Strangers unaware are those that you have not been aware that they were angels. I must be careful to entertain those that I meet up with. Especially to present the Lord Jesus Christ in my actions.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 2 Then there is the third. You have God that through his chastening he molds us into what he wants us to become and that is a beautiful Christian vessel, Revelation 3 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore, and repent . God will allow some things for us to go through to make us stronger or to be an example. The example is Job. Satan could not touch Job unless God removed the protective hedges from around him refer to the book of Job. Then you have where your faith will be tried, 2 Corinthians 8 2 Hebrews 11 36 1 Peter 1 7 1 Peter 4 12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you Then you have whereas God does chastise people, Hebrews 12 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. In the end, just know that whatever life throws your way God is there to assist and help you. Psalms 121 1 2 A Song of degrees, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 1 of 2 Hello Sky Job 14 1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. I believe that there are three forms in which testing come to a person. One form is through Satan the enemy of both God and man. See his job is to seek and devour. He will use any means necessary. 1 Peter 5 8 Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour . Now does this mean that Satan is the total enemy of man? No, and this brings me to the second form in which testing come to a person. This form is people. People always want to blame Satan for bad behavior, but sometimes it is just people wicked thoughts and their carnal minds that cause trouble for themselves as well as for others. We have a choice whether to do good or evil this is still in man s nature. Sometimes people, without the help of Satan, choose to do evil. This is why the scripture states you will reap what you have sown. This is why the scripture states that a carnal mind is an enmity to God, Romans 8 7 and 1 Corinthians 3 3. The word enmity means the state of feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something .
Maybe sometimes angels comes to test you to see if you will act out when someone has an ugly attitude towards you and speaking really rude to you. If that is the case, I did not pass the test. Lord help me to do better next time.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 5 of 5 When the church was set up there were only two offices that the Bible distinctly stated that men hold and that is the office of a Bishop and a Deacon. The other offices that was set up in the church there is no restriction on being a male or a female, 1 Corinthians 12 28 And God hat set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Then you have the spiritual gifts that operate in the church for the perfecting of the saints. These do not have any restriction on being male or female, these are the diversity of Spiritual Gifts Ephesians 4 11 And he gave some, apostles and some prophets and some, evangelists and some, pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 4 of 5 Now you stated that there are no women preachers in the Bible? However, There is Priscilla of the husband and wife team of Aquila and Priscilla, Acts 18 26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly . If you read Romans Chapter 16 you will find devout women who labored in the Lord. Priscilla and Aquila had a church in their home. When you are truly saved in Christ Jesus, there is the following, Galatians 3 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus .
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 3 of 5 The last part of the salvation plan is a gift that only God himself can give to a person. This gift is the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God give utterance. This represents the resurrection, because you cannot go up if you do not have it all. There are many examples of this also found in the Book of Acts as well is on April 6, 1906 and on through 1915 there was a fervent filling of the Holy Ghost on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California. The revival was characterized by ecstatic spiritual experiences accompanied by miracles, dramatic worship services, speaking in tongues, and inter racial mingling. The participants were criticized by the secular media and Christian theologians for behaviors considered to be outrageous and unorthodox, especially at the time. Today, the revival is considered by historians to be the primary catalyst for the spread of Pentecostalism in the 20th century . Wikipedia, Los Angeles Journal, and Enrichment Journal
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 5 The baptism means to submerge in water. The Greek word baptizo means to dip or to plunge. The symbolic meaning of the baptism is the death. There are many examples of this throughout the Book of Acts. The baptism is so important that in Acts 19 1 7 these 12 men had to be rebaptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Part 1 of 5 Hello Myron Watkins I do not know if you are addressing me, however, I would like to comment on behalf of all women preachers, teachers, Evangelist, pastors. First of all Acts 2 38 is the plan of salvation. The death, burial, and resurrection that you speak of goes like the following Repentance is a symbolic death. When a person truly repents it will affect his or hers entire being. The intellect like the parable of the two sons, Matthew 21 29. True repentance is a godly sorrow and will affect emotions, 2 Corinthians 7 9 10. True repentance will affect a person s will and a turning around, The Great Decision Of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15 18. In Ezekiel 14 6 the people were instructed to repent and turn.
It has all greived me when scripture is given not in simplicity, but that simplicity is destoyed when men male or female mishandle the word of God Act2 38 says repent meaning by believing upon Jesus you have seen the error of sin! in your life and that by your own goodnes you cannot please God, by receiving his provision of grace to be saved Jesus! The perfect lamb of God. And then through baptism of water symbolize the death, burial, and resurrection. And ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost! not maybe, but ye shall, so when a jezebel representing a false doctrine being taught by a false prophetess seducing the servants of God! beware of this and read with the understanding there men from all nations who heard them speak in their own tongues, which a fufilling of prophecy that all the families of the earth will be bless through the seed of Abraham Jesus all who would believe the gospel and get this there is nowhere is scripture that a woman has ever preached Exodus 35 All the people where allow to give unto the building of the tabernacle, but no women were allowed to do the work inside, except the preist and levites and the tabernacle was a picture of Christ! The same yesterday and today, and forever! God bless you all Pastor......
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Evelyn, I believe in what the Bible states also, however it is God that does the judging and he will according to his Word. There is no getting around this. However, as ministers of the Word we must teach the true Word of God. There is an old saying do not shoot the messenger for delivering the true Word of God. In the Old Testament they sprinkled blood however in the New Testament Jesus Christ shed his blood for us. Hebrews 9 22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission. It is through the shedding of Jesus Christ blood that there is remission of sins. This is why we must have the correct baptism that is part of the salvation plan Acts 2 38. I do not sugar coat the Word for anyone. My job is to teach true salvation and pray that someone will get saved.
I believe what the word says about judging,however, remember God is our father and when he judges us he is not being mean but loving us just as we love and our children and speak to them in truth. And when the Lord is speaking he is speaking to our heart, so that we may come to a true repentance and let him in our hearts then and only then can we be changed. Not without the sprinkling of his blood will there be a remission for our sins.
Evangleist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
In addition to what I wrote, God has always had one way of salvation throughout the history of the Bible up under each dispensation. He has never had two ways of salvation under these dispensations. There are seven dispensations in the Bible. We are currently under the 6th dispensation, which is the Grace Age. Under this dispensation you have to obey Acts 2 38 in order to be saved. You have to repent, and be baptized correctly in Jesus Christ name, and God has to fill you with the gift of the Holy Ghost with the speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God give utterance. There is no compromise with God. We try to change the formula to meet what we want, but God and His Word does not change. So in order to be found in the Lamb 's Book of Life that Revelations speak about, you have to be born again according to Acts 2 38.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Anonymous, God is not evil, however He has the authority to punish and chastise those that do not obey his Word. Human beings have free will. You have the will to do right. You have the will to do wrong. So if you choose to do wrong you will be punished. God does not send anyone to Hell you send yourself by not obeying his Word. The judgment has already been written, Revelations 20 8. So if you are found in one of these categories and you are not found in the Lamb 's Book of Life then you have sealed your own fate. Do not mistake grace and mercy for an always get out of jail free card. Hebrews 9 27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment " Also there are many sins throughout the Bible that God does not like and this is where that word in Revelations " abominable " covers those sins that are not individually mentioned.
Man 's thought are always evil so therefore, whatever man thinks towards you there is a tendency that he may be thinking evil of you. The Bible tells us that "my thoughts towards you are good to give you an expected end " God is not evil and cannot wish us ill. Jeremiah 29 11
Man 's thought are always evil so therefore, whatever man thinks towards you there is a tendacy that he may be thinking evil of you. The Bible tells us that "my thought towards you are good to give you an expected end " God is not eveil and cannot wish us I 'll. Jeremiah 29 11
I love this verse, for it lets us know that believing in Jesus dying for our sins is the truth. an to those who believe it. people will see the good works that are done thru his spirit in you. to just say you are born again is not it, to live it dailey thru his spirit in you, if there is no change then his spirit is not in you.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Hebrews 13 - 10 years ago
In verse 4, not only does it talk about marriage is honorable, but it stresses that whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. We do not judge people, God judges people based on their actions. The things that a person does causes judgment from God. Yes, God is merciful, but he is also a God of vengeance and punishment. Read Romans 12 19 and Ephesians 5 6.
Evang. Ifreke Akpantuk on Hebrews 13:8 - 10 years ago
Jesus the same yesteday,tody and forever means 1.Jesus will not be old by aged,he will ever remained young for ever and ever through the power of the holy spirit Amen. 2. It power and ability remained unchanged for ever and ever.3. It position as God,Jesus occupy the position of GOD ever and ever.4. Jesus christ will never die again but last forever. 5. He the has the power to kill and keep alive. 6. Jesus christ healing power remained the same forever.7.His grace to bless every soul remained the same.This shows Jesus christ is GOD.
When you have someone to help you out, you are confident that whatever it is, you 'll succeed for 2 are better than one. the same way when you involve God in all you do, you 'll succeed and you 'll have no fear coz you know how mighty God is and He 'll handle it for you
"RM P " I am not sure why Christians don 't like using His name because in that name you will find the answers you are seeking. John 1 1 4 and Isaiah 9 6 Acts 4 12 and many other scriptures tells us who he is and the power in the name of Jesus!
"giving praise thanks by the fruit of OUR LIPS to HIS NAME ". Why is it people do not SPEAK HIS NAME, they always refer to Him by titles? Is there some unwritten law forbidding is to use his name? Didn 't satan defile slander his Personal NAME and challenge is title.... Am a new christian and I perceive many teachings and that do not correspond with scriptures in bibles. I try to reprove what I hear in churches today notice bibles churches are plural .. I even go as far a reading none biblical historians accounts BC and AD... It frightens me because of Rev 22 18 19 that I dont want to associate with any group calling themselves Christians... For I do not want debate nor confrontations only want the words as originally written in the scrolls explained so I can be a better Christian....
Only content person can raise his hands and worship GOD in Truth. covetousness is a spirit from the pit of hell which keeps showing you what you don 't have and blinds a person to what GOD is doing in his or her life.
There have been many times I have overcome fear or doubt or worries reading and believing that GOD promised me to never forsake me. What a blessing it is when the Holy Spirit leads you to these wondeeful promises in scipture in the time of need. Thank you Jesus for overcoming the world and being with me always.
There have been many times I have overcome fear or doubt or worries reading and believing that GOD promised me to never forsake me. What a blessing it is when the Holy Spirit leads you to these wondeeful promises in scipture in the time of need. Thank you Jesus for overcoming the world and being with me always.