Discuss Isaiah 24 Page 2

  • Wading in Deep with God - In Reply - 3 years ago
    In original language it says: In Beginning.

    The first thing God created is TIME.

    We know the earth is billions of years old by artifacts, etc. We have to accept the fact that the Bible is about Jesus Christ. God did not choose to write a Book about Earths formation.

    I believe He meant for us to discover a truth: that SOMEONE made all of this. Read Romans 1

    Time was created. For mankind; and times and seasons. Read Psalms 33:6-9; Jeremiah 4:23; Isaiah 24:1, 40:12. Job 38 is helpful too.

    You are going to enjoy studying so much more if you'll get a study Bible, with CENTER COLUMN references (center of each page); with study helps like concordance, maps, lists. I saw some on Amazon the other day on sale. King James Version. :D

    Always, always ask the Holy Spirit to Teach you what you are studying. That is Him in Genesis 1:2

    He was awaiting Gods purpose, and the Word of God (Jesus) to speak forth.

    You have to be born again, Baptized into the Holy Spirit; to be taught Bible personally by Him.

    Jesus went through the Cross also, to give us the indwelling Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Jesus said, unless I go away he (Holy Spirit) Comforter, Teacher, Convictor of sins, cannot come. He's as real as the nose on your face. study HIs Gifts. You can ask for the best gift. He knows exactly what you need.

    I have a really special reveal on the Holy Spirit: He sings. I sing to Him and it probably hurts His ears, so we sing together. Why do we not enter into His presence and just listen to Him?

    This comment room would be on fire if we would believe what Jesus told us about the Comforter. I know why Paul thought it better to go to heaven, but he suffered to stay here so we could grow up strong in Jesus Christ.

    Stop looking at this world that is dying, and turn your eyes upon Jesus! He loves us and wants us to be with Him always. Learn the Knowledge of the Holy. That's a scripture.

  • Chet Howard - In Reply - 3 years ago

    Isaiah 17:4 And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.

    This is the day of the Lord, a similar description below:

    Isaiah 24:16 From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously.

    Many people die that day!!!
  • Simon - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago

    Why not talk more about the end-times, so the ignorant may become wise? Something big is coming our way, catastrophic. You are bright with the NT, no doubt, but what of the OT? Jesus never shied away from honoring the prophets, and without them, there'd be nothing to fulfill. More importantly, in our times, we are seeing Revelation unfold. Shouldn't you understand the signs and tell the people over affirmations?

    Do you know how many Christians believe Jesus is coming next to save us, while not understanding antichrist must yield 42 months of world power, prior to Messiah's appearing? Christians are in a spiritual haze, without compass, no order of semblance or understanding. They know what someone has told them.

    I see 99% NT here, some to never know the prophets are more accurate than the morning newspaper. The prophets paint America as Mystery Babylon (new Rome) that gets hit with the "abomination of desolation" at the day of the Lord, sixth trumpet. There's only east vs west powers left: beast & Babylon. Come to terms with America being that evil, backsliding militant government, where in one hour is brought to naught. ( Revelation 18:18-20) God avenges the blood of prophets on her, the same forgotten prophets of today.

    The day of the Lord does not mean what most think it does ( Isaiah 13) ( Isaiah 47) ( Revelation 18). For people of earth, Babylon, it is a day of darkness and thick dark clouds. The beast has super weapons ( Ezekiel 21:9-12); devices ( Daniel 11:25) at sixth trumpet, and ( Daniel 11:24) post sixth trumpet. His weapons cause enough damage to knock the earth off its axis ( Isaiah 24:20) wobble, causing less daylight, a global curse. Joel 2:1-11 gives a visceral account of the unstoppable smart missile strike. The sixth trumpet is effectively the destruction of the whole house of Israel ( Isaiah 24), save the one hundred forty four thousand, elect. Between the sixth and seventh trumpets lie mans worst days.
  • Simon - In Reply on Revelation 14 - 3 years ago

    The US = Mystery Babylon: No other country is close to Sodom and Gomorrah than America.

    The Beast = Russia: No other country fits the description like Russia. The characteristics of the beast shouts Russia:

    1) "More stout than his fellows". Russia has 11 time zones ( Daniel 7:20).

    2) He is the 8th and is of the 7. Russia is, was the 8th G8 member and is of the G7 ( Revelation 17:20).

    3) In 1991 the USSR suffered a "deadly wound", which has been healed into the Russian Federation. The people will marvel at Russia ( Revelation 13:3).

    4) Even though God has always held back Esau (Russia), he will now bring Esau forth with his northern army to destroy Jacob (US/NATO/Israel) ( Ezekiel 38:4).

    5) Obadiah states Esau (Russia) annihilated Jacob (US/Israel) then engaged in destruction beyond Babylon with an "evil thought" ( Ezekiel 38:10), by taking 3 allies from his own camp.

    6) Esau pounds Jacob so badly that the earth is knocked off its axis and wobbles back and forth like a drunkard ( Isaiah 24:20).

    7) The last time Esau and Jacob met up was on the trail, Genesis 33. Jacob was afraid Esau would kill him for stealing his birthright, but instead they exchanged gifts and parted ways.

    8) Esau will make Jacob lean this time around ( Isaiah 24:1-16).
  • Simon on Isaiah 24 - 3 years ago
    According to Isaiah, the end-time evil leaders of the Babylon system will pay a heavy price for their behavior. They will be gathered together in a pit, like dogs.

    ( Isaiah 24:21-22) And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Letter of Jeremiah 1:12 - 3 years ago

    If God wrote a "tell all book" revealing every mystery, it would draw the same response as the KJV. The majority of people would go their own way, and the minority would seek the Lord with all their heart.

    Isaiah 24:4-5 Describes the conditions of the earth after the beast has taken Babylon, and 3 nations of his own confederacy. Look further down, it is devastating. Isaiah 24:19-20

    Ephesians 6:12 This is true. We fight against powerful rulers of darkness: Governments, Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits and all of their ghastly traditions.

    The media outlets are owned by 5 Ashkenazi Jews, they are inherently sinister, practice sorceries. They script fake news we live by.

    "The bible is a puzzle due to the deception of adding & removing words since the roman council nicea of 325 AD" You have to carefully read the Bible and use other like scriptures to assess the story. However altered, it's what we got.

    The 2nd stick in Ezekiel 37:16 "Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:"

    Depicts both houses of Israel coming together ever since the Salomon split, and in a new heaven, earth. This is after the 1,000 year reign of Christ, because ONLY the house of Israel are resurrected as 1st fruits of Christ. Let the Mormon church use the story.

    Daniel 12:4 The Holy Spirit increases knowledge in conjunction with the time line. 200 years ago you couldn't discern the prophets like we can today. The 5-6-7th trumpets, which are separate from the first four, and made for this generation.
  • Lisa Kilpatrick - In Reply on Letter of Jeremiah 1:12 - 3 years ago
    They were removed to control the masses through all religions including precepts. All religions is Evil Kingdom mimicking - Isaiah 24:4-5 In Ephesians 6:12 is another clue.

    Everywhere you turn practically are religion place of images worship with is all abominations - Exodus 20

    The Ten Commandments are not done away by no grace LIARS in those satanic witchcraft places taught that bs to control everyone PSYCHOLOGICALLY to keep people stupid in removing natural COMMON SENSE in questioning everything concernng their lies.

    In the bible Our Creator stated through the prophets these religions fakes ARE NOT ORDAIN BY THEE AT ALL!!!

    Q: Do you know why you hear about religion places being burned globally more frequently from the skies?


    Watch Global News On YouTube & Not Mainstream They Block The Real Truth From The Public Globally.

    Everyone need to aquire the oldest bible they can possibly through greatgrands, great aunts, great uncles, etc. There you will locate precepts.

    The bible is a puzzle due to the deception of adding & removing words since the roman council nicea of 325 AD

    The 2nd stick in Ezekel 37 v16 is the book of Mormn & there are 4 of them. These books with the KJV1611 of Apocrypha joins / explains the puzzle back together for all to get started.

    In Daniel 12:4 Only A Few Were Released 2 Esdras 14:44 explains further that there are way more books & are being expose right now

    Globally those seeking Our Creator - Matt 6:33 & Come Away From Babylon Religions - Rev 18:4-5 we have entered the beginning of the last days & headed into a new era called Age of Aquarius.

    My explaination is THE TRUTH & Only If you Ask for Our Creator Of His Gift Of DISCERNMENT Then Clarity/Removal Of The Veil Will Come To You, The Purity Of Mind,Heart,Spirit.

    In Acts 7, Our Father informs us we are the only TEMPLE Our Creator Resides or Ever Needed.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Psalms 138 - 3 years ago
    Darren, may the spirit grace you with his wisdom and his knowledge.

    no part of revelation is going to occur in the physical sense.

    revelation is spiritual warfare for the kingdom of heaven.

    revelation is completely symbolic.

    isaiah 9:5 now every (natural) battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this (spiritual battle) shall be with burning and fuel of fire.

    isaiah 9:19 ....and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire....

    isaiah 4:4 when the lord (a consuming fire hebrews 12:29) shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of (new) zion, and shall have purged the blood of (new) jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgement and the spirit of burning.

    luke 12:49 i am come to send fire on the earth; and what be i (the fire), if it (the fire) be kindled already?

    matthew 4:11 ....he shall baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire;

    isaiah 9:18 for wickedness burneth as the fire (our god is a consuming fire).....

    isaiah 10:16 .... and under his glory (us) he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire.

    isaiah 24:15 wherefore glorify ye the lord in the fires ....

    isaiah 31:9 ....whose fire is in (new) zion, and his furnace in (new) jerusalem.

    isaiah 33:14 .....who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burning?

    where the fire is never quenched (our god is a consuming fire)

    isaiah 42:25 therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle; and it (the battle) hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it (the battle) burned him, and he laid it not to heart.

    ezekiel 5:2 thou shall burn with fire a third part in the midst of the (new jerusalem, christ in you).....

    zachariah 13:9 and i will bring the third part through the fire ....

    revelation 8:1-13

    revelation 9:18 by these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire...brimstone...smoke....

    hebrews 9:27

    1 peter 4:17
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Psalms 138 - 3 years ago
    Ezekiel 21:12 Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people, it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: smite therefore upon thy thigh.

    It is upon MY people. 'Thy thigh' is a reference to Jacob's time of trouble and,

    Isaiah 24:15-17 Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel in the isles of the sea. From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
  • Peggy - In Reply on Ephesians 2 - 3 years ago
    Dear Marilyn Taplin,

    The group of end-time purists you describe are the 144,000 sealed from death, during the beasts short rule. The house of Israel and the house of Judah are the two witnesses that stand before God. They are the two olive trees and two candlesticks. These elect are hated so much that their dead bodies will lay 3.5 days in the street, then, taken up at the 7th trumpet.

    Also, the reason for the "days being cut short" is due to the 6th trumpet, day of the Lord strike: Mystery Babylon & the Babylonian system is dramatically taken in under 1 hour; made a desolate wilderness. The attack is so powerful, it knocks the earth off its axis ( Isaiah 24:20) causing 1/3rd sun light removed. The darkness ensures the elects survival, like the woman in Rev 12 holds on.
  • THE INVISIBLE WORLD AROUND US - In Reply on Genesis 6:4 - 4 years ago
    After the flood, the rebellious angels who went after Adams daughters; drowned.

    Only 8 souls survived: Noah's family.

    The evil ones had no bodies. Bodies Drowned. (There's a chapter where they rail on Satan for getting them killed.) With no bodies they became Demons.

    In the New Testament, Jesus cast many out of afflicted peoples, body and soul. If you think..So What?... they can still get inside people who are not Born Again.

    They wander until they find some kind of living thing to get inside. That statement is validated in Ephesians 6:11-12, Eph. 2:2, Isaiah 24:21-22 (some are imprisoned); some are in high places; Michael had to fight one so Gabriel could get a message to Daniel. Isaiah 14:16, satan isn't big & handsome. Ezekiel 28:23-19.

    Satan has a will and he uses it to hurt people.

    Often people blame God for the bad things that happen. If people today have idols in their lives (porn on the computer, gamble online, horoscopes, etc.) There are specialized demons that inhabit those things. We open the door they use to come inside our lives.

    One even followed Paul around, hindering his meetings till he turned and cast it out of that woman! THEY ARE INVISIBLE!!! We never have drinks and smoke pot alone.

    Maybe we should turn our focus away from nephalim in Genesis and lay our eyes on how to identify demonic activity in our lives, family, friends, mean neighbors, violent video games etc. ask yourself: what Fruit am I seeing?? Is someone depressed or suicidal? That's a spirit of death. Drugs, alcohol, pot=spirit of bondage. Learn these things. You could be praying to set clueless people FREE to follow Jesus.

    Please think about this. Remember people who died way too early. Some of you commit to pray every day for Military who will be returning home soon, to find jobs miraculously, find new friends, be blessed for serving. Hold their lives Precious within your heart and spirit. Let's love Larger than just ourselves.

  • Joe Bell - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 4 years ago
    The days are shortened because the earth is knocked off its axis, and wobbles like a drunkard, Isaiah 24:20. The sun and moon will refuse to shine 1/3rd of the day from the 6th trumpet strike. The days are shortened for lack of light, and provide cover for the 2 witnesses, the 144K elect from the house of Israel & the house of Judah.

    Anti-christ must get 42 months of unbroken, absolute power, or prophesy won't be fulfilled.
  • Mishael Copy this and tape it to the Fridge door - 4 years ago
    COPY this down & put it on your fridge.

    Satans time is short and he's doing all he can to make us unemployed, sick, scared, suicidal,addicted,sad

    1 Samuel 18:4 Exchanging Armor

    And Jonathan stripped himself of the ROBE that was on him and gave it to David, and his ARMOR, and even his SWORD and his BOW and his BELT.

    Jesus exchanged HIS armor with US. Why?

    Because we are warring against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:10-18. Read ALL those center column references to other Books. See Isaiah 24:21-22. Romans 13:1-5,11-12; John 12:31

    Jesus did not leave us here to just wear a wedding garment and hold a lamp of oil.

    He left us scripture that we're to do spiritual war in the heavenlies. It's about strong faith and prayer: intercession; "standing in the gap". Jesus is making intercession for us right now! People come into the prayer room with grievous problems we SHOULD BE praying & doing war for. Ephesians 6:12, Romans 8:38, Colossians 1:9, 16-17; 2:15. 1 Thessalonians 5:8

    Standing in the gap is when you hold a lamb in your arms of prayer, and war against the demonic hoards that are trying to kill it; steal its life, destroy its hope in Jesus! It should make you want to save that lamb. Do you have any "lambs" in your life? Are you willing to snatch it out of the hands of Satans hoard of demons, WITH the WORD of God?

    You have a wealth of Bible Knowledge but are any lambs being saved with weighty speech? Don't you want to receive a Crown at Bema Seat? What would Jesus do? He showed us in His Gospels. If we are His followers we will imitate what he was Doing.

    Multitudes of people are committing suicide for unbelievable reasons. That's on Satans scoreboard. Is there anyone who will challenge that? Do you know how to take the scriptures and frighten the demons off of someone on a chair with a rope around their neck? Or a hypodermic needle going in an arm.

    Parents!Pray rightly for your kids. Punch out Satan! We have permission!
  • Mishael on Bible Covenants on Matthew 24:12 - 4 years ago
    Very enlightening to google Bible Covenants! Covenants are very binding and that's why we are warned to not enter one lightly.

    1 Samuel 18:4 Exchanging Armor

    And Jonathan stripped himself of the ROBE that was on him and gave it to David, and his ARMOR, and even his SWORD and his BOW and his BELT.

    Jesus exchanged HIS armor with US. Why?

    Because we are warring against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:10-18. Read ALL those center column references to other Books. See Isaiah 24:21-22. Romans 13:1-5,11-12; John 12:31

    Jesus did not leave us here to just wear a wedding garment and hold a lamp of oil.

    He left us scripture that we are to war against spiritual war in the heavenlies. It's about strong faith and prayer: intercession; "standing in the gap". Jesus is making intercession for us right now! People come into the prayer room with grievous problems we SHOULD BE praying & doing war for. Ephesians 6:12, Romans 8:38, Colossians 1:9, 16-17; 2:15. 1 Thessalonians 5:8

    Standing in the gap is when you hold a lamb in your arms of prayer, and war against the demonic hoards that are trying to kill it; steal its life, destroy its hope in Jesus! It should make you want to save that lamb. Do you have any lambs in your life? Are you willing to snatch it out of the hands of Satans hoard of demons, WITH the WORD of God?

    You have a wealth of Bible Knowledge but are any lambs being saved with weighty speech? Don't you want to receive a Crown at Bema Seat? What would Jesus do? He showed us in His Gospels. If we are His followers we will imitate what he was Doing.

    Multitudes of people just in America, are committing suicide for unbelievable reasons. That's on Satans scoreboard. Is there anyone who will challenge that? Do you know how to take the scriptures and frighten the demons off of someone on a chair with a rope around their neck? Or a hypodermic needle going in an arm.

    Parents!Pray rightly for your kids. Punch out Satan
  • Mishael on earth destruction and restoration on 1 Timothy 3 - 4 years ago
    I stayed up most of last night, being led through BIBLE SCRIPTURES, that back up what the teacher is teaching. It is painstakingly slow, And biblically SOUND.

    I would not have even listened to it if it didn't have scriptural foundation. The teacher uses the Hebrew to explain the events that happened. I do not know why I had NEVER heard this expanded teaching before, at church, but I have now. I still have 3 hours to listen to!

    Here are some scripture passages you'll want to mark for that study. At one point I just began to write all over the page margins :/

    This may interest you to listen to it on YouTube later.

    Genesis 1, Job 1:8, restoration of earth in Genesis,

    Jeremiah 4;23-28

    Jeremiah 4:26 Gods anger

    Isaiah 24:1 Is pre-Adam; God turned earth upside down,

    Job 9:1-9 earth frozen ball of ice

    Revelation ch 6

    Job 38. Science has proved the Bible is accurate;

    Deu. 32:4 Gods work is perfect

    Isa 45:18

    Eccl. 3:11

    Psalm 18:30

    Genesis verses 6-9 restoration not creation

    Genesis 1-2 earth not 6 thousand years old; it's billions, what science proved.

    I had all the prophetic scriptures boxed; I just didn't know how the fit in. When it says former inhabitants and people's, those are the 1/3 angels that followed Lucifer.

    Isaiah 14:17 20 spoken by demons to Lucifer

    Satan was in hell when Adam was created. He was turned into a snake. Was in the garden Ezekiel 28:13

    Ezekiel 28: 1-19 Lucifer>Satan

    Lucifer went from Archangel/ covering Cherub. God>Holy Spirit>Jesus>Lucifer

    4th in line to the throne. Isa.14:12

    YouTube. WAR IN THE HEAVENLIES, by Benny Hinn. 5 hour teaching

    Why do we need to put this together so we can understand it?? Because people ask questions. And..,it's very important to Satan. We need to know HOW he came to be loose on the earth; after Adam and after Jesus'S death on the Cross.

    For myself and you, we have a responsibility to piece this together as it really happened.
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 24:23 - 4 years ago
    I think you're enquiring about Isaiah 24:23. If so, then this whole chapter deals with Gods' message to Judah through his servant Isaiah, about the future Great Tribulation to come upon Israel (& the whole world). You should read also chapters 25-27. Isaiah writes specifically to his people & how they will be affected. Jesus also spoke of this time ( Mt 24) & particularly in reference to Isa 24:23, Jesus says in Mt 24:29,30, that "the sun & moon will be darkened & the stars fall & then shall He (the Son of Man) appear in the clouds in great power & glory". We understand that this time will be when Jesus, the King of kings will come from Heaven (where He is now at the Father's Right Hand), to reign on the Earth for a thousand years & sin & Satan will be bound. His children will reign with him for a thousand years in Jerusalem. When we consider all that lies ahead & especially the horrors for those who refuse Jesus, we can but rejoice in the gift of Salvation from God.
  • Laquita Mitchell on Isaiah 24:23 - 4 years ago
    Whsf does ig mean about Isaiah w3 chapter and 23 verses
  • Obbie Beal on Isaiah 24 - 5 years ago
    As it relate to the above, 2020 is here and Jehovah, GOD Mercccccy again is extended to the whole earth thereby one more name shall be entered into THE BOOK. Ones name in the BOOK secure ones seat at the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. See John 3:16.
  • Obbie Beal on Isaiah 24 - 6 years ago

    WOW! 2018, we the people (as a whole) has earned the above wrath. 11/ 28/ 2018, and Jehovah has stayed his wrath; so, thank GOD for salvation, prayer, hot breakfast and Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. WOW! WOW! WOW! .
  • Donna on Isaiah 24 - 7 years ago
  • Obbie Beal on Isaiah 24 - 7 years ago
    WOW! WOW! WOW! to God be all Glory, Honor, Praise!
  • BSP on Isaiah 24 - 8 years ago
    Verse 5 shows how God views the land as being polluted because the people were not obeying his laws and they were blood guilty. The Israelites had vowed to keep the covenant they willingly made with Jehovah God, but because they broke this promise they were to be removed from the land that God had given them.
  • Word on Isaiah 24 - 8 years ago
    This is the Lord Jesus return at the 7th trump. Note verse 2 all are here even them who think they are gone with rapture wings will be with us. But those who didn't bow down to a fake messiah and waited for the true Christ will be protected from what takes place on earth to the heathens at the end.
  • Sharon Rae on Isaiah 24 - 9 years ago
    I think we should take note of this chapter now, not some time in the future. That may be too late, though I do see some passages in Revelation that must be fulfilled before the Lord 's return. The recent quake in Nepal reminds me of another quake in India about three decades ago that left me stunned and seeking God in prayer. When I opened my Bible to that morning 's reading my husband and I read the Bible after meals , it was to the passage that reads, "The earth shall grow old as a garment... and many thousands shall die. " Then, it was as if God had answered my question, "Why? " If this was so in the 1980 's, where are we in time now?
  • John Wolff on Isaiah 24 - 10 years ago
    I noticed something interesting about chapter 24, verse 1. If the earfth is turned upside down as indicated in this verse, what would happen to the magnetic field surrounding the earth? Would this not create a suddden Polar Shift, resulting in sev ere Climatic Changes and people seeking to find warmer ares to live in and constant worldwide earthquakes because of the massive shifting of the earth 's tectonic plates which sounds very much like what Jesus describes in Matthew as conditions at his second advent.
  • Dominic S. Chibilika/Zambia on Isaiah 24 - 10 years ago
    And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And they shall be gathered together, as the prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited. " This will be during the 6 plague of Revelation 16 where both religious and earthly kings will gather at a place called Amagadone to fight finally fight God 's accusing them of God 's wrath on them. It at that time Christ will come to destroy them with his glory at his coming. In REVELATION 20. we are told that these sinners will be died and the voice will be void and disolet as all nature will be destroyed by the wrath of God at Christ 's coming only Satan will be alive with his angels to dicieve no one on earth hence "bound " for a thousand years after that period, Christ will come agani with the saved ones in New Jerusalem. Then the dead sinners will rise and join Satan to see Christ befoere they will be fanally be destroyed eternally by fire as the the second death.After the death of sinners New Jerusalem will be on earth eternally in paradise by saints who will be back from heaven. Rev elation 20,21,22, Isaiah 24 17 23.
  • DIRIBA BULGU on Isaiah 24:1 - 11 years ago
    Thank you for your comentary the next time I want to stady bibile
  • Jjss on Isaiah 24:17 - 11 years ago
    Isaiah 24, reveals people are on earth....but where do we surmize it is during the tribulation of 1000 years. The land is desolate is also Babylon.
  • Alfonso2 on Isaiah 24:15 - 11 years ago
    It refers to no other than the Philippines. Its happening right now that a Christian Church in this country glorifies the Lord of Israel in mighty voice singing lioud and shouting Halleluyah. The Isles of the sea is very famniliar to Hebreew Thinkers in that primeval days considering that is the place where they were getting gold since the time of Abraham. The Holy scriptures gives us clue the place or location where the Biblical Hebrew got gold. Its Ophir or the ancient Philippines.

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