Hello friend. I am in agreement with what Adam has just shared with you: that the mention of Mohd or even an allusion to him is nowhere found in this verse, or indeed anywhere in the Bible.
You appear to be someone who is interested in what the Bible has to say to us, even considering the rich heritage that both the descendants of Isaac & Ishmael share from the olden days. In your consideration of this prophetical Book of Isaiah, we need to remember that this book & indeed all the Bible Books are written in an historical & chronological manner. Unlike the Qur'an, where the writings are purportedly made from isolated revelations received over a period of time, the Books of the Bible were written by men moved by God's Spirit ( 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21), but were given in a systematic historical way. So when we take a verse or portion of the Bible to teach or defend a belief, then we must look at the whole - or else, our understanding will be skewed & we will be led into error.
Since you're looking at the prophecies in Isaiah, if you would care to begin at Isaiah 13:1 right through to Isaiah 23:18, and you will notice a series of denunciations by God against particular lands/nations. Through his prophet Isaiah, God denounces Babylon, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Ethopia, Egypt, Babylon (again), Edom, Arabia (the part you're referring to), Jerusalem, & Tyre. So when you refer to Isaiah 21:13, the specific passage is from Isaiah 21:13-17, where God's Judgement is found in verse 16, that "within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail". Even though Kedar was a powerful Arabian tribe, the reference here are to all connected to her. All these suffered judgement under God's Hand.
But at the appointed time, God sent forth His Son Jesus, the One Who came to receive our judgement & punishment upon Himself (for our sins). Without Him we would all be condemned, but those who believed on Him would receive forgiveness ( John 1:11,12).
Here is how Fornication is defined in the Greek pulled from the Gospel of Mark 7:21. :
Transliteration: porneia
Pronunciation: por-ni'-ah
Definition: From G4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively idolatry: - fornication.
KJV Usage: fornication(26x).
Occurs: 26
In verses: 25.
Here is how Fornication is defined in the Hebrew in Isaiah 23:17.Hebrew:
Transliteration: znh
Pronunciation: zaw-naw'
Definition: A primitive root (highly fed and therefore wanton); to commit adultery (usually of the {female} and less often of simple {forniciation} rarely of involuntary ravishment); figuratively to commit idolatry (the Jewish people being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): - (cause to) commit {fornication} X {continually} X {great} (be {an} play the) {harlot} (cause to {be} play the) {whore} ({commit} fall to) {whoredom} (cause to) go {a-whoring} whorish.
KJV Usage: ...harlot(36x), go a whoring(19x), ...whoredom(15x), whore(11x), commit fornication(3x), whorish(3x), harlot(withH802)(2x), commit(1x), continually(1x), great(1x), whore's(withH802)(1x).
Occurs: 94
In verses: 82.
If one is to put this in perspective of todays 70 years later. One must consider the character of our King. Also the abundance he has increased our economy. Now why?ZACH 11:7-9 , He may turn to her hire but he also expresses what he thinks of her him. Keep the faith in our Christ.
Again; see how GOD builds, plus bless a nation (for HIS glorification) and later GOD has to tear-down that same nation. 2018; the nations of the world is in their season to be torn down by Jehovah. I thank GOD for the BLOOD OF THE LAMB. WOW! WOW! WOW!.
"The Pronouncement of Doom of Tyre" The words of the prophet are rich in meaning, as the parables of our Lord; and speak to certain which were once in a Brothers' Covenant with the Chosen People of God, but became a harlot of merchandise. We ought to see the meanings as they apply in the eternal and spiritual, and not let ourselves be misled to think they only apply to "those back then."
Isaiah Ch. 23 verse 17 is telling me after 70 years which is 69 years as God counts time by 360 days being a year with God, Christ will return to Tyre in Israel after 69 years has passed. To me that's 69 years after Israel became a nation in 1948 and coming up soon.
To Marvin 's comment on 1-05-2015 am... I believe Zechariah Ch.1 from verse 8 to the end of Zechariah Ch.2 is speaking of the same 70s years after Israel became a Nation as Isaiah Ch.23 vs. 17 and 18 is speaking of.
To Jerry Leonard comment on 8-21-2014, 4:16 am... Yes I notice the paragraph sign at v.17 in Isaiah Ch. 23 that some Bible have. If this is your thoughts the year will be 2017 A.D. Because God days are not 365.2422 per year as we count days per year He count 360 days per year. Thereby 69 years at 365.2422 equal 70 years by counting the days in 360 per year in the days 365.2422 per year with a little over a day or so left over.
verse 17 is speaking of Israel and 70 years after it became a nation in 1948 when tyre will began trading again. Verse 18 is when the gentiles bring food and clothing to Israel when the LORD is there.
sorry to inform you my friend but it s not holiness to the LORD you need to rightly divide the scripture and read everything before and after this chapter When God revisits her in mercy she will go back to her old ways but GOD will use the rich people s wealth for his purpose that is the only thing that will be holiness unto the LORD GOD bless you GOD never has and never will condone any form of fornication spiritually or fleshly and to teach such is pretty close to blasphemy of his Character
Converted by the Second Witness on Revelation 11 - 14 years ago
Please read and understand the mystery of the Two Witnesses as the time is short. The two witnesses in the latter-days (our days) are typified by many characters in Old Testament scripture which are summarized in the book of Revelation:
Malachi 4:5: Behold, I will send you ELIJAH {first latter-day messenger} the prophet before the coming of the GREAT {awesome} and DREADFUL DAY {comet’s impact see Daniel 2: 34; Revelation 8:10, 11; 9: 1} of the LORD:
In the past type, Elijah was the first witness of his generation until the manifestation of Elisha, the second witness. Elisha asked and received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit in 2 Kings 2:9.
2 Kings 2:9 …Ask what I {Elijah} shall do for THEE {Elisha}, before I be taken away from thee. And ELISHA {typifying the Second Witness} said, I pray thee, let a DOUBLE PORTION of thy spirit be upon me.
Since Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, it reveals how the latter-day second witness fulfills his ministry, according to the scroll of life’s first side, as well as the prophecies that latter-day Elijah should have fulfilled. This is the reason Elisha received Elijah’s mantle, as recorded in 2 Kings 2:13.
2 Kings 2:13 He {Elisha} took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him….
{Latter-day Elisha) grew out of latter-day Elijah’s church. This parallels the past type, when Solomon was as a tree’s branch that came out of the loins (rod/trunk of a tree) of David to be king in Israel (see Isaiah 11:1).
Isaiah 11:1: And there SHALL {latter-day prophecy} come forth a ROD {latter-day David} out of the stem of JESSE {typified by the father of old David}, and a BRANCH {latter-day Solomon} shall grow out of HIS {latter-day David’s/rod’s} roots:
The prophetic statement in Isaiah 11:1 is also confirmed in Revelation 5:5.
Revelation 5:5: And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the LION {originally referred to latter-day King David but is actually fulfilled by latter-day King Solomon} of the tribe of {spiritual} JUDA {typifying the U.S.A.}, the ROOT {loins} of {latter-day} DAVID, hath prevailed to open the BOOK {scroll of life}, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
In the past type, God – personifying a scroll’s record of that generation – sent the Assyrian (see Isaiah 10:5, 6) against the hypocritical nation of Israel’s ten tribes. After the Assyrian had taken the ten tribes of Israel’s northern kingdom into captivity, the Egyptians then overthrew the Assyrian empire. This spared the kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem in the south of Palestine from the same fate that befell the ten tribes, who were deported from the north of Palestine. However, God warned the kingdom of Judah in Palestine not to rejoice over the fall of Assyria, because the Babylonian will be coming to rule over Palestine, as illustrated in Isaiah 14:29.
Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of HIM {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day Elijah} that smote THEE {land of old Israel/Palestine, which typifies latter-day Christendom/latter-day spiritual Israel} is BROKEN {by old Egypt, which typifies the latter-day fifth reigning kingdom}: for out of the SERPENT’S ROOT {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day David} shall come forth a COCKATRICE {representing Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, which typifies latter-day Solomon’s/Chosen Vessel’s ministry}, and his FRUIT {representing Nebuchadnezzar’s armies, which typify the believers of this new doctrine and then the great multitude} shall be a FIERY FLYING SERPENT {personifying coals of fire that follow the comet/cockatrice}.
The city of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon did not exist until the Assyrians built it, as stated in Isaiah 23:13.
Isaiah 23:13: Behold the land of the CHALDEANS {Babylonians}; this people was not, till the ASSYRIAN {serpent’s root} founded IT {cockatrice/old Babylon} for them that dwell in the wilderness: THEY {Assyrians} set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he {Assyrian} brought it to ruin (before the people who became the Babylonians rebuilt it).
As the Babylonian came out of the Assyrian and Solomon came out of David, so the Chosen Vessel (latter-day Solomon) came out of latter-day David’s church in Waco, Texas. This is likened to Yahshua being baptized in John the Baptist’s ministry. The Chosen Vessel is the branch that came forth from the rod (Latter-day David). Just as Solomon built the temple instead of David, so the branch (second witness/latter-day Zerubbabel/Solomon) will build the spiritual temple before the comet hits the land (see Zechariah 6:12).
Zechariah 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the MAN {latter-day Solomon} whose name is The BRANCH {that bears fruit, see Ezekiel 7:10}; and HE {Chosen Vessel} shall GROW UP {from the rod/latter-day David} out of his place, and he shall build the temple {as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple} of the LORD {Hayah Havah}:
Latter-day Elijah gathered followers, a number of whom now believe latter-day Elisha’s doctrine. Also, before latter-day Elijah was killed on April 19, 1993, God caused the scenario to take place at Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, so latter-day
Elisha’s ministry would be easier to promote. Accordingly, the ministry of latter-day Elijah has prepared the way for latter-day Elisha, as prophesied in Isaiah 40:3.
Isaiah 40:3 The voice of HIM {latter-day Elijah} that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare YE {referring to the tribes of Christendom} the way of the LORD {Hayah Havah manifesting as the Chosen Vessel}, make straight in the desert a highway for our God (manifesting as latter-day Moses).
The first messenger (Elijah-type) in our day is also typified by the prophecy that seemed to refer to the new king, Eliakim, in Isaiah 22:22.
Isaiah 22:22 And the KEY {to the kingdom} of the house of David will I lay upon HIS {Eliakim’s/Cyrus’} shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
This prophecy concerning Eliakim is referring to the same Cyrus who is mentioned in Isaiah 44:28. Since King Cyrus’ decree failed to rebuild Jerusalem and her temple, it reveals how the first latter-day messenger (Elijah-type) fails to construct the latter-day spiritual temple. Therefore, as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple of God instead of Aaron, David, and Cyrus, it reveals how the second latter-day messenger (Elisha-type) receives the key of knowledge to fulfill all unfulfilled prophecies (see Revelation 3:7).
Revelation 3:7 …These things saith he that is HOLY {scroll of life’s record}, he that is TRUE {scroll of life’s record pertaining to the Chosen Vessel/second messenger}, HE {Chosen Vessel} THAT HATH THE KEY {to unlock all mysteries in God’s word, see Revelation 10:7} OF {latter-day} DAVID {latter-day Eliakim/Elijah}, HE {latter-day Solomon} that OPENETH {the scroll of life with the key of knowledge, see Revelation 5:5, 6}, AND NO MAN SHUTTETH {with their wrongly-fitting key of error}; AND SHUTTETH {when latter-day Solomon does not reveal/open God’s mysteries with his key of knowledge}, AND NO MAN OPENETH {with his or her key that does not fit the figurative lock of written prophecy};
According to the song (testimony) of old Moses, he brought out the Israelites from Egypt, constructed the temple, fed the people, gave them laws, and led them to the Promised Land, (see Deuteronomy 32:2).
Deuteronomy 32:2 My {Moses’} doctrine shall drop as the rain {to ripen the spiritual barley, wheat, and fruits}, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:”
Today, the new doctrine of latter-day Moses is sung from the scroll of life’s first side. The people who accept latter-day Moses’ song (doctrine) are also able to sing the song pertaining to latter-day Moses, as prophesied in Revelation 15:3.
Revelation 15:3 And THEY {first and second latter-day groups of redeemed} sing the SONG {new doctrine} of MOSES {latter-day Moses, see Deuteronomy 31:30} the servant of GOD {seventh angel}, and the song of the LAMB {sunlight-ministry of latter-day Yahshua/Lamb who manifested according to the prophecy in Acts 1:11}, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, THOU {latter-day Chosen Vessel/Elisha/Yahshua} King of {the three latter-day groups of} saints.
You appear to be someone who is interested in what the Bible has to say to us, even considering the rich heritage that both the descendants of Isaac & Ishmael share from the olden days. In your consideration of this prophetical Book of Isaiah, we need to remember that this book & indeed all the Bible Books are written in an historical & chronological manner. Unlike the Qur'an, where the writings are purportedly made from isolated revelations received over a period of time, the Books of the Bible were written by men moved by God's Spirit ( 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21), but were given in a systematic historical way. So when we take a verse or portion of the Bible to teach or defend a belief, then we must look at the whole - or else, our understanding will be skewed & we will be led into error.
Since you're looking at the prophecies in Isaiah, if you would care to begin at Isaiah 13:1 right through to Isaiah 23:18, and you will notice a series of denunciations by God against particular lands/nations. Through his prophet Isaiah, God denounces Babylon, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Ethopia, Egypt, Babylon (again), Edom, Arabia (the part you're referring to), Jerusalem, & Tyre. So when you refer to Isaiah 21:13, the specific passage is from Isaiah 21:13-17, where God's Judgement is found in verse 16, that "within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail". Even though Kedar was a powerful Arabian tribe, the reference here are to all connected to her. All these suffered judgement under God's Hand.
But at the appointed time, God sent forth His Son Jesus, the One Who came to receive our judgement & punishment upon Himself (for our sins). Without Him we would all be condemned, but those who believed on Him would receive forgiveness ( John 1:11,12).
Transliteration: porneia
Pronunciation: por-ni'-ah
Definition: From G4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively idolatry: - fornication.
KJV Usage: fornication(26x).
Occurs: 26
In verses: 25.
Here is how Fornication is defined in the Hebrew in Isaiah 23:17.Hebrew:
Transliteration: znh
Pronunciation: zaw-naw'
Definition: A primitive root (highly fed and therefore wanton); to commit adultery (usually of the {female} and less often of simple {forniciation} rarely of involuntary ravishment); figuratively to commit idolatry (the Jewish people being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): - (cause to) commit {fornication} X {continually} X {great} (be {an} play the) {harlot} (cause to {be} play the) {whore} ({commit} fall to) {whoredom} (cause to) go {a-whoring} whorish.
KJV Usage: ...harlot(36x), go a whoring(19x), ...whoredom(15x), whore(11x), commit fornication(3x), whorish(3x), harlot(withH802)(2x), commit(1x), continually(1x), great(1x), whore's(withH802)(1x).
Occurs: 94
In verses: 82.
Malachi 4:5: Behold, I will send you ELIJAH {first latter-day messenger} the prophet before the coming of the GREAT {awesome} and DREADFUL DAY {comet’s impact see Daniel 2: 34; Revelation 8:10, 11; 9: 1} of the LORD:
In the past type, Elijah was the first witness of his generation until the manifestation of Elisha, the second witness. Elisha asked and received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit in 2 Kings 2:9.
2 Kings 2:9 …Ask what I {Elijah} shall do for THEE {Elisha}, before I be taken away from thee. And ELISHA {typifying the Second Witness} said, I pray thee, let a DOUBLE PORTION of thy spirit be upon me.
Since Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, it reveals how the latter-day second witness fulfills his ministry, according to the scroll of life’s first side, as well as the prophecies that latter-day Elijah should have fulfilled. This is the reason Elisha received Elijah’s mantle, as recorded in 2 Kings 2:13.
2 Kings 2:13 He {Elisha} took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him….
{Latter-day Elisha) grew out of latter-day Elijah’s church. This parallels the past type, when Solomon was as a tree’s branch that came out of the loins (rod/trunk of a tree) of David to be king in Israel (see Isaiah 11:1).
Isaiah 11:1: And there SHALL {latter-day prophecy} come forth a ROD {latter-day David} out of the stem of JESSE {typified by the father of old David}, and a BRANCH {latter-day Solomon} shall grow out of HIS {latter-day David’s/rod’s} roots:
The prophetic statement in Isaiah 11:1 is also confirmed in Revelation 5:5.
Revelation 5:5: And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the LION {originally referred to latter-day King David but is actually fulfilled by latter-day King Solomon} of the tribe of {spiritual} JUDA {typifying the U.S.A.}, the ROOT {loins} of {latter-day} DAVID, hath prevailed to open the BOOK {scroll of life}, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
In the past type, God – personifying a scroll’s record of that generation – sent the Assyrian (see Isaiah 10:5, 6) against the hypocritical nation of Israel’s ten tribes. After the Assyrian had taken the ten tribes of Israel’s northern kingdom into captivity, the Egyptians then overthrew the Assyrian empire. This spared the kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem in the south of Palestine from the same fate that befell the ten tribes, who were deported from the north of Palestine. However, God warned the kingdom of Judah in Palestine not to rejoice over the fall of Assyria, because the Babylonian will be coming to rule over Palestine, as illustrated in Isaiah 14:29.
Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of HIM {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day Elijah} that smote THEE {land of old Israel/Palestine, which typifies latter-day Christendom/latter-day spiritual Israel} is BROKEN {by old Egypt, which typifies the latter-day fifth reigning kingdom}: for out of the SERPENT’S ROOT {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day David} shall come forth a COCKATRICE {representing Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, which typifies latter-day Solomon’s/Chosen Vessel’s ministry}, and his FRUIT {representing Nebuchadnezzar’s armies, which typify the believers of this new doctrine and then the great multitude} shall be a FIERY FLYING SERPENT {personifying coals of fire that follow the comet/cockatrice}.
The city of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon did not exist until the Assyrians built it, as stated in Isaiah 23:13.
Isaiah 23:13: Behold the land of the CHALDEANS {Babylonians}; this people was not, till the ASSYRIAN {serpent’s root} founded IT {cockatrice/old Babylon} for them that dwell in the wilderness: THEY {Assyrians} set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he {Assyrian} brought it to ruin (before the people who became the Babylonians rebuilt it).
As the Babylonian came out of the Assyrian and Solomon came out of David, so the Chosen Vessel (latter-day Solomon) came out of latter-day David’s church in Waco, Texas. This is likened to Yahshua being baptized in John the Baptist’s ministry. The Chosen Vessel is the branch that came forth from the rod (Latter-day David). Just as Solomon built the temple instead of David, so the branch (second witness/latter-day Zerubbabel/Solomon) will build the spiritual temple before the comet hits the land (see Zechariah 6:12).
Zechariah 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the MAN {latter-day Solomon} whose name is The BRANCH {that bears fruit, see Ezekiel 7:10}; and HE {Chosen Vessel} shall GROW UP {from the rod/latter-day David} out of his place, and he shall build the temple {as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple} of the LORD {Hayah Havah}:
Latter-day Elijah gathered followers, a number of whom now believe latter-day Elisha’s doctrine. Also, before latter-day Elijah was killed on April 19, 1993, God caused the scenario to take place at Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, so latter-day
Elisha’s ministry would be easier to promote. Accordingly, the ministry of latter-day Elijah has prepared the way for latter-day Elisha, as prophesied in Isaiah 40:3.
Isaiah 40:3 The voice of HIM {latter-day Elijah} that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare YE {referring to the tribes of Christendom} the way of the LORD {Hayah Havah manifesting as the Chosen Vessel}, make straight in the desert a highway for our God (manifesting as latter-day Moses).
The first messenger (Elijah-type) in our day is also typified by the prophecy that seemed to refer to the new king, Eliakim, in Isaiah 22:22.
Isaiah 22:22 And the KEY {to the kingdom} of the house of David will I lay upon HIS {Eliakim’s/Cyrus’} shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
This prophecy concerning Eliakim is referring to the same Cyrus who is mentioned in Isaiah 44:28. Since King Cyrus’ decree failed to rebuild Jerusalem and her temple, it reveals how the first latter-day messenger (Elijah-type) fails to construct the latter-day spiritual temple. Therefore, as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple of God instead of Aaron, David, and Cyrus, it reveals how the second latter-day messenger (Elisha-type) receives the key of knowledge to fulfill all unfulfilled prophecies (see Revelation 3:7).
Revelation 3:7 …These things saith he that is HOLY {scroll of life’s record}, he that is TRUE {scroll of life’s record pertaining to the Chosen Vessel/second messenger}, HE {Chosen Vessel} THAT HATH THE KEY {to unlock all mysteries in God’s word, see Revelation 10:7} OF {latter-day} DAVID {latter-day Eliakim/Elijah}, HE {latter-day Solomon} that OPENETH {the scroll of life with the key of knowledge, see Revelation 5:5, 6}, AND NO MAN SHUTTETH {with their wrongly-fitting key of error}; AND SHUTTETH {when latter-day Solomon does not reveal/open God’s mysteries with his key of knowledge}, AND NO MAN OPENETH {with his or her key that does not fit the figurative lock of written prophecy};
According to the song (testimony) of old Moses, he brought out the Israelites from Egypt, constructed the temple, fed the people, gave them laws, and led them to the Promised Land, (see Deuteronomy 32:2).
Deuteronomy 32:2 My {Moses’} doctrine shall drop as the rain {to ripen the spiritual barley, wheat, and fruits}, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:”
Today, the new doctrine of latter-day Moses is sung from the scroll of life’s first side. The people who accept latter-day Moses’ song (doctrine) are also able to sing the song pertaining to latter-day Moses, as prophesied in Revelation 15:3.
Revelation 15:3 And THEY {first and second latter-day groups of redeemed} sing the SONG {new doctrine} of MOSES {latter-day Moses, see Deuteronomy 31:30} the servant of GOD {seventh angel}, and the song of the LAMB {sunlight-ministry of latter-day Yahshua/Lamb who manifested according to the prophecy in Acts 1:11}, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, THOU {latter-day Chosen Vessel/Elisha/Yahshua} King of {the three latter-day groups of} saints.
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