I follow and preach the same words of God. I know sinning is nothing, I’m interested only in the permission of my one and only holy father. I follow to respect both side heavenly or darkness. I’ve proven more than enough. I know when not to speak about the unknown. I leave as is for a legend quote. Please let this be known...
It's amazing of the Lord's unconditional Love for us. He always makes us clean again and again. He makes us pure daily through His forgiveness. Always let go and let God. He is always in control. There is no favortism we are all equal in His sight. No one is greater than the other. That is the way we should be with one another. Treat everyday and everyone like in the sabbath. Everyday is the day the Lord has made, so rejoice daily until His coming! Hallelujah, Amen and amen.
God says he's tired of filthy people in their souls who are busy rendering services to him, some are preachers, choir singers etc, and yet have unconfessed sins, therefore brethrens and sisters it pleases God to see a repenting church that won't stay in its old full of sin nature.
God's telling his people to cleanse themselves, confess their sins repent before attempting to serve him, because sin is like a wall between one & God. Also today we're living in the world of bribery, for them to help you must bribe them, now let us pray that God keeps his church in the name of his beloved Christ.
I will admit it starts out sounding bad. But listen to what God was saying to Isreal then and is great message for us today. God said come let us reason togethor. If we r willing to meet with him,commune with him, if will repent then he is willing to remiss our sins when we repent and r baptized in the NAME of JESUS if we will live for him, if we obey the true gospel if we recieve the Holy Ghost. Then will our sins be white as snow! Only his blood can remove the scarlet color of sin!
Isaiah was the Prophet who prophecied about the future.He predicted the coming of the Messiah almost eight Hundred years before it took place.He did prqphecy the fall of Babylon Two Hundred years before it fell. So, then, these are the main facts which have to cause us to believe the Bible beyond any reasonable doubt.
i love to read gods word i know god is coming back i know god is angry but im trying so hard to stay tuned in to god i want to drown in gods presence and stay there thats where i find peace is with my holy lamb my master jesus christ
Looks to me that the Lord is always the One who makes the first move in trying to bring His lost children back to Him. Notice how in Genesis He is the One calling out to Adam and Eve saying where art thou? They have sinned and they decide to run away and hide from God. God makes the first move which culminates with Him promising them a Saviour. He decides not only to forgive them but to also take their punishment. What a great God! Contrary to the picture that the Devil paints of an angry and judgemental God who is always looking for any excuse to punish us.
well this is a warning to everyone who finds himself reading this comment stay away from sin so that you will be not consumed by wrath of GOD;ISAIAH declares as the messenger of God in the world,not forgeting that hell is a reality you might say no because you dont see it but the fact you are refusing it is because of who you believed and he is the one taking you there by the pleasures,reasoning and defensive kind of life.thank you hope you are going to change
chapter 4 really talked about sin of a nation which rebelled against God almighty full of iniquities evildoers wickedness.As a child of God who have focus, we should try as much as possible to flee all this things.I pray god will strengthen us in Jesus name.Amen.
When a man begins to read Isaiah (for instance chapter 1-5) without knowing the historical background he has no idea what the prophecy is related to, except the Is 1:1. But God is speaking through him so strong so the prophecy has a universal character. While reading, this time I was looking to my own motherland. Similarity between the words and reality is frightening.
Nevertheless I sincerely recommend to read some facts about Isaiah (especially for beginners) because it will make them easy to read the Holy Bible. God bless you.
Revelation chapter 6 onward deals with 3 kinds of peoples: 1)the un-redeemed gentiles of the world (beast) governing system, 2) the redeemed/sealed jews (the 144k of chapter 7), 3) and the rest of Israel--the jews. The events in Revelation center around Israel and mostly Jerusalem. Check chapter 11 v. 8 and find that "that great city" (where Babylon the Great--the corrupt socio-economic system, and Mystery Babylon the Harlot--the un-redeemed jew's revived religion of sacrifice are located) is described as "where our Lord was crucified." That city is Jerusalem.
Now, note that the Lord, while addressing the churches in Chapter 3 v. 10 gives a promise to his faithful followers that "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."
Now look closely at the Beast of Rev. 17--this beast is the world-wide socio-economic system devoid of God/Jesus as its foundation. Note that it is world-wide. Note that it is scarlet colored. Note that it has 10 horns and 10 crowns (horns symbolizing power, crowns symbolizing ruling sovereignity). Understand that the number 10 is consistently used in Scripture to speak of gentils (see Gen. 10 for the gentile nations that will seek to come against Israel in the war of Gog and Magog of Ezek. 38, which happens prior to the Tribulation period). Again, understand that this beast is the entire gentile world and it is SCARLETT colored, which symbolizes SIN. Now, go to Isaiah 1:18 where the Lord pleads with his people Israel "though your sins be as scarlet I will make them white as snow." The entire gentile world is SCARLETT in Revelation. We believers in and followers of the Lord Jesus are NOT SCARLETT colored. We are not there during the Tribulation.
Scripture points to a Pre-Tribulation RAPTURE!:
1. Rev. 3:10--In the Lord's address to one of the churches he promises "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."
2. Rev. 17:3--So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." This woman or spiritual harlot, is the Jews revived religion of sacrifice (not the catholic church). It comes about because of the world governing system--the beast with 7 mountains, 10 horns, 10 crowns carries it on its crowns. Ten is the number consistently used in Scripture for the Gentiles (See Gen. 10 for the gentile nations that will come against Israel in the war of Gog and Magog of Ezek. 38). Notice that the beast/world system is SCARLET COLORED. Scarlet symbolizes sin. See Isaiah 1:18 "though your sins be as scarlet I will make them white as snow." The worldly beast described in Revelation is TOTALLY SCARLET. WE CHRISTIANS ARE NOT IN THE WORLD AT THAT TIME. WE ARE NOT SCARLET. WE ARE WHITE AS SNOW.
God looks down upon a sinful nation. This sinful nation feels that it can live in sin and then turn to God for grace and pardon, as though nothing has happened. God is saying that if you rebel in such a way, he will not hear you--like a parent grown tired a rowdy child. That is what I gain from this chapter.
the book of Isaiah is a most telling book of the will of the Almighty. He (The Almighty) will destroy those things of the earth when he return to bring in things anew. The dew will be as the awakening of those things that has now been silent.There will be no more crying (see Isaiah chapter 25)for crying will be replaced with rejoicing. Praise the Lord for his goodness and mercy.
The Lord wants us to go to Him and reason things out. He wants us to ask so He can explain things to us. Though they be red they will be white says' nothing shall be impossible with Him. To me the cross and the blood shed by Jesus is the red sins that were covered by His blood so we could be washed clean by the sacrifice of the Lords crucifixion. God is a God of grace and mercy who forgives even the vilest sinner and nothing is impossible with Him. But to know Him which He is calling us to do here, we must come to Him and "talk things out" argue if you must, reason with Him, read His word, pray and fast and seek His face ( 2 Chronicles 7:14), ah, yes, COME - God's calling us - Let us- (together (us)) Reason, figure things out, argue a point, the Jews were great at arguing a point and Jesus our Messiah is Jewish...sounds like His personality coming through here! Love It...Love the Word of God!
2 Peter 1:20: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.
Amos 3: 7 -- Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he REVEALETH HIS SECRET unto his servants the prophets.
The prophets in our day (THE LATTER DAYS) are the two Witnesses in Revelation chapter 11. One of these prophets had already come and the world knew him not. The other prophet is now sounding the alarm!
None of the Prophet Isaiah’s words are for an individual’s private imaginations or personal gleanings. Many of Isaiah’s prophesies are concerning the latter days (our days) though they are mixed with prophesies that have already been accomplished in OLD Jerusalem. Consider Isaiah’s prophesy in chapter 61 verse 2. Now most, if not all Christians (who make up nations that were established by the covenant brought by Jesus and the Apostles much the OLD Jerusalem was made up of nations established by Moses John 9: 28), would agree that the one that one proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison (grave) to those that are bound is none other that Jesus (not really a name just a transliteration derived from what the Greeks called him). But if this savior mentioned in this chapter is NONE OTHER than Jesus, Why does Jesus himself say in Matthew 24: 36 that no man knows the day or the hour (concerning the calamities that will soon take place in our day) but my father only. Is it unreasonable to think that the Father (whose name is Holy - Isaiah 45: 4 {read the Hebrew Names Version}) will not warn his servants so they can escape the horrible catastrophe to soon come upon the whole world to execute judgment on the rebellious and hypocritical nation ( Isaiah 10: 6; 33:14)? I’m not able to write the “whole vision” in the comments section here. It’s my intention to help warn the people and direct them to the information they DESPERATELY NEED ( Isaiah 41: 17). Consider Amos 8: 11: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
People are struggling to find god and they now have there chance – ( Isaiah 34: 16). If the people in OLD Jerusalem were deceived by the religious leaders is Jesus’ day why should we think the same scenario ( Jeremiah 23; 5: 4; Ezekiel 34; 13: 5; Isaiah 3: 12, 9: 16) would not exist in our days which are the LATTER DAYS? There is SOO MUCH that we DON’T ALREADY KNOW of the scriptures. It is only through the LORD’S servant that we can escape the great and dreadful day of the LORD which is almost here ( Joel 1: 14, 15)! My email address is [email protected] – I want to hear from you and am open to ANY QUESTION about the scriptures because I’m convinced I know how the so-called 144,000 are to escape.
May the LORD who created all things be with us all!
According to the word of the LORD the rock from whence we are hewn is a comet( Psalms 18: 12, 13; Daniel 2: 34, 35; Revelation 8: 11; 9: 1 - too many others to mention) that struck the earth in the previous timeline which will occur again in our generation ( Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10; 3: 15; 12: 1-8) the impact of the comet creates an immense pit in the earth ( Isaiah 5: 14; Psalms 55: 23; 94: 14; Jeremiah 48:44; Matthew 12:11; Revelation 11:7; Revelation 20:1). The 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 14 are the ones who escape the effects of the comet impact that destroys all life on earth ( Isaiah 1:9; Ezekiel 12:16).
It does not matter what You,they or I think of Isaiah, we could all agree or disagree or come to no concensus at all and it would neither add nor detract from what the book of Isaiah is. Read it; glean from it what you can and hold fast to the good you might find in it. And I will pray that you will.
Nevertheless I sincerely recommend to read some facts about Isaiah (especially for beginners) because it will make them easy to read the Holy Bible. God bless you.
Revelation chapter 6 onward deals with 3 kinds of peoples: 1)the un-redeemed gentiles of the world (beast) governing system, 2) the redeemed/sealed jews (the 144k of chapter 7), 3) and the rest of Israel--the jews. The events in Revelation center around Israel and mostly Jerusalem. Check chapter 11 v. 8 and find that "that great city" (where Babylon the Great--the corrupt socio-economic system, and Mystery Babylon the Harlot--the un-redeemed jew's revived religion of sacrifice are located) is described as "where our Lord was crucified." That city is Jerusalem.
Now, note that the Lord, while addressing the churches in Chapter 3 v. 10 gives a promise to his faithful followers that "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."
Now look closely at the Beast of Rev. 17--this beast is the world-wide socio-economic system devoid of God/Jesus as its foundation. Note that it is world-wide. Note that it is scarlet colored. Note that it has 10 horns and 10 crowns (horns symbolizing power, crowns symbolizing ruling sovereignity). Understand that the number 10 is consistently used in Scripture to speak of gentils (see Gen. 10 for the gentile nations that will seek to come against Israel in the war of Gog and Magog of Ezek. 38, which happens prior to the Tribulation period). Again, understand that this beast is the entire gentile world and it is SCARLETT colored, which symbolizes SIN. Now, go to Isaiah 1:18 where the Lord pleads with his people Israel "though your sins be as scarlet I will make them white as snow." The entire gentile world is SCARLETT in Revelation. We believers in and followers of the Lord Jesus are NOT SCARLETT colored. We are not there during the Tribulation.
1. Rev. 3:10--In the Lord's address to one of the churches he promises "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."
2. Rev. 17:3--So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." This woman or spiritual harlot, is the Jews revived religion of sacrifice (not the catholic church). It comes about because of the world governing system--the beast with 7 mountains, 10 horns, 10 crowns carries it on its crowns. Ten is the number consistently used in Scripture for the Gentiles (See Gen. 10 for the gentile nations that will come against Israel in the war of Gog and Magog of Ezek. 38). Notice that the beast/world system is SCARLET COLORED. Scarlet symbolizes sin. See Isaiah 1:18 "though your sins be as scarlet I will make them white as snow." The worldly beast described in Revelation is TOTALLY SCARLET. WE CHRISTIANS ARE NOT IN THE WORLD AT THAT TIME. WE ARE NOT SCARLET. WE ARE WHITE AS SNOW.
Amos 3: 7 -- Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he REVEALETH HIS SECRET unto his servants the prophets.
The prophets in our day (THE LATTER DAYS) are the two Witnesses in Revelation chapter 11. One of these prophets had already come and the world knew him not. The other prophet is now sounding the alarm!
None of the Prophet Isaiah’s words are for an individual’s private imaginations or personal gleanings. Many of Isaiah’s prophesies are concerning the latter days (our days) though they are mixed with prophesies that have already been accomplished in OLD Jerusalem. Consider Isaiah’s prophesy in chapter 61 verse 2. Now most, if not all Christians (who make up nations that were established by the covenant brought by Jesus and the Apostles much the OLD Jerusalem was made up of nations established by Moses John 9: 28), would agree that the one that one proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison (grave) to those that are bound is none other that Jesus (not really a name just a transliteration derived from what the Greeks called him). But if this savior mentioned in this chapter is NONE OTHER than Jesus, Why does Jesus himself say in Matthew 24: 36 that no man knows the day or the hour (concerning the calamities that will soon take place in our day) but my father only. Is it unreasonable to think that the Father (whose name is Holy - Isaiah 45: 4 {read the Hebrew Names Version}) will not warn his servants so they can escape the horrible catastrophe to soon come upon the whole world to execute judgment on the rebellious and hypocritical nation ( Isaiah 10: 6; 33:14)? I’m not able to write the “whole vision” in the comments section here. It’s my intention to help warn the people and direct them to the information they DESPERATELY NEED ( Isaiah 41: 17). Consider Amos 8: 11: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
People are struggling to find god and they now have there chance – ( Isaiah 34: 16). If the people in OLD Jerusalem were deceived by the religious leaders is Jesus’ day why should we think the same scenario ( Jeremiah 23; 5: 4; Ezekiel 34; 13: 5; Isaiah 3: 12, 9: 16) would not exist in our days which are the LATTER DAYS? There is SOO MUCH that we DON’T ALREADY KNOW of the scriptures. It is only through the LORD’S servant that we can escape the great and dreadful day of the LORD which is almost here ( Joel 1: 14, 15)! My email address is [email protected] – I want to hear from you and am open to ANY QUESTION about the scriptures because I’m convinced I know how the so-called 144,000 are to escape.
May the LORD who created all things be with us all!