I wish to comment on verse 2 of this chapter. "Behold God is my salvation" He removes deprivation, depravity, and He delivers. God outlined a plan for man to be reconciled to himself by manifesting himself in the flesh. John 1:1,14 Before this virgin birth of Christ, we were without any means of reaching God or being reconciled. We were destitute on a spiritual island called self. He saw our condition and reached for us. Romans5:6-8 Sin had deprived us of any contact or fellowship with God. He removed the deprivation and replaced it with an invitation. John 3:16; Romans 5:1; Romans 10:13
Having our deprivation removed, the writer goes to the next step in the life of the believer. "I will trust and not be afraid:"For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song;" Depravity must be delt with on a daily basis until it fades to nothing. When we are saved, we are no longer deprived,but we need to get rid of anything that does not reflect Christ in our lives.Depraity must decrease and Christ must increase to the point that we are governed by the spirit and not by the flesh. There are trials that will come to beset us,but we can get through them and glorify God. I Corinthians 10:13Hebrews 12:1, IJohn5:5 We know that we can relax and trust in the God of our salvation because it is His strength that saves us and sanctifies us. We are more than conquerors thru Him . IJohn 5:4 Having strength supplied by the Lord Jehovah Himself in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have reason to sing praises to Him. David said, His praise shall continually be on my lips. Victory is a great reason for singing psalms,hymns, and spiritual songs. Ephesians 5:19,20 Lastly we have His deliverance."He also is become my salvation" At the end of this life there is a surety for us, that God will guide us home. Psalm 48:14 He does not abandon us when we die He stays with us all the way home. It is comforting to know that we are cared for from birth to death and beyond in the family of God. When we complete our earthly walk, we begin our heavenly walk. The writer lets us know that God removes deprivation and saves for whosoever will come to Him. He empowers us with the Holy Spirit to guide us thru this life, and He guides us in death. Removal of deprivation, rids us of depravity, shrouds us with deliverance. What great reasons to sing praise to the God of our salvation. Psalm 50:23
Having our deprivation removed, the writer goes to the next step in the life of the believer. "I will trust and not be afraid:"For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song;" Depravity must be delt with on a daily basis until it fades to nothing. When we are saved, we are no longer deprived,but we need to get rid of anything that does not reflect Christ in our lives.Depraity must decrease and Christ must increase to the point that we are governed by the spirit and not by the flesh. There are trials that will come to beset us,but we can get through them and glorify God. I Corinthians 10:13 Hebrews 12:1, IJohn5:5 We know that we can relax and trust in the God of our salvation because it is His strength that saves us and sanctifies us. We are more than conquerors thru Him . IJohn 5:4 Having strength supplied by the Lord Jehovah Himself in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have reason to sing praises to Him. David said, His praise shall continually be on my lips. Victory is a great reason for singing psalms,hymns, and spiritual songs. Ephesians 5:19,20 Lastly we have His deliverance."He also is become my salvation" At the end of this life there is a surety for us, that God will guide us home. Psalm 48:14 He does not abandon us when we die He stays with us all the way home. It is comforting to know that we are cared for from birth to death and beyond in the family of God. When we complete our earthly walk, we begin our heavenly walk. The writer lets us know that God removes deprivation and saves for whosoever will come to Him. He empowers us with the Holy Spirit to guide us thru this life, and He guides us in death. Removal of deprivation, rids us of depravity, shrouds us with deliverance. What great reasons to sing praise to the God of our salvation. Psalm 50:23