Discuss Hebrews 6 Page 10

  • Alise on Hebrews 6 - 8 years ago
    BOOM! V1 let's go on to PERFECTION. Many say no one is perfect, well not in the flesh, but in the spirit we are perfect. It's in the word! Let us not keep repenting and putting Jesus to an open shame before those who are watching us! He's coming for those w/o spot or blemish right? Sounds like he's looking for perfection to me. It's in the word. Let's allow God to perfect us!
  • Derrick Palmer on Hebrews 6 - 8 years ago
    I believe osas is true because of the grace Jesus gives to the recipient at the time of belief and confession, I also believe one would be judged according to his actions(works)
  • Joyce Ballentine on Hebrews 6 - 9 years ago
  • Perley Sasuclark on Hebrews 6:2 - 9 years ago
    What is the "doctrine of baptisms " mentioned in Hebrews 6: 2? It is, first of all, one doctrine not three. It is, however, a three-fold manifestation of the one doctrine. First, it is the doctrine of water baptism as represented in the ritual washing in the Temple worship and John 's baptism. Second, it the doctrine of spiritual baptism as when one has been baptized into the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by way of His cross. Third, it is the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, whom Christ said He would pray the Father to send to all who believed in Him to act in His stead. The first baptism is an ordnance of the Church and signifies the new birth. The second baptism is the sacrament of the new birth which is accomplished by the faith of man working with the grace and mercy of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the Cross. The third baptism is the power of God that enables man to operate on a spiritually higher level in Christ Jesus. It is the "law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Now you don 't need to accept my definition and you may refute my reasoning. However, I want to remind you that a three-legged dog can walk just not as good as a dog with four legs.
  • Lilian on Hebrews 6 - 9 years ago
    Jesus himself is the word of God. Our Holy Father loves his Son so much and he has given Jesus a full authority to forgive Sins, to save his own people for those who love God. Thanks to Jesus for sheding his precious blood to give us life in abundance. There is no other above name is Jesus because of his perfect obedience to the Father. We must believe in Jesus because he is the only way that we can go to the Father. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He leave us the Church and the Bible for us to believe his words and obey his words. Believe and Trust God first and put him into our life first all things that we need will be added. What a promising God and loving Father. His love endureth forever. Amen
  • MockingBird on Hebrews 6:10 - 9 years ago
    God is not unrighteous to forget my work and labor of love toward His name. All things are open and naked to the eyes of whom we have to do. God knows the intent of my heart wether my labor is for my own profit or for His. Which puts a fear of God in me to make sure I am doing all for the Glory of God. I will have to give an account for all I do. Good and bad !!!
  • Willie Adams on Hebrews 6 - 9 years ago
    It 's amazing that man has not yet come to understand the full repentance of forgiveness. Human nature tells us to feel remorse and bitter. Jehovah is is almighty in battle, even againt the flesh of man. We must hold on and let go to his unchanging hand. The gospel is full of grace and mercy. Let us all say - Amen
  • Luke on Hebrews 6 - 9 years ago
    Melchisedec according to the Old testament is The King of Salem who is a High priest similar to " The Angel of the Lord " . Abraham meets Him face to face after a great slaughter and is moved in his spirit to give of the spoils obtained from the slaughter, the first part, for the first time here referred to as Tithes. For the Help God gave him to win the Battle . So this Jesus, in your scripture is found in the Old Testament as " The Angle of the Lord " always encountered in the Old Testament . Thus in time taking the form of sinful man , over came sin and the curse in man, and is now passed into heaven as the only High priest who can obtain for us our salvation . He is the Only way, the truth, and the life . to Deliverance from Sin. In similar order as Melchisedec . Amen ! Heb: Ch. 7 .
  • Niecey on Hebrews 6:6 - 9 years ago
    Let God by His Holy Ghost teach you. Seek and you shall find. God gives the gift of repentance unto salvation not to be repented of. He will not forsake you. Tasting and eating are two different things. You can taste and decide you don 't want to eat It again. Only God can make you hungry enough to eat. Never stop seeking Him. Peter denied Christ three times and Jesus gave him the gift of repentance. We should not suppose we know all things. The only unforgivable sin is to blashemy the Holy Ghost. A child of God will never reach this place. Take comfort in God. He is Love. Not evil.
  • Doug Farrar on Hebrews 6:6 - 9 years ago
    I have been wrestling with this verse lately. It is a very scary verse. If I apply it to myself I become fearful, but, perfect love casts out all fear, and on that claim alone is sufficient evidence of salvation. HOW SO? The one who fears his master and believes Him to be a " hard and cruel taskmaster " doesn 't really know Him aright. And the one who comes "boldly before the throne of Grace ", does. There are two aspects or more to fear. There is God 's fear Heb. 7:1 , and man fear. which avoids
  • Motdaugrnds on Hebrews 6 - 9 years ago
    I 'd like to understand verse 20 where it states, "Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. " Can anyone provide an explanation with references that define who or what this "order of Melchisedec " is?
  • Linda on Hebrews 6 - 9 years ago
    If we 're in Him God looks on Him, pardons us, as we have the robe of righteousness on!
  • Keshawn m wiley on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    i pickes up the bible on the regular,today on sunday the fiftenth i was reading hebrews chapter 6 vers 6 and it quoted whats at the top of the page and i was for sure i understood it exactly and asked the lord for more understanding just incase i didn 't and thats why im on your website for assurence it was a subject i brought up to my mom from hearing it on shepards chapel and found assurence in what he was saying was true i wanted to make sure i was leading her on what was right which was a message from god which from today reading hebrews i can fully testify it
  • Tochukwu Anthony Obi on Hebrews 6:6 - 10 years ago
    See,it is very glaring and doesn 't need be confusing. Paul is saying that there exists some christians who got born again and were invited to the Glorious message of God 's grace and Righteousness in christ jesus but could not be able to endorse or comprehend such lavish of Mercy by God towards us in Christ Jesus. Paul the Apostle explain it in Galatians 2:16, Romans 8:1 and Hebrews 10:18. Such a person may say "I know jesus died for my sins but now that I am in Him,if I sin, I must try to make it right,but the more I try,the more I fail sin again , so I think the effort I put is not worth it. I could as well go on living because I don 't think this Gospel of Jesus saving people is real ". Such a person has created a New Testament chasm from God 's grace. Galatians 5:4 says exactly same thing.By such act,the person crucify to himself the Lord Jesus christ and disgrace Grace count it useless .
  • Benjamin on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    Verses 4-6 is talking about the Jews in Paul 's time that were enlightened by the Gospel and God 's New Covenant, tasted the good news of the Gospel and God 's New Covenant, and partook of the Holy Ghost, and committed apostasy by returning to the Old Covenant The Law of Moses . Having done this they cannot renew themselves unto repentance because to do so would be crucifying to the themselves the Son of God afresh, and be putting Jesus to an open shame. In other words, they would be calling God and Jesus a liar.
  • Sondra on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    We as Christians stil sin, many willfully, so all christians have backsliden in this area. We will not be perfect until Christ takes us home.
  • Motdaugrnds on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    Sanctification is the work of a lifetime. I think all of God 's people can attest to this. It is an ever-increasing struggle to recognize the various parts of ourselves that are out of harmony with God 's Law and then overcome them. Even Paul spoke of his struggles in this regard. I do not believe such efforts can be correctly defined as "spitting " in Jesus ' face. We are guided and taught by the Holy Spirit and as long as we diligently make efforts for successful growth, our Heavenly Father will know it and the Holy Spirit will continue to work with us!
  • Albert B. Herron on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    Hebrew chapters 6 vs 4 through 6 and chapter 10 vs 20 through 31 is basically talking about the same thing, that you can not willfully sin against God and still go to heaven,as people believe today.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Hello Karen: I would like for you to please go under this website to Revelation chapter 13 page 2 my post dated 12-9-14 9:54 pm. There are other post there as well concerning the rapture that I have addressed and correct. The rapture is very real and it will take place. God 's word does not lie. God cannot lie, Hebrews 6: 18.
  • Clayton on Hebrews 6:6 - 10 years ago
    Scary and rightfully so. My opinion which strictly is just that my opinion , is this..None of us have yet ascended. We do get weak and let our guards down. Our prayer life and church attendance slips. We do things we were not doing as a practicing Christian. We avoid the things we enjoyed most about our walk with Christ. We have on and off melancholy and, just don 't feel or, sleep like we used to. We may take up drinking again and, do things we never thought we would do. Does this sound like you, who are worried about losing your salvation? Try this. I really hope you don 't try it but, to me it would be the acid test. When you accepted Christ, you were likely in a church. Doesn 't matter just, if you can, try to go back where you were. If you cannot, just find a similar setting. Speak to him saying, "Jesus, I accepted you and, I fell from your grace. Now that I have returned to sinning, I want you to know that I really enjoy it. I don 't plan to return so, just leave me alone. " My guess is, you CANNOT do it. Oh, and while you are in an attitude of prayer, just go ahead and ask Him to please help you get back in to right fellowship with him. He will smile and say, "daughter or son , I have been right here with you the whole time!!!! "
  • Tony on Hebrews 6:6 - 10 years ago
    These verses obviously do not speak of a saved person who has committed a sin and then feels the Holy Spirit drawing him to repentance. I believe this answers a question to those who claim to have been saved and then abuse grace to continue in sin. Warning to those who believe they have fire insurance and a license to sin. Sin is serious and there appears to be a point at which a believer can fall away beyond repentance. I have a difficult time understanding how that can happen to a saved individual as the bible states that you become a new creature at the time of salvation. This is definately a verse beyond my understanding as it relates to the believer or prehaps just a person who doesnt actually accept salvation although they have been drawn by the Holy Spirit, then having rejected grace fall away.
  • Janice D. Smith on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    I love it! Confirmation again that we are secure in our salvation in Jesus Christ. Jehovah God is telling us that it is impossible for Jesus to go to the cross again every time we sin. As He said, "It is finished ". It is spitting in the face of Jesus all over again to think we can fall in and out of grace. verses 4,5 6
  • Jesus saves FOREVER. on Hebrews 6:16 - 10 years ago
    End of your STRIFE is what I see here. A confirmation by OATH! Stagger not and have Faith in the LORDS ability to save. The Law justifies or heals no one. Hebrews 7 28 For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.
  • Tim George on Hebrews 6:12 - 10 years ago
    We must not be lazy but be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises of God.
  • Swhise on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    I think it s been missed, or perhaps the folks making the comments aren t subject to falling short or sinning. Praise God for the ability to repents with sincerity. IF we fall we should come to repentance and not try to redo all that brought us to salvation. Jesus and our Father did their part, WE fell short not them we have the truth and we know what to do when we sin REPENT of it and move on Good deeds are just that and alone are as dirty rags, they are not a path to salvation or heaven, Faith and acceptance of the only son of GOD Jesus Christ is the way and the path. I believe faith will begot good works from the heart. Even your comments on this post and a simple smile could be called good works and part of our walk when done in the love of Christ...
  • Kola Ibilaiye FL. USA on Hebrews 6:16 - 10 years ago
    As a boy growing up in Warri, we used swearing in the name of God as a means of judging if someone was being honest, especially an accused person. We were brought up in a society that believes that the name of the Lord must not be called in vain, or else havoc or something tragic might happen. In general, the rule is we do not swear by a lower power or deity, or our comparable equal because there is no guarantee that such lower or equal power can compel us to keep or honor our promise oath. God made promises for his children, and he really wanted us to believe and trust him. He had to swear too so that we could take him serious. But the problem was there was no one or deity greater than God by whom he could swear by, so God had to swear by His own name. God had to swear by HIMSELF, staking His WORD and his personality, two immutable things by which God can not lie. His word is settled and Malachi 3 6 tells us that God does not change.
  • Stacy on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    It basically in a nut shell says the backslider will be spat out lukewarm. But have all the hope you can that God is righteous to if he does forget the good works and labors of love you have done in his name or while ministering to saints or anyone. That does not say he will it just suggests that if he did forget those things he would be justified in having done so. Because you have Crucified his Son all over again all by yourself. Which makes Jesus look like a fool for having died for you to begin with and now you with so little faith want him to die again and again and again. That is why God will judge us by our works. Those with good works get his blessing those who have the bad works spend time in the fire.
  • Kenria Edwards on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    Faith is the substance of things hope for as long as we give our lives to Christ our work will be rewarded.whatever we do let it. Come from the heart and the reward will. Come from above.
  • Charles Yarbrough on Hebrews 6 - 10 years ago
    this passage is talking about a select few who tasted the goodness of the word of God. Moses tasted that goodness on mount Sinai. it doesn 't need to be that awesome, but whoever has been to this level in their faith will never fall away. Romans 8 28.
  • Toni on Hebrews 6:10 - 10 years ago
    I love B.J. Manuel 's comments below.... well said and so true. God does not forget and He will reward in due season if we faint not.

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