King James Version (KJV)

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God honors his word.
We're all over the place trying to Beat That Game!!!
Tell me why we don't go at the Bible the same way?? Dig, dig deeper, read commentaries on here, read commentaries on Google.
The Holy Spirit is your TEACHER. Ask Him. If you'll sit still long enough and be quiet, you will get answers.
PRAY for a TEACHABLE spirit.
They're not cheats; but your Bible will start speaking to your spirit.
Get a Study Bible that has Center of Each page, reference columns: with the abc notes within the scriptures. Those send you to other scriptures that EXPAND the meanings or reveal a prophesy.
Back out of the room to the Search Box.
Put a scripture in it or just a word (like worms) hit the arrow. The search engine will pull up all verses with 'worms' in it.
Touch or click the verse and it will highlight yellow.
Scroll downward to the Commentary Box. Click that. It will show you what the scholars interpret that scripture to mean.
Questions answered. It makes studying fun and interesting.
Be adventurous.
I was fooling around one day with the Search Engine on this website... typed in CHINA. Up pops 3 scriptures!! It gives locations you can use Bible maps with.
Pandemics are real. And we are going to see one after another. It's in the Bible.
There's a quickie link from KJV to Google to help you find a scripture you're unsure about. Like: "Jesus releasing prisoners from hell".
Learn to study! For yourselves. Share what you find, on here. IT IS FUN! God speaks to us through His Word.
When you sit down to study: pray: I HAVE THE SAME MIND OF CHRIST !! I receive it by faith right now. God watches over His Word To Perform it.
Habakkuk 2:2-4 find your identity in the Bible.
Leviticus 19:28
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
It's an Old Testament scripture. Jesus came to be crucified and die for our sins so we could be saved; and He ratified the New Covenant with his own blood.
Tattoos, I think are part of this generations desire to belong to a group. We did it in the 60's, but the paint washed off. I think people are trying to find an identity with something or someone.
Habakkuk 2:2-3. Is talking about a vision. Long ago the Lord told me that this verse was about a people with no identity. The Bible contains our new identities as Christians. We all belong to Jesus, so he's our new identity. The "evangelist" in us wants to show others what group we belong in. Changed lives is a greater witness of Jesus's life in us. Doing the do's and not doing the don'ts.
I've never had a tattoo. But I carry a Bible and know how to use it. I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. I don't need tee shirts or tats to announce that a Christian is here. I use a smile. It works 99% of the time. You have no idea the rush of pure joy leading someone closer to the Lord.
DONT get anymore tats. You can give that money to school lunches for children who are hungry. God bless you for your love. :)
We're all over the place trying to Beat That Game!!!
Tell me why we don't go at the Bible the same way?? Dig, dig deeper, read commentaries on here, read commentaries on Google.
The Holy Spirit is your TEACHER?!? Ask Him. If you'll sit still long enough and be quiet, you will get answers.
PRAY for a TEACHABLE spirit.
They're not cheats; but your Bible will start speaking to your spirit.
Get a Study Bible that has Center of Each page, reference columns: with the abc notes within the scriptures. Those send you to other scriptures that EXPAND the meanings or reveal a prophesy.
:D. You'll get as good as Chris eventually.
Get a large print concordance. Serious study. The Bible and "helps" are in the front of the books. Tells you the "tricks" on how to use them. The best maps and charts are on Google.
I was fooling around one day with the Search Engine on this website... typed in CHINA. Up pops 3 scriptures!! Pandemics in the end times come from there and around the coasts to N Africa. May be places where poor people have no food at all?
Pandemics are real. And we are going to see one after another. It's in the Bible.
Learn to study! For yourselves. Share what you find, on here. IT IS FUN! God speaks to us through His Word.
When you sit down to study: pray: I HAVE THE SAME MIND OF CHRIST !! I receive it by faith right now. God watches over His Word To Perform it.
Give that fine mind of yours To The Holy Spirit, stand back, and see what He will show you. Habakkuk 2:2-4
You gotta get plugged into the Holy Spirit. Depend on Him. Pursue Him. Be quiet and Listen To Him.
Catch the fire! Mishael
As a rule, female names were not recorded unless they were involved in Jesus's story.
Cain and Abel had kids. Males and females.
Genesis 2:4
Genesis 5:3-4
Luke 3
Luke 3:38 *
1 Corinthian 15:45-47
Thank you all who spent the time to read my post and reply. God Bless you all!
Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.
Before our Father's throne, We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims
are one, Our comforts and our cares.
We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear.
When we asunder part, It gives us keenest pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again.
God bless you, stay soft, keep your peace.
Welcome to God's family - all of us have been purchased by our Saviour's own precious blood, and not by anything we have done or could do ( Titus 3:5). Seek the Spirit's help in reading & understanding the Bible, but we're always around here to support you in the Word & victorious Christian living. Every blessing brother.
:). There's a link to Testimonies; which is a blessing to see how God is touching lives.
With that in mind, I am totally ignorant of secular/pagan ancient writings or the Rosetta stone. Apart from what one gleans from the Web, I'm unable to add further information to that. However, with what I have read, I wouldn't be overly surprised that there may be some similarities between biblical & other writings. Yet if one would examine the others' accounts, one would find that the similarities are actually not so similar anyway. As well, in some cases, as in some biblical accounts (e.g. the Flood), these could have been transmitted from the survivors of the flood to others & over generations, as the tribes on the Earth multiplied & became more diverse in culture & religion, the account could have also adopted various forms & imagery giving it some authenticity, yet found altered in content because of such transmission.
So one could assume the same with Creation, the Virgin birth, a God meting out judgement, etc: similarities, but sufficiently dissimilar to warrant a more careful examination, to either prove a connection or not. Why do such parallels occur? I suppose when we deal with the unknown, the spiritual, the belief in a superior being, there must also be some ideas that intersect or coincide with each other. These then appear to us laymen, as perplexing & worthy of further thought or examination. And yet, if we then read the Bible with that thought in mind, we will miss the beautiful consistent thread that runs right through Scripture, showing us the truth & faithfulness of God's Word to us. Other religions showing these 'similarities' would eventually fail in this respect or become divergent.
'Rosetta Stone' is not in the Bible. Moses spoke the language of the Egyptians, knew their culture; but he did not speak of the Rosetta Stone you asked about. After a quick read through Google, I see that the Stone resides in Britain. It exists. I copied this:
The world's 1,500-year loss of understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs is a reminder of the impermanence of even the most monumental empires and their legacies. Where once hieroglyphs boldly adorned a thousand walls, the last known example was finally incised on the island of Philae in AD 394. Although Egyptian continued to be spoken, Egypt's new Christian authorities soon outlawed hieroglyphs as pagan, and replaced them with the Greek Coptic alphabet. Several centuries later, when Egypt fell to Islam, the chain was finally broken as Coptic gave way to Arabic. The process of forgetting was complete.
In the Book of Daniel, the fall of many kingdoms are recorded. In minor prophets books too. People are still trying to unearth things in Egypt to this day.
If kingdoms fall, you can be assured that God allowed it. The only Kingdom that his eye is upon, is the Kingdom of his son, Jesus Christ. In the Bible, if you read scripture from a Bible with center of page reference columns, you might find more information surrounding Noah and others.
It's not really going to help with languages.
Follow the scriptures with little alphabet letters in them.
The Bible says that much study brings weariness of mind. Interestingly enough, so does much exercise. Study of the Bible makes us wise.
Come back and ask Chris if he has studied the Rosetta Stone. I hope you find what you are seeking. I hope that in your pursuit, that you stumble over the Rock, which is Jesus Christ. The Stone the builders rejected.
May God reveal his truth to you.
I'm looking to debunk these tales specifically, and not to sound condescending but this is highly important that I get the facts over my now faith... can you help me here?
And so must you.
An authentic born again experience, means receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
John 16 ,teaches what all that entails: what the Holy Spirits Ministry is, towards New Believers. He protects the new birth and teaches it about Jesus. You can go as deeply, as you desire the sincere milk of Gods Word (the Holy Bible). We're encouraged to desire the Meat of scripture.
A lot of Christians just want the basic fire insurance. Enough to keep them out of hell.
A true believer wants the Whole Life of Jesus insurance policy with all the bells and whistles. They jump in feet first, and get Jesus all over them: and want more and more. They follow Jesus and read His Word every day of their lives. They tell others about Jesus! They are excited.
They're "all in". None of that one foot in the worldly world, and the other foot on Jesus.
There was a great song called, Love God, Hate Sin. If we don't sink our little baby Christian roots deep into Jesus, first big wind of persecution will blow you away.
Go look at That Godhead post I just posted. Why wouldn't you want to worship, adore and serve, those three persons who created all we see and know about? Romans 1
If you don't read your Bible with the Holy Spirit at your elbow... the Bible is just a book that doesn't speak back to you.
So, how deep do you want to go?
The lesson here is we have to abandon the false teachings of these man-made religions, pray for Holy Spirit to guide our minds to the spiritual truths of the Word. Yes, we might need some guidance for understanding, but ultimately we must rely on Holy Spirit to elevate our minds to the spiritual level of Christ's teachings. I pray this is helpful to you. Shalom.