Discuss Hosea 3

  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    The Intertestamental period and the church age.

    Hosea 3:4 says For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:

    This could fit in with the time the last few hundred years before Christ to some extent but the sacrifice ended in AD 70 some time after Christ's sacrifice rent the temple curtain in two and thus rendered the old sacrificial system obselete. Thus we see what has happened ever since until the time of the Tribulation when; if taken literally it will once again occur during the ministry of the two prophets. ( Revelation 11).

    Certainly one of the most convincing evidences of Christianity being true is the faith continuing throughout 2 Millennia now since Pentecost. Many have attempted to stomp it down; John Lennon said they were more popular than Christ; President Obama said we are no longer a Christian nation (June 28, 2006). Lately it seems that compromise and false doctrines are the enemy's preferred tactics to outright persecution as it seem to be so rampant and increasing exponentially today at least in the Western Hemisphere. Despite the far longer interval of this "dispensation" than the time between Malachi and Matthew; we see in the scripture warnings from Peter; Jude and John of what lies ahead in the last days; and in Revelation of course beyond our current existence. We see as Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes the same thing happening over and over; "nothing new under the sun" ( Ecclesiastes 1:9). We serve a LIVING head ( Eph. 4:15) who intercedes for us. We shall eventually rise from the dead and be united with all the saints from the New and Old Testament ages. Once again we will see signs and wonders and great prophetic statements and events and Christ coming back to rule after returning triumphant over his foes at the Mount of Olives splitting it in two ( Zech. 14:3-5). The pieces will come together.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    We are; indeed "seated in heavenly places" now if we are filled with the Holy Ghost. ( Eph. 2:6). The difference between a new convert who dies shortly after and someone who has truly believed but has lived for some time compromised is that one would have no reward and one would suffer LOSS ( 1 Cor 3:13-15). A reward; unlike a gift can be forfeited although to be truly saved we must be the recipient of the free "gift" of God ( Rom. 6:23).

    The rewards of heaven are symbolized by crowns; and such things as patiently waiting for the Lord's return; Pastors and elders have crowns given for faithful service. Martyrdom also is a way someone can receive a crown which in itself is an instantaneous action. ( James 1:12). Dying to self; however is usually a prolonged process for a believer. God keeps His servants here normally for a period of time so that they can bear fruit and be witnesses of the Good News before they are martyred or have a natural death.

    The crowns cast at the feet of Christ in Revelation are only symbols; of course indicating the authority of the rewards of a servant of Christ. Ruling and reigning with Him; no doubt will be with some in as high a position as David who is promised to return in the Millennium ( Hosea 3:5 and other verses). Of course it is better to be a doorkeeper in the Lord's presence than lost in outer darkness. (see Psalm 84:10).

    As a personal application; Victoria I would encourage you to continue in prayers in your closet as it were and not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing ( Matt. 6:3-4). Good deeds may include exhorting or rebuking someone which may not be appreciated in this lifetime. It may mean lending to someone who can't or won't pay you back in your personal private life. Hunger and thirst for righteousness is never fully satisfied this side of heaven and living Godly through sufferings and chastisments is scriptural but not popular today. All Godly suffer persecution (2 Tim3:12
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago

    By way of recap we're comparing the way these two groups interpret the scripture surrounding the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants.

    Part 5.

    In Hosea 3:4-5. before the Babylonian captivity, it was predicted: "For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or Prince...

    "Afterward SHALL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.

    Hosea 3:5


    Amos 9:11.

    Zachariah 14:4.

    Zachariah 14:9.

    This of is not a contradiction of the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant, but is a part of the same picture.

    and many more OT references.


    According to Luke 1:30-33 the angel Gabriel told Mary that she is to be the mother of Christ and Christ will reign on the throne of His father David over the house of Jacob.

    To Mary "the house of Jacob" could mean only one thing and that is the descendants of Jacob, namely, the twelve tribes of Israel.

    It seems the disciples and others anticipated much the same kind of a literal fulfillment.

    Matthew 19:28.

    Matthew 20:20-21.

    Luke 22:29-30.

    Acts 1:6-7. The disciples were still anticipating an earthly kingdom and hoped for its immediately.

    Christ did not say that their hope was vain and that there was not going to be a literal fulfillment. He replied: "It is not for you to know the times or seasons, which the Father hath set within his own authority."

    But He directs their attention to the immediately task before them, and to the power of the Holyspirit Spirit and proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.

    Now this is where the line is drawn from dealing with Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

    Confirming verses at the council in Jerusalem in Acts 15:13-17.

    More on this later.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - 1 year ago

    Part 4.

    Continuing from Jeremiah 30:7-12.

    There is no good reason for not taking this exactly as it is written, namely, that David will be raised from the dead and will with Christ reign over the people of Israel in the millennium. Even if David is understood to refer to Christ as David's greater Son, it is still a clear reference to a future millennium rather than to a situation that exists today.

    In Jeremiah 33:14-17 we have another account where Jeremiah as do Daniel, looks past the captivity of Babylon on into the future in the latter days.

    "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

    In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land.

    In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness.

    For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel;

    Ezekiel 37:22-25.

    in Ezekiel's days David had been dead over four hundred years and that this is a prophecy that David will be raised from the dead prior to the millennial reign of Christ and share with Christ the rule of the people of Israel. Something quite foreign to the Church age.

    Anther issue which is often debated concerning the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant is the fact that for many years the throne was unoccupied.

    From the time of the Babylonian captivity on there was no literal earthly kingdom. This, however, is taken into full consideration in the Word of God in Hosea 3:4-5.

    See Part 5.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Brothers and sisters: Beyond Armageddon into eternity

    Revelation 19 makes it clear that we shall follow Christ in heavenly armies upon His return in verse 14. All of our garments will be white suggesting purity; finally praise God our sins that often beset us will be removed; as well as our vile bodies transformed to ones befitting eternity in a glorified state ( 1 Cor. 15:40-50).

    It appears that David Himself will rule with Christ in the Millennial period as a king ( Hosea 3:5). We also are "kings and priests" as seen in Revelation 1:6; 5:10 as well as 1 Peter 2:9 and likely elsewhere. Those who are faithful in few things will rule over many ( Luke 16:10); and that is in term of actual cities (See Matthew 25:21 and surrounding verses). Exactly how this will happen may not be fully known until that time; and being that some are diehard Postmillenials I certainly don't want to split hairs and be removed from posting here over this issue. How this affects the eternal reign after the 1000 years with God Himself coming to earth with the heavenly Jerusalem remains to be seen as well.

    In the more immediate future; if we take Revelation in what appears to be chronological with the things "immediately after" ( Rev. 4:1) it would appear that we are represented before the 1st Seal as the "kings and priests" along with the 24 elders representing what most believe are the 12 Patriarchs and 12 Apostles. Physically present we would likely take an active part in the incense of the prayers of the saints as we see in 5:8 and 8:4 with the seal and trumpet judgments. We shall only behold the destruction of the wicked from afar ( Psalm 91:8 loosely translated).

    Since we are already seated in heavenly places ( Eph. 2:6) we have much more going on than what we see now with our eyes.

    May our conversation concerning all the evils of the world and our loathing of it be focused on the solution rather than the problem; namely prayer in the Spirit not that of Eccles. 7:10
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema,

    I may be different, but in my understanding of the Bible, I approach scripture simply and do not try to complicate things with preconceived ideas and let the Bible and the Holy Spirit do the interpretation. To me, a symbol will have a non-symbolic meaning.

    A symbol represents something real, a real person, a real thing, or a historical event. When I read, I understand words in a literal sense first, then in a figurative or spiritual sense if the literal doesn't make sense.

    Are the Christians now the Israel of God? Have the promises to Israel and the church merged into one common heritage? If so that brings up.

    Will the promise of the land given to Abraham's seed, Isaac then Jacob be fulfilled? Isaiah 11:11-12 Ezekiel 37:21-25 Jeremiah 24:5-6 Ezekiel 34:11-12 Ezekiel 36:24-26 Hosea 3:4-5 Micah 4:6-7 Zechariah 13:8-9

    Will Jesus the Messiah return and reign on the earth, with a rod of iron? Isaiah 2:1-4 Isaiah 11:1-4 Daniel 2:44 Daniel 7:14 Zechariah 14:1-4 Jeremiah 3:17 Revelation 2:26-27 Revelation 11:15 Revelation 12:5 Revelation 19:11-21.

    Will there be a literal millennium during which Satan will not deceive the nations and Christ will reign on earth? Revelation 20:1-6 2 Timothy 2:11-12 Isaiah 2:2-4 Isaiah 11:5-16 Isaiah 65:19-25 Isaiah 51:4-5 Zechariah 14:16-21 Micah 4:1-4 Psalms 46:7-11 Matthew 19:28.

    To me there are too many scriptures that are showing God has not replaced Israel with the Church. We see in Romans 11:24-27 a day when God will again turn to Israel, the day Jesus returns. Forgive me if some of the scriptures do not fit.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 84 - 1 year ago
    Psalm 84. This Psalm once again is written for the sons of Korah and addressed TO the chief musician "upon Gittith". The theory apparently is that there was a certain musical style that was attributed to whoever this people were.

    Remembering once again the rebellion in Numbers 16; there is a pretty clear indication in verse 10 of the event as it is stated that being a doorkeeper in God's house than to "dwell in the tents of wickedness." This should help us keep in mind situations such as that of Sodom and Gomorrah as well where Lot escaped "as through the flames" ( Gen. 11:27; 1 Cor. 3:15).

    We are given future promises as well. Men will come to worship every year in Jerusalem ( Zech. 14:16) or else face punishment. (verses 5-8). We even see provision for birds who will apparently nest there (verse 3) Verse 6 shows how there will be ample water in the area at that time as well. The verse of the anointed in verse 9 surely refers to Christ; although David will once again rule as well as ourselves as "kings and priests" ( Hosea 3:5; Rev. 5:10).

    Verse 12 shows a very important principle of trust and blessedness associated with it. If we desire a blessing we must live according to His righteousness and be obedient in service out of love ( John 14:15).
  • Dav47 - In Reply on Hosea 3 - 2 years ago
    Mat 10:19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

    Mat 10:20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
  • R moris on Hosea 3 - 2 years ago
    If you were on trial how would you defend your faith in Christ
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Hosea 3 - 2 years ago
    I believe she was Hosea's wife in Jewish culture at least if not by consumation like our culture uses that term. At minimum Hosea had obtained the promise of marriage and exchanged a dowry for her to establish a covenant of marriage that she had been obligated to keep until it was fulfilled, which none of her lovers had done. Hosea had not and would not enter a covenant like this for any other woman, and legally she was now considered his wife alone and could be burned for playing the harlot with any other man. Even though she had violated the terms of the covenant of marriage, Hosea had not. On that basis and genuine God like love, Hosea was to continue his claim of marriage upon her and could not forsake her to her foreign lovers.

    At minimum these things must be true to make Hosea's actions portray God's actions with Israel. The Old Covenant had been established with Israel, betrothing her to God unlike any other nation. She could not be given to the god's or graven images of any other nation without provoking His jealousy. Israel had clearly broken the terms of that covenant and God was within His rights to call down the curse of that Covenant upon both her and her lovers. But God had not broken the terms of His promise to Israel to give her the seed He had promised Abraham and passed down to each succeeding generation according to His election, not according to any outward and fleshly legal claims or failings of Abraham's sons in the generations that followed. He would not break that covenant of promise to give the seed to any other nation or to deal with Israel in such a way that the promised seed could no longer come through her, no matter how badly, deceitfully, unfaithfully and treacherously she treated Him. Instead, God loved her and ultimately through the seed He gave to her, His son Jesus Christ, showed His love to not only her but to all nations.

    Hosea is a picture of God's long-suffering love and she had to be his wife by covenant to do that
  • Hugh on Hosea 3 - 2 years ago
    here is a version of verse 1 :

    Then the LORD said to me, "Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the LORD still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them."

    Hosea 3:1, NL

    I don't believe that it is saying it is his wife. What do you think. Thanks

    ......this was in a devotion i receive.
  • Chris - In Reply on Hosea 3 - 3 years ago
    Hello Vincent. The Hosea 3:1 reference you shared wouldn't apply to your question, as that was a specific command given by God to His prophet Hosea to present himself & his 'family' to the people as a graphic demonstration of the way that the Northern Kingdom (Israel) was behaving towards the God Who loved them. In that account, we see a very sad demonstration that Hosea had to engage in, which impacted more people than himself, but God had to get through to His people in such a manner.

    In the relationship that you presented, as much as the couple are both widowed, in their later years, & certainly unable to conceive a child, it still remains that the matter of sexual fidelity must still be maintained. As both are single & able to be married without fear of having committed adultery, the matter of fornication (i.e. sexual engagement outside of marriage) is still evident. I realize that marriage is more than a piece of paper which verifies what has taken place; it involves a deep growing love, commitment, faithfulness, honesty, etc., which of course can be had even without that paper. But the door is still open to renege on that commitment. Therefore, a verified public declaration of marriage leaves everyone with no doubt of the relationship - any other relationship can bring up questions & destroy one's witness & standing. And this type of relationship, particularly if based purely on sexual gratification, the Lord cannot condone. You can see Jesus' Words in Matthew 19:3-9, particularly verses 5 & 6, pertaining to the 'one flesh' union that is enjoyed & blessed in a monogamous marriage. And 1 Corinthians 7:1,2, where the apostle speaks of sexual fidelity pre-marriage, & to enjoy the fullness of the blessings of a deep meaningful relationship, then the two ought to be married. The persons in your question may indeed enjoy all the facets of a marriage even to sharing in a Last Will & all possessions, so to make it official would be a very small matter.
  • Vincent P. Colandrea Sr. on Hosea 3 - 3 years ago
    Hosea 3:1 Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.

    Does this mean a man & a women that are both widowed and in there 70's & 80's that wish to have a sexual relationship would be called adulteress unless they get married?
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 31 - 3 years ago
    In reference to Laban's idols, apparently they were not as rare an occurrence that might be supposed. The word in Hebrew for 'image' in Genesis 31:19 is 'terapim', or 'teraphim'. And there have been evidences of their possession by the 'God-fearing' (see Judges 17:5 (Micah); 1 Samuel 19:13 (Michal); Hosea 3:4 (Israel)). They're often connected with the 'ephod' & 'urim', so one could suppose that in the absence of the urim & ephod (which were used to learn God's Mind & direction to take), that the teraphim were kept by some to do likewise. So the teraphim (also referred to as 'gods' - Genesis 31:30), were probably not used so much for worship, but in some way to look into the future or for impartation of household blessing. Though the use of idols, images, etc. were condemned ( 2 Kings 23:24), images & teraphim apparently were still kept as a 'rabbit's foot' in households.

    Now the fact that Rachel stole her father's teraphim is interesting. Either she wanted to rid them from his house as worthless idols or maybe fearing that they might have some impact on alerting Laban as to where Jacob & his family had fled to, she took them to prevent that happening. Or yet, she may have wanted to take something to remember her father by (no photos in those days) or even to take something of value ( Genesis 31:14,15). By her hiding them (obviously they were very small objects) under the camel's accoutrements, indicates that she held little value to them as objects of worship, or else she wouldn't be sitting on them. But one could be justifiably concerned that Rachel might have given those teraphim some undeserved regard.
  • Sandra O39Shea on Hosea 3:5 - 3 years ago
    Kelsey Gonzalez, I am also married, and when I find myself in situations like this, and when I converse or try to have him see another way, If it is making the situation worse. We are to remember that God loves us both, you and your husband. So to try and turn this around for help who should we go to? also How? Well someone who was teaching and guiding me in the recent past and past mentioned to me that God is the best counselor,so if we "ask" God to intervene in a specific way for us instead of more approaching ourselves , he can step in and help. God does say ask and you will receive. In his time of course. You do not have to explain the situation to God, for he already knows the situation and you do not want to come across as judging because he loves you both. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I know looking back on this has really helped us as individuals or as a couple. I truly hope this helps you. God Bless, and blessings to you both as individuals, and as a couple. Have a great day! :)
  • Chris - In Reply on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    I'm unsure that I understand your question. If you mean, a. "does God forgive us if we say the same prayer of repentance", or b. "does God accept us if we sin in the same way again & again", then these are my thoughts:

    a. if we pray in earnestness (i.e. a genuine, heartfelt prayer) seeking God's forgiveness over a sin we've committed, then He does forgive us. Even if we say the same words, if they are from our heart & we mean what we say, then God forgives us based on what Jesus Christ has done for us on the Cross. 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

    b. God is our Father in Heaven & He wants to forgive us always & help us to defeat any sin that gets a hold on us. If you are truly born again of God's Spirit, then you not only know when you've done wrong, but you have God's Spirit in you to give you strength to withstand that particular sin or any other sin that comes to you. But if you enjoy doing that sin, then you must quickly bring the matter to God to help you hate that sin & take it out of your life. God sees our struggles & He is a patient God Who will help you in your struggle giving you a way to escape. Spend time reading God's Word & in prayer. And when sin comes knocking at your heart's door, look away from it, talk to God about it, put on some Christian music, sing along that music to the Lord - by making your effort against sin, you will find that the Devil will leave you. But if you dwell on sin when it comes & see its enticing ways, then it becomes easier to give in & sin against God.

    God sees a truly penitent, struggling heart before Him. He will help you - ALWAYS. Have faith, hold onto God & hate the sin.
  • Izaiah hunter - In Reply on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    thank you. so, I will repent and does god like people when they repeat the same people.
  • Chris - In Reply on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    You've truly bared your heart to us Kelsey, revealing your agony for your own spiritual life & your husband's as well. I could easily suggest finding strength to cope through prayer & reading the Scriptures, for God does indeed speak to us when we truly search for Him with all our heart; yet, I sense that for both of you, your troubles are deep-seated & particularly with your husband, who is "lazy, lacking motivation", he may have become like this by carrying heavy mental & emotional burdens & hurts that are weighing him down, causing him to find his present state easier to bear.

    The fact that he at one time encouraged you towards the Lord is remarkable given his present state. And this shows that he has some serious issues within. Do you attend Church? Or are you able to get some Christian help to find a Christian counsellor or Pastor who can sit with you both & try to guide you from under this dark cloud? Your husband may not agree with you doing this, as pride can take over & make one resistant, but for the sake of your well-being & marriage, you really need to pursue some external help along with looking to the Lord.

    But don't push him into doing something - he may turn the other way altogether. Be the wife of understanding, compassion & help to him - let him see you loving him in spite of himself & you trying to get him well again. Can you get out of the house & enjoy even a simple walk in the park, a movie, a meal, sharing things that can encourage both of you, rather than bringing on sadness or anger? If he has become reclusive, then small steps might be needed to get him 'going' again. If Bible reading is too heavy for him now, maybe a light devotional book that shares a word of encouragement & guidance might be useful. He needs to have a fresh view of God, of His Love for you both, & that the life & marriage God has given you, can be made fresh & enjoyable. My thoughts & prayers are with you both as you seek God's guidance for yourselves.
  • Kelsey gonzalez on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    Im new to Jesus Christ and my mom was penticostle growing up later she became disabled and our family become so apart and angry at the world i am now 24 years old and i accepted Jesus when i was 23 years old, a couple months from today. There are so many spiritual battles i been going through including lust but i am trying so hard to be the best wife i can be as well as a woman of god. I live with my husband who is having a tougher time and having more spiritual battles than me he is lazy and he loses so much motivation to read the bible and to work. I tried so much with him and i dont know what next to do except trying to push him to god like he pushed me. By the way he is the one who helped me accept Jesus and as a woman with faith i have to as an obligation to god see this task through! I need advice what can i do when a man doesn't obey god! I know everyone's salvation is independent but that doesn't mean we have to be selfish and not help others especially our fellow sinners. Should i keep pushing him or let him fall? Maybe God needs to pick him up from his fall?
  • William legon on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    To all people get you a good bible to study in it will help to find answers on your own 1611 king James Thompson chain is great
  • Chris - In Reply on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    I'm unsure whether you're referring to reciting a special prayer of repentance or some other type of praying. Whenever we slip up, being tempted to sin, we can in all sincerity & contrition of heart just open up to God through Jesus Christ, to seek forgiveness for our transgression. We don't need a special prayer as all prayer must come from the heart & not from a printed page or a recitation. It is the "fervent, effectual prayer of a righteous man, that avails much" ( James 5:16).

    Just talk to God about your sin or weakness. He will forgive a sincere prayer & He will help you by His Spirit to withstand that sin again. Often, we don't just fall into sin - it's usually a deliberate act to satisfy ourselves. But God understands & "will make a way of escape through the temptation" ( 1 Corinthians 10:13). Feed on things that satisfy your soul & not leading to the desires of the flesh. When temptation comes, turn to the Lord in prayer, attend to God's Word, listen to wholesome music that enrichens the soul, even call a brother in Christ & share your time of weakness & need for prayer. God provides many external & internal (in your spirit) ways to deal with temptation & sin. If we're sincere about it, we will seek a way provided for us rather than satisfy our desires.
  • Izaiah hunter on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    are there other ways to repent to the heavenly father without saying the same prayer everytime?
  • Izaiah hunter on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    what does the bible say about repentance? well, the bible says that Jesus told everybody to repent and the kingdom of heaven is at hand. we have the opposition to repent because Jesus himself died for our horrible sins and our evil doings. because of him, we have peace and freedom to repent and to draw closer to him and his heavenly father. also, the bible mentions the ten commandments.
  • Chris - In Reply on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    Hosea 3:5, "Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days."

    From the account you read in this chapter, Hosea was to demonstrate very vividly, through having an unfaithful wife, Gomer, God's displeasure with Israel, yet His longing that they would be brought back to Him. When Hosea had to repurchase her, she was to be kept in seclusion (depicting the state of Israel, then & now, when she would have no one to rule, nor would God be present through the ephod & teraphim). Israel may have a Prime Minister & a lawful government now, but there has never been nor will be a human King to rule over her since the days of the kings of Israel & Judah.

    But the day will come (in the future) when Israel will begin to truly seek the Lord & yearn for "David their King". So the reference to David cannot be to King David who had long been passed away, but to the Son of David, Jesus Christ, Who would at long last be recognized as Israel's King & Messiah. That's why, when Jesus comes back, He comes with His Title, "King of kings & Lord of lords" on His Vesture & Thigh ( Revelation 19:16). And He comes to rule, in the Davidic line, in Jerusalem & His Rule will be a righteous rule unlike any king before Him & without end.
  • Pamela Williams on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    So, does Hosea 3:5 mean The Most High will raise up David to once again reign as King?
  • Debbie - In Reply on Hosea 3 - 5 years ago
    The Lord commanded Hosea to get a wife who was a prostitute. He then had children by her but she continued in her ways and fell in love with another man. She left her husband and when this guy was done with her, as she lost her value in prostitution as she aged HE sold her back to Hosea as an abused slave. Hosea loved her and told her to stay faithful to him So he was buying back his own wife.
  • Ronald E Beal on Hosea 3 - 5 years ago
    Hosea was a prophet, as you know. All that the Lord spoke was for the sake of Israel. It was not for "us" or anyone else. He reminded the people of their whoredom and all he had done for them. In the end, he would or was willing to draw them back. But as usual, they left him again and went "awhoring" after other providers Gods.
  • I Am that Michael Isaac Dale on Hosea 3 - 5 years ago
    Nay. This man, in his wickedness, magnifies his own name while attempting to diminish the LORD GOD: all while revealing the evil murmurings of his heart. Thus, it is written, For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
  • MAURICE MANN on Hosea 3 - 5 years ago
    i believe in god all things are possible,people can change,past put behind,believing in god is the key
  • Pam on Hosea 3 - 6 years ago
    Thank you Eunice for sharing that and thank you Leopold d for standing and believing in the Lord to restore your marriage. Nothing is impossible with God he can do miracles he hasn’t ever changed. Praise the Lord! Romans 8:28

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