Discuss Isaiah 3

  • Hadassah - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Gigi, These are your comments to me:

    "Do you know that the translators of the KJV used a Bible composed by Erasmus, a Catholic priest in the times of the reformation in their translation?"

    Answer: Yes. I know.

    "So your are saying that the KJV translators used a corrupt version in their work."

    Answer: No. Where in my posts have I said that the KJV translators used a corrupt version?

    "It is fine to discuss the topic of the validity of translations based on facts, but not on an obvious vehement bias towards the Catholic church as you have shown in your post. I am not defending the Catholic Church here. Just saying that your argument would be better received if you left out the hate and based your viewpoint on factual information. "

    Answer: The topic of Bible translations and how they came about is an hours and hours long study comprising volumes of reading material. This site is for quick comments not lengthy dissertations. You are accusing me of hate but that is quite unfair. There is nothing in my posts indicating hate of the Catholic people. However, the Catholic/vatican/Papacy is antichrist. The system is the Beast. It was identified as so by the Protestant church fathers. And, that Gigi, is a fact.

    "O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
  • Biblepreacher12 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1st Peter 3:1] Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

    [2] While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

    [3] Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

    [4] But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

    Isaiah 3:17] Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.

    [18] In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,

    [19] The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,

    [20] The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings,

    [21] The rings, and nose jewels,

    [22] The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins,

    [23] The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails.

    [24] And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
  • Nacol1900 - 1 year ago
    Plz don't be upset with me....But the very fact that 6.5 million Jews died in Hitlers death camps proves we have no H.G. as a restrainer at this time....Remember Jesus said he wd be in prison...and naked and hungry....He is in bondage to the Tares satans seed....Thats y we cannot worship him till the kingdom comes....We must endure to the end.....Simply b/c we are in that time of bondage...I am the light of the world but the nite comes when NO MAN CAN WORK...Which is that time of the great falling away.

    Ya gotta realize all this is a war raging with in us....The wheat and the Tares are sown with in us....Yes the wheat is the kingdom but the wheat is under seige to the Tares till the Tares are gathered and burned.

    Its Kingdom against Kingdom....The Wheat are against the Tares....But we have to keep in mind Isaiah 3:7....I will not be healer in that day....Thats when the wheat and the Tares are at war....There is no bread in my house....The Churches have fallen away to money and materialistic things....Jesus is in Prison spiritually speaking....to the Tares ...Satans seed...Thats y we must endure to the end.....Its a time of the great falling away....Its the Tares that are trying to restrain the Kingdom from coming.... Rev 12 :5.....Remember the dragon is trying to kill the woman and her Child....And the dragon is satans seed...The Tares...The marriage supper of the lamb is when our old adamic nature is consumed by his lake of fire....As our God is a consuming fire...Which is when we are baptised with his H.G. and fire thats y Jesus said he was gona bring FIRE on all the world....I come to bring fire on the EARTH....TY Jesus thats what we need....His H.G and fire baptism...
  • Adam - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 28:18-20
  • Baker - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 2 years ago
    Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
  • Richarrd cain on Isaiah 3 - 2 years ago
    Jesus said when he was here and left; baptiste all in the name of the farther and the son and the holy ghost. who did john the baptist baptise jesus in the name of?
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Corinthians 6:1-3, Continue on 1Corinthians 6:4,5, 2Timothy 2:12, Revelation 5, notice Revelation 5:10,

    Mark 10:42-45, 1Timothy 3:1-13, 1Timothy 5:17-22, Hebrews 13:7,17,24, 1Corinthians 4,

    Exodus 18:13-26, John 7:24, Deuteronomy 1:16,18, 1Corinthians 11:31, Isaiah 3:4,12, Isaiah 14:2, Isaiah 32:1, Deuteronomy 15:5-18,

    James 1:5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Deuteronomy 10:12-20, Deuteronomy 26, Deuteronomy 27, Deuteronomy 16:11, Leviticus 25, Isaiah 1:17, Isaiah 1:23, Zechariah 7:10, Malachi 3:5-12, Jeremiah 2:34, Jeremiah 7:5,6,7, Jeremiah 22:3, Isaiah 3:14,

    Proverbs 15:25,= Jeremiah 39:10, Jeremiah 52:16, Proverbs 21:13,

    Deuteronomy 15:9, = Jeremiah 34:8-22,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 2 years ago
    That question involves a sense of one and the same when the accuser torments us and puts us in bondage. Obviously; as Romans 5:10; Colossians 1:21 and other verses indicate we all were enemies of God and remain so until we are Born Again.

    It seems with Satan's role as the "accuser of the brethren" ( Revelation 12:10) that he focuses more on those who are saved than the rest of the world-for several reasons. For one thing; being the god of this world" (Corinthians) that men being already under his spell are better to not fear reality. Undoubtably; the enemy has learned that when the fear of God comes on someone as to their spiritual state they are more likely to turn to God. If the enemy of our souls affects us it starts in our minds; and when a weakness is exploited that leads to sin the carrot as it were switches to the accusations and oppression. It is because of our sin that he has legal authority to accuse us. He may also buffet us as occurred with Paul; or use people to go after us. This is; of course no battle to seek alone-we must trust God that Christ is sufficient-it is He who remains faithful even when we are not ( 2 Tim. 2:13). If we are rendered useless to produce fruit spiritually; that is enough to kill off our witness.

    We need to understand that all our good works apart from Christ is "filthy rags" ( Isaiah 64:6). If we do have a healthy appreciation of that; we also need to see us as having a new nature (if truly we have examined ourselves in Christ to see if we are in the faith). The way to do this is to recognize His voice; and I pray that you can do that today. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. We; however fall at His feet realizing our unworthiness and undeservedness of His mercies. We still are capable of sin; but in Christ that is not truly who we are as our identity; but we are dying daily to self.

    He chastises all He loves; that is different than destruction of His enemies.
  • Luz on Isaiah 3 - 2 years ago
    A question? What is the difference between being God's judgement and being under spiritual attack?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    Psalms 23,

    Rod: Exodus 4:17,

    Job 9:34, Job 21:9, Psalms 2:9, Psalms 89:32, Psalms 125:3, Proverbs 10:13, Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13,14, Proverbs 26:3,

    Proverbs 29:15, Isaiah 9:4, Isaiah 10:5, Isaiah 10:15, Isaiah 10:26, Isaiah 11:1,4, Jeremiah 10:16, Revelation 12:25,

    Staff: Genesis 32:10, Genesis 38:18, Exodus 12:17, Exodus 21:19, Leviticus 26:26, Numbers 13:23, Judges 6:21, 2Samuel 3:29, 2Samuel 23:7,21, 2Kings 4:29,31, 2Kings 18:21, Isaiah 3:1, Isaiah 14:5, Isaiah 28:27,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I've heard it explained it was a perversion thing. Note they were adults, Genesis 6:18, Genesis 7:7,13, Genesis 8:16,18,

    Genesis 9:22, honestly ask yourself would you go tell others? Or cover? Who showed their father honor? Genesis 9:23

    Noah, "knew what his younger son had done to him." Genesis 9:24, it wasn't that he just saw.

    There's additional information, to help readers understand, Genesis 9:18, Genesis 9:22, Genesis 9:25, Genesis 10:15, note Canaan, 1st recorded rape of a girl Genesis 33:18, Genesis 34:1-2, & Sodom & Gomorrah, Genesis 10:19, Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:20, Genesis 18, Gen. 19,

    Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Ezekiel 16:49, Jude 1:7, it appears to point to a root of evil started with that person.

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 10 - 3 years ago
    The Bible doesn't say that. It says : Genesis 9,

    Genesis 9:18, Genesis 9:21-22, he didn't cover his father, yet went & told his brothers, notice they were all adults with wives, (not children) Genesis 7:7, I've heard some Pastors explain it was perversion. Also disrespectful, dishonoring his father & taking advantage of a bad situation. His brothers showed honor & respect: Genesis 9:23, Please read: Genesis 6:8-13, Notice Noah was Just & found favor with GOD, in a corrupt violent time. Doesn't say & his children were also "perfect or Just" Genesis 6:22, Genesis 7:1, Genesis 10, the lineage of Noah, Shem, Ham, & Japheth. Notice also in the curse he cursed "canaan" please see Genesis 10:18-19, they were the people of Sodom & Gomorrah. Was this perversion carried down? Even from before flood? Genesis 8:21,

    Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:16-, Genesis 19, Zephaniah 2:9, 2 Peter 2:5-9, Isaiah 3:9,

    Please rely on the WORD of GOD, if you study & read it thoroughly, you'll be surprised what it clarifies.

    Hopefully this is helpful in answering your questions.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Leviticus 1, the several books of Leviticus points out the laws, you can continue through each of them & find the laws you're referring to.

    Genesis 9:22-27, Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:20,21,22, Genesis 19, Revelations 11:8,

    2 Peter 2:1-15, Jude 1:7-25, Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Romans 1:18-32,

    Galatians 5:16,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study.
  • Women Making a Difference - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 3 years ago
    Thank God for your faith.

    You may be edified by viewing some of Iverna Tompkins videos on YouTube.

    We are all people of these difficult times and days. Women need encouragement to evangelize the women who are needing it. I am not saying: revolution. We can all see of women in Jesus's life on earth, and all through the New Testament, who helped as they could and made a difference. Were written of, in the Bible. Hebrews 11

    It's just as important to raise our children with confidence in Jesus, to walk with them too.

    We're not orphans. We're adopted by the "spirit of adoption", and legal children of our Savior and King.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 3 years ago
    Dear Hope , there is so much that can be said about Jesus and the things that were revealed in the New Testament regarding women . How about the lady who had had an issue of blood for twelve years ? She should have been at home in isolation because her condition meant that she was pretty much permanently unclean , instead she mingled with a throng of people and touched Christ's garment . What was his response to her ? Is this in any way connected to the events in Genesis and the curse that was put on women because of Eve's sin ? I could say more about this and other signifant instances regarding women but I'm not going to . What's the point . May God bless you my sister in Christ .
  • Hope Coleman on Isaiah 3 - 3 years ago
    Someone need to read Joel 2:28 also Acts 2:17, and stop putting a woman down. It was a woman who said come see a man who told me all i done and a whole town followed her to see Jesus, and what about the woman who went and told the men that Jesus has risen the men follow her back to the tomb. From someone who love Jesus and his people.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 3 years ago
    Annette T Ford Isaiah 3 This is not a really good time in history for Gods chosen people, they were going after idolatrous practices and worship and displaying total arrogance against God. The daughter of Zion is a figure of speech for Israel, when you look ar Isaiah 1:10-19 God explains how Israel is being like whore with her idolatrous worship and yet in verses 16-19 if you repent of your works I'll deliver you. Many times when God delivered the children of Israel in time they went back to worshipping other gods. God Bless
  • Annette T Ford on Isaiah 3 - 3 years ago
    In Isaiah 3: 16-21, who is God talking to, only the daughter of Zion to everyone.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Deuteronomy 24:16 - 3 years ago
    We have to obey those that have rule over us:

    Government, law enforcement etc.

    People changed the laws as time goes by.

    All of us as citizens have a right to challenge law changes; from the city level all the way to the White House. Nobody had time for those public forums, and those who were pushing those laws through, accomplished passing them.

    Read the WOES in the Bible. We are to be vigilant when evil people attempt to do away with Gods plan for mankind.

    Isaiah 3: 9-11; Isaiah 5:11-30

    In Isaiah 6 sees a vision of the Lord and what was happening around His Throne. Is. 6:5. Isaiah understands just how vile we are compared to The Holiness of God. It's inspiring. Answer the question the Godhead asks of us all, in Isaiah 6:8

    We're not powerless children. We are meant to defend what is written in the entire Bible. Let's just do what we can, beginning in our own private homes; our churches; and perhaps our communities: in the Spirit of love and brotherhood.

    The hour is late. Soon, Jesus will come for us in the clouds. Maranatha.

    Learn all you can about this God man, Jesus, whom we will be living with...eternally.
  • Cedrick chambers - 3 years ago
    Meaning of Isaiah 3:4-5
  • Jane E Griffin on Isaiah 3:12 - 3 years ago
    My comment is that it is true, women rule over them, I am a woman, women bring chaos, they should not rule, even in the workplace, they cause chaos, I will not work under a woman, they bring chaos. The bible is right, it's true, I will turn down a job if a woman is leading, and many times if I'm working beside her chaos.
  • Jamar Thomas on Isaiah 3 - 3 years ago
    The bible is important
  • Robert Malit - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    Brother John, what you said is the truth, I believe that as well. For anyone who do not believe this, the Holy Spirit is grieved and is not in them, therefore cannot see the truth, because they have not spiritual discernment, so what you are saying is foolishness to them.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    Hi John Its Rick I've got a few guestions and I don't argue scripture that being said Jesus Christ said I can do nothing without my Father, it says in Gods Word no man has ever seen God , it says in Gods Word God is spirit you can't see taste touch smell or hear spirit when Jesus Christ was on the cross He was talking to Himself? Now i,m not here to argue again but the trinity is not in kjv. and its origin started with the meeting in nicea and it was called the nicene creed before that the belief that God and Jesus Christ and holy spirit being one in entity did not exist, notice I didn't say purpose I said entity also let us not forget that Christ now sits at the right hand of Gods throne. Also in the Gospel of luke !:80 it says that the child grew and waxed strong spiritually I he was God there is no need to get spiritually stronger also in book of James 1:13 it says God can't be tempted neither temp he any man and yet my bible says Our brother was tempted in all ways yet he didn't sin. This in no way take away the reality that Gods only begotten son in the flesh accompllshed the greatest the greatest achievement which was to believe perfectly who he was and deliver us to His father and ours.
  • John on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    I will say with absolute confidence that if anyone does not believe Jesus is 100% man and 100% God cannot be saved from the consuming fire and a bottomless pit that is to come , for you must believe that This same Jesus had NO sin / He was made to be sin for us 'that had no sin 'that we might be made the righteousness of God in HIM.Paul tells us in Romans - that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God , further more we see the three accounts of John in Jn 1:114 1John 5:20 and of course Rev 1:718! You Must read in context line upon line percept upon precept.- there is an immediate context and remote , this is the first law of hermeneutics.

    Tell me ROB - are you a Jehovah witness ? I would like to talk to you about 1Cor 15:24
  • Listening To The Wrong Voices on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Today you may want to take a look at the ALCJ dot com website and consider the petitions that need signatures; regarding various issues; some of them concerning CHURCH FREEDOMS.

    If we neglect to use our support of Issues concerning Church and our freedoms under constitutional law, to worship and assemble: there will be no one to blame except ourselves.

    The Church can't Arise and lift up the Standard against the enemies of our soul, if we don't draw together as the Body of Christ, stand on our most holy Faith against the evil encroaching upon this nation...and say NO with our signature.

    Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

    Consider the WOES that God warns us of in:

    ( Isaiah 3:11-12, Isaiah 5:8,11, Isaiah 20-23, Isaiah 6:5-10, Isaiah 10:1

    The simplicity of the Woes is this= if we don't obey Gods known will in our lives, we'll suffer the woes. It takes CORPORATE PRAYER of Christians, to please God and turn back to Him, quickly. Agree with Him!

    Stop listening to the voices of unchurched FOOLS. (Nat'l TV)

    If we listen to fools, ascribe to what they put forth..... and we NEGLECT to check the Bible to see what GOD says about it ???

    Our nation is due for some Reaping of the things we sowed for. Stop turning deaf ears and blind eyes to Gods Word.

    There is no thing such as basic "Fire Insurance" as a, "Get Out Of Hell" free card." It cost Jesus His life to pay for our sins. Turn back to Him, and He will turn back to hearing your petitions; prayers.

    Satan can play the politics game too. If you can't discern that "voice", you build your house on quicksand. That's why the 'WOEs' are in the Bible. Turn back to God and he will welcome your return. If you feel "less than blessed", you need to assess your life and figure out WHEN you strayed off course.

    Spiritual warfare against your MIND happens when it's not full of Bible and faith in what God says; and in what Jesus did for us. Kick satans lying demons out of your head !!

  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    Brother Chris,

    Thank you very much for that warm reply. I really appreciate it. Yea, I really don't even like bringing up the whole "shape of earth" thing. As it really just brings quarrel between people. Sometimes even between two believers and this is not good. The most important thing is the Lord Jesus Christ. As He is the way, the truth, and the life and the only way to our Perfect Father in Heaven.

    I am very thankful knowing you took the time to read my Testimony. As the only other person who has listened to me, and believed me, about all the things I've experienced with the Lord, in the last year, is my mother. As I give credit to the Holy Spirit wanting me to type my Testimony up a few months back. Then leading me here where I could post it. Also it is such a Blessing to have yourself, and all others, on here spending time conversing about the Lord. Trying to help one another in any way we can.

    Guessing I can say there will always be points that people may feel different about. The most important thing is giving ourselves to Jesus Christ. Trusting in the Lord. Trying our best to stay away from the evil and sin in this world by satan. Following in the foot steps of the Lord. Staying Holy. Reading our Bibles, praying, praising and thanking, and acknowledging Him in all ways. He will direct our paths.

    Thanks again Chris. God Bless you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    Hi Richard, that was truly a mighty testimony with clear evidences of the Lord meeting with you directly & ministering His Grace to you by Word & Deed. You have been through so much in your life & no doubt all things coming together for your eternal good. I would however, strongly differ with your belief on the Earth's form as would be seen in my (& other folks') discussions with some others holding that view, but I overlook that difference & just leave the matter with the Lord to help us with. But we can indeed see His work of Grace in your life & your enthusiasm to know & love Him more. The Lord bless you brother, in your walk with the Lord.
  • Richard in Christ on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    If anyone is interested in reading my Testimony. I'll put a link to it here that's on this web site.


    I very much enjoy learning about other peoples experiences, or Testimonies, of how and what the Lord has done in their lives. God wants us to share our Testimonies. Anyone can take their time and type their Testimony on their own computer. Save it. Work on it until you get it all finished. Then just copy and paste it here in the Testimony section.

    Then you will have a link you can e-mail, or text, to anyone who would be interested in it. Better to post it somewhere than nowhere. Sharing your experiences to help others gain faith in the Lord.

    God Bless everyone.

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