Discuss Haggai 2 Page 2

  • Tarry on Haggai 2 - 11 years ago
  • Loye on Haggai 2 - 11 years ago
    All Kingdoms/dynasties not founded upon Christ shall be destroyed; financial and political strength of the heathens shall likewise be utterly destroyed. All that man has put his trust in shall be overthrown forever. This shall shortly come to pass.
  • Awesomebeloved on Haggai 2:9 - 12 years ago
    So Nice!
  • Reggie on Haggai 2:19 - 12 years ago
    The "seed" is Jesus. At the time of Haggai's given prophetic word, Jesus was still in heaven, with the Father. The connotation of "seed" is holy all throughout the scriptures. Genesis 3:15 is the first messianic prophecy referred to Jesus as the "seed", of a woman would come to crush the head of Satan. Paul speaks of the "seed" of Abraham as not being many but one and that "seed" is Christ. The "seed" was literally in a stable on the ninth month twenty fourth day, which after God said, in verse 18, from this day and upward will I bless you. At the writing of Haggai, Jesus was literally, in the storehouse or barn of heaven. Malachi 3:10, 11, but God opened the windows of heaven and sent His son to be the saviour of the world, in due time. After which the rebuke of the devourer ie Satan; began and was manifested on the mount of temptation, where Jesus rebuked him. As yet the vine (Church), fig tree (Israel), pomegranate (Resurrection of Jesus), and the olive oil (Baptism in the Holy Ghost) were not brought forth, for the real laying of the foundation of the glorious eternal Temple of God. Until the "Seed" came, prophesied from Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 53, Psalms 22 and many other scriptures. The "Seed" left heaven and was referred to as "Seed", by Christ himself, in His parables as the "Good Seed" sown, bringing forth much fruit 30, 60, and 100 fold. God said from this day I will bless you. Peace on earth and good will to men, sounds like Christmas to me, the greatest gift ever! Agape. – Reggie.
  • Reggie on Haggai 2 - 12 years ago
    Amen, to the above comment. And notice the 9th month, being December, in the Hebrew calendar, as the 1st month is April. And "FROM" the 24th of December, which is the "25TH" As we call Christmas, "I will bless you, says God! Wow!! Peace on earth and goodwill to men’’ sounds a lot like Christmas, to me. The greatest gift ever, when God gave His son, Christ Jesus, for us. And check, that out in verse 19. The "SEED" is yet in the barn, on December 24th, Joseph, Mary, and infant, yet unborn Christ child, were all literally in a barn, in Bethlehem. Awaiting the appointed day December 25th, from which we are all blessed. As yet the VINE is Church, the FIG tree is Israel, the pomegranate, which speaks of the Resurrection of Christ. In Hebrews "a tree that grows UPRIGHT” from root word, meaning exalt, "Get Oneself UP!! Lift Up!! Denoting the Power of the Resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord! And Olive tree, which gives olive oil, speaks of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, as in the anointing oil of God. Which is the Promise of the Father. And verse 22 "The overthrow of Kingdoms" with horses and riders, speaks of Revelation 19:11, at the 2nd Coming of Christ and Matthew 25, "The Judgment of all Nations. Agape, Reggie.
  • Sherm on Haggai 2 - 12 years ago
    One of the greatest Old Testament prophecies is buried in verses 18-19 with a Hanukkah evening prophecy for the conception of Christ.
  • Shoshanahim on Ecclesiastes 1 - 14 years ago
    It was known to the writer of Ecclesiastes how this world had ended in the first timeline. In Ecclesiastes Chapter 12, it illustrates the time of trouble when the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled by the violent ejection of dust and thick smoke from a huge caldera (see Ecclesiastes 12:2 and Revelation 6:12; 9:2). A great star (comet of Revelation 8:10; 9:1) is likened to an eagle (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Isaiah 46:11). When the ravenous bird (comet) enters Earth’s atmosphere, it causes a great sound of thunder. Its voice cries out like a thundering trumpet (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Isaiah 27:13; Zechariah 9:14; Revelation
    11:15). The voice heralds the time of the latter-day literal and figurative resurrection for the latter-day righteous who believed this new doctrine (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Daniel 12:1; Hosea 6:2; Revelation 11:11-13).

    Isaiah was also told how our world will end. In Isaiah 13:6, it states that the day of the Lord (who personifies a comet) is at hand. At that time, the light of the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled when dust and smoke explode from a huge volcano’s crater (see Isaiah 13:10). These prophecies were written over two thousand years ago. God’s written word is able to declare what is going to take place in the last generation because God (personifying each scroll that records and plays over each generation) has seen the end already take place in the first timeline (see Isaiah 46:10). The same catastrophic event of a great star’s (personified as the return of God) impact – which causes an immense volcano to explode and release dust, smoke, hot ash, and then lava – is written in the writings of the prophets. However, the written prophecies in the Old Testament, which are to be fulfilled in our day, are written as if they could have happened during events that took place in each prophet’s generation.

    With this in mind when reading the Old Testament prophecies, take into consideration that the past types are mixed-in with future, yet to be fulfilled, prophecies (see Job 14:12, 13; Psalm 18:7-9; Ecclesiastes 12:2-5; Isaiah 24:17-23; Jeremiah 4:23-28; Ezekiel 32:7, 8; Joel 2:1, 30-32; Amos 5:16-18; Micah 3:6; Nahum 1:3-6; Habakkuk 3:3-16; Zephaniah 1:14-18; Haggai 2:6; Zechariah 14:3, 4, 12; Malachi 4:1; Revelation 19:11, 20).

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