Discuss Isaiah 43 Page 9

  • Wesley on Isaiah 43:8 - 10 years ago
    we are advised to go forward teaching and fishing more of lost sheep, for our lord loves us all and is the shepherd
  • Julius kavoo kenya on Isaiah 43:4 - 10 years ago
    Trully God loves us.this way i know am not alone.
  • Carla riley on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    The pastor preach a good sermon out of isaiah
  • Iris on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    Isiah 53 for me is God 's promise we must always bear in mind that God always fulfils His promises to His children.
  • Bishop Diana on Isaiah 43:19 - 10 years ago
    New thing means Gods progress to HIS successful plan for our life. Not as we 've been thinking! Heavenly plan for destiny so we must see from His view! Trusting his method of operation and delivery.
  • Chika W M on Isaiah 43:19 - 10 years ago
    God doing for man what man thought can not be done.It is a change of order, if a man be in Christ he is a new creation old things are passed away all thins are new.
  • Queen Iris on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    Behold God does a new thing for us his people on a daily basis, he gives brand new mercy every morning. He makes a way out of no way. He gives us water in the dry places in our lives. The water springs forth just when u thought there was no hope he shows up shows out because he alone is God...
  • Rev. Autrey on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    I yes, I alone, am the one who blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again. These are the words spoken by the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Isaiah and all the prophets. They declare that God alone is our God and Savior. So how do we explain the fact that in the Titus 2 13 Paul says that Jesus is God our Savior. "While we look forward to that wonderful event when the glory of our GREAT GOD AND SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. " The answer is simple, God and Jesus are the same. Do not be confused because Jesus told us about the Father. The Father is God 's other personality, the way God directs his affairs. There is another personality of God, too the Holy Spirit. But in all cases Jesus is the way God speaks to us and saves us. Remember that after Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the elevn in the upper room, Thomas called him MY LORD AND MY GOD. This means that Thomas saw Jesus as more than our Lord, or the one who rules us. Thomas saw Jesus as our God, the same God who revealed himself to the prophets of old. And we must see him that way too. May God bless you!
  • Florence on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    He is able able and can do things
  • Innocent on Isaiah 43:26 - 10 years ago
    It is very powerful and gives assurance of the presence of our resurrected Lord and savior.If we re to put God in remembrance,does it means God can forget???
  • Lungile Maseko on Isaiah 43:19 - 10 years ago
    A new thing is not only about materials in our lives but also having a new reveration about Christ, the kingdom of God, word of God even about God.
  • Nana on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    i want to know more about the word of God
  • Iyke Blessed on Isaiah 43:2 - 10 years ago
    Yes he always does that by sending his agents of helps to supply all of our needs on till he sees us through from the water fire
  • Rose on Isaiah 43:1 - 10 years ago
    No matter what you are going through you can trust God to make a way for you
  • Carl on Isaiah 43:10 - 11 years ago
    this suggests that there was a beginning and will be an end no one before me and nor will there be one after me me Before and after are key a start and a finish not infinite Before me no God was formed formed by who questions that need to be answered
  • Theophilus on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    He is doing marvelous works in this end time
  • Pius on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    Too inspirational and soul lifting
  • Thomas on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    God's in charge. Don't worry about your circumstances. Focus on God. My Job is to be a witness to others of salvation. Stop living in my sinful nature.
  • Charlie on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    This is the assurance of Gods provision
  • Umunna. on Isaiah 43:18 - 11 years ago
    I like it. Remember not the former things.
  • Jane on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    The "New Thing" to which God is referring to is the New Covenant. Notice what God says, "Behold, I will do a new thing:" what God will do will no longer rest on what you will do. Isiah 43:19 is a foreshadowing of the God's grace and New Covenant.
  • Abaikakedi on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    good day brethren could you help me with the following:
    1. list of subject for youth.
    2.list for subject for mothers
    3.list for subject for fathers
    4.new convets
  • Rosa on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    My God is awesome... He can put a river in your dessert...he can do all things...
  • Jabba on Isaiah 43:10 - 11 years ago
    @Grant; I have never met a triniterian that claims there are 3 Gods as you assert.
  • Nish313 on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    This is so Great..I am so happy I came across this passage today. I honestly believe God is about to do a new thing in my life... In Jesus name do I believe it.. I will no longer consider the old things (my sickness's) are behind me and neither will I consider them. In Jesus name and by His Stripes alone I am Healed!!!! Thank you Jesus. I will continue to meditate on this because I am a Witness of my God and do Know that He changes situations in no time...Literally.
    Be Blessed and Trust in the Lord God with all your heart
  • Blithe Copland on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    Our God love us with an everlasting love and that why He says we should worship Him alone.
  • Ezekiel on Isaiah 43:2 - 11 years ago
    Good translation
  • Cletus Ekpo on 2 Kings 3:17 - 11 years ago
    GOD is faithful.HE makes a way even in the wilderness.He makes the imposible possible, Isaiah 43:19.HE only needs our faith even mustard seed size
  • Emmanuel Iwezor on Isaiah 43:19 - 11 years ago
    here, we can see that God is not a man, that believes on past history, he can change one life in a seconds, that people around you will ask how manage.Belove you see, Gods promises come to pass, let me tell you something, whether you reading believe it or not He will do a new thing in your life this week, that people around you will say how manage.
  • MaryLou on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    Isaiah43;19Clearly says that God will do a new thing! this is something new for us his followers;believers ;disciple ect.Do we not perseve it:Or do we not see it.That to me is Awsome:marravioso! This is awsome!

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