born because in 4:25 Seth is called a replacement for Abel. Seth was born 130 years after Creation, plenty of time for Adam and Eve to have had lots of children and for those children to have children and for those grandchildren to have children etc. etc God giving man dominion over the animals didn't make man the top of the food chain. Man didn't get permission to eat meat until after the Flood ( Genesis 9:3) Now a question. Was Cain the first child born to Adam and Eve? If he was then he would have been almost 130 years old when he killed Abel and I'd always thought of them being young when that happened. And would he really be just getting around to taking a wife at that advanced age?
  • André on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    @Daniel, Yes we all have sinful nature. But as the book of Romans, chapters 3,4,5,6,7,8,11 and 12 say, GOd has delivered us from sin by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so it is now our duty to walk in the freedom of the children of GOD, and not let ourselves subdued by sin. GOD bless you
  • Daniel on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    Noah was selected by God, to bring life back to the earth that was just destroyed, from what I understand to be overwhelming negativity and tyranny born into all men.

    Noah then proceeds to get himself drunk and fall asleep nude, before God, and his family. Is this to imply that all men are inherently flawed?
  • André on Psalms 90 - 12 years ago
    In Genesis 6:3, GOD sets man’s lifetime at 120 years. And in Psalms 90:10, it says The days of our years are ..70, … 90 years. This seems to be a conflict, but it is not one actually. Because in Genesis 6:3 GOD sets a limit at 120 years, which does NOT necessarily means everybody will live out to that age, and in Psalms 90:10, in this prayer Moses is observing that ‘’the days of our years are 70 to 90 years’’, this is what Moses often sees, but Moses himself lived 120 years ( Deuteronomy 34:7).
    However GOD’s grace and mercy are beyond any limitation, because Noah himself lived 950 years ( Genesis 9:29), and that was after life limitation which took place in Genesis 6:3. So let’s stick to GOD’s grace and mercy.
  • Carolyn rose on Genesis 9 - 12 years ago
    god is good, and i have been blessed tonight whilst reading through the scriptures.
  • Jaida on Genesis 9:24 - 12 years ago
    Gen 9:22
    HAM the FATHER of cannan saw his fathers nakedness and told his brothers outside.

    It was clearly Ham who did something wrong here, otherwise wouldn't it have said what Cannan did so wrong to have his decedants cursed?

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