Discuss Isaiah 43 Page 10

  • Daretta on Isaiah 43:7 - 11 years ago
    That GOD has a people who are called by his name.
  • Suamato on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    To me this speaks of His providence coming without fail for the one who walks in faith not fear. He alone can and will do the impossible in my life and I will declare His praise (vs. 21)
  • Jennifer onuoha on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    Isaiah 43:19.is actual making us see possibilies in every hurdles of life.
  • Rev. Autrey on Isaiah 43:25 - 11 years ago
    The person of God who made this statement is not the Father. Jesus said that we have never seen the Father's shape nor heard his voice ( John 5:37). This means that the person of God we are talking about is Jesus, Immanuel, God with us.

    Abraham prayed to Jesus as God. Abraham believed Jesus, and Jesus declared his righteous. Isaac prayed to jesus, too. Jacob saw Jesus when he was running from Esau and said, "Surely the Lord (Jesus) is in this place."

    Moses knew Jesus as the "I AM." The Jews prayed to Jesus as YHWH, or Lord GOd. So Jesus is referring to Himself as OUR FATHER in the Lord's Prayer. This means we must pray to Jesus, too. Paul said in Roman's 10 that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord, meaning Jesus, shall be saved. How can you call upon Jesus if you don't direct your prayers to him.

    Steven prayed this way, So did Paul. Think about the disciples. How improper it would have been for them to try to go around Jesus and plead to the Father, when Jesus said they did not even know him.

    But now that we know there is a Father, we can pray to him, but only in the sense that Jesus wants us to know his love, too. But we must keep in mind that we must never use the Father in an attempt tp byp*** Jesus. Such prayers will not be answered. Yes, you may get an answer, but it won't be from God.
  • Euby Banks on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    Oneness people love to tell the lie that Trinitarians teach three god's. They know that is a lie but keep on with it! Shameful!
  • Jacinth Buckle on Isaiah 43:25 - 11 years ago
    Father God is saying, Israel is forever, can the world imagine if he did not for
    give Israel for her sins, then we have no chance of being redeemed. Jesus
    told his disciples to go to the last house of Israel first to preach the good
    news of the gospel. Please read Act 2 what happened on the day of
    Pentecost. Also please read Romans 11.26 and Isaiah 43 the whole chapter(emphasis on V. 25), bless you all in Jesus Name jacinth.
  • Ramon m. navalle on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    ver 11: so there is no other saviour even Jesus as professed by christians? its only the One GOD, our Lord GOD no one else who believe in HIM our Creator only.
  • Josie on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    A "new thing" in my life that has been so long coming. A new revelation, a new TRUTH that has been awakened. My eyes are opened, change is here.
    The old has p***ed away, I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.
  • Sandy on Isaiah 43:11 - 11 years ago
    Of course ...1st Commandment "I am The Lord Thy God thou shalt have NO other gods before Me thou shalt not make unto thee ANY graven image of anything that is from the Heaven above or the earth beneath or the waters under the earth.... thou shalt NOT bow down to them , nor serve them." For God so loved the humanity that He gave is Only Son , Jesus Christ to die for our sins.....God The Father , The Son and The Holy Spirit forms The Holy Trinity which is One God ....easy to understand that The Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth sent a part of Himself to dwell amongst us and teach us His will to be saved from eternal damnation ...as we were created in His image, soul and spirit and we can easily fee and give parts of our nature or character around us according to the given situation at that time ...therefore as Jesus declared that "No one shall come unto The Father but through Me" the same way humans will or will NOT allow or accept anything contrary or displeasing to them ...how much MORE The Almighty God Who has created us from dust??Reading Isaiah 43 shows the Greatness , the pleading , the anger and wrath of The Almighty Creator....Remember The Holy Trinity ..God The Father , Jesus Christ The Only Son and The Holy Spirit is One God.
  • Grant on Isaiah 43:10 - 11 years ago
    All translations say there was no God formed after or before God. Simple, eazy, very eazy to undestand. No mystery here. Where do theTrinitarains get two more Gods?
  • Wilma Haraes on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    God make impossiple thing possiple ,becouse He is the King of Kings and there is no one like Him in Jesus name Amen
  • Delois on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
  • Memunatu Barrie on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    Isaiah 43 is really telling us about how God love us and we should always focus to him.
  • Pastor John Badu on Isaiah 43:4 - 11 years ago
    This verse represents the highest level of Love God has for his people repeated in Jeremiah 31:3. It gives us confidence and assurance.
  • Nnana on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    What is new thing?
  • Felicia Ofem on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    Isaiah 43 is full of God's promises, it strengthens the weak, gives hope to the hopeless. It is also full of encouragement to the discouraged Christians, even the fatherless are consoled in this chapter of the bible.
  • Alan on John 1:1 - 12 years ago
    The Word was God, no doubt about it! Consider this in Isaiah 9:6, who is referred to as the everlasting Father? Find out yourself with the Holy's Spirit guidance, also if the New Testament is correct, then does it make Jehovah a liar? Read Isaiah 43:10-11. Jehovah is clearly saying that "before me was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I even I, am the Lord and beside me there is no saviour"... My question is this, why then did he make (a God) as they say in John 1:1? Did he change his mind? Did he forget that the Word was a God (as they claim), Or was the Word God all along??? You decide. "How long halt ye between two opinions"? To God be the Glory.
  • Albert Ade on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    This is the Lord's assurance and his promise to us his children.
  • Olivia on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    "But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine..." We must always put in our remembrance exactly what HE has done for us. There have been billions and millions of people that have walked the earth and yet the Lord himself calls us each by our name. Once we are called and saved, washed in his blood then we must remember that we are A new creature (...old things are passed away) most of all we are FREE from the shackles of fear, depression, anxiety, insecurities...etc. Those names are no longer our identity, instead he has changed us and molded us into his children, into a CHRIST-ian. We no longer have to be ashamed, in fact we can rejoice simply because he allowed us to receive his grace and mercy and we SHOULD NO LONGER let our fears paralyze our forward movement. We must continue to press toward the mark and our new name and his power allows us to press a little further.
  • Frenz on Matthew 28 - 12 years ago
    Jesus said in these verse! Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not mention NAMES but name (SINGULAR) (Proper Noun) Father, Son and Holy Spirit is NOT A NAME they are ALL TITLES! It is the name of God (JESUS CHRIST) that we should be baptize and not the TITLE for there is ONLY ONE GOD ( Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 John 5:20; Isaiah 43:10) Jehovah is Jehovah Saviour Jesus Christ revealed in the New Testament that is why there is NOT without this the plan will not be fulfilled, ( Gal 4:3-4) Fullness of time has come God sent forth his Son born of a woman ( Isaiah 7:14) God will give you a "SIGN" ( Isaiah 9:6) This boy will be given a name Emmanuel ( Matthew 1:20-23) That it is the Angel Gabriel who gave the name of this child and his name is Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. That is why there is power in his name! Jesus will SET YOU FREE ( John 8:32) for Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father except through ME (Jesus). Because BAPTISM refers to REMISSION OF SINS, without baptism our SINS are not forgiven and our soul is destined to hell, that is why He said in Romans 6:23: ‘’For the wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ’’. This is God's Plan of salvation. The offering of Bulls and animals is not good in the sight of God that is why He sent his Son born of a woman to redeem those who are under the law ( Galatians 4:3-4). And God is Spirit ( John 4:24), He came into world as a sinful flesh to die on the cross for our sins. That is why that in the name of Jesus there is Remission of Sins ( Acts 2:38); In the name of Jesus there is salvation ( Acts 4:12); in the name of Jesus there is healing. In other words without this process our soul will not be saved. Our faith must have WORKS ( James 2:24) God bless you all.
  • Sis. Priscilla on Isaiah 43:5 - 12 years ago
    The Lord is with us in all that we do or say, when we speak of Him; he will bring our children from the East and gather us from the West to thank Him and praise Him.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    I thank the Lord, that in the Bible there is a fear not, for everyday of the year. God wants us to claim his promises everyday, and know that He has redeemed us. We have nothing to fear, because God is always with us. His everlasting arms are under us holding us up when we pass through the waters. We must continue to praise Him seven times a day, for He alone is worthy of our praise. God saved those Hebrew boys out of the fire, and only the ones who threw them in were burned. Our God is able to save to the uttermost those who trust in Him. So do not be afraid of the trials that we must pass through, for it is but a test of our faith. Thank God that our victory over this world, is our faith in God. We are His witnesses, and we will declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
  • Elder Vann on Colossians 1 - 12 years ago
    Isaiah 9:6 Tell us his name shall be called wonderful counsellor,The Mighty God everlasting Father prince of peace.God said in ( Isaiah 43:19) Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth shall ye not no it? well I guess that being proven.As far as Christ being a man and God at the same time and not! being able to govern the Universe that's a misconception of the human mind. Jesus said to Nicodemus a man who was confused like many here today StJohn 3:12 If I have told you of earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things and no man hath ascended up to heaven but the same that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which IS IN HEAVEN!!hello. The Bible dose not say God the Son because The Godhead is not divide because the Son is only the (Word) which is God's prophetic description of himself which he incarnated into flesh. Not another person!! bur the expressed image of his!! person.Hebrews1:3( John 14:9-11) Jesus did not say he that seen me hath seen God the Son he said hath seen the Father ( Colossians 2:9 for in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Christ is not a fallen man like us. We can't limit what he can do; because of what we! cant do or don't understand that's why 1Tomothy 3:16 say's its a mystery. Not every one will understand; that's the book that is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ says blessed is him that readeth and understands.( Philippians 2:19)say who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God; But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant. Yes he dose pray to his own spirit Deity!( Ephesians 1:9 says Having made known unto us the Mystery of his will according to the pleasure which he purposed in himself. Hello!!11th verse who worketth all things after the counsel of his own will.( Isaiah 40:10)Behold the Lord God will come with a strong hand and his arm shall rule for him. verse 13 who hath directed the spirit of the Lord; or being his counsellor hath taught him? with whom took he counsel Who instructed him and taught him in the path of Judgment and taught him Knowledge,and taught to him the way of understanding. Matthew 11:27 All things are delivered to me of my Father and no man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and HE to whom THE SON WILL REVEAL HIM. So there you no nothing of the father but what Jesus has revealed blessed is he that readeth and understands.
  • Nana esaaba on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    very inspirational, the good Lord never forgets His own and He will always meet our needs according to riches in Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord!!
  • Victoria Eulen Nakiboneka on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    wonderful scripture,i especially love the part where it says the water shall not go over you and the fire shall not burn you. reminds of last sunday's sermon at my home church,the pastor read from ruth 1:1-6. he said though there is famine in bethlehem sometimes, God IS ever present there so no on eever dies from famine while in moab, where naomi and her family sought refuge, you die there, and you don't multiply.
  • Kourtney Osborne on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    These are beautiful word to strenghten the LORD'S people Israel
  • Jeff davis on Proverbs 9 - 13 years ago
    The fear of the Lord,that's where it should begin,then let the Lord lead you and your every step,down that narrow path.Separate yourself from this world,not wanting to be like or with the big crowd's,be yourself in Christ Jesus.Peter was giving the"KEY'S"to life and death,by Jesus,and it is in Acts 3:38&39,Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the Holy GHost.For the promise is unto you and your family, as many as our Lord our God shall call.Forgive me if i missed anything in that,and shame on me for not knowing it word for word! John 3:5 state's that if you are not baptized in Water and the Spirit,you cannot enter in the Kingdom of God...everybody think's it's a big mistery,look at 1Timothy 3:16...praise Jesus!He is the only God that i know of that walk on this earth!!! John 1:1 and 1:14...2800 times the bible tell's of the oneness of God and that He is the only Spirit, Ephesians 4:4,5 and the saviour is only one, Isaiah 43:11 and Luke 1:47 and best of all, Isaiah 9:6...the Son is the Father,Prince of peace,GOD...thank-you Jesus that i hear your vioce and know the truth!!!My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me....Yes Lord!!!
  • Jeff davis on Proverbs 8 - 13 years ago
    What i get out of it is the more you seek the wisdom of God, the more knowledge he allow's you to recieve.And this fact is for anyone who think's that the world is billion's of year's old,it's not!If you read the word of God(Bible)He (GOD) say's that the world is about six thousand year's old.Were coming upon the seventh,according to the word of God.Another thing is,Jesus is God( Isaiah 9:6), Deuteronomy 6:4, John 10:30, 1 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 4:4-6,ect. it states in the Bible about 2,800 times that there is only ONE God!Jesus is the saviour and there is only one( Isaiah 43:11),and again in Luke 1:47...God my saviour..It seem's pretty straight forward to me,"My sheep hear my voice",are you hearing the word of God? Don't let man's interpetation miss lead you"sheep in wolves clothing",this once saved, alway's saved stuff.Even Paul said"I die daily",so what do you think he's talking about?Do youself a favor,and repent,be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin's( Acts 2:38,39)that's the"KEYS" to heaven,Jesus gave them to Peter and taght him how to start the"church".Any other way is a thief and a robber,only the straight and the narrow way lead's to salvation.All the baptizum's in the Bible( Acts 8,10,12,18,22...)are in the NAME of The Lord Jesus Christ,not in the title's father,son,and the Holy Ghost.Stop and pray...in the name of Jesus to lead you down the right path!Has anyone ever prayed father,son,and Holy Spirit for a healing and recieved one?There is NO power in the title's!All you do,in word and or deed, do in the NAME of Jesus Christ,that's what God's word instruct's us to do!Do you speak in toung's?Jesus' mother did,and so did the first 120 that gladly recieved the Holy Spirit,in the upper room where Jesus told them to wait for the promise of the Father,Who showed up?Jesus did!!!Not the first part of a three-som,or the second,or the third,it was ALL JESUS and even Thomas said after he doughted,"My Lord and My God!There wasn't 2 Spirit's standing there!Just Jesus,and if you don't believe this salvation message, then you will die in your sin's,according to the "WORD of GOD",you have 2 ear's to hear with,listen...God is calling you.............................
  • Jeff davis on 1 Timothy 3 - 13 years ago
    Again,I'd like to say,the trinity is NOT in the bible,so how can God and Jesus be the same in mankind? God is a Spirit,made Himself flesh( John 1:14)and dewelt among us(man).Look at verse 3:16,no one or no thing has ever done what God can do!God was manifest in the flesh,that's all Jesus!!Do you know of any other god that is alive?I know one,Jesus,name another god...I know not any- Isaiah 43:11"I,even I,am the Lord:and beside Me there is no savior.Jesus is God!!!My sheep know my voice,and they follow me--can you here the word of God?Read Acts2:38&39 and then follow Jesus for salvation,there's no other way,He is God!Read all of Acts,all the baptizum's are there,No-One was ever baptized,"father,son and the holy spirit!
  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 6 - 13 years ago
    The first seal is open by Christ (lamb). The guard of the four that guard God`s throne are creatures (not Beasts) and with a thundering voice says, come and see with understanding. Now read, Mark 13 where Jesus explains this, let no man decieve you, Matt. 24, Luke 21. 2nd Thessalonians 2. These books and chapters tell about the same exact revelation that will come to passed. Some use Christian or Christ-man decieving and leading people to the false prophet. I see this as super preachers getting on board for money or just stupit and another are locust preachers here or coming. As 2 Corinthians 11 so let's look at chap. 11 paul is saying in the first verse that he wants to open up his heart and just talk to them/us. And in the 2nd verse is saying he wants to espouse us to one husband and that he may present us as a chaste virgin to CHRIST.3RD verse, but I fear,least by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve ( wholly seduced,had sex). Throught his subtil,ty (slick snake talk) so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.now 4 For if he that cometh preacheth "another" (instead in the MMS) instead of jesus whom we have not preached. And it goes on to say if you listen to other spirits or gospels of good news you may just end up with him. Watch out for super preachers and the falling away to a new gospel that will lead you to antichrist.and if you go on to 2 corinthians 11:14,15 the word transformed is disquised satan disquises himseif looking like rightous but looks like a lamb but is the dragon and 15 is hislocust preachers disquised as ministers. A happy church of hell bound lovers.are coming. Do you really want to jump in the sack with them. Not! Mark 13:17 is a spiritual verse meaning just that because its not of woman having flesh babies, its meaning is jumping in the sack with anitchrist and not waiting for the true husband our Christ. 17. But woe to them that are with child,and to them that give suck in those days. Give suck means to be helping the system that one world system that is satans. Like I said there are four stages of the locust and some are here getting things ready at the end time events. Hey! They preach his fly away doctrine already and beg for money. Now, The sight we will see is satan dressed up acting as Jesus but he has a fake crown that was given to him. Now in this day and time he will problably ware the clothes as politicians ware today and it will be his power that captures the eyes. The way its written is how we know he is a fake king coming with fake crown and poison bow. What will really fools people are all his power,like bringing lighting from the sky. Oh! It looks real and all power comes from God so God is letting us know this satan is fake but looks like the real deal. Joel tells us its God`s locust army. All power comes from God to get His plan done. He wants to know who waited for Him. God let's us know,He let's us know because this bow translates toxic poison. Satan is here to play god and he only wants souls to spiritual death. The wars and rumours of wars must needs be so its the opposit of war and satan wants the world to love him in peace to steal your soul.. When it happens all the world will jump on the wide road to hell, except them that love the Lord and wait. We can broadcast seeds all day & night but to have the living water ( Christ ) to make it grow. It takes God through Christ to hear your love to send the Holy Spirit to you for understanding. Ask Him for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding in the word. Cry your love to Him, let Him know you need help to see the truth. Isaiah 43:26 says let Him know that you have been trying to be good and reading the word and that you love Him. Let Him know your heart is with Him and you love Him and you want the Holy Spirit to be one with your spirit.Remember God held you and formed you and He loves you. He gave you life and we are all His. Each of us are loved by Him. Read that 43 chapter of Isaiah. Now the 2nd seal. Now we know this kill one anothere means Family and friends turning their loved one to death. And this sword as you read the word you know that the sword is the mouth and antichrist blows smoke and lies. In 12:15 cast out of his mouth a flood of lies. Just spotted 13:11 where it speaks of satan "and he had two horns like a lamb" (look just like Jesus)" and he spake like a dragon"(why? Because he was/is the dragon satan).in 16:13 we read the frogs that come out of his mouth . Out of the mouth of the dragon unclean spirit.(lies) the beast.( Lies)and false prophet lies. All three rolls he lies. Talk later

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