Discuss Isaiah 53 Page 2

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Assurance of salvation series: Part 1-Just what is salvation?

    Most of us are familiar with the verse in Romans 10:9-10 where we are told to confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts that Christ is Lord. I thought that I would focus on the second part since "confessional regeneration" as some Calvanists like to spin it today seems to be a rampant event. First; of course we have to assume that we are confessing the true Christ and not a New Age One; that is from a spirit that confesses that Christ indeed came in the flesh as opposed to the verse 1 John 4:3 that would cover any other errant one such as that He was just a great teacher; a Prophet or something to that affect. Truly He was the "I AM" ( John 8:56-59). That truth; as I have pointed out in previous posts proved that Peter knew with Divine Revelation such information ( Matt. 16:17). That gives us some understanding that with Judas Iscariot that likely wasn't revealed although it in not stated.

    As stated earlier as well; the Calvanist likes to use the term "total depravity" describing the human soul state of unregenerate man. It is hard to argue with such logic when we see verses such as Psalm 58:3; and Isaiah 53:6; not to mention the progression toward the madness in Revelation 19; also reflected in Psalm 2.

    I tend to think of our calloused hearts much like going to the dentist having our teeth cleaned. Most of us miss certain areas flossing; the plaque buildup requires major scraping; reflossing; and deep treatments with flouride while we marvel at the disgusting smelly crap that has built up in between our teeth despite what we considered adequate care. Maybe it is only me.

    Or; we could look at C.S. Lewis quoting Edmond in the Narnia Series (not sure which one) where Christ was compared to a lion.

    The character expected a mild peeling away of the dead skin; instead it penetrated like heart surgery. Such imagery also was given to Aslan as to how deep he had to be wounded for us.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Concluding thoughts on introduction to assurance of salvation.

    I would appreciate for those few that regularly respond to my posts to keep these discussions in prayer. I suppose I could put a separate prayer request up; but you guys know who I am talking about here. It would be good for this to permeate to a larger audience. I will; of course ask for prayer on that happening not for my own ego but because there are many who need to have a healthy assurance of salvation; and others who need to wrestle it out; as it were like Jacob with the Angel of God. How bad to we want the blessing; or how bad do we want Jesus? This is not wrong to pursue; as the persistent widow parable states. Sadly (speaking for myself) I spend much of my time asking for things that aren't His will and that is usually due to my heart condition rather than any obvious worldly desire as I wouldn't want to do something that stupid asking for a rebuke. I don't think I'm alone here; I sense that many have hearts that have turned cold and distant so that the concept of a loving God seems like an ecclesiastical topic on an esoteric plane rather than a daily living reality. Ugh; I suppose I'm worse off than I want to admit so I'll take any prayer I can get.

    Living out what is truly our living Hope should be done with love; joy; peace; longsuffering and the like. I feel at this juncture that I should ask you guys to pray that my heart is in the same place with my mind; which I feel has been trained to function at some proficiency in meting out the Word as a Berean and in a balanced manner. I want to warn about emotions and things other than the Word and Spirit ( Romans 8:16) giving us assurance. Those who know me here are aware somewhat of my personal struggles living with unsaved parents at present; and scars from a divorce years ago. Isaiah 53:5 is something I feel I must live out more effectively.

    Anyway; as I said I hope this generates further discussion on an important topic.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Thoughts on Christ's sacrifice and how it should mirror our own journey as pilgrims on the earth ( 1 Peter 2:11).

    The Lord along with at least 2 Apostles lived with an understanding of their time of death approaching (Paul after being warned what would come to pass in Jerusalem; and Peter after Christ's questioning his love for Him). There was always care to the disciples in the case of Christ; and the church in regard to Paul's ministry in particular but certainly Peter and others as well which superceded their own sufferings. This takes Spirit filled living of course; as well as loving our enemies ( Matt. 5:44). Jesus showed the ultimate example of concern at the cross (See John 19:26-27) when John brought Mary into his home (indicating; of course that Joseph had passed away by this point along with his absence in this passage).

    Our natural inclination would be to react as Matthew 16:22 as Peter did to the thought of Christ going to the cross if we are honest. Good Friday is only good to us if we go beyond some ritual commemorating suffering without understanding His substitutionary death results in our atonement and ultimately commenced in victory at the Resurrection. This is how ugly our sins were and of course it demonstrates how we were yet sinners and Christ died for us; His enemies ( Romans 5:8). Christ; of course chose to do the Father's will; He was in one sense the victim of circumstances; but these were predestined to bring us to glory. The Father in Isaiah 53:10 was pleased to crush His Son; we cannot comprehend this as to the Godhead; or as to how great His love is for us.

    Therefore let us commit our whole lives to patiently serving God; and believing that He is a rewarder of those who do good and diligently serve Him. ( Heb. 11:6). May we minister to the Body as we are all adopted sons; and no longer of this world. Isaiah 53:11 shows how Christ will enjoy the result of His suffering; Psalm 91:16 may apply to our future as well.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Psalm 91 Verse 11 of this Psalm was quoted in Matthew 4:6; which is indicative of the promises which the Son of God no doubt had being part of the eternal Godhead with the angels He created for eternal worship in heavenly places.

    Looking at the preceding verses; we see promises for those who are God's children to be hidden (compare with Colossians 3:3); and we shouldn't ignore the following statement in verse 2 about those who TRUST God. We also see promises which apply in general to God's covenant people such as Deuteronomy 7:15; and fulfilled by Christ in verses such as Isaiah 53:5. Ultimately; however these promises will be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom as may be indicated in verse 7; and in the Tribulation for those dweiling in heaven as indicated from verse 9.

    Luke 10:19 shows how Christ fulfills certain promises in freedom from Satan's grip which is similar to what it states in Psalm 91:13.

    The remainder of the Psalm could indicate Christ's reward as well as our own during the Millennial period as well. There will also be natural life expectancies (see Isaiah 65:22) that are vastly extended at that time.

    As we look at things today; of course we still live with all of creation groaning as it were; such as indicated in Romans 8:22. Satan himself will get his due reward; ending once and for all his usurper role as a pseudo ruler; who ultimately fulfills God's prophetic plan; as it did when he entered Judas Iscariot so that all things could be fulfilled and Christ would die for our atonement ( Heb. 9:28; also read Isaiah 53 in its entirety). We are all in perishable bodies for a brief time; but we certainly can find ways to shorten our lives due to sin adding to our miseries. For now; pestilences and other things can be held back or mitigated; but that will not be helpful during the Tribulation. At that time the 144,000 will be supernaturally protected before God brings judgments upon the earth. May we live soberly in the fear of God
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Colossians 3:2 "Set your affections on things above, not on things of the earth."

    This verse reminds us that our lives are as it were ..."seated in heavenly places.".. ( Eph. 2:6). That considers who is our advocate "ever interceding for us" ( Heb. 7:25). As I have pointed out in previous posts; the sheer magnitude of the physical splendor of heaven as great as it is is dwarfed by its Creator. Surely Satan would want to covet all of heaven's grandeur for himself; as indicated in descriptions of his exalted place as worship leader in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. As great as the pattern in heaven that God Himself mandated to be followed in the earthly temple or representation of the heavenly tabernacle; it is His presence which is always preeminent. This is why although Jesus Himself was God in the flesh He was not possessing beauty in the way man would desire Him ( Isaiah 4:2). This is why such a bloody sacrifice could be something that actually pleased the Father ( Isaiah 53:10). So we need to both die to our old ways and all the things that attract the five senses above our desire to glorify God.

    Much of the Kingdom of God has to do with obedience out of love ( John 14:15). Learning to love the ways of another is much like a woman who was betrothed and prepares for the marriage as scriptural parables as well as in some ways the Song of Solomon may indicate at a deeper level. We don't learn to love someone by cheating (such as illicit relations before marriage); or by focusing on vain actions that promote our own agenda. Service now certainly is a good way to get to know God's ways as well as prepare for heaven. This is utterly devoid of meaning to the unregenerate. Dying to ourselves is complete once we pass from this life; it is up to us to conform to His image or cling on to our old ways; the former brings great reward and is proclaimed and known by others; the latter brings great loss for us and eternal rewards as well. Let us do it now!
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    The attempt to forestall the inevitable.

    It seems; at least from much of my personal experience that kicking that perverbial can down the road is a rather common tactic for the unbeliever; namely that of death and judgment before our maker. Of course there are many other techniques as well; such as minimalizing the true hopelessness of our sin nature; attempting to steer all conversation on the evils of the world apart from our own accountability and sometimes obvious vices.

    One of the blinders that we often embrace from our youth is some sentimental view of those of our own family or friends who have passed on; as being somehow in a better place. We do ourselves no favors here; for Jesus Himself didn't demonstrate any mercy for the rich man with the very real tale of the Lazarus Parable. It is the Lord which works in us who shine forth as the stars as part of the Body of believers which is the significant part of every saint of God that lasts on into eternity; albeit with different levels of glory and each being uniquely created to represent a particular blend of characteristics. We see this in the spiritual giftings in this life. Lest we "hyperspiritualize" any of this stuff; ALL aspects of a redeemed life from work to family to recreation as well as our "spiritual" duties such as witnessing; scripture reading; prayer; etc. are called to be a representative display of Christ's character in our lives.

    Another important point here is that Christ was a man of sorrows ( Isaiah 53:3); as well as all other characteristics that chapter describes in great detail. There were many who admired him as a great teacher or prophet ( Matthew 16:13-20); but only those that understood that He was the Son of God (or the "I am") were truly saved. This shows why many didn't remain with Him; He wasn't afraid to challenge those would be disciples ( 2 Timothy 4:10; Luke 18:23; Matt. 19:22).

    Another problem exists when we are afraid to confront national sins. See part 2)
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Six things determined upon Daniel's people and the holy city.

    Part 2

    To finish the transgression

    To finish; to withhold something from someone. transgression "transgress," to overpass as any rule prescribed as the limit of duty, to break or violate, as a law, civil or moral, the act of transgressing, rebellion, revolt, offend, that a penalty for the transgression a payment is due for the offense. Debt and transgressions, that they/we cannot pay, and the animal sacrifices fall short.

    The only way anyone can stand before a just and holy God is if somebody is worthy and spotless to pay the debt. And the only one who has earned the right to pay that debt is the Messiah the Son of God and we have justification through Christ alone.

    Psalm 32:1 Psalm 89:32 Psalm 103:11-12 Isaiah 43:25 Isaiah 53:5-8 Isaiah 53:11 Galatians 3:19 Ephesians 2:4-5 Hebrews 9:15-18

    Jesus with a perfect life gave up his body to death; he fulfilled the first covenant of sacrificial law. His sacrifice is the redemption of the transgressions and the fulfillment of the first covenant of sacrificial law.

    He became sin for us, and with his blood made the new covenant being the only mediator of the New Testament that we through faith in Jesus Christ receive the promise of eternal inheritance. Offered first to the house of Israel for He came first only for the lost sheep of Israel then was offered to the rest of the world.

    See Part 3
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Six things determined upon Daniel's people and the holy city.

    Part 4

    To make reconciliation for iniquity

    Reconciliation is an element of salvation that refers to the results of the atonement, to coat or cover, Isaiah 61:10 Rev. 3:4 Rev. 16:15, iniquity is guilt, crookedness, twistedness, perverseness, that which is not straight or upright, and moral distortion in the dark.

    Colossians 1:20-22 Isaiah 53:5-6 Isaiah 53:11 Ephesians 2:16 Titus 2:14 Romans 4:7 2 Romans 5:10-11 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 Colossians 1:19-22

    The word reconcile means to bring back to a former state of harmony, Jesus reconciled both Jew and Gentile unto God in one body by the cross and now through Jesus we both Jew and Gentile have access by one Spirit unto the Father, no more strangers or foreigners but fellow citizens. Making reconciliation for iniquity concerns our involvement in the work of salvation. God has reconciled himself to us and empowered us by his Spirit to reconcile ourselves to God and one another.

    To bring in everlasting righteousness.

    Everlasting, no end, long duration, antiquity, futurity, forever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, continuous existence. Righteousness, God's attribute, justice, mercy, loving-kindness, in conformity to the demands of the covenant, and according to God's will, fair and balanced.

    Isaiah 61:10-11 Hebrews 8:12 Romans 3:21-26 Romans 5:17-21 1 Corinthians 1:30 2 Corinthians 5:21 1 Peter 2:24

    Everlasting righteousness was what our Lord manifested in His sinless life. Jesus by His blood entered in once into the holy place not made by hands having obtained eternal redemption, everlasting, and in Jesus we have everlasting righteousness and salvation, through faith, given by grace from God, by the blood of the Lamb freely offered for us. We have no righteousness apart from Jesus Christ.

    See Part 5
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Page 1.

    I guess this part of the discussion (& thread) must soon come to an end dear Jimbob, simply because that "every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God", and what we have & read in our Bibles today, are understood differently by us.

    I understand & appreciate your strong belief & assertion (that's admirable, but in my mind, rather wishful): that since God's Word given is pure & the recorders of that Word did so accurately, then no other Bible can possibly fit that description of faithful transmission, except the King James Bible. And to restate my position, that I don't subscribe to that view, simply because we don't have such a Bible in existence that brings out God's Message without some differences (large or small). That type of transferring of a given message to other languages that have evolved over the centuries, simply cannot be done successfully. I even gave you a few examples of differences in Revelation chapter 22; differences in what the original Greek showed.

    One quick example of a missionary involved in translation work amongst tribal folk in India: Isaiah 53:6 says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." A straight forward work of translating this verse into another language, even with some grammar changes & sentence reconstruction. But the difficulty arose with these 'sheep'. These tribals had never seen sheep nor ever heard about such animals with wool, as they were far removed from civilization. So, Isaiah 53:6 took a new turn: 'All we like pigs have gone astray'. Oh, now they understood that & how their herd of swine (once wild, now domesticated) could easily wander away - which no doubt gave further license to speak about the filth of sin & obstinacy to obey the herder, even the LORD.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen, Brother Alex:

    Isaiah 54:1 Sing, O BARREN, thou that didst not bear, break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not TRAVAIL WITH CHILD: for more are the children of the DESOLATE ( Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:17) than the children of the married wife (Christ's bride, the virgin) saith the Lord (saith the WORD).

    Isaiah 53:11 He (Christ) shall she the TRAVAIL of his BODY ( 1 Corinthians 12:27), and shall be satisfied: BY HIS KNOWLEDGE shall my (the Father's) righteous servant JUSTIFY MANY; for he shall bear their iniquities.

    Micah 4:10 Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a WOMAN IN TRAVAIL: for now thou shall go forth out of the city, and thou shall dwell in the field (like a beast), and thou shall even go to Babylon ( Revelation 18:4); THERE SHALL THOU BE DELIVERED; there shall the Lord redeem thee from the hand of your enemy (death).

    God Bless You!
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part two of scripture and poison series: Twisting scriptures

    In my last posting I discussed how Satan read verbatum scriptures but twisted their meaning to suit his purposes. It wasn't the text being violated but being violently hurled to attempt to appeal to lesser passions; i.e. hunger after a 40 day fast; and an attempt to alleviate suffering. This would be used later through Peter when Christ had to say "get behind me Satan" ( Matt. 16:23) when the "easy way out" was being offered. Jesus would; of course have no part of it.

    The next level to "demoting" scripture is taking a promise and utilizing it for a superficial or surface level approach; ultimately to appeal to baser desires. This is; of course a well known technique of the "prosperity Gospel" crowd. The blessings are things extrapolated from scriptures such as Deuteronomy 28 which are; of course both conditional on obedience and related to certain promises specific to the territorial possessions of the nation of Israel. The list of curses following in the same chapter warn us of how God will judge those under His covenant for following false Gods in particular. The absurdity of ascribing such promises for this life and our own selfish ambition should be quelled easily enough when we study the "man of sorrows" verse in Isaiah 53:3 and the following verses in this prophetic chapter. It also robs those who are of a proper mindset from both petitioning God for the promises He has given to provide (in fear of being misunderstood or having a wrong motive). It also robs those who are of a shallow mind of being "chastised as sons" ( Heb. 12:6). That is clearly God's will; and it is not a "politically correct" prayer. Only those SERIOUS about their walk would ask such things and they obviously expect the Lord to refine them through sanctification into the finished; glorified product of His workmanship.

    Further manipulation involves "hidden meanings" or other literature to add to scripture.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Revelation 3 - 2 years ago
    Jesus is the same yesterday; today and forever. That could be said of the entire Godhead.

    Christ has the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelling within as said in Colossians 2:9. The Spirit was in Him without measure ( John 3:34) and whoever has seen Him has seen the Father ( John 14:9). Nonetheless there is certainly a destinction in terms of roles with Christ being the sin bearer and the Father turning away when He bore our sins at Calvary ( Psalm 22:1). God cannot dwell in unrighteousness; and for that moment it was God's will for Jesus to be crushed ( Isaiah 53:5).

    The Holy Spirit isn't given any distinctive appearance except in the beginning of the Gospels ( Luke 3:22 for example appearing like a dove); and with cloven tongues of fire at Pentecost ( Acts 2:3).

    Revelation 3:21 indicates Christ overcoming all things; death could not hold Him ( Acts 2:24).

    In some sense whether in the Preincarnate form or since His Resurrection He is both in the form of a man (the Man who is the second Adam as it were) who still bears the marks on His body being the first of the Firstfruits resurrected from the dead ( 1 Cor. 15:23) and of course beyond time as the Creator of all things ( Jn. 1:3 and several other verses) fully God. So there is distinction and unity with the "Trinity" as it were. When looking at His glory; we see the fullness of sight and sound (with mighty thunderings with His voice ( Ezekiel 3:12-13; and verses in Revelation; Psalms etc.) We should be aware as believers of our sinfulness (as the Spirit indicates in John 16:8) and we tremble at His presence. This is different than the reaction of the wicked who sense their destruction and love their sin more than God ( John 3:19). Nonetheless it seems that there are "revelations and visions" abounding; but few seem to describe that Holy fear of God of which is the beginning of understanding ( Psalm 111:10). Compare this with much music and preaching today that presents a sappy God without other attributes.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Isaiah 53 - 2 years ago
    Hey Patrick42

    My understanding is the arm of the LORD revealed was for Israel and Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel Matt. 15:24 and fulfill the law and the prophets, Matt. 26:54.

    John 12:37-41 But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: 38 That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed 39 Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. 41 These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him.

    Also, there is Matthew 8:14-17 Luke 22:35-38 Acts 8:26-35 Romans 10:11-21.

    God bless,

  • Patrick42 on Isaiah 53 - 2 years ago
    At a time of the death of pope Benedict xvi, on new years eve 2022. This most highly esteemed personality on earth along with his predessessor the late saint pope John Paul 2 the great. Of which did fulfil many words of the prophets of old, but i want to bring to mind a tittle of a precious thing done by the pair. Noting that Benedict whose name means branch, and did visit Jerusalem in may 2009, in a year he officially called to celebrate the apostle Paul, by in depth studies of his gospel message in the world.

    Pauls work as a servant of Jesus Christ/Yeshua, is rich with prophecies of which it can surely be assumed that Pauls writings known as his gospel, was and were truly as he claims in them, that is of heavenly revelation, not of flesh and blood.

    In a nutshell ISAIAH 53 the arm of the Lord is the man Paul/Saul of Tarsus, even though the man Christ Jesus is the only name whereby all must be saved, ie He who was crucified on a tree, but it remains with much controversy between jew and gentile, but Psalms 22 is i am sure is Jesus and Paul is his servant...................who also is that prophet promised since Moses time ( re Deuteronomy 18).

    I can see many eyebrows being raised if you reading this for first time, but consider, is not as you were ever told. Of which are words found in the previous chapter Isaiah 52............Paul is as one who surnamed himself by the name of Israel, and found in many places in the book of Isaiah in re words of the servant Israel.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Generation as described biblically: Please read = Genesis 7:1, Ecclesiastes 1:4, Lamentations 5:19, Daniel 4:3, Matthew 1,

    In comparison to your example of Noah- Exodus 20:1-5, Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 2:14, Judges 2:10, 2Kings 10:30, 2Kings 15:12, Hebrews 3, Luke 1:50, Psalms 102:18, John 17,

    Prophetic about Jesus & other generations- Proverbs 30:12,13,14, Isaiah 53:8, Matthew 11,

    Psalms 12:6-7, Psalms 14,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 65 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 65. This Psalm has several prophetic overtones; both of the first coming and Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 2 reminds us of Haggai 2:7 as the "desire of nations" shall come. Again; we see specifically mentioned those who are in prayer and God "hearest" them. God does not heed to the prayers of the wicked ( Prov. 15:8); this of course can be extended to those in rebellion. Christ is NOT desired of men ( Isaiah 53:3) in our natural state; and to understand the beauty of the love the Father extended to us who was pleased to "crush His Son" ( Isaiah 53:10) while we were yet enemies is something beyond our comprehension.

    1 Samuel 13 shows how David was chosen; much like the verse 4 in this Psalm. Certainly Christ was chosen as well to fulfill all righteousness ( Matthew 3:13) and His baptism was part of the plan.

    Verse 5 is somewhat indicative of the scenario during His judgments; although there through the rest of the Psalm generally gives God's blessings through the natural cycle with tides (verse 7) and weather patterns of rain v. 9-12; and the resulting harvest (v. 13). These will; of course be brought to the greatest fruition during the Millennial period and we will see an end to much destruction with natural disasters; notwithstanding those who refuse to come to Jerusalem to worship shall have no rain. ( Zech. 14:8).
  • Jesse - In Reply on John 12 - 2 years ago
    My apologies. I forgot to list the prophecies from Isaiah that were being fulfilled. They are: Isaiah 53:1, Isaiah 6:10, and Isaiah 6:1-8
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen David.

    Gigi this is the example I have given when one trample over the blood of Christ. Hebrews 10:29.

    Romans 10:4-11. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

    For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

    But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

    Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)

    But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


    ( If you claim you don't know that you are saved until you die and is judged how do you confess it?


    ( Here's one of many verses that speaks on eternal security)


    Was not Christ judged on the cross taking the penalty of our sins? Yes.

    Was he not the Lamb of God? Yes.

    Was it sufficient? Isaiah 53:7-10.

    How many of those sins was future?

    If you can earn it you can loose it.

    But if it is a gift and you didn't earn it, how could you loose it?

    We are saved by GRACE.

    For by grace are ye saved "THROUGH FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10.

    Grace can't be taken away.

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 56 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 56. In this Psalm once again we see the pleading of David to God in relation to the pursuing enemies. The story of the backdrop in Gath was complex; but basically David had a tenuous relationship with the Philistines while he made them rich fighting surrounding tribes; but acting as though he was fighting against Israel so as to obtain residence and favor while there. Obviously; there would be enemies from without and within as well as Saul always in the backdrop; even if put at bay for a time.

    Matthew 10:28 comes to mind when we look at verse 11; and verse 13 also shows salvation of the soul spiritually overrides any fears of man in this world.

    Verse 8 needs some explanation. The book here seems to reference something more specific than that of the Book of Life. It may be the same thing or something similar to the Book of Remembrance in Malachi 3:6-18. God surely knows all things and in fact every word we speak we are held accountable for in Judgment Day. ( Matthew 12:36). We are reminded here and with apparently another 99 verses in the Word about sorrow in the lives of believers (see Isaiah 53:3 for the life of Christ as it truly was rather than some sentimental story).

    Finally, it should be noticed from verses 3 and 11 that TRUST is an important aspect to true belief in Christ. It is more than mental assent or knowing about Christ. It is trusting our lives to Him; our possessions; our relationships; our vocations; our ALL. It is helpful through this not to place trust ultimately in anything or anyone else; especially ourselves. As Psalm 23 states even through the shadow of death He shall guide us. His Word is true ( 2 Cor 1:18-20; Rev. 3:14). Let us put our trust in Him today and always.
  • The AMEN (TRINITY) AMEN I AM!!! on 1 John 5 - 2 years ago
    I Am The :AMEN' Revelations: 3:14 AMEN!!!

    The SEED of the Son of Man: Isaiah 53:10 JESUS'S SON aka: Anthony Arrive
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ephesians 1:14. The concept of the Kinsman-Redeemer was in the Book of Ruth; as to Boaz obtaining Ruth as part of his inheritance; or you could say "property". The concept of ownership is foreign in today's culture in terms of slavery; however we should look at verses such as Luke 17:10 on us being "unworthy servants" when we do what we are told. With the story of Ruth she was from a Gentile origin; and her sister Orpha decided to abandon Naomi when she told her to go back to her people (the Moabites). Apparently Ruth's first husband was an Israelite but he had died. Ruth hanging on despite Naomi asking her to go back reminds me somewhat of the tenacity of the Gentile woman asking for healing in Matthew 15:26. The colloquialism Christ used was of the dogs; yet she was commended for her faith.

    Obviously; Christ redeemed us as His bride from among all mankind according to the Ephesians quote and this is mentioned in many other verses (Google search is always very helpful). As Boaz brought value to Ruth by marrying her and continuing the lineage of Naomi's family we are adopted as sons ( Romans 8:14-17). God took us; worthless sinners hopelessly lost and His enemies and took on our sin defeating it with His blood sacrifice once and for all at the Cross. He purchased us and it even pleased God to crush Him to accomplish this ( Isaiah 53:10). God's love therefore transcends our own as we would scarcely die for a righteous man let alone a wicked one (according to human standards) according to Romans 5:7.

    Now that we are part of His family; we also will recieve crowns as a reward for faithfulness ( James 1:12 etc). We shall rule and reign with Him ( Matthew 19:28-29) but notice the caviat; "if we suffer for Him". We are warned in Revelation 3:11 about losing our reward; that is not a salvation issue. However; we need to make sure that we are producing fruit "meet of repentance" ( Acts 26:20). If He lives within us we are transformed and a new man.
  • Wretched Daniel kanelos on Isaiah 53 - 2 years ago
    Blessed; dead in lord jesus christos only begotten son glorified in atonement... ... ...
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 44 - 2 years ago
    The first 8 verses in Psalm 44 give us a brief overview of the history if Israel; with God leading them to victory over their enemies largely fought by the Lord Himself. We think of men like Joshua and Caleb; whose victory over Jericho was due to deliverance as a result of trusting God in obedience in what seemed like a bizarre invasion plan. We should also realize that quite often when there were casualties among the camp it was due to a direct sin of the people (usually tied with idol worship or in Saul's case heeding to the people's desires rather than God's specific instructions).

    Verses 9 through 11 show how once again the armies of Israel were being defeated. Verse 11 has a similar tone to verse 22 which appears in a statement by Paul in regard to the Apostles being persecuted ( Romans 8:36). It is also true that Chris Himself was led like this as prophesied in Isaiah 53:7. Evidence of being sold into slavery is in verse 12. Verse 16 talks of the voice o he who blasphemes; that could be true of the Assyrian king as well as Antichrist in the future. Evidently in this case; adherance to the covenant or worship of false gods at this time was NOT an issue (v. 20).

    The rest of the Psalm (verses 23-26) seem to indicate that God appears to have taken a sabbatical so to speak in regard to action to deliver His people. This is the affect of the Godly remnant who remain on the earth in the end times in particular. The time of "Jacob's trouble" necessitates a trial; but His people will eventually be delivered out of it. Even verses in Deuteronomy mention tribulation and that God is still present at that time. Despite all the attempts of the enemy the Lord has a plan for His people that cannot fail ultimately.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 40

    The first 3 verses echoing the famous song on the subject by a popular band shows how seemingly prophetically those who patiently wait upon the Lord will be raptured (v. 2); and then many will see and fear. We also see a "new song" in verse 3; arguably part of the song which other saints are singing in glory.

    The next two verses show the great grace and innumerable works that God has wrought. We do well to heed to the second part of verse 4 on not turning away from TRUST in God and toward the lies of this world. Such is the fate of many professing Christians today. Verse 7 was a prophetic quotation about Christ mentioned in the Book of Hebrews. Verses 8 and 10 apply to the Messiah as well. Verse 11 could apply to David or Christ; but we can only place verse 12 as something applying to David. For any true believer God reveals sin and like an onion being peeled; systematically more and more of our old nature is exposed and revealed as time goes on.

    As we continue from verses 6 through 10 we see the personal importance of God's grace to David himself (after two unpardonable death sentence actions of adultery and being complicit in murder with the Bathsheeba and Uriah the Hittite incident).

    The rest of the Psalm could apply to David or Christ. The fact that Christ was "poor and needy" certainly seems to contradict the health and wealth gospel of today. His was not a self righteous martyrdom complex. The creator of the universe came as a servant to die for His enemies to make us His adopted sons. There are many today who make a name for themselves (often quite literally) with their name or ministry in bold print. To be a "man of sorrows" ( Isaiah 53:3) is certainly not popular; nor verses that say that if they persecuted me they will persecute you ( John 15:18-21). The resurrection and the life start now when His life is seen in true servants of God who have a "humble and contrite spirit" ( Psalm 51:17). Only His sacrifice brings life.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Discussion on God's love.

    Much of today's talk is of "falling in love" with Christ. We need to carefully examine the character and nature of the Godhead before attaching human; emotional or seemingly romantic sentiments on the Creator and Judge; Lord; Savior and Master.

    There is no root in human nature; i.e. the flesh which desires God; in fact we are at enmity with Him in our carnal state and in fact enemies of God ( Romans 5:10). The fact that there is contention between the flesh and Spirit ( Galatians 5:17); and vice versa.

    It is only in dying to self where we can submit to His authority; and the source of the life within us comes from heavenly places ( Galatians 2:20). The closest we could say about a human relationship is that we submit to each other; or sacrifice our lives.

    Apart from Christ; we have two sinners that are by the grace of God involved (if married) in a covenant with God where if allowed in a best case scenario the individuals will finally be broken enough to realize that the Lord is the only thing that can change their selfish interest and natures. Any human sentiment is based on self satisfaction and or gratification which at best is a skewed shadow of God's love. This is also illustrated in Christ's story of how even us "being evil" bring good gifts to our kids. ( Matthew 7:11). We are also "unworthy servants" if we do what is expected ( Luke 17:10).

    There are those who would at least put on a show of outward appearance of kindness; generousity; and self sacrifice. Apart from Christ; we can only say that the Lord is using these individuals to meet earthly needs as well as those of believers in His Providence. It is only by His grace that we would want to take on the nature of Christ; a "man of sorrows' ( Isaiah 53:3); as well as dying to self daily; carrying our cross and truly being a disciple and counting the cost. And today's Christian industries of entertainment often appeal the flesh; and have weak at best doctrines to live by.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 38 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 38. In Job 2:7-8 we see a similar situation as to David's disease with the physical effects and the disdain of others as to his state. (see verse 11 in this Psalm comparted with Job 30:10).

    The first seven verses describe physical affliction which could have been caused by David's sin (such as venereal disease which was discussed in an earlier Psalm). Once we get past verse 7; we see much in the description of the alientation and sufferings of Christ; except for the mention of verse 18 and David's sin and iniquity. Christ did have to suffer to deliver us from wrath by being the sin-bearer and hence again there is a dual representation here of David's life and the prophetic future of Christ. Jesus; of course asked why the Father had foresaken him in Mark 15:34. This can tie into Psalm 22 as well as verse 21 of this Psalm.

    We see other indications such as verse 17 on Christ being the "man of sorrows" ( Isaiah 53:3); and his being silent as a sheep before it's shearers (v. 13 and 14 compared with further on in Isaiah 53:7). This; of course would reflect his inquisition for a time before Pilate ( John 19:8-11).

    These passages show us that there are often several types of Psalms in one as well as multiple present and future applications. Prophecy in Messianic themes can be intertwined with impreccatory Psalms; for instance. The general idea of the meek inheriting the earth show us how a king (David and or Christ) can be exalted through a serving capacity; and indeed those who are bearing fruit and growing in faith are promised to be kings and priests someday (See Rev. 1:6).
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 23

    Probably the best known and most quoted Psalm at funerals; the theme is representative of both rest for God's people the first 3 verses could be a general sentiment on resting in the Lord.

    For the Lord to be our shepherd; of course He has to be the Chief Shepherd over our lives. ( 1 Peter 2:25). The fourth verse could be applied; of course to the Messiah Himself once He died but He had to suffer the unique anguish of being separated from God as it pleased Him to crush Christ ( Isaiah 53:10). We need to consider our High Priest who suffered such things for our sake. ( Heb. 4:14-16).

    Verse 5 is probably the most overlooked portion about preparing a table in the presence of "my enemies". This certainly could represent Christ when He returns; but also David himself once he comes back to rule and reign with Christ ( Jeremiah 30:9 and other references). We shall rule and reign with Christ as well ( Rev. 2:26-27 but also other passages). This is the heritage of the saints. These things should not bring us a mindset of arrogance and pride; but should serve as a warning to the unregenerate who hopefully will be convicted of sin while there is yet time to repent (see Matt. 21:24).

    Goodness and mercy are promised in this life despite the trials of life. The eternal dwellingplace of all the saints is also a promise and something worth meditating over.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 13 - 2 years ago
    This is a very short Psalm. Nonetheless; we can ponder a theme here which is apparently a subject in the forefront of David's mind throughout the first section at least of Psalms; namely a petition for God to give him victory over his enemies and to heed to his sufferings.

    As with many of these inspired writings; we certainly can look at Christ as being prophetically referenced to here. We are reminded of Psalm 22; as well as the times when Christ Himself said "why have you foresaken me?" ( Matt. 27:46). There is ultimate trust in David in verse 5; which we can all cling onto. Only Christ had to have that unspeakable horror of God's mercy removed for that brief moment in time. Only Christ COULDN'T pray for salvation of His soul (unnecessary for a member of the deity). But only He could procure the punishment for our sin as an atonement; and hence WOULD not be released from being a sin offering as it was clearly part of God's plan for the redemption of man.

    We also are remined in Psalm 23:5 where a table is prepared in the presence of enemies. This could certainly apply to us; in the Millennium Kingdom as well as the Lord Himself when He rules with an iron rod. Any saint of God recognizes in general that they are in enemy territory lest they become too content in the world which is about to perish as it exists now in its fallen state under Satan's control. We are reminded of Christ's admonition to us that a servant is no greater than his master ( Jn. 13:16) and can truly understand we also will have trials as the Lord Himself was the "man of sorrows" ( iSAIAH 53:3). Man is but a vapor ( Romans 8:7 and mentioned further in Psalm 62:9; etal.
  • David T on Luke 1 - 2 years ago
    Our LORD JESUS CHRIST was baptized to identify Himself with sinful man. "...and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." Isaiah 53:12

    The LORD Himself was sinless but He died for us that we may be saved.

    May all who are this forum be blessed in the mighty name of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.

    September 23, 2022
  • Alex N on Isaiah 57 - 2 years ago
    I was just thinking about Isaiah 53:5....He was wounded for out Trangressions. And Bruised for our initiquites:...And the Chastisment of our Pease was laid upon him....And by his stripes we are healed....And another place he was touched by the feelings of our Infirmities....If we are not touched by the feeling of ppls infirmities we are not of God....If we have no feelings for a sick and a dying world we are not of God as God is love...We should wana help folks that are in need....I'm talking about wanting to help ppl with a Passion that burns like a fire in our Hearts.

    .....If there is one attribute or one Spirit that defines God its Love.....Love fulfills the whole law and the Prophets as Jesus said....To love God with all our hearts and our neighbor as our selves. If you can do this you are not far from the Kingdom of God...Jesus said.

    If any man believe in me and the works that i do, these works shall he do and greater then these will he do.. John 14:12....B/c i go to the Father...impling the seed sowing mode is only by the FATHER when the book is opened that we might all get a seed that we might birth Christ in us...The son of man....Resulting in a baby Christ being born in us....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you....The Babes and Sucklings that Jesus said cd Praise God with a perfect praise..outta of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected PRAISE... Matthew 21:15....Then we will do the works Jesus did and greater.

    .....As God is spirit and them that worship him must worhip him in Spirit and truth....Which answer to the babes and sucklings....Our new innerman the H.G. The Children of Promise....our new hearts and new spirits....An Israel of God...Christ in us the hope of Glory.

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