Discuss Genesis 9 Page 2

  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Hi Barry. Taking a direct translation from the Hebrew, Genesis 9:4 would read as: 'But flesh with its life blood you shall not eat'. This was now the allowance given to the surviving humans from the flood that they were permitted to eat the flesh of animals but not to include its blood. The blood was to be first drained out & then the meat cooked, for the blood represented the life of the animal (the life that God alone gives), as it also applies to the shedding of human blood, i.e. taking of life ( Genesis 9:5,6). In many countries, animal blood is consumed, whether taken directly or cooked/turned into another form. We need to bear this in mind when contemplating such foods presented to us.
  • Dav47 - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    The life of flesh is blood. You are not to eat anything where blood is running out. Blood becomes putrid and carries diseases, it is a health law.
  • Barry Ward on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    What does, Genesis 9 verse 4 mean exactly?

    4. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat
  • Maria - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 9:4 refers to all animals. God is giving Adam a rule that if he wants to eat an animal, he is not to eat the animal's blood, because the blood is the life of the animal that sustains it.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 137 - 2 years ago
    This passage contains some of the hardest verbage in all of scripture in verse 9. Dashing little ones or babies against stones and being happy about it certainly would make one question the God of Israel as to his cruelty if one were to assume that He Himself found some joy in such heinous activities.

    Obviously; the God who created man and desires the death of no one would not sink to such a level. The only times we see God laughing is at the calamity of the wicked; Psalm 2 shows man attempting to fight Christ at His return which obviously is the ultimate madness of men who are under the power of the Antichrist and the mark of the Beast. In this passage; we need to keep in mind that first of all the Media Persian empire would heap on the Babylonians the same sort of things they did to others. This brings about reaping what is sown. The reaction would therefore relate to the peoples who were doing such things. God made it clear over and over again that babies sacrificed to Molech; for example were an abomination; so it is undoubtably shocking that those in Israel were so seduced by foreign women that they willingly took place in such unspeakable arocities. The other thing here is that those in Israel who had to live through 70 years of exile with the war; pillage; and machinations of Nebuchadnezzar with the golden image (who later repented); until the last ruler who was having drunken binges using the temple items to drink from and whatever other sufferings they went through. They were to be free partly as a result of the prophesied end of Babylon as well as the pagan Cyrus to follow who allowed them to return to Jerusalem. It is certainly possible that song which was such a part of worship through Psalms was disallowed along with prayer as Daniel's story makes clear.

    This serves as a sober warning; particularly if the US is symbolized by the "daughter of Babylon" in verse 8. This goes all the way back to Genesis 9:6.
  • Genesis 9 Explanation About Eating Blood - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 9:4

    These first few verses of Genesis 9 include God's blessings and commands to Noah and his sons. These instructions are also meant for the generations that will follow from them. In the previous verse, God made clear that humanity was free to eat any kind of creature that moved. This would include birds, fish, beasts, and creeping things. Whether or not mankind was specifically allowed to eat animals prior to flood, they are given specific permission now to do just that.

    HOWEVER, while God does allow man the ability to eat animal flesh, He includes a restriction: Humans are not to eat the BLOOD of these animals along with their flesh. The verse describes the blood as the animal's life. Later, under the Law of Moses, Israelites will be required to very carefully drain the blood from animals before consuming them. This deep respect for blood is the first step in a long process, establishing the symbolism of Christ's sacrifice for human sin on the cross. Note: COOK the meat first.

    Genesis 9:1-17 continues God's interaction with Noah and his sons following the flood. First, God blesses them and gives them specific instructions about how to live in this remade world. God commands them to reproduce and fill the earth, among other things. Next, God establishes His unilateral covenant to never again end all life on earth with a flood, offering the rainbow as a sign of this promise.

    The Time of the End: 2 Peter 3

    Be ready to follow Jesus.
  • Robert Scott Catuska on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 9:4 can ypu explain what flesh is not to be eaten? Is it talking about man and where else in the Bible is there a reference to this.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on John 19 - 2 years ago
    I'd like to add scripture to the discussion.

    Genesis 9:5, 1Kings 13:9-32, 1Samuel 6, note 1Samuel 6:7,10,12, Numbers 22:12-35, Daniel 6, Matthew 10:28-31, Luke 12:6-7, context Luke 12, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 11:6-10, Genesis 6:18-20, Genesis 7:1-9,23, Genesis 8, Psalms 145:8,9,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 8 - 2 years ago
    Hello Joanne. Of Noah's sons, Japheth was the eldest ( Genesis 10:21) & Ham was the youngest ( Genesis 9:24). Therefore, Shem would have to be the middle son.

    We're not given the name of Noah's wife in the Bible. However, many pieces of non-biblical literature & traditions from various religions, each give her a different name. Maybe one of them is correct, or more likely, none at all.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 4:1, Genesis 4:16,23,24,

    Genesis 4:25,26, Genesis 5:1-3, Genesis 5, Genesis 6:1-13, Genesis 7, & 8, Genesis 9:8-9, Hebrews 11:1-7, 1John 3:12,

    Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:45, Deuteronomy 32:8, Matthew 3:21-38, Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:22,45,

    Jude 1,
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Denise. Yes, we are all allowed to eat meat, as we desire, or even just be vegetarian. The Genesis 1:29,30 references to "meat", is actually "oklah" in Hebrew. And this word is translated as 'food, or, for the eating'. So when you see, "the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat", you can read it as, 'to you it shall be for your food'.

    We generally take Genesis 9:3 as the Scripture that authorizes man to start eating meat (as in the flesh of animals). This God spoke about to Noah after the Ark had landed on dry ground after the flood. However, there could have been meat eating before this time, but this verse gives us a point to work from.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 3 years ago
    I would also point out that the first 6 generations all lived 895 to 930 years, with Afam living the longest of those generations.

    Genesis 5:5,8,11,14,17,20

    The next 3 generations had widely varying ages. Enoch lived 365 years and was translated rather than died - Genesis 5:23. Enoch is the first clearly identified prophet and his age and ages of the next two generations that died before the flood had prophetic significance. Enoch's age is a solar year of days as we now understand it, even though there is strong evidence that at that time a lunar calendar with years of 360 days was used. Methuselah lived the longest at 965 years - Genesis 5:27. Methuselah died the year the flood came and I believe his name means "When he dies it will come". Lemach lived 777 years and died 5 years before the flood - Genesis 5:31. I should not need to point out the significance of the number 7 in prophesy.

    Noah is the last generation to live over 900 years at 950 years - Genesis 9:29.

    The generations after Noah all have significantly shorter life spans after the flood. I believe this due in part to the loss of the water vapor canopy surrounding the entire earth that was created on the second day of creation. That canopy I believe protected mankind from virtually all solar radiation. Volcanic activity that condensed the canopy and that ultimately broke up the waters of the great deep also increased particulates in the atmoshere. Increased solar radiation and particulates probably contributed to increased mutations and cancers in both man and animals. The removal of the canopy also introduced seasons and a wider variations in global temperature zones along with seasonal extremes leading to famine. Combined with a change from a purely vegetarian diet to an omnivorous diet, new pathways for cross-species transmission of viruses of other disease agents may have created more pestilence. The division at Babel led to more wars. The birth pangs of Revelation took hold.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I've heard it explained it was a perversion thing. Note they were adults, Genesis 6:18, Genesis 7:7,13, Genesis 8:16,18,

    Genesis 9:22, honestly ask yourself would you go tell others? Or cover? Who showed their father honor? Genesis 9:23

    Noah, "knew what his younger son had done to him." Genesis 9:24, it wasn't that he just saw.

    There's additional information, to help readers understand, Genesis 9:18, Genesis 9:22, Genesis 9:25, Genesis 10:15, note Canaan, 1st recorded rape of a girl Genesis 33:18, Genesis 34:1-2, & Sodom & Gomorrah, Genesis 10:19, Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:20, Genesis 18, Gen. 19,

    Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Ezekiel 16:49, Jude 1:7, it appears to point to a root of evil started with that person.

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • RichFairhurst on Hebrews 11 - 3 years ago
    (Originally posted under wrong verse, should be Hebrews 11:5-7)


    Genesis 5:21-22

    Hebrews 11:5-6

    Jude 1:14-15


    Genesis 6:1 through Genesis 9:29

    Matthew 24:37-39

    Luke 17:26-30

    Hebrews 11:7

    1 Peter 3:19-20

    2 Peter 2:5

    2 Peter 3:3-7

    Whether or not a person acknowledges it, Enoch and Noah are fathers to every man, woman and child living today. However, without saving faith they will only be fathers according to the flesh to our generation. That genetic relationship will be undeniably proven before God, but it will not only profit us nothing, it will actually make anyone in our generation more guilty than the people in theirs if they mock or ignore the testimony concerning them in these last days without repenting and believing in Jesus Christ as they did. We need to carefully consider and draw both encouragement and warning from their examples of faith if we want to share any of the benefits of the heritage they have left us.

    Jesus Christ is the one who will catch us up to be with Him, like He did Enoch, if we are confirmed by the Holy Spirit to be those who please Him and His Father. He is also the unexpected Bridegroom who will close the wedding feast door that lets in the prepared wise virgins but shuts out the unprepared foolish virgins where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, like He closed the door of the Ark that Noah prepared behind him and his household, shutting out those who were unprepared outside.

    Although no one should count on it, if in His grace the Father continues to patiently wait beyond our short lives to send Christ with His holy angels for the final harvest, we still must hold to the fear of the LORD we see in these two ancestors of ours and uphold their testimony so that we may be partakers with them in the pleasure the Father has in their faith and the faith of all those mentioned in this chapter of Hebrews. That is one of the ways we will be able to add our own testimony of faith to theirs.
  • T Levis - In Reply on 2 Timothy 4 - 3 years ago
    As opposed to what? Destroying the evil? Genesis 6:5-6,11,12, He did that in Noah's day: Genesis 6:7-9, Genesis chapters 6-9,

    Genesis 8:21-22, Gen. 9:9-17, therefore HE made a covenant of mercy. Yet HE also makes promises of giving an "account"

    Genesis 9:5-6, Psalms 37, Isaiah 61:3, Romans 12:9, Hebrews 10:30, Jude 1:7,

    It's like this Genesis: GOD gave dominion to man over the Earth, including sea. Gen. 1:28, It's a ' stewardship ' that all men will give an account for. Matthew 25:31-46, yet the Earth still belongs to GOD : 1Corinthains 10:26,

    GOD gave Moses a set of "Best Laws" That if people obeyed, would cut down on suffering. Instead many have rebelliously rejected, mocked & ignored & refusal to enforce. Whose then to blame for suffering in consequence? Proverbs 3:27,

    I think it amazing that GOD intervenes on our behalf so many times. Exodus 3:9, Psalms 12:5,

    & ultimately gave us Salvation John 3:16-18, Ecclesiastes 5:8,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hi Sylvia.

    No Noah sons were not triplets

    Genesis 9:24. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his "YOUNGER" son had done unto him.

    Here we have as the younger son.

    I've seen this question come up before,

    Be careful of what you take in other than the word of God.

    God bless.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 10 - 3 years ago
    The Bible doesn't say that. It says : Genesis 9,

    Genesis 9:18, Genesis 9:21-22, he didn't cover his father, yet went & told his brothers, notice they were all adults with wives, (not children) Genesis 7:7, I've heard some Pastors explain it was perversion. Also disrespectful, dishonoring his father & taking advantage of a bad situation. His brothers showed honor & respect: Genesis 9:23, Please read: Genesis 6:8-13, Notice Noah was Just & found favor with GOD, in a corrupt violent time. Doesn't say & his children were also "perfect or Just" Genesis 6:22, Genesis 7:1, Genesis 10, the lineage of Noah, Shem, Ham, & Japheth. Notice also in the curse he cursed "canaan" please see Genesis 10:18-19, they were the people of Sodom & Gomorrah. Was this perversion carried down? Even from before flood? Genesis 8:21,

    Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:16-, Genesis 19, Zephaniah 2:9, 2 Peter 2:5-9, Isaiah 3:9,

    Please rely on the WORD of GOD, if you study & read it thoroughly, you'll be surprised what it clarifies.

    Hopefully this is helpful in answering your questions.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Leviticus 1, the several books of Leviticus points out the laws, you can continue through each of them & find the laws you're referring to.

    Genesis 9:22-27, Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:20,21,22, Genesis 19, Revelations 11:8,

    2 Peter 2:1-15, Jude 1:7-25, Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Romans 1:18-32,

    Galatians 5:16,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study.
  • ChildofJesusChrist - In Reply on Genesis 10 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 9:20-23 KJV

    [20] And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: [21] And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. [22] And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. [23] And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.

    Ham invaded his father's privacy just like when a child opens their parents door without knocking or introducing themselves . That is the wrong that Ham did. It's against Gods law for a child to uncover their parents nakedness even in the time of Noah, it was given to be written down by Moses, but during the time of Noah, this rule was already known.
  • Michael spiess on Genesis 10 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 9:24

    "And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him."

    What is it that Noah's younger son had done?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 7 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 6:5-8, Genesis 6:11-13, Genesis 6:19-21, yet HE preserved life. Genesis 9:9-17, John 3:15-16,

    You don't need to look far to see disregard for life of babies, abortion kills millions & who spares a single child from it? Spade & nueter goes on constantly of animals destroying seed before reproduction. Crimes, injustice, lies, greed etc. If it was so wicked & coucorrupt then? I don't want to imagine. )=

    Psalms 139, Psalms 111, Matthew 9:26, Matthew 14:14, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, Revelation 7:16-17,
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 3 years ago
    Hi Barbara. No. That would be misreading the verses ( Genesis 9:21,22). Some even try to incorporate Mrs. Noah into that verse, but all that verse states & suggests, is that Noah was drunken, lying down exposed, Ham walked by the tent's opening, & possibly lingered there observing his father in that sad state before reporting the matter to his brothers. Whereas Shem & Japheth gave their father a high degree of respect & covered him up without looking at him. I wonder what would have happened if Ham did not report it & just walked on & kept the matter to himself? Would that then turn the course of history for Ham's progeny (Canaan)?
  • Barbara Harris on Genesis 9 - 3 years ago
    Was Noah rape my ham
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Here are a few scriptures to help point towards truth in this question:

    Genesis 1:1-8, creation of heavens or heaven aka Universe.

    Genesis 1:14-19 GOD created the lights within the heavens/universe Earth's Moon & Sun, the galaxies, stars

    2 Peter 3:8, I take this scripture also in consideration when trying to calculate.

    Genesis 5:1-5, (Adam), Genesis 5:6-8, (Seth), Genesis 5:9-11 (Enos), Genesis 5:12-14 (Cainan), Genesis 5:15-17 (Mahalaleel), Genesis 5:18-20 (Jared), Genesis 5:21-24 (Enoch), Genesis 5:25-27 (Methuselah), Genesis 5:28-31 (Lamech), Genesis 5:32 beginning of Noahs days. Genesis 9:28-29, (Noah) , these all can be calculated

    Genesis 10, goes from Noah's sons into historical events, which are more difficult to calculate. Then picks up again at Genesis 10:29 (Abram) aka Abraham. Genesis 11 also has calculatable ages.

    Matthew 1:17,

    To add to the difficulty in exact dates the beginning of the year changed for the Hebrews in Exodus 12:2,18,27, which is celebrated in Spring. In todays calendar is usually 3rd or 4th month of our calendar.

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Cathleen Lovell,

    I'd like to first address that if you lost a pet you loved. I'm sorry for your sadness. GOD has compassion Psalms 145:8-9, Matthew 10:29,

    The scriptures do not say "all dogs go to heaven" however there are hints of some creatures.

    Isaiah 65:25, Mark 16:15,

    It says all beast shall give account of mans blood Genesis 9:5,6,

    GOD cares so much for us that HE gave us HIS Son for our Salvation John 3:15-16, knowledge of this helps us trust HIM with everything for HE made it all, All of creation John 1:1, 1 John 4:18,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago

    You quoted

    "Four hundred years in Egypt as owners, paid back by four hundred years of slavery under the house of Israel (UK/US) Isaiah 14:2 The curse of Cannan is representative of certain Africans."

    Well to begin with Isaiah 14:2 have not been fulfilled yet,

    Look at verse 3: And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,

    Do Israel have the rest and live without fear over there as promised in Isaiah 14:3.?

    The question is was man delivered from the curse of Adams transgression after the flood? I think not, If so we wouldn't have the account in Genesis 9:25-27. Nor would we have the account of Noah drunken with wine.

    that you wrongfully ascribe to a people of today we know as black people.

    All 8 souls on the Ark were under Adam's transgression "apart from Gods Atonement,' Genesis 6:14. The word pitched used here is "Atonement"

    Apart from God's grace we're all Lost and unrighteous and there is no partiality with God.

    Genesis 6:8-9. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

    These are the generations of Noah: (Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations,) and Noah walked with God.

    We know Noah was just/Justified. In which you can only be by faith! They had faith in their sacrifice and offerings which we know they submitted to the Lord as we see as early as Genesis 4:4.

    This is a carnal insert to a Christian forum; we should covet the new birth in the spirit and not rank in our old nature "The flesh.

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hello Perry. Folk might have eaten meat at that point as suggested by Rick, but if you're seeking a Scripture, then Genesis 9:1-4 (with Noah & his family after the flood), might answer your question.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Genesis 9:5, 1 Kings 13:24,28,
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 3 years ago
    Brother Ronald, question are always good, that why we have the Holy Spirit.

    1 John 2:27

    Matthew 21:22
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 3 years ago
    Hey Rick,

    Agree, we humans cannot even come close to comprehending the wisdom of God. As in Job 37:5 God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend.

    God bless,


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