Without God, there are no rules dictating us, and without rules there is bloodshed. The chapter mentioned how priests were being ineffective representatives of God because of their corruption, priests that were doing their jobs were being ignored by the people they want to help. It's a cycle of selfishness commonly seen today. How do we know when to draw the line between the following of God's commands and fake commands that are supposed to be from God? It gets harder and harder these days to tell apart, if only both leaders and the people became more discerning to their surroundings.
Seems straight to the point which in regards leads me to the fact that throughout history god has shown his kindness, mercy and wisdom and has shared his words with everyone as well as blessed people and because people have pushed god away and hardened their hearts god has given them over to a debated and vulgar mindset that i wouldnt even wish on my enemy that means america is in this conversation because we stand as a christian nation and slowly have turned our back on god then given into gay marriage and so many other things that anyone could see what god is doing to everyone who has forgotten his laws. May god have mercy on america
When all is said done, Christ died to save us all from our sins. We, as believers, must remember that there are no big sins or little sins. The culprit "SIN" will keep every one out of heaven- leading us into eternal damnation hell. It's not that Christ doesn't love us if we end up in hell. It is our ignorance. "My people perish from a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4: 6 KJV. Facts Matter!!!
hello Saint's Proverbs 24 is full of wisdom, and knowledge for the righteous son's and daughter's of our GOD. I know longer want my enemies punish, but to come into the wisdom of LORD JESUS. Mr. Smith, you were right when you quoted verse Hosea 4:6. LORD JESUS, gave us back everything that was taken from Adam and eve. WAKE UP!
WE are the household of God who dwells in us ( Eph 2:19-22, I Co 6:19-20) and wisdom is already in us ( 1 Co 1:30, John 14:16-17, 26). Understanding is already ours ( John 8:32). We need to stop looking to "obtain" the things of God and start manifesting what we "already have". God's already provided everything ( 2 Pet 1:3). See Hosea 4:6 as to why most Christians are defeated in life. It's sad.
Holy Father, let America turn from their stocks and embrace You most High God as the day draweth near for the godly to cease in the land! Amen. Proverbs 7:22 He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks Jeremiah 3:9 And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks. 10:8 But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities. Hosea 4:12 My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.
america is under gods judgement like israel was we have aborted countless
number of unborn children and sold body parts, we have legalized sodomy
we have the cult of islam wanting to take over america in a subtle way like
satan, we have a leader who is one himself america repent and turn to the real
jesus christ for salvation before it is too late a great falling away is here. 1tim4-1
Israel in the days of hosea sound like Amereica today.The total disrespect for the Ten Commandments is what destroyed them as a nation and a people.And with the invention of the ACLU they have successfuly remove god from the voices in our students mouths to the removal of the Ten Commandments from ours court rooms.This is why god said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
These are JEWS virgin men from the tribulation that are missionaries to the world. We gentiles do not come from the 12 tribes, so they can not be raptured christians. There is no misprint in the Bible. Dan and Ephriam are missing because of their idolatry. Read the old Testament, Hosea 4:7, 8:9- Amos 8:14-Deut.29:20- Leviticus 24:11.
Lacking of knowledge is a deliberate thing, because God has revealed Himself to man Ignorance has no defence Acts 14:16-17 ' ' Who in bygone generations allowed all Nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filing our hearts with food and gladness ' '. Our maker has to all generations shown Himself to man in a language he understands, lacking of knowledge is not a defense.
The scripture may refer to you and me today the same sins commited by the Israelites at that time may be similar to today 's sin when God says my people we are included as the gospel according to John clearly states we are now God 's sons by grace not birth nor bloodline
GEN 1-7...I notice from the comments I read, their seems to be an absence of honor, homage, or fear of the Lord, Psalms 111:10...The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments, his praise endureth for ever. Instead of accepting the word at face value, as if our Heavenly Father could not preserve his holy word, which were written by Holy men as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. It seems you are straining at the gnat to swallow the camel. You all seem to be concerned with everything but the right thing quibbling over 1st age, 2nd age, 3rd age, like you know, can 't you see, he 's got you by the hind end, right where he wants you. Totally blind and ignorant of the Truth. HOSEA 4:6...My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because thou hast rejected knowledge, I WILL REJECT THEE, that thou shall be no priest to me, seeing thou has forgotten the LAW of thy GOD, I will also forget thy children. MALACHI 3:6...I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT. To reject the 4th Commandment, you are rejecting GOD That 's exactly what satan wants you to do. PRAISE THE GOD OF THE SABBATH FOR HE CREATED EVERY LIVING THING IN SIX DAYS. AMEN!!
Hosea 4 6 Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Hosea 4 6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. I need to be able to copy and paste WITHOUT the version info. Simply book, chapter, verse and text.
People are IGNORANT in the fact that they want to believe what someone else tells them .. instead of actually pondering/searching out the Scriptures to see IF these things that are being taught are TRUE ... which WE are supposed to do.
Many false prophets are in the {churches} meaning the facilities because the UNlearned people have allowed the world to come in and take over this is WHY committees/board members can throw out a Pastor when he doesn't water down the WORD to meet their needs.
_Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on Hosea 4 - 11 years ago
The book of Hosea Chapter 4 is very rich in wisdom. It is too dangerous to be found NO TRUTH, NOR MERCY, NOR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD ( Hosea 4:1), and to be found guilty of GREAT ABOMINATION in HIS sight ( Hosea 4:2), they had to be punished with GREAT SUFFERINGS ( Hosea 4:3). God disregarded them who were once called the beloved Children of Israel, His nation, His people, His Children ( Hosea 4:6), looking at them as HARLOT, WHORE, and ADULTERER ( Hosea 4:13-14), and calling them too as BACKSLIDER ( Hosea 4:16), Causing our Lord Jesus Christ to wept for them, "And when HE was come near, HE beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation ( Luke 19:41-44).
sounds pretty straight to the point it seems to me. a nation that was found under God but has now kicked him out from everythin. what else do we expect? our children are in danger. the only hope for those that love God is to stick by him and keep him first he will not leave us and we'll go down in redemption with him just like he promised the theif on the cross. to die in Christ and live enternal life sounds like a deal to me.
people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge and the enemy(devil) convinced their minds so that they will never understand, but Jesus the lord is the light for them.
The Bible is real! It gets deep. CH 4 vs 13 reminds me of how things were in the past and currently happening now, (speaking in general)- women can get so high mighty and feel as if they have power n living on top of the world, men lusting and feeding them with material needs, where they forget about teaching their kids morals, and the knowledge of the GOD ALMIGHTY. Which now days kids are born as children of *****doms and ends up being *****doms and the men idolizing these women and committing adultery does not make it any better. The book of Hosea is deep.
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is enemy #1. The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits ( Dan 11:32). but the majority will perish for lack of knowledge because they have refused knowledge-from GOD
The book of Hosea seems to be a call for repentance. Examples are given to express how the people have turned away from sin and serve God. It also expresses God's love, compassion, and call for repentance of sin.
The anointed one being talked about here is the antichrist. God shows this twice saying I have raised him up though he has not known me. The only whole world will bow before this guy and say that God is in him and there is no other god. Our God is hidden away for this last day. He is showing what He is doing here to Israel His elect church which are sons and Jacob his servant. There is only one God and those that continually seek Him will know what He is doing, and will teach the sleeping church when there is much weeping and sorrow because of false teachings by many religions. You better wake up saints and seek God with all your heart. Hosea 4:6 says my people are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge (word of God), because they rejected me, I have rejected them from being priests. He will save you, but draw near to Him, if you want to escape the terrible things coming upon this present evil world. Paul
I think it would do us all justice, if we began to look at the Hebrew instead of Greek, since that was the language at the beginning up until YHWH confused the languages (at the tower of Babel - Babylon). Do you know that the devil has truly deceived the whole world? Revelation 12:9, the very people who have translated the bibles down through the ages, have kept Our Creator's and Savior’s name from us. There are MANY God's ... How do we distinguish between the false god's i.e: Nimrod, Baal, Zeus, etc, and the true God? Our Creator has A NAME, and He wants it to be remembered for ALL GENERATIONS. That name was given to Moses. If you look in the preface of your bible, you will find that it states something like this "Because of the tradition of the Jews, and their belief that the Divine name was too sacred to utter, they have replaced the Divine name YHWH (which is the tetragrammaton) with LORD and GOD .... They REPLACED HIS DIVINE NAME WITH LORD AND GOD 7,000 times! God and Lord are TITLES not a NAME. He has ONE NAME YHWH. Also, our Savior's Name could not be Jesus, as there is no letter 'J' in Greek and no letter 'J' in Hebrew. Some say that Jesus is the English translation for the Hebrew Yeshua.....but, even if Yeshua is His Name, why would we need to transliterate it? Can’t we still pronounce the name Yeshua?? Eg: We don't need to transliterate Hussein into English, do we? The bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved ( 2 Timothy 2:15), also Hosea 4:6 tells us that we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We need to prove all things, test all things ( 1 Thessalonians 5:21)... Also, where did Christmas come from? It isn't in the bible? Was the savior really born on 25th December? We need to PROVE ALL THINGS, and not just believe everything we are told. Is Sunday really the Sabbath? How do we know for sure? We need to question things.... The Father says, If you seek me with your whole heart you will find me. ( John 8:32) We need the TRUTH.
number of unborn children and sold body parts, we have legalized sodomy
we have the cult of islam wanting to take over america in a subtle way like
satan, we have a leader who is one himself america repent and turn to the real
jesus christ for salvation before it is too late a great falling away is here. 1tim4-1
Many false prophets are in the {churches} meaning the facilities because the UNlearned people have allowed the world to come in and take over this is WHY committees/board members can throw out a Pastor when he doesn't water down the WORD to meet their needs.
I like your website
Hosea 4:6