Because at the cross the finish work of Christ gives us assurance that any thing we desire in the Name of Jesus we can receive,. Our faith, our belief in the finish work of our Saviour, because of his grace.
In all translations at the end of Isaiah45:6 reads the same. Here God says that He is God and there is no other.Look at all the other translations! Remember, God can not lie!
Josh millions of years ago God said in Isaiah 45:18 that He created and formed, established earth to be inhabited. He tells us He didn 't create earth to be without form or void. As you read the scriptures you check out the word was without form in Genesis 1vs 2 and find its hayah meaning became. Read 2 Peter 3 vs 5 to 7 and find out the world that was. Proverbs 8 vs 22 to 31 where wisdom speaks of God created earth and Job 38. God tells us that He knew Jeremiah before in Chapter 1 of that book. We know the elect were chosen from before this earth age spoken of in Ephesians chapter 1. They stood against Satan in that first earth age where Satan tried to steal the mercy seat he was just suppose to protect. Satan did steal a third of Gods children his followers now. God got mad and took every one off the Face of the earth. Then in Jeremiah 4 vs 22 to 27 the destruction took place and God turned off the lights. He separated the children of the light from the darkness and they are tares that the wicked one sows spoken of in Matt. 13 vs 36 to 44. Then the lights came back on and the light was good.
Is. verse 18 is given because there had been a flood that destroyed all life on earth and even the light had been commanded to hide from it. This is not so in Noah 's flood. The original creation and Lucifers fall took place way before earths second sinful career where Adam and Eve where created.
Prov. 14:34 says Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. My prayer for America are the words in verse eight, that God would "let the skies pour down righteousness:let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation,and let righteousness spring up together I the LORD have created it.
... "did not create it in vain, ...formed it to be inhabited ". There goes the theory of millions of years between the creation of the Earth itself and that of MAN. To me this verse is just MORE proof of a young earth. The earth was made by God to be inhabited by PEOPLE!
Answer to Word 's comment 01 01 2015 10:46 pm The book of Genesis is about the creation, how the earth was formed and how life begun here, its not about rejuvenating, the earth we know now will be perished it will not rejuvenate, because we Christians are waiting for the new earth that comes from God Revelation 21:1 . And you have provided wrong bible verses to support your idea: Isaiah 45: 18 take note the word TO BE INHABITED, meaning no one yet living there when it was created, Proverbs 8:22-31 - it tells about the Wisdom of God its not about the sons of men, verse 31 its not the sons of men rejoicing here, the one rejoicing here is the Wisdom of God Jesus Christ . Job 38:7- it speak about the angels of God, not of the sons of men, please refer to Job 1:6 and Genesis 6:2,4. Rev 12- the stars here relates to Israel, it does not relate to all inhabitants of the earth. Jeremiah 4: 23 to 27 - it 's about the destruction of the land of Israel, its not about creation, please read from the beginning of chapter 4. What ever we do, the earth we know now is heading to destruction 2Peter 3:10, and will be replace with a new one from God Rev 21:1 , thanks be to God who given us hope.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
Part 4 of 5: According to what I have studied this root word is usually in reference to prayer. The word palal literally means to "fall down to the ground in the presence of one in authority pleading a cause ". This can be seen in Isaiah 45:14 where the Sabeans fall down and make supplication this is the Hebrew word palal to Cyrus. If you use this word, palal, in reference to the sons of God, then that would further say that these men at one time where at a high spiritual level. The point is that this scripture is not talking about angels having sex with daughters of men.
isaiah 45 2 3 God will always leads us and make the crooked places straight that we may know that he is the lord the God of israel who calls us by our name pls allow GOD to lead and guide you
Trinitarian alert In Isaiah 45 5 and 6, the authour makes it clear. If there were 2 other Gods, He would have told me and the world. But He did 'nt, and He never will. Four times in 2 verses He tells everyone who can count, how many Gods there are.One means one.Trinitarians will tell you "oh, it must be a mystery. Our minds cant comprehen Gods math ". I read Isaiah 45 5 and 6,and I read other translation. Nothing could be clearer.
I agree with JW 's comment. Very confusing. Why evil? The original translation said, "euill ", is this evil because of the darkness he created or a simple word choice for placement due to translation iniquities? Did God create good vs. bad? Why temptation? I thought he was a God of Love, Perfect, and Omnipresent!
Satan and his free will and men in the flesh created evil. And the dude that said you think you should demand what you want from God you better watch out. If I were you I would pray, if it be your will Father cause you don 't know who your messing with. You don 't tell God because He is the potter.
I believe That God did create evil as Isa. 45 7 says. Evil is present everywhere and God 's people have the weapons to fight it. That is the challenge, Will we follow God or fail. And we know that we will, at times fail. We repent and again attempt to follow The creater.
God is the creator of heaven and earth and his promised for his children will come to pass as it says in his words he do honor his words more than his name
This isn 't a difficult text...Those in covenant rights with God...can demand of God their rights...just like a lawyer does with a Judge...When it comes to our constitution!!!God enjoys when we Demand of him concerning our Covenant contract which he gave to us!!!!Ask Jacob!!!Ask Christ Jesus..according to John 15,16...He commands us to command of the FATHER in his Name ...that he might do it !!!!!
The yin Yang of life...good evil, yes, God created good and evil just as he she said they did. These texts say God is speaking these things about him herself conflicting texts are all other people saying things about God. Why is it people pick and choose which texts they say are true, and try to reason others away? God created good and evil, end of story.
There is a promise God makes that no matter what idols a person worships help come towards them, He is the only creator of heaven and earth so put your trust in him
I thank God for this website. I 'm studying His word, drawing closer to Him so that He may draw closer to me. I pray and believe I 'll become filled with the Holy Spirit. I ask for your prayers over my life and I pray God continue to take charge of my mind and thoughts
It 's an eye opener,and make us to scrutinize that is only GOD that create heaven and earth,and by him all things are created. FROM EVANGELIST EMMANUEL.
The verse 7 of these chapter has clearly proved to mankind that there is practically nothing that exist in this planet that was not created by GOD, good or evil.
I think maybe read your bible again. It says in Exodus 6 3 it says JE HO VAH was I not known to them. this is the king james 1611 version bible. Which means if you pronounce the name properly, it will sound YEHOVAH,YEHUWAY. So, take another look again.
I have been telling people for years that Yahuwah is the blessing AND the curse. Remember Yahushua told satan that he would serve Him and only Him shall you serve. Elohim is one "guy " you do not want to mess with. I 'll give more scripture later. G. Taylor
This passage speaks of God s unique creation God created all things with a divine purpose a very definite purpose Isah 45 18 gives us that definite purpose earth is our home and in all creation there is only one place made by God to be inhabited It is my belief that we on this planet are unique there is no other created life intelligent or otherwise anywhere in all creation Science may look at this as a colossal waste of space but who can second guess the creator of all things The universe is the expression of God s power and glory we should humbly realize that we are the creature and stop being an armchair creator To God be the Glory