Discuss Isaiah 55 Page 7

  • Praise on Isaiah 55 - 8 years ago
    this shows that the word of God is for free we can have access to it at no cost and the word unlike all other things we purchase satisfy our souls and not only does it satisfy us but helps us be fruitful as God commanded man after creating him to be fruitful and multiply,so God is the sower we the crops,the word is the rain and the sower expects fruits from us.
  • Joan Kobe on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    I love this book especially chapter 54 because it give me hope and I can also witness on the same
  • Lucinda Palestrant on Psalms 2 - 9 years ago
    Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither my ways are your ways, saith the Lord." Isaiah 55:9
  • Roy Muringayi on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    I believe God is giving us a secret on how to live an abundant life. We are supposed to to have a well shaped mind sch that with good thoughts mixed with the word there is manifestation of abundance in our lives. The word be refered as water or rain that comes down in the 10th verse if it rains in the ground with seed will cause that seed in the soil to germinate. Let there be good seed in you
  • Samuel bello on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    Man always labour for things that is not profitable to their spiritual life
  • Betsy lomax on Isaiah 55:12 - 9 years ago
    verse 12 tells me if I have Jesus is in my heart..I can enjoy the applause as I walk because the whole earth is praising the Lord.and the lord is what they see as I am walking.
  • Isaac Bonyah on John 1 - 9 years ago
    We are too human to understand the nature of God. Isaiah 55:8 .But we must understand the glory of God.In the beginning God spoke and things came into existence.It is clear that everything came from God,but His Word acted upon by His Spirit brought them into existence.These 3 are inseparable Just as Man,his spirit and his word can't be separated.Consider this:If you tell sam1 "You are a foolish man" the words came from you with power spirit and if the recipient get hurt,it because of your words.And Just as man was created in the image of God,it implies God in His glory has His Word and His Spirit,all inseparable.Everything came from God but they were brought into existence by His Word.Psalm.33:6-by the word of God were the heavens made....Heb.11:3-the worlds were framed by the word of God-So the word gave life to all created things and hence creation belongs to Him.Col.1:16-by Him the word all things were created....all things were created through Him and for Him....and because the Word was in the glory of God,He has God's nature....Phil.2:6-who being the Word in the very nature God,didn't consider equality with God something to be grasped......since He the word gave life to all things and man lost it through sin,he left his glory,became like a man,died in truth that re-generate the lost life....So there is ONE God and within His glory,has His word Rev.19:13 and Spirit,having His nature,eternal and all active in creation.
  • Philip Mutia on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    This shows that money is on the line, but when god puts his word, come without money without price, there's no bill to that because freely is the salvation that we are given, we don't receive because we are dominated by the spirit of progress and self gratification. Come without money or without price it's freely given , the children of Israel with all the wealth from Egypt could not buy water in the dessert.Speak to the rock!Moses was told and water came without money and without price. God will ask what we did with our money buying things which satisfied not, Peter and John at the gate of Beautiful, Silver and Gold they didn't have but what they had... "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth raise up and walk."
  • Bonyah Isaac on Colossians 1 - 9 years ago
    To answer you Jo's,Please read Isaiah 55:8,9 and Romans 11:33,34. You cannot fanthom the nature and work of God.And God didnt put man on earth with Satan.Satan was overthrown from heaven due to his pride onto the earth.Read Isaiah 14:12-14,Ezekial 28:15-17,Rev.12:7-9.On earth he deceived Adam and Eve and sin originated which result in death and which means the separation between God and Man.In creation,God spoke and His Word brought those spoken things into existence.So everything,seen and unseen things were brought into existence by the Word of God.This word is Jesus Christ whom Paul said everything was created by Him and for Him.Hence we humans,been His inheritance,He became one of us to redeem us from sin and bring immortality to light.He accomplisd this upon his death and resurection when he defeated Satan who had the power over death-Heb.2:14-15,Rev.1:18.Now upon His return,he will punish Satan and those who refuse to obey him by sending them to eternal destruection.He will however glorify His Saint and we will assume His nature and be like him.He wl take us to heaven and there we will be with him forever.2Th1:8,9,1Jn.3:2,3,1Th.4:16-19,1Cor.15:51-54.Pls read all versus.
  • Virginia jackson on Isaiah 55:6 - 9 years ago
    Seeking GOD,MEANS meditating on his word, praying.and then listing to what GOD, has to say to us.and waiting for his answer.he said ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be open unto you.and I'm trusting GOD,that the doors of opportunities.for,the many gospel songs that,GOD HAS INSPIRED me to write.that I will be able to walk in my destiny.
  • Felicito b.cuauson on Isaiah 55:2 - 9 years ago
    my simple interpretation of isaih 55:2 is that..money,things other worldly pleasure can't satisfy in mans spiritual needs but only the words of god thru this verse if he will believe follow in his own way of life.
  • Anita Mnisi on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    The scripture allows you to see God in a different way, Just like the word says in Luke 1 37 that nothing shall ever be impossible with God, this indeed confirms that God is a God of possibilities and that he is a God who keeps his word, God has a plan with your life Jeremiah 23:11 and he has already said something about it and as it says in the scripture, his word does not return to him void, therefore it will accomplish in your life that which God has sent it to accomplish.
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 55:8 - 9 years ago
    God 's thoughts and ways are so much better and higher than my thoughts and ways. Truly His salvation is near and ready to take hold of . God has not held back any Good from me us , to those that walk uprightly.
  • Geraldine cole on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    If we be willing and obey we will eat the fruit of the land God will take care of his own.and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus every tongue that rises up against u .thou shall condem your defense is Jesus he will fight for u just give whatever troubles u to the Lord Jesus and leave it there. if u want to deal with it do not give it to him.u deal with it. he do not need our help. Praise God
  • Pstr; sotto on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    A beauty life
  • NOEL-GEN on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    James, I agree with your thoughts about the beginning with Adam and Eve in the garden, I believe God done the things He did in order to be just and Holy, this scripture comes to mind: Isaiah 55:9-For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Gen 1-5-5-15,
  • Lilian on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    God provide us with his words in order for us to be feed and have life. Without accepting God 's words and obey his words we cant do anything without Christ. Jesus is our Savior and we are already forgiven and pardone from his precious blood our job now is to believe Jesus, live like Jesus and follow Jesus until rapture. If we put God first into our life all the desire of thine heart will be added unto us. God knows how to provide in all our situation. he is the only Jehovah Jireh the provider. Be blessed and be thankful to God for his love and mercy always following us. God already broke the chain we are now living with full of milk and honey. Jesus already made everything new from his precious blood that shed for us. all we have to do now is to believe Jesus and obey his commandments until rapture. Rest all your problems, burden to God for his burden is light. God 's ways is higher than our ways and God 's thoughts are higher than our thoughts, whatever turbulence in life we have God knows how to save us and covered us with his wings. Be still and know that He is our God. Jesus loves you
  • Alissa on Isaiah 55:1 - 9 years ago
    I tend to think that there is a mystery here. That the world will someday be as he intended,free from cost to eat and drink. but your rendition is the gifts and food that God gives. Which makes the burden in my life much less. Alissa
  • Doris on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    I believe salvation does not come to men through the eye, but through the ear.
  • Lana on Isaiah 55:11 - 9 years ago
    In order for the buds to grow they will have to be something in the rain water that causes the trees to bring forth fruit,even when we wet our plants with the water from the pipe it is just to keep them until the real thing come and that is the rain.so if ther is something in the rsin for theplants that mean there is something in the word of God that when it comes it suppose to do something to us.we must grow and develop into mature Christians,cause the word is a seed and we must bring forth some fruits in our lives that people can see and desire also.It shall accomplish what ever God send it to do so read and believe.
  • Damali on Isaiah 55:12 - 9 years ago
    all creation know the Lord. The trees clap with joy. Lord Jesus used to go to mount olives to sing in his leasure time.
  • Pastor Adams on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    I believe The Lord is telling us to stand on his word and lean not to our own understanding of how things should be are when he should answer trust his word if he spoke it it will come to pass in his timing his set time
  • Karen Anderson on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    Every lasting life if we believe and receive him as our Lord and Saviour for ever more,if we repent our sins with our hearts and souls and mouth that shall one day be with him in Heaven and peace and joy forever more in Jesus Christ precious name our Lord and Saviour that died on the cross for our sins shed his blood for us on Calvary so that we may lived again, Dear Lord you merciful and loving God , Thank you lord for giving me strength and wisdom and knowledge to follow you always! Amen
  • Simon soh on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
    Trust our Heavenly Father with our hearts. For He knows what is good for us. Because He loves us.
  • Joseph akuoko boateng on Isaiah 55:6 - 10 years ago
  • NISHA313 on Isaiah 55:7 - 10 years ago
    Yes it 's truly a blessing by itself to have Our Heavenly Father to love us so much. To have mercy and forgiveness toward us. It is so worth it to turn away from evil doing and turn to God who is able to save our soul. Then we will be able to get all that God have for us and our heart desires. Alot of the evil doing that we do is really stopping our blessings, to have a God that gives you another chance to do it right is the Best you can ever ask for... Be Blessed
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 55:6 - 10 years ago
    It is always a Good thing to be seeking the Lord at all times : That way when I am in need for His help He will be found of me !!!! I Thank my God for His Great Grace and Mercy !!!!
  • Olabode on Isaiah 55:6 - 10 years ago
    who knows when God will be found? Who knows when God is near? God can be found every where, anytime. What we need to do is for us to draw closer to Him always by not postponing our salvation.
  • Zainab on Isaiah 55:8 - 10 years ago
    God 's ways and thoughts are perfect and calculated to give us the most needed outcome and not what we want and desire.
  • Patrick on Isaiah 55 - 10 years ago
    this verse is the verse i believe in it.Lord has spoken to me.

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